# safe NworldCoarse
with open("%s/NWorldCoarse.txt" % ROOT, 'w') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for val in NWorldCoarse:

# ABase
with open("%s/OriginalCoeff.txt" % ROOT, 'w') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for val in ABase:

# fine-fem
f_fine = np.ones(NpFine)

uFineFem, AFine, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(world, ABase, f_fine, None,

# fine solution
with open("%s/finescale.txt" % ROOT, 'w') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for val in uFineFem:

drawCoefficient(NWorldFine, ABase, greys=True)
plt.title("Original coefficient")

# random seed

# decision
def result(pglod, world, A, R, f, k, String):
    print(("-------------- " + String + " ---------------"))

    NWorldFine = world.NWorldFine
    NWorldCoarse = world.NWorldCoarse
    NCoarseElement = world.NCoarseElement

    boundaryConditions = world.boundaryConditions
    NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

    # new Coefficient
    ANew = R.flatten()
    Anew = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, ANew)

    start_solver = timeit.default_timer()

    # reference solution
    f_fine = np.ones(NpFine)
    uFineFem, AFine, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(world, ANew, f_fine, None,
    print(('Runtime: it took {} sec to compute the reference solution'.format(
        timeit.default_timer() - start_solver)))

    start_solve_system = timeit.default_timer()
    # worst solution
    KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
    MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
    free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

    bFull = MFull * f
    KFree = KFull[free][:, free]
    bFree = bFull[free]

    xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KFree, bFree)

    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

    basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
    modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

    xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
    xFull[free] = xFree
    uCoarse = xFull
    uLodFine = modifiedBasis * xFull

    print(('Runtime: It took {} sec to apply LOD with given correctors'.format(
        timeit.default_timer() - start_solve_system)))
    uLodFineWorst = uLodFine

    # energy error
    errorworst = np.sqrt(
        np.dot(uFineFem - uLodFineWorst, AFine * (uFineFem - uLodFineWorst)))

    start_runtime = timeit.default_timer()
    # tolerance = 0
    vis, eps = pglod.updateCorrectors(Anew,

    print(('Runtime: It took {} sec to compute the error indicators.'.format(
        timeit.default_timer() - start_runtime)))

    PotentialCorrectors = np.sum(vis)
    elemente = np.arange(np.prod(NWorldCoarse))

    # identify tolerances
    epsnozero = [x for x in eps if x != 0]

    assert (np.size(epsnozero) != 0)

    mini = np.min(epsnozero)
    minilog = int(round(np.log10(mini) - 0.49))
    ToleranceListcomplete = []
    for i in range(0, int(np.size(epsnozero))):

    ToleranceListcomplete = np.unique(ToleranceListcomplete)

    # with tolerance
    errorplotinfo = []
    tolerancesafe = []
    errorBest = []
    errorWorst = []
    recomputefractionsafe = []
    recomputefraction = 0
    Correctors = 0
    runtime = []
    total_time = 0
    leng = np.size(ToleranceListcomplete)
    for k in range(leng - 1, -1, -1):
        tol = ToleranceListcomplete[k]
            (" --- " + str(-k + leng) + "/" + str(leng) + " --- Tolerance: " +
             str(round(tol, 5)) + " in " + String + " ---- "))

        start_runtime = timeit.default_timer()
        vistol, time_to_compute = pglod.updateCorrectors(
            Anew, tol, clearFineQuantities=False, Testing=True, runtime=True)
        total_time += timeit.default_timer() - start_runtime - time_to_compute

        Correctors += np.sum(vistol)

        recomputefraction += float(np.sum(vistol)) / PotentialCorrectors * 100

        KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)
        free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

        bFull = MFull * f
        KFree = KFull[free][:, free]
        bFree = bFull[free]

        xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KFree, bFree)
        basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)

        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()

        modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

        xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        xFull[free] = xFree
        uCoarse = xFull
        uLodFine = modifiedBasis * xFull

        # energy error
        errortol = np.sqrt(
            np.dot(uFineFem - uLodFine, AFine * (uFineFem - uLodFine)))


    # 100% updating
    uLodFinebest = uLodFine
    errorbest = np.sqrt(
        np.dot(uFineFem - uLodFinebest, AFine * (uFineFem - uLodFinebest)))

    print(('Runtime: Total time of updating: {} sec.'.format(total_time)))
    for k in range(leng - 1, -1, -1):

    return vis, eps, PotentialCorrectors, recomputefractionsafe, errorplotinfo, errorWorst, errorBest, runtime
Beispiel #3
drawCoefficient_origin(NFine, aFine_ref)

plt.figure("Perturbed coefficient")
drawCoefficient_origin(NFine, aFine_trans)

plt.figure('Right hand side')
draw_f(NFine+1, f_ref)


Compute FEM

uFineFull_trans, AFine_trans, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aFine_trans, f_ref, None, boundaryConditions)

Set the coefficient that we want to approximate and the tolerance

a_Fine_to_be_approximated = aFine_trans

Compute PGLOD 

def real_computeKmsij(TInd):
    print('.', end='', flush=True)
    patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
Beispiel #4
drawCoefficient_origin(NFine, aFine_pert)

drawCoefficient_origin(NFine, aFine_trans)

plt.figure('Right hand side')
draw_f(NFine+1, f_ref)


Check whether domain mapping method works sufficiently good

uFineFull_pert, AFine_pert, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aFine_pert, f_pert, None, boundaryConditions)
uFineFull_trans, AFine_trans, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aFine_trans, f_trans, None, boundaryConditions)

u_FineFull_trans_pert = bending_perturbation.evaluateSolution(uFineFull_trans)

energy_norm = np.sqrt(np.dot(uFineFull_pert, AFine_pert * uFineFull_pert))
energy_error = np.sqrt(np.dot((u_FineFull_trans_pert - uFineFull_pert),
                              AFine_pert * (u_FineFull_trans_pert - uFineFull_pert)))
print("Domain Mapping with FEM: Energy norm {}, error {}, rel. error {}".format(energy_norm, energy_error,
                                                       energy_error / energy_norm))

Set the coefficient that we want to approximate and the tolerance

a_Fine_to_be_approximated = aFine_trans
Beispiel #5

a_fine = CoefClass.BuildCoefficient().flatten()

drawCoefficient_origin(NFine, a_fine)

f = np.ones(np.prod(NFine + 1))

NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])

NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

uFineFull, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, a_fine, f, None,

k = 2

def computeKmsij(TInd):
    patch = Patch(world, k, TInd)
    IPatch = lambda: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(patch, boundaryConditions)
    aPatch = lambda: coef.localizeCoefficient(patch, a_fine)

    correctorsList = lod.computeBasisCorrectors(patch, IPatch, aPatch)
    csi = lod.computeBasisCoarseQuantities(patch, correctorsList, aPatch)
    return patch, correctorsList, csi.Kmsij

# Use mapper to distribute computations (mapper could be the 'map' built-in or e.g. an ipyparallel map)
Beispiel #6
def Monte_Carlo_simulation():
    print('Computing Monte Carlo step')

    global aFine_ref
    global aFine_trans
    global aFine_pert
    global k
    global KmsijT
    global correctorsListT

    aFine_ref = aFine_ref_shaped.flatten()
    psi, cq1 = create_psi_function()

