def sample16(request):
    clientId = request.POST.get('client_id')
    privateKey = request.POST.get('private_key')
    inputFile = request.POST.get('file')
    url = request.POST.get('url')
    basePath = request.POST.get('server_type')
    fileId = request.POST.get('fileId')
    guid = ""
    iframe = ""
    # Checking required parameters
    if IsNotNull(clientId) == False or IsNotNull(privateKey) == False:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': 'You do not enter all parameters'})

    ### Create Signer, ApiClient and Annotation Api objects

    # Create signer object
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    # Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    # Create Storage object
    api = StorageApi(apiClient)
    if basePath == "":
        basePath = ''
        #Set base path
    api.basePath = basePath
    if url != "":
            # Upload file to current user storage using entere URl to the file
            upload = api.UploadWeb(clientId, url)
            guid = upload.result.guid
            fileId = ""
        except Exception, e:
            return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                      {'error': str(e)})
def sample05(request):
    clientId = request.POST.get('client_id')
    privateKey = request.POST.get('private_key')
    inputFile = request.POST.get('file')
    url = request.POST.get('url')
    basePath = request.POST.get('server_type')
    fileId = request.POST.get('srcPath')
    ID = ""
    name = ''
    message = ''
    destPath = request.POST.get('destPath')
    copy = request.POST.get('copy')
    move = request.POST.get('move')

    ####Check clientId, privateKey and file Id
    if IsNotNull(clientId) == False or IsNotNull(
            privateKey) == False or IsNotNull(destPath) == False:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': 'You do not enter all parameters'})

    ####Create Signer, ApiClient and Storage Api objects

    #Create signer object
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    #Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    #Create Storage Api object
    api = StorageApi(apiClient)
    #Check base path
    if basePath == "":
        basePath = ''
        #Set base path
    api.basePath = basePath
    if url != "":
            # Upload file to current user storage using entere URl to the file
            upload = api.UploadWeb(clientId, url)
            ID =

                ####Make a request to Storage API using clientId

                #Obtaining all Entities from current user
                files = api.ListEntities(userId=clientId,
                                         path='My Web Documents',
                #Obtaining file name
                for item in files.result.files:
                    #selecting file names
                    if item.guid == upload.result.guid:
                        name =

            except Exception, e:
                return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                          {'error': str(e)})
        except Exception, e:
            return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                      {'error': str(e)})
def sample33(request):
    clientId = request.POST.get('client_id')
    privateKey = request.POST.get('private_key')
    firstUrl = request.POST.get('url1')
    secondUrl = request.POST.get('url2')
    thirdUrl = request.POST.get('url3')
    basePath = request.POST.get('server_type')
    message = ""
    iframe = ""
    # Checking clientId, privateKey and file_Id
    if IsNotNull(clientId) == False or IsNotNull(privateKey) == False:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': 'You do not enter all parameters'})

    ####Create Signer, ApiClient and Storage Api objects

    #Create signer object
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    #Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    #Create Storage Api object
    storageApi = StorageApi(apiClient)
    #Create Async api object
    asyncApi = AsyncApi(apiClient)
    #Set base Path
    if basePath == "":
        basePath = ""
    storageApi.basePath = basePath
    asyncApi.basePath = basePath
    #Create list of URL's
    urlList = [firstUrl, secondUrl, thirdUrl]
    #Create empty list for uploaded files GUID's
    guidList = []
    for url in urlList:
            #Upload file
            upload = storageApi.UploadWeb(clientId, url)
            if upload.status == "Ok":
                #Add GUID of uploaded file to list
                raise Exception(upload.error_message)
        except Exception, e:
            return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                      {'error': str(e)})
Beispiel #4
def sample24(request):
    clientId = request.POST.get('client_id')
    privateKey = request.POST.get('private_key')
    url = request.POST.get('url')
    basePath = request.POST.get('server_type')
    # Checking required parameters
    if IsNotNull(clientId) == False or IsNotNull(
            privateKey) == False or IsNotNull(url) == False:
        return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                                  {'error': 'You do not enter all parameters'})

    ### Create Signer, ApiClient and Storage Api objects

    # Create signer object
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    # Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    # Create Storage Api object
    storage = StorageApi(apiClient)
    if basePath == "":
        basePath = ''
    storage.basePath = basePath
    # Upload file to current user storage using entere URl to the file
    upload = storage.UploadWeb(clientId, url)
    # Check if file uploaded successfully
    if upload.status == "Ok":
        # Generation of Embeded Viewer URL with uploaded file GuId
        # Generation of iframe URL using pageImage.result.guid
        if basePath == "":
            iframe = '' + upload.result.guid
        elif basePath == "":
            iframe = '' + upload.result.guid
        elif basePath == "":
            iframe = '' + upload.result.guid
        iframe = signer.signUrl(iframe)

    # If request was successfull - set variables for template
    return render_to_response('__main__:templates/', {
        'userId': clientId,
        'privateKey': privateKey,
        'url': url,
        'iframe': iframe,
Beispiel #5
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    # Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    # Create ComparisonApi object
    compare = ComparisonApi(apiClient)
    api = StorageApi(apiClient)
    if basePath == "":
        basePath = ''
        #Set base path
    api.basePath = basePath
    compare.basePath = basePath
    if url != "" or target_url != "":
        if url != "":
                # Upload file to current user storage using entere URl to the file
                upload = api.UploadWeb(clientId, url)
                sourceFileId = upload.result.guid

            except Exception, e:
                return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                    { 'error' : str(e) })
        if target_url != "":
                # Upload file to current user storage using entere URl to the file
                upload = api.UploadWeb(clientId, target_url)
                targetFileId = upload.result.guid

            except Exception, e:
                return render_to_response('__main__:templates/',
                    { 'error' : str(e) })
    if sourceFile != "" or targetFile != "":
Beispiel #6
    signer = GroupDocsRequestSigner(privateKey)
    # Create apiClient object
    apiClient = ApiClient(signer)
    # Create StorageApi object
    storage = StorageApi(apiClient)
    # Create SignatureApi object
    signature = SignatureApi(apiClient)
    if basePath == "":
        basePath = ''
        #Set base path
    storage.basePath = basePath
    signature.basePath = basePath
    if url != "":
            # Upload file to current user storage using entere URl to the file
            upload = storage.UploadWeb(clientId, url)
            guid = upload.result.guid
                ####Make a request to Storage API using clientId

                #Obtaining all Entities from current user
                files = storage.ListEntities(userId=clientId,
                                             path='My Web Documents',
                #Obtaining file name
                for item in files.result.files:
                    #selecting file names
                    if item.guid == guid:
                        fileName =

            except Exception, e: