def test_error_traceback(self, mock_tablefill):
     Test that build_tables() properly outputs traceback.
     mock_tablefill.side_effect = self.table_fill_side_effect_error
     source = [
         './input/tablefill_template.lyx', './input/tables_appendix.txt',
     target = './build/tablefill_template_filled.lyx'
     with self.assertRaises(ExecCallError), nostderrout():
         gs.build_tables(target, source, {})
    def test_default_string_target(self, mock_tablefill):
        Test that build_tables() constructs LyX tables correctly when
        its target argument is a string.
        source = [
            './input/tablefill_template.lyx', './input/tables_appendix.txt',
        target = './build/tablefill_template_filled.lyx'
        gs.build_tables(target, source, '')

        self.check_call(source, target, mock_tablefill)
    def test_target_extension(self):
        '''Test that build_tables() recognises an inappropriate file extension'''

        # Specify the sources and the target.
        source = [
            './input/tablefill_template.lyx', './input/tables_appendix.txt',
        target = './build/tablefill_template_filled.BAD'

        # Calling build_tables() with a target argument whose file extension
        # is unexpected should raise a BadExtensionError.
        with self.assertRaises(BadExtensionError), nostderrout():
            gs.build_tables(target, source, '')
    def test_standard(self, mock_tablefill):
        Test that build_tables() correctly prepares and passes
        inputs to the gslab_fill.tablefill() function
        # Specify the sources and the target arguments of build_tables()
        source = [
            './input/tablefill_template.lyx', './input/tables_appendix.txt',
        target = ['./build/tablefill_template_filled.lyx']

        # Call build_tables() and check that it behaved as expected.
        gs.build_tables(target, source, '')
        self.check_call(source, target, mock_tablefill)

        # The target can also be a tuple
        target = ('./build/tablefill_template_filled.lyx')
        gs.build_tables(target, source, '')
        self.check_call(source, target, mock_tablefill)
    def test_unintended_inputs(self, mock_tablefill):
        Test build_tables()'s behaviour when provided with 
        inputs other than those we intend it to be given. 
        std_source = [
            './input/tablefill_template.lyx', './input/tables_appendix.txt'
        std_target = './build/tablefill_template_filled.lyx'

        mock_tablefill.side_effect = self.table_fill_side_effect

        #== env =============
        for env in ['', None, Exception, "the environment", (1, 2, 3)]:
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                gs.build_tables(std_target, std_source, env=env)
                self.check_call(std_source, std_target, mock_tablefill)

        #== target ==========
        # Target argument is not a string or container of strings
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables(1, std_source, None)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables(None, std_source, None)
        #  Target is a container of non-strings
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables((True, False, False), std_source, None)

        #== source ==========
        # The source isn't a .lyx path
        source = ['nonexistent_file']
        with self.assertRaises(BadExtensionError):
            gs.build_tables(std_target, source, {})

        # The source is a container of nonstrings.
        source = (True, False, False)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables(std_target, source, {})

        # source is a non-strings non-iterable with no len() value
        source = 1
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables(std_target, source, {})
    def test_unintended_inputs(self, mock_tablefill):
        Test build_tables()'s behaviour when provided with 
        inputs other than those we intend it to be given. 
        std_source = [
            './input/tablefill_template.lyx', './input/tables_appendix.txt'
        std_target = './build/tablefill_template_filled.lyx'

        #== env =============
        # We expect that build_tables() will accept any env argument
        for env in ['', None, Exception, "the environment", (1, 2, 3)]:
            gs.build_tables(std_target, std_source, env=env)
            self.check_call(std_source, std_target, mock_tablefill)

        #== target ==========
        # We expect build_tables() to raise an error if its
        # target argument is not a string or container of strings
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables(1, std_source, None)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables(None, std_source, None)
        # If the target is a container of non-strings, we expect
        # a BadExtensionError.
        with self.assertRaises(BadExtensionError):
            gs.build_tables((True, False, False), std_source, None)

        #== source ==========
        # We don't errors when the source isn't a .lyx path
        source = ['nonexistent_file']
        gs.build_tables(std_target, source, None)
        self.check_call(source, std_target, mock_tablefill)

        # We don't expect errors when source is a container of nonstrings.
        # We expect build_table() to convert containers' members to strings.
        source = (True, False, False)
        gs.build_tables(std_target, source, None)
        self.check_call(source, std_target, mock_tablefill)

        # When given non-strings, non-iterables with no len() values
        # we expect that build_table() will raise an exception.
        source = 1
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gs.build_tables(std_target, source, None)