    # plt.figure('domain mapping')
    # plt.plot(np.arange(0, fine + 1), cq1[0, :], label='$id(x) - \psi(x)$')
    # plt.plot(np.arange(0, fine), ref_array * 0.01)
    # plt.title('Domain mapping')
    # plt.legend()

    xpFine_pert = psi.evaluate(xpFine)
    xpFine_ref = psi.inverse_evaluate(xpFine)

    xtFine_pert = psi.evaluate(xtFine)
    xtFine_ref = psi.inverse_evaluate(xtFine)

    aFine_pert = func.evaluateDQ0(NFine, aFine_ref, xtFine_ref)
    aBack_ref = func.evaluateDQ0(NFine, aFine_pert, xtFine_pert)

    print('Psi is invertible if this is zero: {}'.format(
        np.linalg.norm(aBack_ref - aFine_ref)))
    every_psi_was_valid.append(np.linalg.norm(aBack_ref - aFine_ref))
    #aFine_trans is the transformed perturbed reference coefficient
    aFine_trans = np.einsum('tji, t, tkj, t -> tik', psi.Jinv(xtFine),
                            aFine_ref, psi.Jinv(xtFine), psi.detJ(xtFine))

    f_pert = np.ones(np.prod(NFine + 1))
    f_ref = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, f_pert, xpFine_pert)
    f_trans = np.einsum('t, t -> t', f_ref, psi.detJ(xpFine))

    uFineFull_pert, AFine_pert, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(
        world, aFine_pert, f_pert, None, boundaryConditions)
    uFineFull_trans, AFine_trans, _ = femsolver.solveFine(
        world, aFine_trans, f_trans, None, boundaryConditions)

    uFineFull_trans_pert = func.evaluateCQ1(NFine, uFineFull_trans, xpFine_ref)

    energy_norm = np.sqrt(np.dot(uFineFull_pert, AFine_pert * uFineFull_pert))
    energy_error = np.sqrt(
        np.dot((uFineFull_trans_pert - uFineFull_pert),
               AFine_pert * (uFineFull_trans_pert - uFineFull_pert)))
    print("Energy norm {}, error {}, rel. error {}".format(
        energy_norm, energy_error, energy_error / energy_norm))

    Aeye = np.tile(np.eye(2), [np.prod(NFine), 1, 1])
    aFine_ref = np.einsum('tji, t-> tji', Aeye, aFine_ref)

    print('compute domain mapping error indicators')
    epsFine, epsCoarse = zip(*map(computeIndicators, range(world.NtCoarse)))

    print('apply tolerance')
    Elements_to_be_updated = []
    TOL = 0.1
    for i in range(world.NtCoarse):
        if epsFine[i] >= TOL:

    print('.... to be updated for domain mapping: {}%'.format(
        np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) / np.size(epsFine) * 100))

    print('update correctors')
    if np.size(Elements_to_be_updated) == 0:
        correctorsListTNew, KmsijTNew = correctorsListT, KmsijT
        patchT_irrelevant, correctorsListTNew, KmsijTNew, csiTNew = zip(
            *map(UpdateCorrectors, Elements_to_be_updated))

    KmsijT_list = list(KmsijT)
    correctorsListT_list = list(correctorsListT)
    i = 0
    for T in Elements_to_be_updated:
        KmsijT_list[T] = KmsijTNew[i]
        correctorsListT_list[T] = correctorsListTNew[i]
        i += 1

    KmsijT = tuple(KmsijT_list)
    correctorsListT = tuple(correctorsListT_list)

    print('solve the system')
    KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world, patchT, KmsijT)

    MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, world.MLocFine)

    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(world, patchT,
    modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

    bFull = MFull * f_trans
    bFull = basis.T * bFull

    uFull, _ = pglod.solve(world, KFull, bFull, boundaryConditions)

    uLodFine = modifiedBasis * uFull
    uLodFine_METHOD = uLodFine
    newErrorFine = np.sqrt(
        np.dot(uLodFine - uFineFull_trans,
               AFine_trans * (uLodFine - uFineFull_trans)))
    print('Method error: {}'.format(newErrorFine))

    print('update all correctors')
    patchT_irrelevant, correctorsListT, KmsijT, csiTNew = zip(
        *map(UpdateCorrectors, range(world.NtCoarse)))

    print('solve the system')
    KFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix(world, patchT, KmsijT)

    MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NFine, world.MLocFine)

    basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
    basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors(world, patchT,
    modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

    bFull = MFull * f_trans
    bFull = basis.T * bFull

    uFull, _ = pglod.solve(world, KFull, bFull, boundaryConditions)

    uLodFine = modifiedBasis * uFull
    newErrorFine = np.sqrt(
        np.dot(uLodFine - uFineFull_trans,
               AFine_trans * (uLodFine - uFineFull_trans)))
    print('Exact LOD error: {}'.format(newErrorFine))

    return uLodFine_METHOD, uLodFine, uFineFull_pert, MFine
Beispiel #7
    def test_00coarseFlux(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([20, 20])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([4, 4])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)


        aBaseSquare = np.exp(5 * np.random.random_sample(NWorldFine[1]))
        aBaseCube = np.tile(aBaseSquare[..., np.newaxis], [NWorldFine[0], 1])
        aBaseCube = aBaseCube[..., np.newaxis]

        aBase = aBaseCube.flatten()

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase)

        k = 4
        printLevel = 0
        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0, printLevel)

        KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()

        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        xC = coords[:, 0]
        g = 1 - xC
        bFull = -KmsFull * g

        boundaryMap = boundaryConditions == 0
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryMap)
        free = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, NpCoarse), fixed)
        KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]

        bFree = bFull[free]
        xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)
        xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        xFull[free] = xFree
        uFull = xFull + g

        lodFluxTF = pglod.computeFaceFluxTF(uFull)

        ## Compute fine solution
        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldFine)
        xF = coords[:, 0]
        gFine = 1 - xF
        uFineFull, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aBase, None, -gFine,
        uFineFull = uFineFull + gFine
        fineFluxTF = transport.computeHarmonicMeanFaceFlux(
            NWorldCoarse, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase, uFineFull)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lodFluxTF, fineFluxTF, rtol=1e-7))
transformed_problem = []
non_transformed_problem = []
energy_error = []
x = []
for N in NList:
    NWorldCoarse = np.array([N])
    boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0]])

    NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
    world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

    # grid nodes
    xpCoarse = util.pCoordinates(NFine).flatten()
    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)
    uFineFull, AFine, nothing = femsolver.solveFine(world, aPert, f, None, boundaryConditions)
    uFineFullJAJ, jAjFine, nothing = femsolver.solveFine(world, jAj, f_pert, None, boundaryConditions)

    uFineFull_transformed = np.copy(uFineFullJAJ)
    k = 0

    uFineFull_transformed = psi.inverse_transformation(uFineFullJAJ, xpCoarse)

    energy_error.append(np.sqrt(np.dot(uFineFull - uFineFull_transformed, AFine * (uFineFull - uFineFull_transformed))))

# here, we compare the solutions.
# todo: we need a better error comparison !! This is not looking good at all.
Beispiel #9
    def test_3d(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([60, 220, 50])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([6, 22, 5])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 0], [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        aBase = np.loadtxt(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
        #aBase = aBase[::8]

        print 'a'
        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldFine)
        gFine = 1 - coords[:, 1]
        uFineFull, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aBase, None, -gFine,
        print 'b'

        rCoarse = np.ones(NtCoarse)

        self.assertTrue(np.size(aBase) == NtFine)

        if True:
            IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
                i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
            aCoef = coef.coefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                 aBase, rCoarse)

            k = 2
            printLevel = 1
            pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 1e-1,
            pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=True)

            KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()

            coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
            g = 1 - coords[:, 1]
            bFull = -KmsFull * g

            boundaryMap = boundaryConditions == 0
            fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryMap)
            free = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, NpCoarse), fixed)

            KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]
            bFree = bFull[free]

