Beispiel #1
class GTD(cmd.Cmd):
    """GTD(cmd.Cmd) class."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.intro = """
  yaGTD is a free software available under the terms of the GNU GPL.
  Refer to the file COPYING (which should be included in this distribution)
  for the specific terms of this licence.
        self.prompt = "GTD> "
        self.todo = ToDo()  # the to-do list is here!

        self.todotxt = TODO_TXT
        self.donetxt = DONE_TXT

        self.colorize = False
        self.tasks_selected = []

    # Private functions.

    def _parse_args(self, args):
        """Parse command arguments= num + str."""

        num = string = None

        # Parse command args
        n ="^(?x)(\d+)", args)  # num
        s =" +([@!:\+\-\w ]+)$", args)  # string

        if n: num = int(
        if s: string =

        #print "parsed", num, string
        return (num, string)

    def _parse_batch(self, args):  # BB
        """Return search criterion and elemenst to add/change."""

        regexp = action = ''
            regexp, action = args.split(' ', 1)
        return regexp, action

    def _colorize(self, string):
        """Colorize the given 'string'."""

        s = string

        if self.colorize:
            # Scan to colorize attributes (accordingly to global settings) ...
            for attr in Task.attributes_list[3:]:
                color_fct = lambda m: eval(attr.upper() + '_COLOR') +
                    0) + DEFAULT_COLOR
                s = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub(color_fct, s)

        return s

    def _parse_line(self, line):
        """Return a dictionary (task mapping) from 'line' parsing."""

        t = {}  # Task mapping
        title = line  # the 'title' extracted from line

        # Parse for GTD attributes
        for attr in ['context', 'project', 'status', 'reference']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                t[attr] = matches

        # Parse additional properties
        for attr in ['urgency', 'importance', 'complete']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                t[attr] = int(matches[-1])  # keep only last!

        # Parse timedelta
        for attr in ['time', 'recurrence']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                match = matches[-1]  # keep only last!
                hours = minutes = 0  # compute hours

                if attr == 'time':  # compute time requiered (in working hours)
                    if match[1].upper() == 'W':  # weeks
                        hours = int(match[0]) * gtd.WEEK_IN_HOURS
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'D':  # days
                        hours = int(match[0]) * gtd.DAY_IN_HOURS
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'H':  # hours
                        hours = int(match[0])
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'M':  # minutes
                        minutes = int(match[0])
                        pass  # invalid time range indicator

                elif attr == 'recurrence':  # compute full hours
                    if match[1].upper() == 'W':  # weeks
                        hours = int(match[0]) * 7 * 24
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'D':  # days
                        hours = int(match[0]) * 24
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'H':  # hours
                        hours = int(match[0])
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'M':  # minutes
                        minutes = int(match[0])
                        pass  # invalid time range indicator

                t[attr] = datetime.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes)

        # Parse dates
        for attr in ['start', 'due', 'end']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                year, month, day = matches[-1].split('-')  # keep only last!
                t[attr] = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))

            else:  # check if it is in format of special day
                title = eval(attr.upper() + '_DOW_REGEXP').sub('', title)

                matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_DOW_REGEXP').findall(line)
                if matches:
                    today =
                    today_dow = today.weekday()  # monday is first
                    given_dow = DOW.index(matches[-1])

                    day_diff = given_dow - today_dow
                    if day_diff < 0:
                        day_diff += 7

                    day = today + datetime.timedelta(int(day_diff))
                    t[attr] = day

        # Post-processing
        if t.has_key('end') or t.has_key(
                'reference'):  # ignore completed and archived tasks
            t['complete'] = 100

        # if due < start then correct due by setting it to start
        if t.has_key('due') and t.has_key('start'):
            if t['due'] < t['start']:
                t['due'] = t['start']

        # Set the title
        t['title'] = " ".join(title.split())  # remove useless blank chars too

        return t

    def _dump_line(self, task):
        """Return a formatted line from the given 'task'."""

        s = task['title']  # init the line with the title

        # Dump GTD attributes
        for attr in ['context', 'project', 'status', 'reference']:
            if task.has_key(attr):
                for value in task[attr]:
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + value

        # Dump additional properties
        for attr in ['urgency', 'importance', 'complete']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + str(task[attr])

        # Parse timedelta
        for attr in ['time', 'recurrence']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                hours = task[attr].days * 24 + task[attr].seconds / 3600
                if hours > 0:
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + str(hours) + "H"
                else:  # less than 1 hour!
                    minutes = task[attr].seconds / 60
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() +
                                    '_CHAR') + str(minutes) + "M"

        # Parse dates
        for attr in ['start', 'due', 'end']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                s += " " + eval(attr.upper() +
                                '_CHAR') + task[attr].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        return s

    def _disp(self, task):
        """Display the 'id' and a summary of the 'task'."""

            task_line = self._dump_line(task)
            task_line = task['title']

        id_str = "%3d:(%f)" % (task['id'], task.priority())
        if self.colorize:  # colorize #id
            id_str = COLOR_CODES['cyan'] + id_str + DEFAULT_COLOR

        return "%s %s" % (id_str, self._colorize(task_line))

    def _show(self, task):
        """Display details of the given 'task'."""

        s = ""
        for attrib in Task.attributes_list[1:]:
            if task.has_key(attrib) and task[attrib]:
                if s: s = s + "\n"
                s = s + attrib.capitalize() + ": "
                if attrib == 'urgency':
                    s = s + str(gtd.URGENCY[task[attrib]])
                elif attrib == 'importance':
                    s = s + str(gtd.IMPORTANCE[task[attrib]])
                elif attrib == 'complete':
                    s = s + str(task[attrib]) + '%'
                    s = s + str(task[attrib])
        return s

    def _add(self, line):
        """Adds task from the given line and returns the new task_id."""

        if line:
            # Create the new task
            task = Task()

            # Parse input line for GTD and additional attributes

            # And, add it to the to-do list
            task_id = self.todo.add(task)

            # And, set the start date if none
                "%d S:%s" %

            return task_id

    def _replace(self, idx, line):
        """Replace the task given by its idx by the new line."""

        # Frist, we need to find the task
        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if task:
            i = self.todo.index(task)

            task = Task()  # create a new task

            # Parse input line for GTD and additional attributes

            # And, replace it into the to-do list
            self.todo[i] = task

            # And, set the start date if none
            self.do_append("%d S:%s" %

    def _search(self, regexp, completed=False, quiet=False):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp.
        If completed True, also look for completed tasks."""

        # Rk: improved search function that retrieve regexp
        #     over all tasks attributes

        if completed:
            todos = [t for t in self.todo.sort()]  # first sort by priority
            todos = [t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100]

        # Then, retrieve the pattern (into full desc tasks)
        expr = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        tasks = [t for t in todos if]

        if not quiet:
            for t in tasks:
                print self._disp(t)

            # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
            if len(tasks) > 10:
                print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

        # BB: This tiny line will be damn useful for further use...
        return tasks

    def _searchplus(self, regexp):  # BB
        """It searches, and returns the IDs."""

        lines = self._search(regexp, quiet=True)
        return [line['id'] for line in lines]

    def _get_deadlines_ordered(self):
        """Get tasks ordered by deadline, oldest first."""

        tasks = {}  # due -> task
        for task in self.todo:
            if not task['due'] or task['complete'] == 100:
            if not task['due'] in tasks:
                tasks[task['due']] = []

        dues = tasks.keys()

        ordered = []

        for due in dues:

        return ordered

    def _get_deadline_string(self, task):
        """Return formatted string of a deadline task."""

        now =
        daystart = datetime.datetime(year=now.year,
        dayend = daystart + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        s = ""
        due = task.get('due', None)
        if due:
            left = due - daystart
            if due < daystart:
                days = -left.days
                if days == 1:
                    s = " [overdue one day]"
                    s = " [overdue %s days]" % days
            elif due < dayend:
                s = " [due today]"
                if left.days == 1:
                    s = " [one day left]"
                    s = " [%s days left]" % left.days

        return s

        s = ""
        due = task.get('due', None)
        if due:
            left = due - now
            if left < datetime.timedelta(days=1):
                s = " [due today]"
            elif left > datetime.timedelta(0):
                s = " [%s days left]" % left.days

    # Edition.

    def do_add(self, line):
        """Add a new task (from the input line):
        GTD> add My new task. @context p:Project"""

        task_id = self._add(line)
        if task_id:
            print "Task #%d added" % task_id

    do_a = do_add

    def do_del(self, id):
        """Delete given task:
        GTD> del #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            print "Task #%d deleted" % idx

    do_rm = do_del

    def do_edit(self, id):
        """Interactively edit task given by #id:
        GTD> edit #id
        GTD edit> My task to edit. @context p:Project"""

            import readline
        except ImportError:
            print "Cannot edit without the 'readline' module!"

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if not idx:

        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if not task:

        def pre_input_hook():

            # Unset the hook again


        line = raw_input("GTD edit> ")
        # Remove edited line from history:
        #   oddly, get_history_item is 1-based,
        #   but remove_history_item is 0-based
        readline.remove_history_item(readline.get_current_history_length() - 1)
        self._replace(idx, line)
        print "Task #%d updated" % idx

    def do_close(self, id):
        """Close the given task:
        GTD> close #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            # First, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                if task['recurrence']:
                    if not task['due']:
                        task['due'] =
                    task['start'] = task['start'] + task[
                        'recurrence']  # reinit start date
                    task['due'] = task['due'] + task['recurrence']
                    print "Task #%d (%s) rescheduled (%s)." % (
                        idx, task['title'], task['due'])
                    task['end'] =
                    task['complete'] = 100
                    print "Task #%d (%s) completed." % (idx, task['title'])

    do_done = do_close
    do_do = do_close

    def do_replace(self, id_line):
        """Replace the entire task by a new one:
        GTD> replace #id My new task. @computer p:Project"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            self._replace(idx, line)
            print "Task #%d replaced" % idx

    do_sub = do_replace

    def do_extend(self, id_desc):
        """Add more text (description) to task:
        GTD> extend #id Additional description."""

        # Parse command line
        idx, desc = self._parse_args(id_desc)

        if idx and desc:
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                    'title'] += " " + desc  # TODO: allow to attach additional notes
                print "Task #%d extended" % idx

    do_notes = do_extend

    def do_append(self, id_line):
        """Add new elements to task but leave existing elements unchanged:
        GTD> append #id @newcontext p:NewProject"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            # Frist, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                # Parse additional input line
                attrs = self._parse_line(line)

                # Then, modify the task
                task_modified = False
                for attr, value in attrs.items():
                    if value and not task[attr]:  # not override!
                        task[attr] = value
                        task_modified = True
                if task_modified:
                    print "Task #%d appended" % idx

    do_addto = do_append

    def do_appendall(self, args):  # BB
        """Add new elements to several tasks but leaves other elements unchanged:
        GTD> appendall regexp @newcontext p:NewProject"""

        regexp, action = self._parse_batch(args)

        tasks = self._searchplus(regexp)
        for taskid in tasks:
            self.do_append('%d %s' % (taskid, action))

    def do_modify(self, id_line):
        """Add/change elements of task but leave each other unchanged:
        GTD> modify #id @othercontext p:UpdtProject"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            # First, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                # Parse additional input line
                attrs = self._parse_line(line)

                # Then, modify the task
                task_modified = False
                for attr, value in attrs.items():
                    if value:  # override!
                        task[attr] = value
                        task_modified = True
                if task_modified:
                    print "Task #%d modified" % idx
                print "Please check the id of the task to modify."
            print "Please specify the id of the task to modify first."

    do_mod = do_modify

    def do_modifyall(self, args):  # BB
        """Add/change elements of several tasks but leave each other unchanged:
        GTD> modifyall regexp @othercontext p:UpdtProject"""

        regexp, action = self._parse_batch(args)

        tasks = self._searchplus(regexp)
        for taskid in tasks:
            self.do_modify('%d %s' % (taskid, action))

    # Specific GTD commands.

    def do_someday(self, id):
        """Mark the given task as !someday:
        GTD> someday #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            self.do_modify("%d %s" % (idx, "!someday"))

    do_maybe = do_someday

    def do_waitingfor(self, id):
        """Mark the given task as !waitingfor:
        GTD> waitingfor #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            self.do_modify("%d %s" % (idx, "!waitingfor"))

    def do_ref(self, id_ref):
        """Archive the given task as Reference:
        GTD> ref #id refname 

        # Parse command line
        idx, reference = self._parse_args(id_ref)

        if idx and reference:
            self.do_append("%d ref:%s" % (idx, reference))

    # Additional options from Stephen Covey.

    def do_urgency(self, id_level):
        """Set the Urgency (5=today, 4=this_week, 3=this_month, 2=this_quarter, 1=this_year):
        GTD> urgency #id lvl"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, level = self._parse_args(id_level)

        if idx and level and re.match(DIGIT_MATCH, level):
            self.do_modify("%d U:%d" % (idx, int(level)))

    do_u = do_urgency

    def do_importance(self, id_level):
        """Set the Importance (5=crucial,4=high,3=normal,2=low,1=someday):
        GTD> importance #id lvl"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, level = self._parse_args(id_level)

        if idx and level and re.match(DIGIT_MATCH, level):
            self.do_modify("%d I:%d" % (idx, int(level)))

    do_i = do_importance

    def do_complete(self, id_percent):
        """Set the percent complete:
        GTD> complete #id percentage"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, percent = self._parse_args(id_percent)

        if idx and percent and re.match(NUMBER_MATCH, percent):
            self.do_modify("%d C:%d" % (idx, int(percent)))

    do_c = do_complete

    def do_time(self, id_time):
        """Set the Time requiered to accomplish the task (in Weeks, Days, Hours or Minutes):
        GTD> time #id n[WDHM]"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, time = self._parse_args(id_time)

        if idx and time and re.match(TIMEDELTA_MATCH, time):
            self.do_modify("%d T:%s" % (idx, time))

    def do_recurrence(self, id_rec):
        """Set the Recurrence of the task (in Weeks, Days or Hours):
        GTD> recurrence #id n[WDH]"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, recurrence = self._parse_args(id_rec)

        if idx and recurrence and re.match(TIMEDELTA_MATCH, recurrence):
            self.do_modify("%d R:%s" % (idx, recurrence))

    do_recurs = do_recurrence
    do_rec = do_recurrence

    def do_start(self, id_date):
        """Set the Start / creation date:
        GTD> start #id YYYY-MM-DD"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, date = self._parse_args(id_date)

        if idx and date and re.match(DATE_MATCH, date):
            self.do_modify("%d S:%s" % (idx, date))

    def do_due(self, id_date):
        """Set the Due (target) date:
        GTD> due #id YYYY-MM-DD"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, date = self._parse_args(id_date)

        if idx and date and re.match(DATE_MATCH, date):
            self.do_modify("%d D:%s" % (idx, date))

    def do_duein(self, id_doff):
        """Set the Due (target) date in +/- days:
        GTD> duein #id +/-days"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, days_offset = self._parse_args(id_doff)

        if idx and days_offset:
            # Compute the new date= now + days_offset
            now =
            dayend = now + datetime.timedelta(int(days_offset))
            date = dayend.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

            self.do_modify("%d D:%s" % (idx, date))

    def do_end(self, id_date):
        """Set the End, closure date:
        GTD> end #id YYYY-MM-DD"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, date = self._parse_args(id_date)

        if idx and date and re.match(DATE_MATCH, date):
            self.do_modify("%d E:%s" % (idx, date))

    # Sorted/ordered display.

    def do_listall(self, nb):
        """List #nb tasks (close or not and ordered by #id):
        GTD> listall [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = self.todo
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_la = do_listall

    def do_list(self, nb):
        """List #nb open tasks (ordered by #id):
        GTD> list [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [t for t in self.todo
                 if t['complete'] < 100]  # filter done/close tasks
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_ls = do_list

    def do_listinbox(self, nb):
        """List #nb quick added tasks (i.e. without context; ordered by #id):
        GTD> listinbox [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [
            t for t in self.todo if t['complete'] < 100 and not t['context']
        ]  # without context
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d inbox tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_li = do_listinbox

    def do_listref(self, nb):
        """List #nb ref tasks (ordered by #id):
        GTD> listref [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [
            t for t in self.todo if t.has_key('reference') and t['reference']
        ]  # filter ref tasks
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d references found" % len(tasks)

    do_lr = do_listref

    def do_show(self, id):
        """Show details of the given task:
        GTD> show #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            # Frist, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                print self._show(task)

    do_view = do_show
    do_v = do_show

    def do_sort(self, nb):
        """Sort #nb tasks by priority (appear only after start date):
        GTD> sort [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100]

        # Appear only after start date
        today =
        tasks = [t for t in tasks if t['start'] <= today]

        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    def do_today(self, nb):
        """Sort #nb tasks by priority, and shows only today
        (the time now before and after start date):
        GTD> today [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100]

        # Appear only after start date
        today =
        tasks = [t for t in tasks if t['start'] <= today]

        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            if t['due']:
                if t['due'] <= today:
                    print self._disp(t)
                print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d today tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_now = do_today

    def do_listpri(self, regexp):
        """Sort tasks matching given regexp (appear only after start date):
        GTD> listpri [regexp]"""

        todos = [t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100]

        # Appear only after start date
        today =
        todos = [t for t in todos if t['start'] <= today]

        # Then, retrieve the pattern (into full desc tasks)
        expr = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        tasks = [t for t in todos if]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_lp = do_listpri

    def do_order(self, nb_attr):
        """Order #nb tasks by context/project/status/reference and priority
        (appear only after start date):
        GTD> order #nb [context|project|status|reference]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb, attr = self._parse_args(nb_attr)

        if not attr or attr not in [
                'context', 'project', 'status', 'reference'
            attr = 'context'  # by default order by context

        for c, ts in self.todo.order(attr).items():
            if attr == 'reference':
                tasks = [t for t in ts]  # even if completed!
                tasks = [t for t in ts if t['complete'] < 100]

            if not tasks: continue  # empty!

            # Appear only after start date
            today =
            tasks = [t for t in tasks if t['start'] <= today]

            # Section title
            print self._colorize(eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + c.capitalize())

            if nb: tasks = tasks[:nb]  # display only nb tasks
            for t in tasks:
                print self._disp(t)

            # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
            if len(tasks) > 10:
                print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_o = do_order

    def do_status(self, line):
        """Display projects statuses (percent complete):
        GTD> status"""

        for p, ts in self.todo.order('project').items():
            # Thomas: don't show completed projects

            percent = 0  # compute project's percent complete
            next = ""
            for t in ts:
                if t['complete']:
                    percent += int(t['complete'])
                # Thomas: find next action
                if t['status'] and not t['complete'] and 'next' in t['status']:
                    next = " !next: %s" % t['title']

            percent /= len(ts)
            if percent == 100: continue

            # Section title
            print self._colorize(PROJECT_CHAR + p.capitalize()),
            print "%d%%%s" % (percent, self._colorize(next))

    do_summary = do_status

    def do_contexts(self, line):
        """Display contexts and next task for each context:
        GTD> contexts"""

        for context, tasks in self.todo.order('context').items():
            percent = 0  # compute project's percent complete
            count = 0
            next = None
            for t in tasks:
                print t['title'], t.priority(), t['complete']
                percent += int(t['complete'])
                if t['complete'] != 100:
                    print "->", t['title']
                    count += 1
                if not next and t['status'] and 'Next' in t[
                        'status'] and t['complete'] != 100:
                    next = t

            percent /= len(tasks)
            if percent == 100: continue

            # Section title
            print self._colorize(CONTEXT_CHAR + context) + ':',
            print "%d" % count,
            if next:
                projects = next['project']
                if projects:
                    print self._colorize(PROJECT_CHAR + projects[0]),
                print self._colorize("!Next: %s" % next['title'])

    def do_deadlines(self, line):
        """Display upcoming tasks ordered by deadline:
        GTD> deadlines #nb"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(line)[0]

        ordered = self._get_deadlines_ordered()

        # Keep only upcoming tasks
        now =
        daystart = datetime.datetime(year=now.year,
        dayend = daystart + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        ordered = [t for t in ordered if t.get('due', None) >= daystart]

        if nb: ordered = ordered[:nb]  # display only nb tasks

        for t in ordered:
            # note about due
            s = self._get_deadline_string(t)

            print self._disp(t) + s

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(ordered) > 10:
            print "%d due tasks found" % len(ordered)

    def do_overdue(self, line):
        """Display overdue tasks ordered by deadline (including due today):
        GTD> overdue #nb"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(line)[0]

        ordered = self._get_deadlines_ordered()

        # Keep only overdue tasks
        now =
        daystart = datetime.datetime(year=now.year,
        dayend = daystart + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        ordered = [t for t in ordered if t.get('due', None) < dayend]

        if nb: ordered = ordered[:nb]  # display only nb tasks

        for t in ordered:
            # note about due
            s = self._get_deadline_string(t)

            print self._disp(t) + s

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(ordered) > 10:
            print "%d overdue tasks found" % len(ordered)

    # Select/monitor.

    def do_select(self, cmd):
        """ Select a task:
        GTD> select #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(cmd)[0]

