Beispiel #1
 def test_len(self):
     s1 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2,3,4]], 4)
     s2 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2]], 4)
     G = PermGroup([s1, s2])
     self.assertEqual(len(G), len(G._list_elements()))
     self.assertEqual(len(G), 24)
     self.assertTrue(Permutation.read_cycle_form([[3,4]], 4) in G._list_elements())
Beispiel #2
 def test_change_base(self):
     cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[2,3],[4,6],[5,8],[9,11]], 13)
     b = cf([[1,2,4,7,9,3,5,6,8,10,11,12,13]], 13)
     G = PermGroup([a,b])
     self.assertEqual(G.base[:2], [1,3])
Beispiel #3
 def test_order(self):
     cf = lambda x : Permutation.read_cycle_form(x,6)
     g1 = cf([[1,4,5,2,3]])
     g2 = cf([[1,2],[3,4]])
     g3 = cf([[1,2],[6,5]])
     G = PermGroup([g1,g2,g3])
     self.assertEqual(G.order(), 360)
Beispiel #4
 def test_coset_enumeration(self):
     g1 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2,3,4]], 4)
     g2 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2]], 4)
     h1 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2,3]], 4)
     h2 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2]], 4)
     G = PermGroup([g1, g2])
     H = PermGroup([h1, h2])
     cosets = G._left_cosets(H)
     total = 0
     elements = []
     for coset in cosets:
         temp_eles = coset._list_elements()
         elements += temp_eles
         total += len(temp_eles)
     self.assertEqual(len(G), total)
     self.assertEqual(sorted(G._list_elements()), sorted(elements))        
     cosets = G._right_cosets(H)
     total = 0
     elements = []
     for coset in cosets:
         temp_eles = coset._list_elements()
         elements += temp_eles
         total += len(temp_eles)
     self.assertEqual(len(G), total)
     self.assertEqual(sorted(G._list_elements()), sorted(elements))
Beispiel #5
 def test_change_base_redundancy(self):
     cf = lambda x: Permutation.read_cycle_form(x,6)
     a = cf([[1,2,3,4],[5,6]])
     b = cf([[1,2]])
     G = PermGroup([a,b])
    def test_partition_backtrack_subgroup_two_prop_subgroup_stab(self):        
        cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
        a = cf([[3,2,6]], 7)
        b = cf([[3,2],[6,7]], 7)
        G = PermGroup([a,b])
        fam_subgroup = SubgroupFamily(G)
        prop_subgroup = SubgroupProperty(G)
        stab = Partition([[1,3,5,7],[2,4,6]])
        fam_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserFamily(stab)        
        prop_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserProperty(stab)
        size = 7
        fam = RefinementUnion([fam_part_stab, fam_subgroup])
        prop = CosetPropertyUnion([prop_part_stab, prop_subgroup])
        con = PartitionStackConstraint()
        mods = ModifierUnion([fam, prop, con])
        ls = LeonSearch(mods, size)
        gens = ls.subgroup()
        found = []
        s7 = PermGroup([cf([[1,2]],7),cf([[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]],7)])
        for ele in s7._list_elements():
            if prop.property_check(ele):

        self.assertEqual(len(PermGroup(gens)), len(found))     
    def test_partition_backtrack_subgroup_two_prop_subgroup_stab(self):        
        cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
        a = cf([[3,2,6]], 7)
        b = cf([[3,2],[6,7]], 7)
        G = PermGroup([a,b])
        fam_subgroup = SubgroupFamily(G)
        prop_subgroup = SubgroupProperty(G)
        stab = Partition([[1,3,5,7],[2,4,6]])
        fam_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserFamily(stab)        
        prop_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserProperty(stab)
        size = 7
        fam = Refinement([fam_part_stab, fam_subgroup])
        prop = CosetProperty([prop_part_stab, prop_subgroup])
        pbw = PBW(prop, fam, size)
        gens = pbw.find_partition_backtrack_subgroup()
        found = []
        s7 = PermGroup([cf([[1,2]],7),cf([[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]],7)])
        for ele in s7._list_elements():
            if prop.check(ele):

        self.assertEqual(len(PermGroup(gens)), len(found))     
Beispiel #8
 def test_rand_element(self):
     cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[1, 2], [6,7]],7)
     b = cf([[1,2,3,4], [6,7]], 7)
     for _ in range(100):
         g = G._rand_element()
         self.assertTrue(g in G)
def _respected_partition(comm):
    comm_group = Group([comm])
    orbs = comm_group.orbits()
    len_orb = dict()
    for orb in orbs:
        if len(orb) in len_orb:
            len_orb[len(orb)] = orb
    return Partition(len_orb.values())
Beispiel #10
 def test_fixed_base_group(self):
     g1 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2,3,4,5,6]], 6)
     g2 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2]], 6)
     h1 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[3,4,5,6]], 6)
     h2 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[3,4]], 6)
     G = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([g1, g2], [5,4])
     H = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([h1, h2], [1,2,3,4,5,6])
     N = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([g1,h1], [])
     self.assertEqual(G.base[:2], [5,4])
     self.assertEqual(H.base[:4], [1,2,3,4])
     self.contains_membership_test(G, H)
Beispiel #11
def naive_min_gen(original_group, ordering):
    eles = original_group._list_elements(key = ordering_to_perm_key(ordering))
    cur_gens = [eles[1]]
    cur_G = Group.fixed_base_group(cur_gens, ordering)
    for ele in eles:
        if ele not in cur_G:
            cur_G = Group.fixed_base_group(cur_gens, ordering)
            if cur_G.order() == G.order():
    return cur_gens
Beispiel #12
 def test_contains(self):
     cf = lambda x:Permutation.read_cycle_form(x, 6)
     g1 = cf([[1,2,3,4,5,6]])
     g2 = cf([[1,2]])
     h1 = cf([[3,4,5,6]])
     h2 = cf([[3,4]])
     a1 = cf([[3,1],[6,4]])
     a2 = cf([[1,6,4]])
     G = PermGroup([g1, g2])
     H = PermGroup([h1, h2])
     self.contains_membership_test(G, H)
     S6 = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([g1,g2], [5,2,1,3,4,6])
     A4 = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([a1,a2], [3,1,2,5,6,4])
     self.contains_membership_test(S6, A4)
Beispiel #13
 def test_pre_post_element(self):
     cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[2,3],[4,6],[5,8],[9,11]], 13)
     b = cf([[1,2,4,7,9,3,5,6,8,10,11,12,13]], 13)
     G = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([a,b], [1,3])
     pre = [1,3]
     post = [9,3]
     self.pre_post_works(pre, post, G)
Beispiel #14
 def test_base_image_member(self):
     h1 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[3,4,5,6,7]], 7)
     h2 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[3,4]], 7)
     H = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([h1, h2], [3,4,5,6])
     self.assertEqual(H.base, [3,4,5,6])
     image1 = [1,2,3,4]
     image2 = [5,3,4,6]
     self.assertTrue(H.base_image_member(image1) is None)
     self.assertEqual(H.base_image_member(image2), Permutation.read_cycle_form([[3,5,4]],7))   
Beispiel #15
 def double_coset_1(self, base, image, gens, key = None):
     #base change (for now just recompute base but should do the proper algorithm)
     if len(image) == 0 or len(gens) == 0:
         return True
     G = PermGroup.fixed_base_group(gens, image[:-1])
     orb = G.orbit(image[-1], stab_level = len(base) - 1, key = key)
     #print("Orbit of {} is {} in {}".format(image[-1], orb, G._list_elements()))
     if image[-1] == orb[0]:
         return True
     return False    
    def test_partition_backtrack_subgroup_one_prop_stab(self):
        cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
        stab = Partition([[1,3,5],[2,4,6]])
        fam_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserFamily(stab)        
        prop_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserProperty(stab)
        size = 6
        fam = Refinement([fam_part_stab])
        prop = CosetProperty([prop_part_stab])
        pbw = PBW(prop, fam, size)     
        gens = pbw.find_partition_backtrack_subgroup()
        found = []
        s6 = PermGroup([cf([[1,2]],6),cf([[1,2,3,4,5,6]],6)])
        for ele in s6._list_elements():
            if prop.check(ele):

        self.assertEqual(len(PermGroup(gens)), len(found))
    def test_partition_backtrack_subgroup_one_prop_subgroup(self):
        cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
        a = cf([[1,2,3]], 5)
        b = cf([[1,2],[3,4]], 5)
        G = PermGroup([a,b])
        fam_subgroup = SubgroupFamily(G)
        prop_subgroup = SubgroupProperty(G)
        fam = Refinement([fam_subgroup])
        prop = CosetProperty([prop_subgroup])
        pbw = PBW(prop, fam, 5)
        gens = pbw.find_partition_backtrack_subgroup()
        found = []
        s5 = PermGroup([cf([[1,2]],5),cf([[1,2,3,4,5]],5)])
        for ele in s5._list_elements():
            if prop.check(ele):

