def carga_modelo(self): if self.obj != None: self.modelo.clear() if self.get_all: func =self.obj.select_all else: func = self.obj.select_criterial #dlg = dlgBarraProgreso() #dlg.set_progreso(0) s = muestra_splash("Cargando") while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(False) r = func(self.obj) #max=len(r) #cont=1 for i in [(eval("i.get_desc_%s()"%(self.obj.table)),eval("i.get_cod_%s()"%(self.obj.table))) for i in r]: #cod =i[1] self.modelo.append(i) #Barra Progreso #dlg.set_progreso(cont / float(max)) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(False) #cont = cont +1 #if len(self.modelo)==1 : #self.set_cod(cod) s.destroy()
def startpan_cb(self, *args): if self.playing == 1: print 'already panning- left click to stop' return for view in if view.title == args[1]: self.view = view.viewarea self.viewwin = view xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.view.get_extents() xwidth = xmax - xmin ywidth = ymax - ymin = self.viewwin.connect('button-release-event', self.stoppan_cb) self.playing = 1 self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xwidth, self.ywidth = xmin, ymin, xwidth, ywidth self.set_speed(0.01) self.view.fit_extents(self.centers[0][0], self.centers[0][1], xwidth / 8, ywidth / 8) while self.playing == 1: self.view.set_translation(self.centers[self.idx][0], self.centers[self.idx][1]) self.idx = self.idx + 1 if self.idx > len(self.centers) - 1: self.idx = 0 while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration()
def bufferInsert(widget, event, *args): end = widget.get_iter_at_mark(widget.get_insert()) start = end.copy() start.backward_chars(args[1]) widget.apply_tag(green, start, end) view.queue_draw() gtk.mainiteration()
def __initIcons(self): if self.icons_loaded: return i = 0 self.buttons = [] self.err_msg=[] # added 4/25/2003, be quiet about image problems, but report errors later, Erica Andrews first_butt = None picturelist = self.getPictureList() size = len(picturelist) self.progressbar.set_fraction(0.0) self.progressbar.set_text(_("Loading")+" "+str(size)+" "+_("images...please wait.") ) buttongroup = self.__addButton(None, "-", "-", None, None) if picturelist: for name, val in picturelist: i = i + 1 self.progressbar.set_fraction(float(i)/size) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() if len(val) == 3: filename, pix, mask = val elif type(val) == type(""): filename, pix, mask = val, None, None else: filename, pix, mask = val[0], None, None #DJM try: self.__addButton(buttongroup, name, filename, pix, mask) #DJM except: #DJM pass self.icons_loaded = 1 self.__fillTable() self.__setSelectedIcon(None) self.progressbar.set_fraction(0.0) del picturelist if len(self.err_msg)>0: msg_warn("IceMe", _("There were some errors.")+"\n"+"\n".join(self.err_msg))
def startpan_cb(self, *args): if self.playing == 1: print 'already panning- left click to stop' return for view in if view.title == args[1]: self.view = view.viewarea self.viewwin = view xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = self.view.get_extents() xwidth = xmax-xmin ywidth = ymax-ymin'button-release-event',self.stoppan_cb) self.playing = 1 self.xmin,self.ymin,self.xwidth,self.ywidth=xmin,ymin,xwidth,ywidth self.set_speed(0.01) self.view.fit_extents(self.centers[0][0],self.centers[0][1], xwidth/8,ywidth/8) while self.playing == 1: self.view.set_translation(self.centers[self.idx][0], self.centers[self.idx][1]) self.idx = self.idx+1 if self.idx > len(self.centers)-1: self.idx = 0 while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration()
def executar(self, widget=None): '''Executa o código abaixo''' # Carrega a classe 'BarraProgresso' barra = minhabarra.BarraProgresso() barra.texto = "Começando o Processo..." # Muda a variável registro da classe 'BarraProgresso' barra.registro = 0 # Muda a variável total_registro da classe 'BarraProgresso' barra.total_registro = 15000 # Desenha os widgets da classe 'BarraProgresso' barra.desenhar() # Loop ilustrativo, mas poderia ser uma lista de clientes for i in range(barra.total_registro): # Depuração do código print "Estou no for imprimindo %s\n" % i # Mostra mais informação ao usuário barra.texto = "Estou Processando o Cliente '%05d'" % barra.registro # Muda novamente a variavel registro, ou melhor, acrescenta +1 na variável barra.registro += 1 # Pausa o processo e espera a execução do "Timer" gtk.mainiteration()
def layGrid(self, w, h): for i in range(self.MAP_X): for j in range(self.MAP_Y): gtk.mainiteration() self.engine.simTick() # vertical road if ((i + 4) % w == 0): self.doTool(i, j, 'Road') if ((j + 1) % h in [1, h - 1]) and \ j not in [0, self.MAP_Y -1]: self.doTool(i, j, 'Wire') # horizontal roads elif ((j + 1) % h == 0): self.doTool(i, j, 'Road') if ((i + 4) % w in [1, w - 1]) and \ i not in [0, self.MAP_X - 1]: self.doTool(i, j, 'Wire') # random zones elif ((i + 2 - (i + 4) // w) % 3) ==0 and \ ((j + 2 - (j + 1) // h) % 3) ==0: tool_i = random.randint(0, 3 - 1) self.doTool(i, j, ['Residential', 'Commercial', 'Industrial'][tool_i])
def _doChoose(self, found, entry): # arma un liststore self._store = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, *[gobject.TYPE_STRING for i in self._entries]) # set sort if needed if self._sortcol is not None: self._store.set_sort_column_id(*self._sortcol) # set model self._treeview.set_model(self._store) # build ui self._dia.set_parent_window(self.getWindow()._obj.window) self._response = None self._dia_ok_button.set_sensitive(False) self._dia.show_all() gtk.gdk.set_xcursor(self._dia.window, "left_ptr_watch") finder = entry.getFinder() entries = self._entries tot = found[0] got = 0 n = 0 self._progress.set_fraction(0) self._treeview.set_enable_search(False) self._treeview.set_headers_clickable(False) # fill the grid while tot > got and self._response is None: gtk.mainiteration() chunk = finder.fetchSlice(found, n) n += 1 got += len(chunk) if not self._response: for i in chunk: self._store.append( [i] + [f.getFinder().getter(i) for f in entries]) gtk.mainiteration() self._progress.set_fraction(1.0 * got / tot) self._treeview.set_headers_clickable(True) self._treeview.set_enable_search(True) self._dia.window.set_cursor(None) rv = self._response or self._dia.hide_all() sortcol = self._store.get_sort_column_id() if sortcol[0] >= 0: self._sortcol = sortcol else: self._sortcol = None self._store = None if rv == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: m, i = self._treeview.get_selection().get_selected() self.foundOne(m.get_value(i, 0))
def do_test(wclass): # watch two maildirs w = wclass() sdir = DirWatcher("sdir") w.addSource(sdir) ddir = DirWatcher("ddir") w.addDest(ddir) print "running" w.start() while 1: gtk.mainiteration() w.stop() print "finished"
def doIteration(self, delay): log.msg(channel='system', event='iteration', reactor=self) if gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(0) return if delay == 0: return # shouldn't delay, so just return self.doIterationTimer = gtk.timeout_add(int(delay * 1000), self.doIterationTimeout) gtk.mainiteration(1) # block if self.doIterationTimer: gtk.timeout_remove(self.doIterationTimer) self.doIterationTimer = None
def test1(): class MaildirTest(MaildirGtk): def messageReceived(self, filename): print "changed:", filename m = MaildirTest("ddir") print "watching ddir/new/" m.start() #gtk.main() # to allow the python-side signal handler to run, we must surface from # gtk (which blocks on the C-side) every once in a while. while 1: gtk.mainiteration() # this will block until there is something to do m.stop() print "done"