        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if not task:
            print "Task not found"


    def do_deselect(self, cmd):
        """ Deselect a task:
        GTD> deselect #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(cmd)[0]

        if idx not in self.tasks_selected:
            print "Task not found"


    def do_selected(self, line=None):
        """Show selected tasks sorted by priority:
        GTD> selected"""

        for t in (self.todo.find("id", idx) for idx in self.tasks_selected):
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(self.tasks_selected) > 10:
            print "%d selected tasks found" % len(self.tasks_selected)

    # Re-search.

    def do_search(self, regexp):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp:
        GTD> search regexp"""


    do_s = do_search

    def do_searchall(self, regexp):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp, including completed ones:
        GTD> searchall regexp"""

        self._search(regexp, completed=True)

    do_sa = do_searchall

    # IO functions.

    def do_load(self, todotxt):
        """Load from a todotxt file:
        GTD> load path/to/todo.txt"""

        self.todotxt = todotxt  # ok, save file path
            f = open(self.todotxt, 'r')
                self.todo.erase()  # clean
                nb = 0
                for line in f:
                    #print line,
                    if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue
                    nb += 1
                print "%d tasks loaded from '%s'" % (nb, todotxt)
        except IOError, err:
            # 'file not found' exception?
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise  # raise all others
            print err  # and continue (new file created)
Beispiel #2
class GTD(cmd.Cmd):
    """GTD(cmd.Cmd) class."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.intro= """
  yaGTD is a free software available under the terms of the GNU GPL.
  Refer to the file COPYING (which should be included in this distribution)
  for the specific terms of this licence.
        self.prompt = "GTD> "
        self.todo = ToDo()  # the to-do list is here!

        self.todotxt = TODO_TXT
        self.donetxt = DONE_TXT

        self.colorize = False
        self.tasks_selected = []

    # Private functions.

    def _parse_args(self, args):
        """Parse command arguments= num + str."""

        num = string = None

        # Parse command args
        n ="^(?x)(\d+)", args)  # num
        s =" +([@!:\+\-\w ]+)$", args)  # string

        if n: num = int(
        if s: string =

        #print "parsed", num, string
        return (num, string)

    def _parse_batch(self, args):  # BB
        """Return search criterion and elemenst to add/change."""

        regexp = action = ''
            regexp, action = args.split(' ', 1)
        return regexp, action

    def _colorize(self, string):
        """Colorize the given 'string'."""

        s = string

        if self.colorize:
            # Scan to colorize attributes (accordingly to global settings) ...
            for attr in Task.attributes_list[3:]:
                color_fct = lambda m: eval(attr.upper() + '_COLOR') + + DEFAULT_COLOR
                s = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub(color_fct, s)

        return s

    def _parse_line(self, line):
        """Return a dictionary (task mapping) from 'line' parsing."""

        t = {}  # Task mapping
        title = line  # the 'title' extracted from line

        # Parse for GTD attributes
        for attr in ['context', 'project', 'status', 'reference']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                t[attr] = matches

        # Parse additional properties
        for attr in ['urgency', 'importance', 'complete']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                t[attr] = int(matches[-1])  # keep only last!

        # Parse timedelta
        for attr in ['time', 'recurrence']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                match = matches[-1]  # keep only last!
                hours = minutes = 0  # compute hours

                if attr == 'time':  # compute time requiered (in working hours)
                    if match[1].upper() == 'W':  # weeks
                        hours = int(match[0]) * gtd.WEEK_IN_HOURS
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'D':  # days
                        hours = int(match[0]) * gtd.DAY_IN_HOURS
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'H':  # hours
                        hours = int(match[0])
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'M':  # minutes
                        minutes = int(match[0])
                        pass  # invalid time range indicator

                elif attr == 'recurrence':  # compute full hours
                    if match[1].upper() == 'W':  # weeks
                        hours = int(match[0]) * 7 * 24
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'D':  # days
                        hours = int(match[0]) * 24
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'H':  # hours
                        hours = int(match[0])
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'M':  # minutes
                        minutes = int(match[0])
                        pass  # invalid time range indicator

                t[attr] = datetime.timedelta(hours= hours, minutes=minutes)

        # Parse dates
        for attr in ['start', 'due', 'end']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                year, month, day = matches[-1].split('-')  # keep only last!
                t[attr] = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))

            else:  # check if it is in format of special day
                title = eval(attr.upper() + '_DOW_REGEXP').sub('', title)

                matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_DOW_REGEXP').findall(line)
                if matches:
                    today     =
                    today_dow = today.weekday()  # monday is first
                    given_dow = DOW.index(matches[-1])

                    day_diff = given_dow - today_dow
                    if day_diff < 0:
                        day_diff += 7;

                    day = today + datetime.timedelta (int (day_diff))
                    t[attr] = day

        # Post-processing
        if t.has_key('end') or t.has_key('reference'):  # ignore completed and archived tasks
            t['complete'] = 100

        # if due < start then correct due by setting it to start
        if t.has_key('due') and t.has_key('start'):
            if t['due'] < t['start']:
                t['due'] = t['start']

        # Set the title
        t['title'] = " ".join(title.split())  # remove useless blank chars too

        return t

    def _dump_line(self, task):
        """Return a formatted line from the given 'task'."""

        s = task['title']  # init the line with the title

        # Dump GTD attributes
        for attr in ['context', 'project', 'status', 'reference']:
            if task.has_key(attr):
                for value in task[attr]:
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + value

        # Dump additional properties
        for attr in ['urgency', 'importance', 'complete']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + str(task[attr])

        # Parse timedelta
        for attr in ['time', 'recurrence']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                hours = task[attr].days * 24 + task[attr].seconds / 3600
                if hours > 0:
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + str(hours) + "H"
                else:  # less than 1 hour!
                    minutes = task[attr].seconds / 60
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + str(minutes) + "M"

        # Parse dates
        for attr in ['start', 'due', 'end']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + task[attr].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        return s

    def _disp(self, task):
        """Display the 'id' and a summary of the 'task'."""

            task_line = self._dump_line(task)
            task_line = task['title']

        id_str = "%3d:(%f)" % (task['id'], task.priority())
        if self.colorize:  # colorize #id
            id_str = COLOR_CODES['cyan'] + id_str + DEFAULT_COLOR

        return "%s %s" % (id_str, self._colorize(task_line))

    def _show(self, task):
        """Display details of the given 'task'."""

        s = ""
        for attrib in Task.attributes_list[1:]:
            if task.has_key(attrib) and task[attrib]:
                if s: s = s + "\n"
                s = s + attrib.capitalize() + ": "
                if attrib == 'urgency':
                    s = s + str(gtd.URGENCY[task[attrib]])
                elif attrib == 'importance':
                    s = s + str(gtd.IMPORTANCE[task[attrib]])
                elif attrib == 'complete':
                    s = s + str(task[attrib]) + '%'
                    s = s + str(task[attrib])
        return s

    def _add(self, line):
        """Adds task from the given line and returns the new task_id."""

        if line:
            # Create the new task
            task = Task()

            # Parse input line for GTD and additional attributes

            # And, add it to the to-do list
            task_id = self.todo.add(task)

            # And, set the start date if none
            self.do_append("%d S:%s" % (task_id,"%Y-%m-%d")))

            return task_id

    def _replace(self, idx, line):
        """Replace the task given by its idx by the new line."""

