Beispiel #1
    def tick(self, time_diff):
        """Some time has passed; decide what to do next."""
        mytanks, othertanks, flags, shots = self.bzrc.get_lots_o_stuff()
        self.mytanks = mytanks
        self.othertanks = othertanks
        self.flags = flags
        self.shots = shots
       # self.enemies = [tank for tank in othertanks if tank.color !=
       #                 self.constants['team']]

        self.ticks_passed += 1
        self.ticks_since_turn += 1
        update = False
        turn = False
        if self.ticks_passed >= 15:
            self.ticks_passed = 0
            update = True
        if self.ticks_since_turn >= 100:
            self.ticks_since_turn = 0
            turn = True
        self.commands = []

        for tank in mytanks:
            self.execute_dumb_strategy(tank, False, turn, self.start_tank_angles.get(tank.index,0))
            if (update):
                pos, occ_grid = self.bzrc.get_occgrid(tank.index)
                self.update_grid(pos, occ_grid)
        if update:

        results = self.bzrc.do_commands(self.commands)
Beispiel #2
    def tick(self, time_diff):
        """Some time has passed; decide what to do next."""
        mytanks, othertanks, flags, shots = self.bzrc.get_lots_o_stuff()
        self.flags = flags
        self.shots = shots
        self.enemies = [
            tank for tank in othertanks if tank.color != self.constants['team']

        self.commands = []

        for idx, tank in enumerate(mytanks):
            field = self.mytanks[idx].field
            role = self.mytanks[idx].role
            self.mytanks[idx] = tank
            self.mytanks[idx].role = role
            self.mytanks[idx].field = field

            # get the occgrid for only alive tanks
            if tank.status == self.constants['tankalive']:
            if tank.status == self.constants['tankdead']:
                print 'tankdead'
                self.mytanks[idx].role = None
                self.mytanks[idx].field = None
                if self.mytanks[idx].role == None:

        results = self.bzrc.do_commands(self.commands)
Beispiel #3
    def tick(self, time_diff):
        """Some time has passed; decide what to do next."""
        mytanks, othertanks, flags, shots = self.bzrc.get_lots_o_stuff()
        self.flags = flags
        self.shots = shots
        self.enemies = [tank for tank in othertanks if tank.color !=

        self.commands = []

        for idx, tank in enumerate(mytanks):
            field = self.mytanks[idx].field
            role = self.mytanks[idx].role
            self.mytanks[idx] = tank
            self.mytanks[idx].role = role
            self.mytanks[idx].field = field

            # get the occgrid for only alive tanks
            if tank.status == self.constants['tankalive']:
            if tank.status == self.constants['tankdead']:
                print 'tankdead'
                self.mytanks[idx].role = None
                self.mytanks[idx].field = None
                if self.mytanks[idx].role == None:

        results = self.bzrc.do_commands(self.commands)
    def update(self, tankNum):
        mytanks, othertanks, flags, shots = self.bzrc.get_lots_o_stuff()
        self.mytanks = mytanks[:1]
        self.flags = flags
        # print self.bzrc.get_occgrid(tankNum)
            sensorData = zip(*self.bzrc.get_occgrid(tankNum)[1])
            print "error"
        start_x, start_y = self.bzrc.get_occgrid(tankNum)[0]
        # print "row length: "+str(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1][0])-1) # 99
        # print "col length: "+str(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1])-1) # 99
        xStart = start_x + int(self.constants['worldsize']) / 2
        yStart = start_y + int(self.constants['worldsize']) / 2
            # for row in range(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1][0])):
            #     for point in range(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1])):
            y = 0
            x = 0
            for row in sensorData:
                for point in row:
                        if self.chosenX == 0 and self.chosenY == 0:
                            self.chosenY = yStart + y
                            self.chosenX = xStart + x
                        # Apply Bayes Rule on each point and get the new prior.
                        prior = self.grid[yStart + y][xStart + x]
                        # point=0
                        if point == 1:
                            posterior = self.trueP * prior / (
                                self.trueP * prior + (1 - self.trueN) *
                                (1 - prior))
                        # print prior
                            posterior = (1 - self.trueP) * prior / (
                                (1 - self.trueP) * prior + self.trueN *
                                (1 - prior))
                        self.grid[yStart + y][xStart + x] = posterior
                        # print str(self.chosenY)+"  "+str(self.chosenX)
                        # if xStart+x==self.chosenX and yStart+y==self.chosenY:
                        #     print "posterior: "+str(posterior)
                        #     if point==1:
                        #         print "("+str(self.trueP)+"*"+str(prior)+"/("+str(self.trueP)+"*"+str(prior)+"(1-"+str(self.trueN)+")*(1-"+str(prior)+"))"
                        #     # print prior
                        #     print "posterior: "+str(self.grid[self.chosenY][self.chosenX])
                        x += 1
                    except IndexError:
                y += 1
                x = 0