def _doChoose(self, found, entry): # arma un liststore self._store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, *[gobject.TYPE_STRING for i in self._entries]) # set sort if needed if self._sortcol is not None: self._store.set_sort_column_id(*self._sortcol) # set model self._treeview.set_model(self._store) # build ui self._dia.set_parent_window(self.getWindow()._obj.window) self._response = None self._dia_ok_button.set_sensitive(False) self._dia.show_all() gtk.gdk.set_xcursor(self._dia.window, "left_ptr_watch") finder = entry.getFinder() entries = self._entries tot = found[0] got = 0 n = 0 self._progress.set_fraction(0) self._treeview.set_enable_search(False) self._treeview.set_headers_clickable(False) # fill the grid while tot > got and self._response is None: gtk.mainiteration() chunk = finder.fetchSlice(found, n) n += 1 got += len(chunk) if not self._response: for i in chunk: self._store.append([i] + [f.getFinder().getter(i) for f in entries]) gtk.mainiteration() self._progress.set_fraction(1.0 * got / tot) self._treeview.set_headers_clickable(True) self._treeview.set_enable_search(True) self._dia.window.set_cursor(None) rv = self._response or self._dia.hide_all() sortcol = self._store.get_sort_column_id() if sortcol[0] >= 0: self._sortcol = sortcol else: self._sortcol = None self._store = None if rv == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: m, i = self._treeview.get_selection().get_selected() self.foundOne(m.get_value(i, 0))
def main_loop(sleep,action): ts = 0 while True: # ensure UI stays reactive while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() # schedule update if time.time() > ts + sleep: action() ts = time.time() # prevent full-load loop time.sleep(0.1)
def main(): try: f = open("watcher.pickle", "r") w = cPickle.load(f) f.close() except: print "unable to load pickle" w = makeWatcher() print "running" w.start() while not w.gui.done: gtk.mainiteration() print "done" w.stop() # save pickle of seen messages f = open("watcher.pickle", "w") cPickle.dump(w, f, 1) f.close()
def process(self,time=0.1): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() jabber.Client.process(self,time) if self.sleeper: state_pres = None self.sleeper.poll() state = self.sleeper.getState() if state != self.sleeper_state: if state == sleepy.STATE_WOKEN: state_pres = jabber.Presence(type='available') state_pres.setStatus('online') state_pres.setShow('') if state == sleepy.STATE_SLEEPING: state_pres = jabber.Presence(type='available') state_pres.setStatus('away') state_pres.setShow('Away from computer') if state_pres: self.send(state_pres) self.sleeper_state = state
def process(self, time=0.1): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() jabber.Client.process(self, time) if self.sleeper: state_pres = None self.sleeper.poll() state = self.sleeper.getState() if state != self.sleeper_state: if state == sleepy.STATE_WOKEN: state_pres = jabber.Presence(type='available') state_pres.setStatus('online') state_pres.setShow('') if state == sleepy.STATE_SLEEPING: state_pres = jabber.Presence(type='available') state_pres.setStatus('away') state_pres.setShow('Away from computer') if state_pres: self.send(state_pres) self.sleeper_state = state
def gui_ino_upload(widget, ino_file=None): """ Uploads selected .ino file to the Arduino PulseBox ARGS: ino_file: the .ino file to upload. Defaults to None. If a valid filename is not explicitly given, the .ino file will be taken from the GTK filechooser """ if ino_file is None: ino_file = filechooserIno.get_filename() # the file doesn't have to bee set even in the filechooser, check again if ino_file is not None: # start the upload thread, keep updating the GTK interface print "gonna start the thread now, k?" UPLOAD = uploadThread(ino_file) UPLOAD.start() while UPLOAD.isAlive(): gtk.mainiteration() UPLOAD.join()