        # Frist, we need to find the task
        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if task:
            i = self.todo.index(task)

            task = Task()  # create a new task

            # Parse input line for GTD and additional attributes

            # And, replace it into the to-do list
            self.todo[i] = task

            # And, set the start date if none
            self.do_append("%d S:%s" % (idx,"%Y-%m-%d")))

    def _search(self, regexp, completed=False, quiet=False):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp.
        If completed True, also look for completed tasks."""

        # Rk: improved search function that retrieve regexp
        #     over all tasks attributes

        if completed:
            todos = [ t for t in self.todo.sort() ]  # first sort by priority
            todos = [ t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100 ]

        # Then, retrieve the pattern (into full desc tasks)
        expr = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        tasks = [ t for t in todos if ]

        if not quiet:
            for t in tasks:
                print self._disp(t)

            # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
            if len(tasks) > 10:
                print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

        # BB: This tiny line will be damn useful for further use...
        return tasks

    def _searchplus(self, regexp):  # BB
        """It searches, and returns the IDs."""

        lines = self._search(regexp, quiet=True)
        return [ line['id'] for line in lines ]

    def _get_deadlines_ordered(self):
        """Get tasks ordered by deadline, oldest first."""

        tasks = {}  # due -> task
        for task in self.todo:
            if not task['due'] or task['complete'] == 100:
            if not task['due'] in tasks:
                tasks[task['due']] = []

        dues = tasks.keys()

        ordered = []

        for due in dues:

        return ordered

    def _get_deadline_string(self, task):
        """Return formatted string of a deadline task."""

        now =
        daystart = datetime.datetime(year=now.year,
        dayend = daystart + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        s = ""
        due = task.get('due', None)
        if due:
            left = due - daystart
            if due < daystart:
                days = -left.days
                if days == 1:
                    s = " [overdue one day]"
                    s = " [overdue %s days]" % days
            elif due < dayend:
                s = " [due today]"
                if left.days == 1:
                    s = " [one day left]"
                    s = " [%s days left]" % left.days

        return s

        s = ""
        due = task.get('due', None)
        if due:
            left = due - now
            if left < datetime.timedelta(days=1):
                s = " [due today]"
            elif left > datetime.timedelta(0):
                s = " [%s days left]" % left.days

    # Edition.

    def do_add(self, line):
        """Add a new task (from the input line):
        GTD> add My new task. @context p:Project"""

        task_id = self._add(line)
        if task_id:
            print "Task #%d added" % task_id

    do_a = do_add

    def do_del(self, id):
        """Delete given task:
        GTD> del #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            print "Task #%d deleted" % idx

    do_rm = do_del

    def do_edit(self, id):
        """Interactively edit task given by #id:
        GTD> edit #id
        GTD edit> My task to edit. @context p:Project"""

            import readline
        except ImportError:
            print "Cannot edit without the 'readline' module!"

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if not idx:

        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if not task:

        def pre_input_hook():

            # Unset the hook again


        line = raw_input("GTD edit> ")
        # Remove edited line from history:
        #   oddly, get_history_item is 1-based,
        #   but remove_history_item is 0-based
        readline.remove_history_item(readline.get_current_history_length() - 1)
        self._replace(idx, line)
        print "Task #%d updated" % idx

    def do_close(self, id):
        """Close the given task:
        GTD> close #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            # First, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                if task['recurrence']:
                    if not task['due']:
                        task['due'] =
                    task['start'] = task['start'] + task['recurrence']  # reinit start date
                    task['due'] = task['due'] + task['recurrence']
                    print "Task #%d (%s) rescheduled (%s)." % (idx, task['title'], task['due'])
                    task['end'] =
                    task['complete'] = 100
                    print "Task #%d (%s) completed." % (idx, task['title'])

    do_done = do_close
    do_do = do_close

    def do_replace(self, id_line):
        """Replace the entire task by a new one:
        GTD> replace #id My new task. @computer p:Project"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            self._replace(idx, line)
            print "Task #%d replaced" % idx

    do_sub = do_replace

    def do_extend(self, id_desc):
        """Add more text (description) to task:
        GTD> extend #id Additional description."""

        # Parse command line
        idx, desc = self._parse_args(id_desc)

        if idx and desc:
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                task['title'] += " " + desc  # TODO: allow to attach additional notes
                print "Task #%d extended" % idx

    do_notes = do_extend

    def do_append(self, id_line):
        """Add new elements to task but leave existing elements unchanged:
        GTD> append #id @newcontext p:NewProject"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            # Frist, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                # Parse additional input line
                attrs = self._parse_line(line)

                # Then, modify the task
                task_modified = False
                for attr, value in attrs.items():
                    if value and not task[attr]:  # not override!
                        task[attr] = value
                        task_modified = True
                if task_modified:
                    print "Task #%d appended" % idx

    do_addto = do_append

    def do_appendall(self, args):  # BB
        """Add new elements to several tasks but leaves other elements unchanged:
        GTD> appendall regexp @newcontext p:NewProject"""

        regexp, action = self._parse_batch(args)

        tasks = self._searchplus(regexp)
        for taskid in tasks:
            self.do_append('%d %s' % (taskid, action))

    def do_modify(self, id_line):
        """Add/change elements of task but leave each other unchanged:
        GTD> modify #id @othercontext p:UpdtProject"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            # First, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                # Parse additional input line
                attrs = self._parse_line(line)

                # Then, modify the task
                task_modified = False
                for attr, value in attrs.items():
                    if value:  # override!
                        task[attr] = value
                        task_modified = True
                if task_modified:
                    print "Task #%d modified" % idx
                print "Please check the id of the task to modify."
            print "Please specify the id of the task to modify first."

    do_mod = do_modify

    def do_modifyall(self, args):  # BB
        """Add/change elements of several tasks but leave each other unchanged:
        GTD> modifyall regexp @othercontext p:UpdtProject"""

        regexp, action = self._parse_batch(args)

        tasks = self._searchplus(regexp)
        for taskid in tasks:
            self.do_modify('%d %s' % (taskid, action))

    # Specific GTD commands.

    def do_someday(self, id):
        """Mark the given task as !someday:
        GTD> someday #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            self.do_modify("%d %s" % (idx, "!someday"))

    do_maybe = do_someday

    def do_waitingfor(self, id):
        """Mark the given task as !waitingfor:
        GTD> waitingfor #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            self.do_modify("%d %s" % (idx, "!waitingfor"))

    def do_ref(self, id_ref):
        """Archive the given task as Reference:
        GTD> ref #id refname

        # Parse command line
        idx, reference = self._parse_args(id_ref)

        if idx and reference:
            self.do_append("%d ref:%s" % (idx, reference))

