def cb(): aso = gs.aso() old_rev = aso.get('changelog.rev', '') if REV > old_rev: aso.set('changelog.rev', REV) gs.save_aso() gs.focus(CHANGELOG_FN)
def cb(): aso = gs.aso() old_rev = aso.get('changelog.rev', '') new_rev = changes[0][0] if new_rev > old_rev: aso.set('changelog.rev', new_rev) gs.save_aso() new_changes = [ 'GoSublime: Recent Updates (you may need to restart Sublime Text for changes to take effect)', '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', ] for change in changes: rev, msg = change if rev > old_rev: new_changes.append('\n%s\n\t%s' % (rev, msg)) else: break new_changes.append('\nSee %s for the full CHANGELOG\n' % changelog_fn) new_changes = '\n'.join(new_changes) gs.show_output(DOMAIN, new_changes, print_output=False)
def run(self, edit, save_hist=False): view = self.view pos = gs.sel(view).begin() line = view.line(pos) wd = view.settings().get('9o.wd') ln = view.substr(line).split('#', 1) if len(ln) == 2: cmd = ln[1].strip() if cmd: vs = view.settings() aso = gs.aso() hkey = '9o.hist.%s' % wd hist = gs.dval(aso.get(hkey), []) m = HIST_EXPAND_PAT.match(cmd) if m: pfx = hl = len(hist) idx = hl - int( cmd = '' if idx >= 0 and idx < hl: cmd = hist[idx] if pfx == '^' or not cmd: view.replace(edit, line, ('%s# %s' % (ln[0], cmd))) return elif save_hist: try: hist.remove(cmd) except ValueError: pass hist.append(cmd) aso.set(hkey, hist) gs.save_aso() if not cmd: view.run_command('gs9o_init') return view.replace(edit, line, (u'[ `%s` %s ]' % (cmd, HOURGLASS))) rkey = '9o.exec.%s' % uuid.uuid4() view.add_regions(rkey, [sublime.Region(line.begin(), view.size())], '') view.run_command('gs9o_init') cli = cmd.split(' ', 1) # todo: move this into margo if cli[0] == 'sh': def on_done(c): out = gs.ustr('\n'.join(c.consume_outq())) sublime.set_timeout(lambda: push_output(view, rkey, out), 0) c = gsshell.Command(cmd=cli[1], shell=True, cwd=wd) c.on_done = on_done c.start() return f = globals().get('cmd_%s' % cli[0]) if f: args = shlex.split(gs.astr(cli[1])) if len(cli) == 2 else [] f(view, edit, args, wd, rkey) else: push_output(view, rkey, 'Invalid command %s' % cli) else: view.insert(edit, gs.sel(view).begin(), '\n')
def f(): gs.aso().set('mg9_install_tokens', _gen_tokens()) gs.save_aso()
def run(self, edit): view = self.view pos = gs.sel(view).begin() line = view.line(pos) wd = view.settings().get('9o.wd') ln = view.substr(line).split('#', 1) if len(ln) == 2: cmd = ln[1].strip() if cmd: vs = view.settings() aso = gs.aso() hkey = '9o.hist.%s' % wd hist = gs.dval(aso.get(hkey), []) m = HIST_EXPAND_PAT.match(cmd) if m: pfx = idx = int( cmd = hist[-idx] if idx < len(hist) else '' if pfx == '^' or not cmd: view.replace(edit, line, ('%s# %s' % (ln[0], cmd))) return else: try: hist.remove(cmd) except ValueError: pass hist.append(cmd) aso.set(hkey, hist) gs.save_aso() if not cmd: view.run_command('gs9o_init') return view.replace(edit, line, (u'[ `%s` %s ]' % (cmd, HOURGLASS))) rkey = '9o.exec.%s' % uuid.uuid4() view.add_regions(rkey, [sublime.Region(line.begin(), view.size())], '') view.run_command('gs9o_init') cli = cmd.split(' ', 1) # todo: move this into margo if cli[0] == 'sh': def on_done(c): out = gs.ustr('\n'.join(c.consume_outq())) sublime.set_timeout(lambda: push_output(view, rkey, out), 0) c = gsshell.Command(cmd=cli[1], shell=True, cwd=wd) c.on_done = on_done c.start() return f = globals().get('cmd_%s' % cli[0]) if f: args = shlex.split(gs.astr(cli[1])) if len(cli) == 2 else [] f(view, edit, args, wd, rkey) else: push_output(view, rkey, 'Invalid command %s' % cli) else: view.insert(edit, gs.sel(view).begin(), '\n')