def doIteration(self, delay): # flush some pending events, return if there was something to do # don't use the usual "while gtk.events_pending(): mainiteration()" # idiom because lots of IO (in particular test_tcp's # ProperlyCloseFilesTestCase) can keep us from ever exiting. if gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(0) return # nothing to do, must delay if delay == 0: return # shouldn't delay, so just return self.doIterationTimer = gtk.timeout_add(delay * 1000, self.doIterationTimeout) # This will either wake up from IO or from a timeout. gtk.mainiteration(1) # block # note: with the .simulate timer below, delays > 0.1 will always be # woken up by the .simulate timer if self.doIterationTimer: # if woken by IO, need to cancel the timer gtk.timeout_remove(self.doIterationTimer) self.doIterationTimer = None
def doIteration(self, delay): # flush some pending events, return if there was something to do # don't use the usual "while gtk.events_pending(): mainiteration()" # idiom because lots of IO (in particular test_tcp's # ProperlyCloseFilesTestCase) can keep us from ever exiting. log.msg(channel='system', event='iteration', reactor=self) if gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(0) return # nothing to do, must delay if delay == 0: return # shouldn't delay, so just return self.doIterationTimer = gtk.timeout_add(int(delay * 1000), self.doIterationTimeout) # This will either wake up from IO or from a timeout. gtk.mainiteration(1) # block # note: with the .simulate timer below, delays > 0.1 will always be # woken up by the .simulate timer if self.doIterationTimer: # if woken by IO, need to cancel the timer gtk.timeout_remove(self.doIterationTimer) self.doIterationTimer = None
def run_nonblocking(function, *args): """ Runs the given function in a new thread while the main thread waits in a nonblocking way, i.e. runs the GTK mainloop. If the given function throws an exception, that exception is rethrown by this function so that it doesn't get lost. """ def worker(function, event, retval, *args): success = False try: ret = function(*args) success = True except: ret = sys.exc_value success = False retval[0] = (success, ret) event.set() retval = [None] event = threading.Event() t = threading.Thread(target = worker, args = [function, event, retval] + list(args)) t.start() while (not event.isSet()): gtk.threads_enter() gtk.mainiteration() gtk.threads_leave() success, ret = retval[0] if (not success): raise ret else: return ret
def burn(paths, progress): def cb(fd, cond): data =, 80) print data, if data.find('extents') >= 0: progress.set_fraction(1.0) progress.set_text('100%') return gtk.TRUE elif data.find('read/written') >= 0: progress.set_text('Finishing...') try: perc = int(data.split('.')[0]) progress.set_fraction(perc/100.0) progress.set_text('%d%%' % (perc,)) except (ValueError): pass command = burn_command(paths) print command pipe = popen2.Popen4(command) gtk.input_add(pipe.fromchild, gtk.gdk.INPUT_READ, cb) while pipe.poll() < 0: gtk.mainiteration() return pipe.poll()
def __initIcons(self): if self.icons_loaded: return i = 0 self.buttons = [] first_butt = None picturelist = self.getPictureList() size = len(picturelist) #DJM self.progressbar.configure(0, 0, size - 1) self.progressbar.set_fraction(0.0) self.progressbar.set_text( _("Loading") + " " + str(size) + " " + _("images...please wait.")) buttongroup = self.__addButton(None, "-", "-", None, None) if picturelist: for name, val in picturelist: i = i + 1 self.progressbar.set_fraction(float(i) / size) #DJMself.progressbar.set_value(i) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() if len(val) == 3: filename, pix, mask = val elif type(val) == type(""): filename, pix, mask = val, None, None else: filename, pix, mask = val[0], None, None try: self.__addButton(buttongroup, name, filename, pix, mask) except: pass self.icons_loaded = 1 self.__fillTable() #self.__setSelectedIcon(None) # commented out by Erica Andrews #DJMself.progressbar.set_value(0) self.progressbar.set_fraction(0.0) del picturelist