            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)

            uCoarse = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
            uCoarse[free] = xFree
            uCoarse += g
            uCube = np.reshape(uCoarse, (NWorldCoarse + 1)[::-1])
            uCube = np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(uCube, axes=[2, 1, 0]))

            imageToVTK("./image", pointData={"u": uCube})

        if False:
            coord = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
            uCoarse = coord[:, 1].flatten()
            uCube = np.reshape(uCoarse, (NWorldCoarse + 1)[::-1])
            uCube = np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(uCube, axes=[2, 1, 0]))
            imageToVTK("./image", pointData={"u": uCube})
Beispiel #10
    def test_2d_exactSolution(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([30, 40])
        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([3, 4])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        NtCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)


        aBaseSquare = np.exp(5 * np.random.random_sample(NWorldFine[0]))
        aBaseCube = np.tile(aBaseSquare, [NWorldFine[1], 1])
        aBaseCube = aBaseCube[..., np.newaxis]

        aBase = aBaseCube.flatten()

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        rCoarse = np.ones(NtCoarse)
        aCoef = coef.coefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                             aBase, rCoarse)

        k = 4
        printLevel = 0
        epsilonTol = 0.05
        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, epsilonTol,
        pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

        boundaryMap = boundaryConditions == 0
        fixed = util.boundarypIndexMap(NWorldCoarse, boundaryMap)
        free = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, NpCoarse), fixed)

        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        xC = coords[:, 0]
        yC = coords[:, 1]
        g = 1 - xC

        firstIteration = True

        # First case is to not modify. Error should be 0
        # The other cases modify one, a few or half of the coarse elements to different degrees.
        rCoarseModPairs = [([], []), ([0], [2.]), ([10], [3.]),
                           ([4, 3, 2], [1.3, 1.5, 1.8])]
        rCoarseModPairs.append((range(NtCoarse / 2), [2] * NtCoarse))
        rCoarseModPairs.append((range(NtCoarse / 2), [0.9] * NtCoarse))
        rCoarseModPairs.append((range(NtCoarse / 2), [0.95] * NtCoarse))

        for i, rCoarseModPair in zip(count(), rCoarseModPairs):
            for ind, val in zip(rCoarseModPair[0], rCoarseModPair[1]):
                rCoarse[ind] *= val

            aCoef = coef.coefficientCoarseFactor(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement,
                                                 aBase, rCoarse)
            pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

            KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
            bFull = -KmsFull * g

            KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]

            bFree = bFull[free]
            xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)

            basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse,
            basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
            modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors

            xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
            xFull[free] = xFree
            uLodFine = modifiedBasis * (xFull + g)

            gFine = basis * g
            uFineFull, AFine, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(
                world, aCoef.aFine, None, -gFine, boundaryConditions)
            uFineFull += gFine

            errorFineA = np.sqrt(
                np.dot(uFineFull - uLodFine, AFine * (uFineFull - uLodFine)))
            errorFineM = np.sqrt(
                np.dot(uFineFull - uLodFine, MFine * (uFineFull - uLodFine)))
            if firstIteration:
                self.assertTrue(np.isclose(errorFineA, 0))
                self.assertTrue(np.isclose(errorFineM, 0))

                # Also compute upscaled solution and compare with uFineFull
                uLodFineUpscaled = basis * (
                    xFull + g) - pglod.computeCorrection(ARhsFull=basis *
                                                         (xFull + g))
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(uLodFineUpscaled, uLodFine))

                firstIteration = False
                # For this problem, it seems that
                # error < 1.1*errorTol
                self.assertTrue(errorFineA <= 1.1 * epsilonTol)
Beispiel #11
    def test_1d_toReference(self):
        NWorldFine = np.array([200])
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([10])
        NCoarseElement = NWorldFine / NWorldCoarse
        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0]])
        world = World(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)

        NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
        NtFine = np.prod(NWorldFine)
        NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

        aBase = np.zeros(NtFine)
        aBase[:90] = 1
        aBase[90:] = 2

        k = 10

        IPatchGenerator = lambda i, N: interp.L2ProjectionPatchMatrix(
            i, N, NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, boundaryConditions)
        aCoef = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, aBase)

        pglod = pg.PetrovGalerkinLOD(world, k, IPatchGenerator, 0)
        pglod.updateCorrectors(aCoef, clearFineQuantities=False)

        KmsFull = pglod.assembleMsStiffnessMatrix()
        KFull = pglod.assembleStiffnessMatrix()
        MFull = fem.assemblePatchMatrix(NWorldCoarse, world.MLocCoarse)

        free = util.interiorpIndexMap(NWorldCoarse)

        coords = util.pCoordinates(NWorldCoarse)
        g = 1 - coords[:, 0]
        bFull = -KmsFull * g

        KmsFree = KmsFull[free][:, free]
        bFree = bFull[free]

        xFree = sparse.linalg.spsolve(KmsFree, bFree)

        basis = fem.assembleProlongationMatrix(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement)
        basisCorrectors = pglod.assembleBasisCorrectors()
        modifiedBasis = basis - basisCorrectors
        xFull = np.zeros(NpCoarse)
        xFull[free] = xFree
        uLodCoarse = basis * (xFull + g)
        uLodFine = modifiedBasis * (xFull + g)

        coordsFine = util.pCoordinates(NWorldFine)
        gFine = 1 - coordsFine[:, 0]
        uFineFull, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aBase, None, -gFine,
        uFineFull += gFine

        errorFine = np.sqrt(
            np.dot(uFineFull - uLodFine, AFine * (uFineFull - uLodFine)))
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(errorFine, 0))

        # Also compute upscaled solution and compare with uFineFull
        uLodFineUpscaled = basis * (xFull + g) - pglod.computeCorrection(
            ARhsFull=basis * (xFull + g))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(uLodFineUpscaled, uLodFine))
def result(pglod, world, CoefClass, A, f, MC=1, prob=100):
    NWorldFine = world.NWorldFine
    NWorldCoarse = world.NWorldCoarse
    NCoarseElement = world.NCoarseElement

    boundaryConditions = world.boundaryConditions
    NpFine = np.prod(NWorldFine + 1)
    NpCoarse = np.prod(NWorldCoarse + 1)

    plist = [0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 100]

    #### initial #####
    xmLoda = np.zeros([MC, np.size(plist)])
    xmVcLoda = np.zeros([MC, np.size(plist)])
    xmLodVcLoda = np.zeros([MC, np.size(plist)])

    ems = []

    plottingx = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])
    plottingy = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])
    plottingz = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])

    plotting2x = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])
    plotting2y = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])
    plotting2z = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])

    plotting3x = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])
    plotting3y = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])
    plotting3z = np.zeros([MC - 1, np.size(plist)])

    for i in range(0, MC):
        print(('_____Sample__ ' + str(i + 1) + '/' + str(MC) + ' ____'))
        R = CoefClass.RandomVanish(probfactor=prob,

        ANew = R.flatten()

        ###### Reference solution ######
        f_fine = np.ones(NpFine)
        uFineFem, AFine, MFine = femsolver.solveFine(world, ANew, f_fine, None,

        Anew = coef.coefficientFine(NWorldCoarse, NCoarseElement, ANew)

        ###### tolerance = 0 without computing ######
        vis, eps = pglod.updateCorrectors(Anew,
        print(('Affected correctors: ' + str(np.sum(vis))))

        ##### VCLOD ######
        uVc = []
        updated = 0
        for p in plist:
            print(('p = ' + str(p) + '%'))
            uVcLod, updated = VcLod(pglod,
            if p == 100:
                uLod = uVcLod

        for k in range(0, np.shape(uVc)[0]):
            uVcLod = uVc[k]
            eVcLod = np.sqrt(
                np.dot(uFineFem - uVcLod, MFine *
                       (uFineFem - uVcLod))) / np.sqrt(
                           np.dot(uFineFem, MFine * uFineFem))
            eLodVcLod = np.sqrt(np.dot(uVcLod - uLod, MFine *
                                       (uVcLod - uLod))) / np.sqrt(
                                           np.dot(uLod, MFine * uLod))
            eLod = np.sqrt(np.dot(uFineFem - uLod, MFine *
                                  (uFineFem - uLod))) / np.sqrt(
                                      np.dot(uFineFem, MFine * uFineFem))