        except ValueError:
            print "error"
        # try:
        #     self.grid[yStart : yStart+len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1][0]), xStart : xStart+len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1])] = sensorData
        # except ValueError:
        #     pass
    def update(self, tankNum):
        mytanks, othertanks, flags, shots = self.bzrc.get_lots_o_stuff()
        self.mytanks = mytanks[:1]
        self.flags = flags
        # print self.bzrc.get_occgrid(tankNum)
            print "error"
        start_x, start_y = self.bzrc.get_occgrid(tankNum)[0]
        # print "row length: "+str(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1][0])-1) # 99
        # print "col length: "+str(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1])-1) # 99
            # for row in range(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1][0])):
            #     for point in range(len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1])):
            for row in sensorData:
                    for point in row:
                            if self.chosenX==0 and self.chosenY==0:
                            # Apply Bayes Rule on each point and get the new prior.
                            # point=0
                            if point==1:
                                posterior=self.trueP*prior/(self.trueP*prior + (1-self.trueN)*(1-prior))
                            # print prior
                                posterior=(1-self.trueP)*prior/((1-self.trueP)*prior + self.trueN*(1-prior))
                            # print str(self.chosenY)+"  "+str(self.chosenX)
                            # if xStart+x==self.chosenX and yStart+y==self.chosenY:
                            #     print "posterior: "+str(posterior)
                            #     if point==1:
                            #         print "("+str(self.trueP)+"*"+str(prior)+"/("+str(self.trueP)+"*"+str(prior)+"(1-"+str(self.trueN)+")*(1-"+str(prior)+"))"
                            #     # print prior
                            #     print "posterior: "+str(self.grid[self.chosenY][self.chosenX])
                        except IndexError:

        except ValueError:
            print "error"
        # try:
        #     self.grid[yStart : yStart+len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1][0]), xStart : xStart+len(self.bzrc.get_occgrid(0)[1])] = sensorData
        # except ValueError:
        #     pass
Beispiel #6
    def tick(self, time_diff):
        """Some time has passed; decide what to do next."""
        mytanks, othertanks, flags, shots = self.bzrc.get_lots_o_stuff()
        self.mytanks = mytanks
        self.othertanks = othertanks
        self.flags = flags
        self.shots = shots
        self.enemies = [tank for tank in othertanks if tank.color !=

        self.commands = []
        self.iterations += 1

        print "Iteration %d" % self.iterations

        for tank in mytanks:
            # get the occgrid for that tank
            occgrid = self.bzrc.get_occgrid(tank.index)
            starting_point = occgrid[0]
            occgrid = occgrid[1]
            # so now we have a grid that starts at starting_point and goes up and right. The first point is the starting point, and then each point moves up the world
            for i in range(len(occgrid)):
                for j in range(len(occgrid[i])):
                    observation = occgrid[i][j]
                    # so we have our observation. Let's update the probabilities
                    prior_probability = self.get_occupancy_grid_at_point(starting_point[0] + i, starting_point[1] + j)
                    # p(observation = occupied) = p(observation = occupied | state = occupied) * p(state = occupied) + p(observation = occupied | state = unoccupied) * p(state = unnocupied)
                    # so the observation probability is just the true positive rate times the prior plus the false positive rate times 1 - the prior
                    if observation:
                        observation_probability = self.constants["truepositive"] * prior_probability + self.constants["falsepositive"] * (1 - prior_probability)
                        observation_probability = self.constants["truenegative"] * (1 - prior_probability) + self.constants["falsenegative"] * prior_probability