def creacatalogo (widget): global rai,homedir htm = open (homedir+'ubuntuwintv.html','w') barra = progressbar(trad("creazionecatalogo")) x = 1 tutti = len(rai) htm.write('<html><head>'+trad("catalogocanalirai")+'</head><body>') htm.write('<p><strong>'+trad("canalivisibilicon")+' <a href="">UBUNTUWIN TV</a>. '+trad("loghirai")+'</strong></p>') for menuItem in rai: htm.write('<p style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px">'+menuItem[1]+'</p>') htm.write('<p>'+menuItem[3]+'</p>') if menuItem[3].find("http")!=-1: htm.write('<p><img src="'+menuItem[3]+'"></p>') else: htm.write('<p><img height="150px;" border="1" src="'+menuItem[4]+'"></p>') while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(False) barra.pbar.set_fraction(float(x)/float(tutti)) barra.window.show_all() x = x + 1 htm.write('</body></html') htm.close() barra.window.hide_all()'ubuntuwintv.html')
def burn(paths, progress): def cb(fd, cond): data =, 80) print data, if data.find('extents') >= 0: progress.set_fraction(1.0) progress.set_text('100%') return gtk.TRUE elif data.find('read/written') >= 0: progress.set_text('Finishing...') try: perc = int(data.split('.')[0]) progress.set_fraction(perc / 100.0) progress.set_text('%d%%' % (perc, )) except (ValueError): pass command = burn_command(paths) print command pipe = popen2.Popen4(command) gtk.input_add(pipe.fromchild, gtk.gdk.INPUT_READ, cb) while pipe.poll() < 0: gtk.mainiteration() return pipe.poll()
# # This program is distributed under the GNU General # Public License (open source). # # Ported to PyGTK-2 by: David Moore ([email protected]) - June 2003 # ####################################### import icewmcp_common,gtk,ICEWMCP_BugReport icewmcp_common.setSplash(icewmcp_common.getLocaleDir) icewmcp_common.showSplash(0) icewmcp_common.IS_STATIC_BINARY="yes" ICEWMCP_BugReport.IS_STATIC_BINARY="yes" icewmcp_common.NOSPLASH=1 # disable splash window from icepref_td while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() import os,sys,IceWMCP,IceWMCPWinOptions,IceWMCPMouse,IceWMCPKeyboard,IceWMCPWallpaper,IceMe,phrozenclock,icepref,pyspool,icesound,icepref_td,IceWMCP.IconSelection,IceWMCP_gtk.PCCard global HW_SUPPORT try: import IceWMCPSystem HW_SUPPORT=1 except: HW_SUPPORT=0 if __name__== "__main__" : mods = ( "", "", "",
def render(self, mode='human'): gtk.mainiteration()
app = gviewapp.GViewApp() = app app.subscribe("quit", gtk.mainquit) app.show_layerdlg() app.new_view(None) app.do_auto_imports() view = view.connect("key-press-event", key_press_cb) gview.file_list = [] gview.file_list_ds = [None, None, None] gview.file_cur = 0 # Command line parser i = 1 while i < len(sys.argv): arg = sys.argv[i] gview.file_list.append(arg) i = i + 1 update_view() gview.request_clean = 0 while 1: gtk.mainiteration() if gview.request_clean == 1: clean_old_layer()
def _destroy_win(self, *args): import gtk self._win.unrealize() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() gtk.mainquit()
def gtkExecWithCaptureStatus(command, argv, searchPath=0, root='/', stdin=0, catchfd=1, closefd=-1): import gtk if not os.access(root + command, os.X_OK): raise RuntimeError, command + " can not be run" (read, write) = os.pipe() childpid = os.fork() if (not childpid): if (root and root != '/'): os.chroot(root) if isinstance(catchfd, tuple): for fd in catchfd: os.dup2(write, fd) else: os.dup2(write, catchfd) os.close(write) os.close(read) if closefd != -1: os.close(closefd) if stdin: os.dup2(stdin, 0) os.close(stdin) if (searchPath): os.execvp(command, argv) else: os.execv(command, argv) sys.exit(1) os.close(write) rc = "" s = "1" while (s): try: (fdin, fdout, fderr) =[read], [], [], 0.1) except: fdin = [] pass while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() if len(fdin): s =, 1000) rc = rc + s os.close(read) status = None try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid, 0) except OSError, (errno, msg): print __name__, "waitpid:", msg