    # Additional options from Stephen Covey.

    def do_urgency(self, id_level):
        """Set the Urgency (5=today, 4=this_week, 3=this_month, 2=this_quarter, 1=this_year):
        GTD> urgency #id lvl"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, level = self._parse_args(id_level)

        if idx and level and re.match(DIGIT_MATCH, level):
            self.do_modify("%d U:%d" % (idx, int(level)))

    do_u = do_urgency

    def do_importance(self, id_level):
        """Set the Importance (5=crucial,4=high,3=normal,2=low,1=someday):
        GTD> importance #id lvl"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, level = self._parse_args(id_level)

        if idx and level and re.match(DIGIT_MATCH, level):
            self.do_modify("%d I:%d" % (idx, int(level)))

    do_i = do_importance

    def do_complete(self, id_percent):
        """Set the percent complete:
        GTD> complete #id percentage"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, percent = self._parse_args(id_percent)

        if idx and percent and re.match(NUMBER_MATCH, percent):
            self.do_modify("%d C:%d" % (idx, int(percent)))

    do_c = do_complete

    def do_time(self, id_time):
        """Set the Time requiered to accomplish the task (in Weeks, Days, Hours or Minutes):
        GTD> time #id n[WDHM]"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, time = self._parse_args(id_time)

        if idx and time and re.match(TIMEDELTA_MATCH, time):
            self.do_modify("%d T:%s" % (idx, time))

    def do_recurrence(self, id_rec):
        """Set the Recurrence of the task (in Weeks, Days or Hours):
        GTD> recurrence #id n[WDH]"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, recurrence = self._parse_args(id_rec)

        if idx and recurrence and re.match(TIMEDELTA_MATCH, recurrence):
            self.do_modify("%d R:%s" % (idx, recurrence))

    do_recurs = do_recurrence
    do_rec = do_recurrence

    def do_start(self, id_date):
        """Set the Start / creation date:
        GTD> start #id YYYY-MM-DD"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, date = self._parse_args(id_date)

        if idx and date and re.match(DATE_MATCH, date):
            self.do_modify("%d S:%s" % (idx, date))

    def do_due(self, id_date):
        """Set the Due (target) date:
        GTD> due #id YYYY-MM-DD"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, date = self._parse_args(id_date)

        if idx and date and re.match(DATE_MATCH, date):
            self.do_modify("%d D:%s" % (idx, date))

    def do_duein(self, id_doff):
        """Set the Due (target) date in +/- days:
        GTD> duein #id +/-days"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, days_offset = self._parse_args(id_doff)

        if idx and days_offset:
            # Compute the new date= now + days_offset
            now =
            dayend = now + datetime.timedelta(int(days_offset))
            date = dayend.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

            self.do_modify("%d D:%s" % (idx, date))

    def do_end(self, id_date):
        """Set the End, closure date:
        GTD> end #id YYYY-MM-DD"""

        # Parse command line
        idx, date = self._parse_args(id_date)

        if idx and date and re.match(DATE_MATCH, date):
            self.do_modify("%d E:%s" % (idx, date))

    # Sorted/ordered display.

    def do_listall(self, nb):
        """List #nb tasks (close or not and ordered by #id):
        GTD> listall [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = self.todo
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_la = do_listall

    def do_list(self, nb):
        """List #nb open tasks (ordered by #id):
        GTD> list [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [ t for t in self.todo if t['complete'] < 100 ]  # filter done/close tasks
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_ls = do_list

    def do_listinbox(self, nb):
        """List #nb quick added tasks (i.e. without context; ordered by #id):
        GTD> listinbox [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [ t for t in self.todo if t['complete'] < 100 and not t['context'] ]  # without context
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d inbox tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_li = do_listinbox

    def do_listref(self, nb):
        """List #nb ref tasks (ordered by #id):
        GTD> listref [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [ t for t in self.todo if t.has_key('reference') and t['reference'] ]  # filter ref tasks
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d references found" % len(tasks)

    do_lr = do_listref

    def do_show(self, id):
        """Show details of the given task:
        GTD> show #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            # Frist, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                print self._show(task)

    do_view = do_show
    do_v = do_show

    def do_sort(self, nb):
        """Sort #nb tasks by priority (appear only after start date):
        GTD> sort [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [ t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100 ]

        # Appear only after start date
        today =
        tasks = [ t for t in tasks if t['start'] <= today ]

        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    def do_today(self, nb):
        """Sort #nb tasks by priority, and shows only today
        (the time now before and after start date):
        GTD> today [#nb]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [ t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100 ]

        # Appear only after start date
        today =
        tasks = [ t for t in tasks if t['start'] <= today ]

        if nb: # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            if t['due']:
                if t['due'] <= today:
                    print self._disp(t)
                print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d today tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_now = do_today

    def do_listpri(self, regexp):
        """Sort tasks matching given regexp (appear only after start date):
        GTD> listpri [regexp]"""

        todos = [ t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100 ]

        # Appear only after start date
        today =
        todos = [ t for t in todos if t['start'] <= today ]

        # Then, retrieve the pattern (into full desc tasks)
        expr = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        tasks = [ t for t in todos if ]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(tasks) > 10:
            print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_lp = do_listpri

    def do_order(self, nb_attr):
        """Order #nb tasks by context/project/status/reference and priority
        (appear only after start date):
        GTD> order #nb [context|project|status|reference]"""

        # Parse command line
        nb, attr = self._parse_args(nb_attr)

        if not attr or attr not in ['context', 'project', 'status', 'reference']:
            attr = 'context'  # by default order by context

        for c, ts in self.todo.order(attr).items():
            if attr == 'reference':
                tasks = [ t for t in ts ]  # even if completed!
                tasks = [ t for t in ts if t['complete'] < 100 ]

            if not tasks: continue  # empty!

            # Appear only after start date
            today =
            tasks = [ t for t in tasks if t['start'] <= today ]

            # Section title
            print self._colorize(eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + c.capitalize())

            if nb: tasks = tasks[:nb]  # display only nb tasks
            for t in tasks:
                print self._disp(t)

            # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
            if len(tasks) > 10:
                print "%d tasks found" % len(tasks)

    do_o = do_order

    def do_status(self, line):
        """Display projects statuses (percent complete):
        GTD> status"""

        for p, ts in self.todo.order('project').items():
            # Thomas: don't show completed projects

            percent = 0  # compute project's percent complete
            next = ""
            for t in ts:
                if t['complete']:
                    percent += int(t['complete'])
                # Thomas: find next action
                if t['status'] and not t['complete'] and 'next' in t['status']:
                    next = " !next: %s" % t['title']

            percent /= len(ts)
            if percent == 100: continue

            # Section title
            print self._colorize(PROJECT_CHAR + p.capitalize()),
            print "%d%%%s" % (percent, self._colorize(next))

    do_summary = do_status

    def do_contexts(self, line):
        """Display contexts and next task for each context:
        GTD> contexts"""

        for context, tasks in self.todo.order('context').items():
            percent = 0  # compute project's percent complete
            count = 0
            next = None
            for t in tasks:
                print t['title'], t.priority(), t['complete']
                percent += int(t['complete'])
                if t['complete'] != 100:
                    print "->", t['title']
                    count += 1
                if not next and t['status'] and 'Next' in t['status'] and t['complete'] != 100:
                    next = t

            percent /= len(tasks)
            if percent == 100: continue

            # Section title
            print self._colorize(CONTEXT_CHAR + context) + ':',
            print "%d" % count,
            if next:
                projects = next['project']
                if projects:
                    print self._colorize(PROJECT_CHAR + projects[0]),
                print self._colorize("!Next: %s" % next['title'])

    def do_deadlines(self, line):
        """Display upcoming tasks ordered by deadline:
        GTD> deadlines #nb"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(line)[0]

        ordered = self._get_deadlines_ordered()