            xmLoda[i, k] = eLod
            xmVcLoda[i, k] = eVcLod
            xmLodVcLoda[i, k] = eLodVcLod

        if i == 0:
        ems.append(i + 1)

        for k in range(0, np.shape(uVc)[0]):
            muLod = 0
            muVcLod = 0
            muLodVcLod = 0
            for j in range(0, i + 1):
                muLod += xmLoda[j, k]
                muVcLod += xmVcLoda[j, k]
                muLodVcLod += xmLodVcLoda[j, k]

            muLod /= i + 1
            muVcLod /= i + 1
            muLodVcLod /= i + 1

            sig2Lod = 0
            sig2VcLod = 0
            sig2LodVcLod = 0

            for j in range(0, i + 1):
                sig2Lod += (xmLoda[j, k] - muLod)**(2)
                sig2VcLod += (xmVcLoda[j, k] - muVcLod)**(2)
                sig2LodVcLod += (xmLodVcLoda[j, k] - muLodVcLod)**(2)

            sig2Lod /= i
            sig2VcLod /= i
            sig2LodVcLod /= i

            a = [
                np.sqrt(sig2Lod) / np.sqrt(i + 1) * 1.96,
                np.sqrt(sig2VcLod) / np.sqrt(i + 1) * 1.96,
                np.sqrt(sig2LodVcLod) / np.sqrt(i + 1) * 1.96
            mum = [muLod, muVcLod, muLodVcLod]

            plottingx[i - 1, k] = mum[0] - a[0]
            plottingy[i - 1, k] = mum[0]
            plottingz[i - 1, k] = mum[0] + a[0]

            plotting2x[i - 1, k] = mum[1] - a[1]
            plotting2y[i - 1, k] = mum[1]
            plotting2z[i - 1, k] = mum[1] + a[1]

            plotting3x[i - 1, k] = mum[2] - a[2]
            plotting3y[i - 1, k] = mum[2]
            plotting3z[i - 1, k] = mum[2] + a[2]

            Matrix = CoefClass.Matrix.flatten()
            ROOT = '../test_data/MonteCarlo/Coef1/p' + str(
                100 / prob) + '/' + str(plist[k])
            safer(ROOT, mum, a, plottingx[:, k], plottingy[:, k],
                  plottingz[:, k], plotting2x[:, k], plotting2y[:, k],
                  plotting2z[:, k], plotting3x[:, k], plotting3y[:, k],
                  plotting3z[:, k], ems, Matrix)

    return a, mum
f_reshaped = f.reshape(NFine + 1)
# f_ref_reshaped[int(0*fine/8):int(2*fine/8),int(0*fine/8):int(2*fine/8)] = 1
# f_ref_reshaped[int(6*fine/8):int(8*fine/8),int(6*fine/8):int(8*fine/8)] = 1
f_reshaped[int(4 * fine / 8):int(5 * fine / 8),
           int(4 * fine / 8):int(5 * fine / 8)] = 10
f = f_reshaped.reshape(NpFine)

drawCoefficient_origin(NFine, aFine)

plt.figure('Right hand side')
draw_f(NFine + 1, f)


uSol, AFine, _ = femsolver.solveFine(world, aFine, f, None, boundaryConditions)

kList = [4]
NList = [32]
logH = {N: np.abs(np.log(np.sqrt(2 * (1. / N**2)))) for N in NList}
for N in NList:
    for k in kList:
            '   k = {}    H = 1/{}    logH = {:3f}   => k = {} should be sufficient'
            .format(k, N, logH[N], int(logH[N] + 0.99)),
        NWorldCoarse = np.array([N, N])
        NCoarseElement = NFine // NWorldCoarse
        boundaryConditions = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])