def __init__(self, title=None, cwd=None, dialog_type=FILE_OPEN, filter=None, app=None, multiselect=0): gtk.GtkWindow.__init__(self) if dialog_type >= FILE_OPEN and dialog_type <= DIRECTORY_SELECT: self.dialog_type = dialog_type else: self.dialog_type = FILE_OPEN self.filter = None #current filter self.filters = {} #active filter objects self.filter_keys = [] #ordered list of the names of the filters self.file_selection = [] self.multiselect = multiselect self.set_border_width(5) self.set_policy(as=gtk.FALSE, ag=gtk.FALSE, autos=gtk.TRUE) self.drives = None if title == None: if dialog_type == FILE_OPEN: title = nls.get('filedlg-title-open-file', 'Open File ...') elif dialog_type == FILE_SAVE: title = nls.get('filedlg-title-save-file', 'Save File ...') elif dialog_type == DIRECTORY_SELECT: title = nls.get('filedlg-title-select-directory', 'Select Directory ...') self.set_title(title) #setup the current working directory if cwd is None or not os.path.exists(cwd): cwd = gview.get_preference('working-directory') if cwd is None: cwd = os.getcwd() self.cwd = cwd #widgets vbox = gtk.GtkVBox(spacing=5) if dialog_type == FILE_OPEN or dialog_type == DIRECTORY_SELECT: lbl = gtk.GtkLabel(nls.get('filedlg-label-open-from', 'Open From:')) elif dialog_type == FILE_SAVE: lbl = gtk.GtkLabel(nls.get('filedlg-label-save-in', 'Save In:')) self.opt_menu = gtk.GtkOptionMenu() self.opt_menu.set_menu(gtk.GtkMenu()) hbox = gtk.GtkHBox() hbox.pack_start(lbl, expand=gtk.FALSE) hbox.pack_start(self.opt_menu) vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand = gtk.FALSE) self.list_directory = gtk.GtkCList() scr_directories = gtk.GtkScrolledWindow() scr_directories.add(self.list_directory) self.list_directory.connect('button-press-event', self.directory_selected_cb) if dialog_type == DIRECTORY_SELECT: self.list_files = None vbox.pack_start(scr_directories) else: self.list_files = gtk.GtkCList() if self.multiselect: self.list_files.set_selection_mode( gtk.SELECTION_EXTENDED ) scr_files = gtk.GtkScrolledWindow() scr_files.add(self.list_files) self.list_files.connect('button-press-event', self.file_clicked_cb) self.list_files.connect('select-row', self.file_selected_cb ) self.list_files.connect('unselect-row', self.file_unselected_cb ) pane = gtk.GtkHPaned() scr_directories.set_usize(100, -1) scr_files.set_usize(100, -1) pane.add1(scr_directories) pane.add2(scr_files) pane.set_position(200) vbox.pack_start(pane) widget = None if dialog_type == FILE_SAVE: self.txt_filename = gtk.GtkEntry() widget = self.txt_filename elif dialog_type == FILE_OPEN: combo = gtk.GtkCombo() combo.set_value_in_list(gtk.FALSE, gtk.FALSE) combo.disable_activate() if app is not None: rfl = app.get_rfl() rfl.insert(0, '') combo.set_popdown_strings( rfl ) self.txt_filename = combo.entry widget = combo if widget is not None: table = gtk.GtkTable(rows=2, cols=2) lbl = gtk.GtkLabel(nls.get('filedlg-label-file-name', 'File Name:')) self.txt_filename.connect('focus-out-event', self.map_path_cb) self.txt_filename.connect('key-press-event', self.map_path_cb) table.attach(lbl, 0, 1, 0, 1) table.attach(widget, 1, 2, 0, 1) lbl = gtk.GtkLabel(nls.get('filedlg-label-filter-extension', 'Filter extension:')) self.cmb_filter = pguCombo() self.set_filter(filter) self.cmb_filter.entry.connect('changed', self.filter_cb) table.attach(lbl, 0, 1, 1, 2) table.attach(self.cmb_filter, 1, 2, 1, 2) vbox.pack_start(table, expand=gtk.FALSE) if dialog_type == FILE_SAVE: self.ok_button = gtk.GtkButton(nls.get('filedlg-button-ok', 'OK')) elif dialog_type == FILE_OPEN: self.ok_button = gtk.GtkButton(nls.get('filedlg-button-open', 'Open')) elif dialog_type == DIRECTORY_SELECT: self.ok_button = gtk.GtkButton(nls.get('filedlg-button-ok', 'OK')) self.cancel_button = gtk.GtkButton(nls.get('filedlg-button-cancel', 'Cancel')) self.ok_button.connect('clicked', self.remove_grab) self.ok_button.connect('clicked', self.update_cwd) self.cancel_button.connect('clicked', self.remove_grab) btn_box = gtk.GtkHButtonBox() btn_box.pack_start(self.ok_button) btn_box.pack_start(self.cancel_button) vbox.pack_start(btn_box, expand=gtk.FALSE) self.add(vbox) self.show_all() #make modal gtk.grab_add(self) self.ok_button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) self.ok_button.grab_default() self.set_usize(400, 400) self.menu_update = gtk.FALSE while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(FALSE) self.refresh_directory() self.connect('delete-event', self.quit) self.ok_button.connect('clicked', self.quit) self.cancel_button.connect('clicked', self.quit) self.publish('quit') self.add_events(gtk.GDK.KEY_PRESS_MASK) self.connect('key-press-event', self.key_press_cb) self.result = 'cancel'