        # Keep only upcoming tasks
        now =
        daystart = datetime.datetime(year=now.year,
        dayend = daystart + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        ordered = [t for t in ordered if t.get('due', None) >= daystart]

        if nb: ordered = ordered[:nb]  # display only nb tasks

        for t in ordered:
            # note about due
            s = self._get_deadline_string(t)

            print self._disp(t) + s

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(ordered) > 10:
            print "%d due tasks found" % len(ordered)

    def do_overdue(self, line):
        """Display overdue tasks ordered by deadline (including due today):
        GTD> overdue #nb"""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(line)[0]

        ordered = self._get_deadlines_ordered()

        # Keep only overdue tasks
        now =
        daystart = datetime.datetime(year=now.year,
        dayend = daystart + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        ordered = [t for t in ordered if t.get('due', None) < dayend]

        if nb: ordered = ordered[:nb]  # display only nb tasks

        for t in ordered:
            # note about due
            s = self._get_deadline_string(t)

            print self._disp(t) + s

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(ordered) > 10:
            print "%d overdue tasks found" % len(ordered)

    # Select/monitor.

    def do_select(self, cmd):
        """ Select a task:
        GTD> select #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(cmd)[0]

        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if not task:
            print "Task not found"


    def do_deselect(self, cmd):
        """ Deselect a task:
        GTD> deselect #id"""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(cmd)[0]

        if idx not in self.tasks_selected:
            print "Task not found"


    def do_selected(self, line=None):
        """Show selected tasks sorted by priority:
        GTD> selected"""

        for t in (self.todo.find("id", idx) for idx in self.tasks_selected):
            print self._disp(t)

        # Show number of tasks as result of search if more than 10
        if len(self.tasks_selected) > 10:
            print "%d selected tasks found" % len(self.tasks_selected)

    # Re-search.

    def do_search(self, regexp):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp:
        GTD> search regexp"""


    do_s = do_search

    def do_searchall(self, regexp):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp, including completed ones:
        GTD> searchall regexp"""

        self._search(regexp, completed=True)

    do_sa = do_searchall

    # IO functions.

    def do_load(self, todotxt):
        """Load from a todotxt file:
        GTD> load path/to/todo.txt"""

        self.todotxt = todotxt  # ok, save file path
            f = open(self.todotxt, 'r')
                self.todo.erase()  # clean
                nb = 0
                for line in f:
                    #print line,
                    if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue
                    nb += 1
                print "%d tasks loaded from '%s'" % (nb, todotxt)
        except IOError, err:
            # 'file not found' exception?
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise  # raise all others
            print err  # and continue (new file created)
Beispiel #3
class GTD(cmd.Cmd):
    """GTD(cmd.Cmd) class."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.intro = """
  yaGTD is a free software available under the terms of the GNU GPL.
  Refer to the file COPYING (which should be included in this distribution)
  for the specific terms of this licence.
        self.prompt = "GTD> "
        self.todo = ToDo()  # the to-do list is here!

        self.todotxt = TODO_TXT

        self.colorize = False

    # Private functions.

    def _parse_args(self, args):
        """Parse command arguments= num + str."""

        num = string = None

        # Parse command args
        n ="^(?x)(\d+)", args)  # num
        s =" +([@!:\-\w ]+)$", args)  # string

        if n: num = int(
        if s: string =

        #print "parsed", num, string
        return (num, string)

    def _colorize(self, string):
        """Colorize the given 'string'."""

        s = string

        if self.colorize:
            # Scan to colorize attributes (accordingly to global settings) ...
            for attr in Task.attributes_list[3:]:
                color_fct = lambda m: eval(attr.upper() + '_COLOR') +
                    0) + DEFAULT_COLOR
                s = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub(color_fct, s)

        return s

    def _parse_line(self, line):
        """Return a dictionary (task mapping) from 'line' parsing."""

        t = {}  # Task mapping
        title = line  # the 'title' extracted from line

        # Parse for GTD attributes
        for attr in ['context', 'project', 'status', 'reference']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                t[attr] = matches

        # Parse additional properties
        for attr in ['urgency', 'importance', 'complete']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                t[attr] = int(matches[-1])  # keep only last!

        # Parse timedelta
        for attr in ['time', 'recurrence']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                match = matches[-1]  # keep only last!
                hours = minutes = 0  # compute hours

                if attr == 'time':  # compute time requiered (in working hours)
                    if match[1].upper() == 'W':  # weeks
                        hours = int(match[0]) * gtd.WEEK_IN_HOURS
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'D':  # days
                        hours = int(match[0]) * gtd.DAY_IN_HOURS
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'H':  # hours
                        hours = int(match[0])
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'M':  # minutes
                        minutes = int(match[0])
                        pass  # invalid time range indicator

                elif attr == 'recurrence':  # compute full hours
                    if match[1].upper() == 'W':  # weeks
                        hours = int(match[0]) * 7 * 24
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'D':  # days
                        hours = int(match[0]) * 24
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'H':  # hours
                        hours = int(match[0])
                    elif match[1].upper() == 'M':  # minutes
                        minutes = int(match[0])
                        pass  # invalid time range indicator

                t[attr] = datetime.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes)

        # Parse dates
        for attr in ['start', 'due', 'end']:
            title = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').sub('', title)

            matches = eval(attr.upper() + '_REGEXP').findall(line)
            if matches:
                year, month, day = matches[-1].split('-')  # keep only last!
                t[attr] = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))

        # Post-processing
        if t.has_key('end') or t.has_key(
                'reference'):  # ignore completed and archived tasks
            t['complete'] = 100

        # Set the title
        t['title'] = " ".join(title.split())  # remove useless blank chars too

        return t

    def _dump_line(self, task):
        """Return a formatted line from the given 'task'."""

        s = task['title']  # init the line with the title

        # Dump GTD attributes
        for attr in ['context', 'project', 'status', 'reference']:
            if task.has_key(attr):
                for value in task[attr]:
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + value

        # Dump additional properties
        for attr in ['urgency', 'importance', 'complete']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + str(task[attr])

        # Parse timedelta
        for attr in ['time', 'recurrence']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                hours = task[attr].days * 24 + task[attr].seconds / 3600
                if hours > 0:
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + str(hours) + "H"
                else:  # less than 1 hour!
                    minutes = task[attr].seconds / 60
                    s += " " + eval(attr.upper() +
                                    '_CHAR') + str(minutes) + "M"

        # Parse dates
        for attr in ['start', 'due', 'end']:
            if task.has_key(attr) and task[attr]:
                s += " " + eval(attr.upper() +
                                '_CHAR') + task[attr].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        return s

    def _disp(self, task):
        """Display the 'id' and a summary of the 'task'."""

        task_line = task['title']
        if __debug__:
            task_line = self._dump_line(task)

        id_str = "%3d:" % task['id']
        if __debug__:
            id_str = "%3d:(%f)" % (task['id'], task.priority())
        if self.colorize:  # colorize #id
            id_str = COLOR_CODES['cyan'] + id_str + DEFAULT_COLOR

        return "%s %s" % (id_str, self._colorize(task_line))

    def _show(self, task):
        """Display details of the given 'task'."""

        s = ""
        for attrib in Task.attributes_list[1:]:
            if task.has_key(attrib) and task[attrib]:
                if s: s = s + "\n"
                s = s + attrib.capitalize() + ": "
                s = s + str(task[attrib])
        return s

    def _add(self, line):
        """Adds task from the given line and returns the new task_id."""

        if line:
            # Create the new task
            task = Task()

            # Parse input line for GTD and additional attributes

            # And, add it to the to-do list
            task_id = self.todo.add(task)

            # And, set the start date
                "%d S:%s" %

            return task_id

    def _replace(self, idx, line):
        """Replace the task given by its idx by the new line."""