        self.assertEqual(len(PermGroup(gens)), len(found))
Beispiel #18
 def test_orbit(self):
     g1 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2,3,4]], 4)
     g2 = Permutation.read_cycle_form([[1,2]], 4)
     base = [3,4,1]
     reverse_priority = [3,4,1,2]
     G = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([g1, g2], base)
     self.assertEqual(G.orbit(1), [1,2,3,4])
     self.assertEqual(G.orbit(1, stab_level = 0), [1,2,3,4])
     self.assertEqual(G.orbit(1, stab_level = 1), [1,2,4])
     self.assertEqual(G.orbit(1, stab_level = 2), [1,2])
     self.assertEqual(G.orbit(1, stab_level = 3), [1])
     self.assertEqual(G.orbit(1, key = lambda x : reverse_priority[x - 1]), [3,4,1,2])
 def test_partition_backtrack_subgroup_leon_paper(self):
     cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[2,3],[4,6],[5,8],[9,11]], 13)
     b = cf([[1,2,4,7,9,3,5,6,8,10,11,12,13]], 13)
     G = PermGroup([a,b])
     fam_subgroup = SubgroupFamily(G)
     prop_subgroup = SubgroupProperty(G)
     stab = Partition([[1,3,5,7,9,11],[2,4,6,8,10,12,13]])
     fam_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserFamily(stab)        
     prop_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserProperty(stab)
     size = 13
     fam = Refinement([fam_subgroup, fam_part_stab])
     prop = CosetProperty([prop_subgroup, prop_part_stab])
     pbw = PBW(prop, fam, size)     
     gens = pbw.find_partition_backtrack_subgroup()
     cand_G = PermGroup(gens)
     leon_gens = []
     leon_G = PermGroup(leon_gens)
     third_source = []
     for ele in G._list_elements():
         if prop.check(ele):
     self.assertEqual(cand_G.order(), leon_G.order())
     for perm in leon_gens:
         self.assertTrue(perm in G)
         self.assertTrue(perm in cand_G)
    def test_partition_backtrack_subgroup_one_prop_stab(self):
        cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
        stab = Partition([[1,3,5],[2,4,6]])
        fam_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserFamily(stab)        
        prop_part_stab = PartitionStabaliserProperty(stab)
        size = 6
        fam = RefinementUnion([fam_part_stab])
        prop = CosetPropertyUnion([prop_part_stab])
        con = PartitionStackConstraint()
        mods = ModifierUnion([fam, prop, con])
        ls = LeonSearch(mods, size)
        gens = ls.subgroup()
        found = []
        s6 = PermGroup([cf([[1,2]],6),cf([[1,2,3,4,5,6]],6)])
        for ele in s6._list_elements():
            if prop.property_check(ele):

        self.assertEqual(sorted(PermGroup(gens)._list_elements()), sorted(found))
Beispiel #21
 def test_pre_post_element_A4(self):
     cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[1,2],[3,4]], 5)
     b = cf([[1,2,3]], 5)
     G = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([a,b], [5,4,3,2,1])
     pre = [5,4]
     post = [4,3]
     ele = G.prefix_postfix_image_member(pre,post)
     self.assertTrue(ele is None)
     pre = [5,4,3]
     post = [5,2,1]
     self.pre_post_works(pre, post, G)
     ele = G.prefix_postfix_image_member(pre,post)
    def test_partition_backtrack_subgroup_one_prop_subgroup(self):
        cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
        a = cf([[1,2,3]], 5)
        b = cf([[1,2],[3,4]], 5)
        G = PermGroup([a,b])
        fam_subgroup = SubgroupFamily(G)
        prop_subgroup = SubgroupProperty(G)
        fam = RefinementUnion([fam_subgroup])
        prop = CosetPropertyUnion([prop_subgroup])
        con = PartitionStackConstraint()
        mods = ModifierUnion([fam, prop, con])
        ls = LeonSearch(mods, 5)
        gens = ls.subgroup()
        found = []
        s5 = PermGroup([cf([[1,2]],5),cf([[1,2,3,4,5]],5)])
        for ele in s5._list_elements():
            if prop.property_check(ele):

