Beispiel #1
    def test_spherical_average_of_spherical_harmonic(self):
        r"""Test spherical average of spherical harmonic is zero."""

        # construct helper function
        def func(sph_points):
            # Spherical harmonic of order 6 and magnetic 0
            r, phi, theta = sph_points.T
            return (np.sqrt(13) / (np.sqrt(np.pi) * 32) *
                    (231 * np.cos(theta)**6.0 - 315 * np.cos(theta)**4.0 +
                     105 * np.cos(theta)**2.0 - 5.0))

        # Construct Radial Grid and atomic grid with spherical harmonics of degree 10
        #   for all points.
        oned_grid = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.001)
        rad = OneDGrid(oned_grid, np.ones(len(oned_grid)), (0, np.inf))
        atgrid = AtomGrid(rad, degrees=[10])
        spherical_pts = atgrid.convert_cartesian_to_spherical(atgrid.points)
        func_values = func(spherical_pts)

        spherical_avg = atgrid.spherical_average(func_values)

        # Test that the spherical average of a spherical harmonic is zero.
        numb_pts = 1000
        random_rad_pts = np.random.uniform(0.02, np.pi, size=(numb_pts, 3))
        spherical_avg2 = spherical_avg(random_rad_pts[:, 0])
        assert_allclose(spherical_avg2, 0.0, atol=1e-4)
Beispiel #2
    def test_spherical_average_of_gaussian(self):
        r"""Test spherical average of a Gaussian (radial) function is itself and its integral."""

        # construct helper function
        def func(sph_points):
            return np.exp(-sph_points[:, 0]**2.0)

        # Construct Radial Grid and atomic grid with spherical harmonics of degree 10
        #   for all points.
        oned_grid = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.001)
        rad = OneDGrid(oned_grid, np.ones(len(oned_grid)), (0, np.inf))
        atgrid = AtomGrid(rad, degrees=[5])
        spherical_pts = atgrid.convert_cartesian_to_spherical(atgrid.points)
        func_values = func(spherical_pts)

        spherical_avg = atgrid.spherical_average(func_values)

        # Test that the spherical average of a Gaussian is itself
        numb_pts = 1000
        random_rad_pts = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.5, size=(numb_pts, 3))
        spherical_avg2 = spherical_avg(random_rad_pts[:, 0])
        func_vals = func(random_rad_pts)
        assert_allclose(spherical_avg2, func_vals, atol=1e-4)

        # Test the integral of spherical average is the integral of Gaussian e^(-x^2)e^(-y^2)...
        #   from -infinity to infinity which is equal to pi^(3/2)
        integral = (
            4.0 * np.pi *
            np.trapz(y=spherical_avg(oned_grid) * oned_grid**2.0, x=oned_grid))
        actual_integral = np.sqrt(np.pi)**3.0
        assert_allclose(actual_integral, integral)