        # Frist, we need to find the task
        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if task:
            i = self.todo.index(task)

            task = Task()  # create a new task

            # Parse input line for GTD and additional attributes

            # And, replace it into the to-do list
            self.todo[i] = task

    def _search(self, regexp, completed=False):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp.
        If completed True, also look for completed tasks."""

        # Rk: improved search function that retrieve regexp
        #     over all tasks attributes

        if completed:
            todos = [t for t in self.todo.sort()]  # first sort by priority
            todos = [t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100]

        # Then, retrieve the pattern (into full desc tasks)
        expr = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        tasks = [t for t in todos if]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

    # Edition.

    def do_add(self, line):
        """Add a new task (from the input line)."""

        task_id = self._add(line)
        if task_id:
            print "Added task #%d" % task_id

    def do_del(self, id):
        """Delete task given by #id."""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:

    do_rm = do_del

    def do_edit(self, id):
        """Interactively edit task given by #id."""

            import readline
        except ImportError:
            print "Cannot edit without the 'readline' module!"

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if not idx:

        task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
        if not task:

        def pre_input_hook():

            # Unset the hook again


        line = raw_input("GTD edit> ")
        # Remove edited line from history:
        #   oddly, get_history_item is 1-based,
        #   but remove_history_item is 0-based
        readline.remove_history_item(readline.get_current_history_length() - 1)
        self._replace(idx, line)

    def do_close(self, id):
        """Close the given task (#id)."""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            # First, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                if task['recurrence']:
                    task['start'] = task['due']  # reinit start date
                    task['due'] = task['start'] + task['recurrence']
                    task['end'] =
                    task['complete'] = 100

    do_done = do_close

    def do_replace(self, id_line):
        """Replace the entire task #id by a new one (line)."""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            self._replace(idx, line)

    do_sub = do_replace

    def do_extend(self, id_desc):
        """Add more text (description) to task #id."""

        # Parse command line
        idx, desc = self._parse_args(id_desc)

        if idx and desc:
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                    'title'] += " " + desc  # TODO: allow to attach additional notes

    do_notes = do_extend

    def do_append(self, id_line):
        """Add new elements (line) to task #id but leave existing elemenents unchanged."""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            # Frist, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                # Parse additional input line
                attrs = self._parse_line(line)

                # Then, modify the task
                for attr, value in attrs.items():
                    if value and not task[attr]:  # not override!
                        task[attr] = value

    def do_modify(self, id_line):
        """Add/change elements (line) of task #id but leave each other unchanged."""

        # Parse command line
        idx, line = self._parse_args(id_line)

        if idx and line:
            # Frist, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                # Parse additional input line
                attrs = self._parse_line(line)

                # Then, modify the task
                for attr, value in attrs.items():
                    if value:  # override!
                        task[attr] = value

    def do_archive(self, line):
        """Archive completed tasks."""

        print "Not Yet Implemented!"

    # Specific GTD commands.

    def do_someday(self, id):
        """Mark the given task (#id) as @someday."""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            self.do_modify("%d %s" % (idx, "@someday"))

    do_maybe = do_someday

    def do_waitingfor(self, id):
        """Mark the given task (#id) as @waitingfor."""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            self.do_modify("%d %s" % (idx, "@waitingfor"))

    def do_ref(self, id_ref):
        """Archive the given task (#id) as Reference."""

        # Parse command line
        idx, reference = self._parse_args(id_ref)

        if idx:
            self.do_append("%d ref:%s" % (idx, reference))

    # Sorted/ordered display.

    def do_listall(self, nb):
        """List #nb tasks (ordered by #id)."""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = self.todo
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

    do_la = do_listall

    def do_list(self, nb):
        """List #nb open tasks (ordered by #id)."""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [t for t in self.todo
                 if t['complete'] < 100]  # filter done/close tasks
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

    do_ls = do_list

    def do_listref(self, nb):
        """List #nb ref tasks (ordered by #id)."""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [
            t for t in self.todo if t.has_key('reference') and t['reference']
        ]  # filter ref tasks
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

    do_lr = do_listref

    def do_show(self, id):
        """Show details of the given task #id."""

        # Parse command line
        idx = self._parse_args(id)[0]

        if idx:
            # Frist, we need to find the task
            task = self.todo.find('id', idx)
            if task:
                print self._show(task)

    def do_sort(self, nb):
        """Sort #nb tasks by priority."""

        # Parse command line
        nb = self._parse_args(nb)[0]

        tasks = [t for t in self.todo.sort() if t['complete'] < 100]
        if nb:  # display only nb tasks
            tasks = tasks[:nb]

        for t in tasks:
            print self._disp(t)

    do_listpri = do_sort

    def do_order(self, nb_attr):
        """Order #nb tasks by context/project/status/reference (and priority)."""

        # Parse command line
        nb, attr = self._parse_args(nb_attr)

        if not attr or attr not in [
                'context', 'project', 'status', 'reference'
            attr = 'context'  # by default order by context

        for c, ts in self.todo.order(attr).items():
            # Section title
            print self._colorize(eval(attr.upper() + '_CHAR') + c.capitalize())

            if attr == 'reference':
                tasks = [t for t in ts]  # even if completed!
                tasks = [t for t in ts if t['complete'] < 100]
            if nb: tasks = tasks[:nb]  # display only nb tasks
            for t in tasks:
                print self._disp(t)

    def do_status(self, line):
        """Display projects statuses (percent complete)."""

        for p, ts in self.todo.order('project').items():
            # Thomas: don't show completed projects

            percent = 0  # compute project's percent complete
            next = ""
            for t in ts:
                if t['complete']:
                    percent += int(t['complete'])
                # Thomas: find next action
                if t['status'] and not t['complete'] and 'next' in t['status']:
                    next = " !next: %s" % t['title']

            percent /= len(ts)
            if percent == 100:
            # Section title
            print self._colorize(PROJECT_CHAR + p.capitalize()),

            print "%d%%%s" % (percent, self._colorize(next))

    do_summary = do_status

    # Re-search.

    def do_search(self, regexp):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp."""


    def do_searchall(self, regexp):
        """Retrieve tasks matching given regexp, including completed ones."""

        self._search(regexp, completed=True)

    # IO functions.

    def do_load(self, todotxt):
        """Load from a todotxt file."""

            f = open(todotxt, 'r')
                self.todo.erase()  # clean
                nb = 0
                for line in f:
                    #print line,
                    if line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue
                    nb += 1
                self.todotxt = todotxt  # ok, save file path
                print "%d tasks loaded from '%s'" % (nb, todotxt)
        except IOError, err:
            # 'file not found' exception?
            if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise  # raise all others
            print err  # and continue