                    # the likelihood just depends on what the observation actually was
                    # if the observation is occupied, we want p(observation = occupied | state = occupied), or the true positive rate
                    # if the observation is unoccupied, we want p(observation = unoccupied | state = occupied), or the false negative rate
                    likelihood = self.constants["truepositive"] if observation else self.constants["falsenegative"]

                    # p(state = occupied | observation = occupied) = p(observation = occupied | state = occupied) * p(state = occupied) / p(observation = occupied)
                    # p(state = occupied | observation = unnoccupied) = p(observation = unoccupied | state = occupied) * p(satet = occupied) / p(observation = unoccupied)
                    new_probability = likelihood * prior_probability / observation_probability

                    # and finally, update the probability at that grid location
                    self.update_occupancy_grid_at_point(starting_point[0] + i, starting_point[1] + j, new_probability)
        if self.iterations % 5 == 0:
        if self.done_exploring():

        # user potential fields to explore
        self.potential_fields = {}

        def attractive_fields_func(x, y, res):
            # determine how far from point to flags
            # calculate attractive fields to closest flag
            alpha = 10
            closest_flag = None
            distance = float("inf")
            # find closest flag
            self.flags = []
            # found_unexplored_point = False
            # for i in range(len(self.grid)):
            #     for j in range(len(self.grid[i])):
            #         if self.grid[i][j] > 0.2 and self.grid[i][j] < 0.8:
            #             found_unexplored_point = True
            #             closest_flag = (i - 400, j - 400)
            #             distance = math.sqrt((i - 400 - x)**2 + (j - 400 - y)**2)
            #             print "Moving to point (%d, %d)" % closest_flag
            #             break
            #     if found_unexplored_point:
            #         break

            # for i in range(len(self.grid)):
            #     self.flags = self.flags + [(i - 400 + (i * 20), j - 400 + (j * 20)) for j in range(len(self.grid[i])) if self.grid[i][j] > 0.2 and self.grid[i][j] < 0.8]
            # found_unexplored_point = False
            # for flag in self.flags:
            #     distance_to_flag = math.sqrt((flag[0] - x)**2 + (flag[1] - y)**2)
            #     if distance_to_flag < distance:
            #         distance = distance_to_flag
            #         closest_flag = flag

            if self.iterations % 100 == 0: # let it move toward the new point for two full iterations
                print "Selecting using random region."
                closest_flag = self.get_random_region()
                distance = math.sqrt((x - closest_flag[0])**2 + (y - closest_flag[1])**2)
            elif self.iterations % 50 == 0:
                print "Selecting using random unsearched region."
                closest_flag = self.get_random_unsearched_region()
                distance = math.sqrt((x - closest_flag[0])**2 + (y - closest_flag[1])**2)
            else :
                closest_flag, distance = self.get_nearest_unsearched_region_to_point(x, y)

            closest_flag = (closest_flag[0] - 400, closest_flag[1] - 400)
            print "Moving toward point (%d, %d)" % closest_flag

            # calculate angle between closest_flag and tank
            angle = math.atan2(closest_flag[1] - y, closest_flag[0] - x)
            # calculate dx and dy based off of distance and angle
            if distance < FLAGRADIUS:
                return 0,0
            elif distance < FLAGRADIUS + FLAGSPREAD:
                return alpha * (distance - FLAGRADIUS) * math.cos(angle), alpha * (distance - FLAGRADIUS) * math.sin(angle)
                return alpha * FLAGSPREAD * math.cos(angle), alpha * FLAGSPREAD * math.sin(angle)

        def repulsive_fields_func(x, y, res):
            alpha = 10
            INFINITY = 1000000

            potential_fields = []

            for i in range(len(self.grid)): #row
                for j in range(len(self.grid[i])): #point
                    if self.grid[i][j] > .8:
                        xavg = i - 400
                        yavg = j - 400
                        # for corner in obstacle:
                        #     xavg += corner[0]
                        #     yavg += corner[1]
                        # xavg = xavg / len(obstacle)
                        # yavg = yavg / len(obstacle)
                        radius = 10 #todo frob this later
                        distance = math.sqrt((xavg - x)**2 + (yavg - y)**2) #tank distance from center
                        angle = math.atan2(yavg - y, xavg - x)
                        if distance < radius + OBSTACLESPREAD:
                            potential_fields.append((-alpha * (OBSTACLESPREAD + radius - distance) * math.cos(angle), -alpha * (OBSTACLESPREAD + radius - distance) * math.sin(angle)))