def __init__(self): self.sleeper = None self.sleeper_state = None self.gui = None not_connected = 1 while not_connected: login_dia = Logon_dialog(None) while (login_dia.done is None): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() login_dia.close() server = login_dia.server jabber.Client.__init__(self, host=server, debug=0) try: self.connect() except: msg_dia = Msg_dialog(None, "Couldnt connect to " + server) while (msg_dia.done is None): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() msg_dia.close() sys.exit(0) else: print "connected!" if (login_dia.done == 2): new_acc_dia = New_ac_dialog(None, self) while (new_acc_dia.done is None): self.process() new_acc_dia.close() username = new_acc_dia.username password = new_acc_dia.password else: username = login_dia.username password = login_dia.password resource = 'pygtkjab' print "logging in" if self.auth(username, password, resource): not_connected = 0 else: msg_dia = Msg_dialog(None, self.lastErr) while (msg_dia.done is None): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() msg_dia.close() #print "eek -> ", self.lastErr, self.lastErrCode sys.exit(1) self.loggedin_jid = jabber.JID(node=username, domain=server, resource=resource) self.presence_details = ['available', None] Known[server] = {'xpm': 'something'} ## Build the roster Tab ## self.roster = [] r = self.requestRoster() self.gui = mainWindow("jabber app", jabberObj=self) self.gui.getTab(0)._cb = self.addChatTabViaRoster self.sendInitPresence() self._unsub_lock = 0 ## hack to fix unsubscribe wierdo bug self._pres_queue = [] self.sleeper = sleepy.Sleepy()
def wait(self): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration(0)
def __init__(self): self.sleeper = None self.sleeper_state = None self.gui = None not_connected = 1 while not_connected: login_dia = Logon_dialog(None) while (login_dia.done is None): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() login_dia.close() server = login_dia.server jabber.Client.__init__(self,host=server,debug=0) try: self.connect() except: msg_dia = Msg_dialog(None, "Couldnt connect to "+server) while (msg_dia.done is None): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() msg_dia.close() sys.exit(0) else: print "connected!" if (login_dia.done == 2): new_acc_dia = New_ac_dialog(None, self) while (new_acc_dia.done is None): self.process() new_acc_dia.close() username = new_acc_dia.username password = new_acc_dia.password else: username = login_dia.username password = login_dia.password resource = 'pygtkjab' print "logging in" if self.auth(username,password,resource): not_connected = 0 else: msg_dia = Msg_dialog(None, self.lastErr) while (msg_dia.done is None): while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration() msg_dia.close() #print "eek -> ", self.lastErr, self.lastErrCode sys.exit(1) self.loggedin_jid = jabber.JID( node = username, domain = server, resource = resource ); self.presence_details = [ 'available', None ] Known[server] = { 'xpm':'something' } ## Build the roster Tab ## self.roster = [] r = self.requestRoster() self.gui = mainWindow("jabber app",jabberObj=self) self.gui.getTab(0)._cb = self.addChatTabViaRoster; self.sendInitPresence() self._unsub_lock = 0 ## hack to fix unsubscribe wierdo bug self._pres_queue = [] self.sleeper = sleepy.Sleepy()
def refresh(self): import gtk while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.mainiteration()