        self.assertEqual(sorted(PermGroup(gens)._list_elements()), sorted(found))
def schreier_sims0():
    from permutation import Permutation
    from refinement import SubgroupFamily, PartitionStabaliserFamily, Refinement
    from partition import Partition
    from group import PermGroup
    from leon_search import PartitionBacktrackWorkhorse as PBW
    from coset_property import CosetProperty, SubgroupProperty, PartitionStabaliserProperty

    cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
    a = cf([[1, 2]], 4)
    b = cf([[1, 2, 3, 4]], 4)
    G = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([a, b], [1, 2, 3, 4])
    base = G.base
    graphs = G.schreier_graphs
    gens = G.chain_generators
    print("Base is: {}".format(base))
    for i in range(len(graphs)):
        print("Generators and schreier graph for G[{}]:".format(i + 1))
from group import PermGroup
from permutation import Permutation

_base_size = 6
cf = lambda x : Permutation.read_cycle_form(x, _base_size)
a= cf([[1,2,3,4]])
b= cf([[1,2]])
c= cf([[1,2,3]])
s4 = PermGroup([a,b])
s3 = PermGroup([b,c])
for coset in s4._right_cosets(s3):
for coset in s4._left_cosets(s3):

cf  = Permutation.read_cycle_form
a = cf([[1, 2, 3,4,5]],5)
b = cf([[1,2,3]], 5)

Beispiel #25
 def test_orbits(self):
     cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
     a = cf([[1, 2], [6,7]],7)
     b = cf([[1,2,3,4], [6,7]], 7)
     G=PermGroup.fixed_base_group([a,b], [1,2,3])
     self.assertEqual(sorted(G.orbits()), [[1,2,3,4],[5],[6,7]])
Beispiel #26
from ordering import ordering_to_key, ordering_to_perm_key

#Set up group generators
cf = Permutation.read_cycle_form
a = cf([[2,3],[4,6],[5,8],[9,11]], 13)
b = cf([[1,2,4,7,9,3,5,6,8,10,11,12,13]], 13)

#Define ordering of base elements
fix = [1,3,5,9,7,11,2,12,4,6,8,10,13]

#Define corresponding key functions on numbers and perms based on base element ordering
key_single = ordering_to_key(fix)
key_perm = ordering_to_perm_key(fix)

#Construct group
G = Group.fixed_base_group([a,b],fix)

#Find all elements in order
#Print the base and stab orbits of G.
level_orbits = []
for level in range(len(G.base)):
    to_check = sorted(G.orbit(G.base[level],level), key = key_single)

#Set up the modulo values for a naive traversal.
mods = [len(orbit) for orbit in level_orbits]
def inc(count, resets):#incrementor function for the naive traversal
    sig = len(count) - 1
    while (count[sig] + 1) % resets[sig] == 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from _example_path_tools import add_path_examples
from permutation import Permutation
from group import PermGroup
from schreier_sims import _coset_rep_inverse as rep

cf = lambda x: Permutation.read_cycle_form(x,5)
a = cf([[2,3,4]])
b = cf([[1,2,3,4,5]])
A5 = PermGroup.fixed_base_group([a,b],[1,2,3])
for sg in A5.schreier_graphs:
    for image in range(1, 6):
        print("{}: {}".format(image, rep(image, sg, A5.identity)))
    from _example_path_tools import add_path_examples

from partition import Partition
from permutation import Permutation
from group import PermGroup as Group
from coset_property import permutation_commuter

cf =Permutation.read_cycle_form
a = cf([[1, 2]],4)
check = permutation_commuter(a)
b = cf([[1,2,3,4]], 4)
c = cf([[3, 4]], 4)
d = cf([[2, 3]], 4)
e = cf([[3, 4]], 4)
G = Group([a,b])   
G1 = Group([c,d])
G2 = Group([e])
identity = cf([],4)
sub = Group([identity])
for g in G._list_elements():
    d = sub * g * sub
    p_flag = check(g)
    d_flag = d.mid_minimal()
    if g != identity and p_flag and d_flag:
        sub = Group([t for t in sub.generators + [g] if t != identity])
    print("{}\nprop: {}\nmin: {} sub: {}\nd: {}\n".format(g, p_flag, d_flag, sub.generators, d._list_elements()))
Dcosets = [(G2*g*G1, g) for g in G._list_elements()]
for d, g in sorted(Dcosets,key = lambda x: x[0]._list_elements()):
    eles = d._list_elements()
    #print("{} ({}) {}:\n{}\n".format(g,len(eles),d.mid_minimal(),eles))