            # merge potential fields
            return self.merge_potential_fields(potential_fields)

        def tangential_fields_func(x, y, res):
            alpha = 1

            potential_fields = []

            for i in range(len(self.grid)):
                for j in range(len(self.grid[i])):
                    if i > 795 or j > 795:
                    if (self.grid[i][j] > 0.8 and self.grid[i+1][j] > 0.8 and self.grid[i+2][j] > 0.8 and self.grid[i+3][j] > 0.8) or (self.grid[i][j] > 0.8 and self.grid[i][j+1] > 0.8 and self.grid[i][j+2] > 0.8 and self.grid[i][j+3] > 0.8):
                        xavg = i - 400
                        yavg = j - 400
                        radius = 10 # magic number - frob
                        distance = math.sqrt((xavg - x)**2 + (yavg - y)**2) #tank distance from center
                        angle = math.atan2(yavg - y, xavg - x) + math.pi/2
                        if distance < radius + OBSTACLESPREAD:
                            potential_fields.append((-alpha * (OBSTACLESPREAD + radius - distance) * math.cos(angle), -alpha * (OBSTACLESPREAD + radius - distance) * math.sin(angle)))

            # for obstacle in self.obstacles:
            #     xavg = 0
            #     yavg = 0
            #     for corner in obstacle:
            #         xavg += corner[0]
            #         yavg += corner[1]
            #     xavg = xavg / len(obstacle)
            #     yavg = yavg / len(obstacle)
            #     radius = math.sqrt((obstacle[0][0] - xavg)**2 + (obstacle[0][1] - yavg)**2)
            #     distance = math.sqrt((xavg - x)**2 + (yavg - y)**2) #tank distance from center
            #     angle = math.atan2(yavg - y, xavg - x) + math.pi/2
            #     if distance < radius + OBSTACLESPREAD:
            #         potential_fields.append((-alpha * (OBSTACLESPREAD + radius - distance) * math.cos(angle), -alpha * (OBSTACLESPREAD + radius - distance) * math.sin(angle)))

            return self.merge_potential_fields(potential_fields)

        def super_tab(x, y, res):
            potential_fields = [attractive_fields_func(x, y, res)]
            potential_fields = potential_fields + [repulsive_fields_func(x, y, res)]
            potential_fields = potential_fields + [tangential_fields_func(x, y, res)]
            merged = self.merge_potential_fields(potential_fields)
            return merged[0], merged[1]

        self.attractive_fields_func = attractive_fields_func
        self.repulsive_fields_func = repulsive_fields_func
        self.tangential_fields_func = tangential_fields_func
        self.super_tab = super_tab

        if self.iterations % 5 == 0 and (self.iterations % 50 != 5 and self.iterations % 50 != 10):
            for tank in mytanks:
                # self.potential_fields[tank.index] = self.calculate_attractive_fields(tank)
                # potential_fields = self.calculate_attractive_fields(tank)
                target_point = self.figure_out_where_to_go(tank.x, tank.y)
                self.move_to_position(tank, target_point[0], target_point[1])
                # self.potential_fields[tank.index] = self.potential_fields[tank.index] + self.calculate_repulsive_fields(tank, self.obstacles, mytanks + othertanks)
                # self.potential_fields[tank.index] = self.potential_fields[tank.index] + self.calculate_tangential_fields(tank)

            # actually move the tanks
            # for key in self.potential_fields.keys():
                # reduce potential fields to one
                # move in direction based off of dx and dy
                # self.potential_fields[key] = self.merge_potential_fields(self.potential_fields[key])

            # for tank in mytanks:
                # self.move_to_position(tank, tank.x + self.potential_fields[tank.index][0], tank.y + self.potential_fields[tank.index][1])
        results = self.bzrc.do_commands(self.commands)