Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, model, prop_name,
                 prop_read=None, prop_write=None, 
                 spurious=False, prop_cast=True):
        Creates a new adapter that handles setting of value of a
        model single model property when a corresponding widgets set
        is changed and viceversa when the property is also

        This class handles only assignments to properties. For other
        kinds of setting (e.g. user-defined classes used as
        observable properties, containers, etc.) use other types of
        Adapters derived from this class.
        prop_name is the model's property name (as a string). It is
        possible to use a dotted notation to identify a property
        contained into a hierarchy of models. For example 'a.b.c'
        identifies property 'c' into model 'b' inside model 'a',
        where model 'a' is an attribute of given top level model.
        Last name must be an observable or non-observable attribute,
        and previous names (if specified) must all refer to
        instances of class Model. First name from the left must be
        the name of a model instance inside the given model.

        prop_{write,read} are two optional functions that apply
        custom modifications to the value of the property before
        setting and reading it. Both take a value and must return a
        transformed value whose type must be compatible with the
        type of the property.
        value_error can be a function (or a method) to be called
        when a ValueError exception occurs while trying to set a
        wrong value for the property inside the model. The function
        will receive: the adapter, the property name and the value
        coming from the widget that offended the model.

        spurious controls if the adapter should receive spurious
        changes from the model (see spuriousness in class Observer for
        further information).

        # registration is delayed, as we need to create possible
        # listener before:
        Observer.__init__(self, spurious=spurious)        

        self._prop_name = prop_name
        self._prop_cast = prop_cast
        self._prop_read = prop_read
        self._prop_write = prop_write
        self._value_error = value_error
        self._wid = None
        self._wid_info = {}
        # this flag is set when self is changing the property or the
        # widget, in order to avoid infinite looping.
        self._itsme = False 

Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, graphical_editor_v, state_machine_m, *args):
     GtkView.__init__(self, *args)
     self._selection = state_machine_m.selection
     self.value_cache = ValueCache()
     self._bounding_box_painter = BoundingBoxPainter(self)
     self._graphical_editor = ref(graphical_editor_v)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, model, view=None, spurious=False, auto_adapt=False):
        Observer.__init__(self, model, spurious)

        self.model = model
        self.view = None
        self.__adapters = []
        # set of properties explicitly adapted by the user:
        self.__user_props = set()
        self.__auto_adapt = auto_adapt
        if view: gobject.idle_add(self._idle_register_view, view, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH)
    def __init__(self, model, view, spurious=False, auto_adapt=False):
        Two positional and two optional keyword arguments.
        *model* will have the new instance registered as an observer.
        It is made available as an attribute.
        *view* may contain signal connections loaded from XML. The handler
        methods have to exist in this class.
        *spurious* denotes whether notifications in this class will be called
        if a property of *model* is set to the same value it already has.
        *auto_adapt* denotes whether to call :meth:`adapt` with no arguments
        as part of the view registration process.

        View registration consists of connecting signal handlers,
        :meth:`register_view` and :meth:`register_adapters`, and is scheduled
        with the GTK main loop. It happens as soon as possible but after the
        constructor returns. When it starts *view* is available as an
        # In 1.99.0 the third parameter was optional. Now the interpreter will
        # raise if it isn't given.
        if view in (True, False):
            raise NotImplementedError("This version of GTKMVC does not"
                " support the 1.2 API")

        Observer.__init__(self, model, spurious)

        self.model = model
        self.view = None
        self.__adapters = []
        # set of properties explicitly adapted by the user:
        self.__user_props = set()
        self.__auto_adapt = auto_adapt
        gobject.idle_add(self._idle_register_view, view, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH)