Beispiel #1
def sample12(request):
    clientId = request.POST.get('client_id')
    privateKey = request.POST.get('private_key')
    fileGuId = request.POST.get('fileId')

    # Checking required parameters
    if IsNotNull(clientId) == False or IsNotNull(
            privateKey) == False or IsNotNull(fileGuId) == False:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': 'You do not enter all parameters'})

    ### Create Signer, ApiClient and Annotation Api objects

    # Create signer object
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    # Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    # Create Annotation object
    ant = AntApi(apiClient)

        # Make a request to Annotation API using clientId and fileGuId
        response = ant.ListAnnotations(clientId, fileGuId)
    except Exception, e:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': str(e)})
Beispiel #2
def sample11(request):
    clientId = request.POST.get('client_id')
    privateKey = request.POST.get('private_key')
    inputFile = request.POST.get('file')
    url = request.POST.get('url')
    basePath = request.POST.get('server_type')
    fileId = request.POST.get('fileId')
    guid = ""
    iframe = ""
    annotationType = request.POST.get('annotation_type')

    # Checking required parameters
    if IsNotNull(clientId) == False or IsNotNull(
            privateKey) == False or IsNotNull(annotationType) == False:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': 'You do not enter all parameters'})

    ### Create Signer, ApiClient and Annotation Api objects

    # Create signer object
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    # Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    # Create Annotation object
    ant = AntApi(apiClient)
    api = StorageApi(apiClient)
    if basePath == "":
        basePath = ''
        #Set base path
    ant.basePath = basePath
    api.basePath = basePath
    if url != "":
            # Upload file to current user storage using entere URl to the file
            upload = api.UploadWeb(clientId, url)
            guid = upload.result.guid
            fileId = ""
        except Exception, e:
            return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                      {'error': str(e)})
Beispiel #3
def annotation(request):
    session = request.session
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(session['private_key'])
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    api = AntApi(apiClient)
        response = api.ListAnnotations(session['client_id'], session['guid'])
        #~ import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        if not response.result.annotations:
            return 'No annotations found.'
        output = ''
        for annotation in response.result.annotations:
            replies = []
            if annotation.replies:
                for reply in annotation.replies:
                    replies.append(reply.userName + ": " + reply.text)
            output += "Annotation Type: " + str(
                annotation.type) + " -- Replies: " + str(replies) + "<br/>"

    except Exception as e:
        return "Server error: " + str(e)

    return output
Beispiel #4
def sample28(request):
    clientId = request.POST.get('client_id')
    privateKey = request.POST.get('private_key')
    fileGuId = request.POST.get('fileId')
    basePath = request.POST.get('server_type')
    #Check is base path entered
    if basePath == "":
        #If base path empty set base path to the dev server
        basePath = ''
    url = ""
    message = ""
    # Checking required parameters
    if IsNotNull(clientId) == False or IsNotNull(
            privateKey) == False or IsNotNull(fileGuId) == False:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': 'You do not enter all parameters'})

    ### Create Signer, ApiClient and Annotation Api objects

    # Create signer object
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    # Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    # Create Annotation object
    ant = AntApi(apiClient)
    ant.basePath = basePath
        # Make a request to Annotation API using clientId and fileGuId
        response = ant.ListAnnotations(clientId, fileGuId)
        if response.status == "Ok":
            if response.result.annotations:
                i = 0
                for annotation in response.result.annotations:
                        #Delete annotation by it's guid
                        deleteAnnot = ant.DeleteAnnotation(
                            clientId, response.result.annotations[i].guid)
                        if deleteAnnot.status == "Ok":
                            message = '<span style="color: red">There are no annotations</span>'
                            ### If request was successfull
                            #Generation of iframe URL using $pageImage->result->guid
                            #iframe to prodaction server
                            if basePath == "":
                                url = '' + fileGuId
                            #iframe to dev server
                            elif basePath == "":
                                url = '' + fileGuId
                            #iframe to test server
                            elif basePath == "":
                                url = '' + fileGuId
                            elif basePath == "":
                                url = '' + fileGuId
                            url = signer.signUrl(url)
                    except Exception, e:
                        return render_to_response(
                            {'error': str(e)})
                    i = i + 1
                message = '<span style="color: red">There are no annotations in this document</span>'
    except Exception, e:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': str(e)})
Beispiel #5
    # Set last name as entered last name
    user.lastname = lastName
    # Set email as entered email
    user.primary_email = email
    #    user.roles = roles

    iframe = ''

    # Creating of new user
    newUser = mgmt.UpdateAccountUser(clientId, email, user)

    # Check the result of the request
    if newUser.status == "Ok":

        # Create AntApi object
        ant = AntApi(apiClient)
        ant.basePath = basePath
        # Make request to Ant api for set new user as annotation collaborator
        addCollaborator = ant.SetAnnotationCollaborators(clientId,

        # Make request to Annotation api to receive all collaborators for entered file id
        getCollaborators = ant.GetAnnotationCollaborators(clientId, guid)

        #Set reviewers rights for new user
        setReviewer = ant.SetReviewerRights(
            clientId, guid, getCollaborators.result.collaborators)

        # Generating iframe for template