def find_best_smoother(x_tr, y_tr, x_dv, y_dv, smoothers): """find the smoothing value that gives the best accuracy on the dev data :param x_tr: training instances :param y_tr: training labels :param x_dv: dev instances :param y_dv: dev labels :param smoothers: list of smoothing values to try :returns: best smoothing value, scores of all smoothing values :rtype: float, dict """ labels = set( [u'worldnews', u'science', u'askreddit', u'iama', u'todayilearned']) bestAcc = 0 returnDict = {} for smoothing in smoothers: #estimate_nb(x_tr,y_tr,smoothing); theta_nb = estimate_nb(x_tr, y_tr, smoothing) #dev_predict = clf_base.predict(x_dv,theta_nb,labels); #train_predict = clf_base.predict(x_tr,theta_nb,labels); y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv, theta_nb, labels) accuracy = evaluation.acc(y_hat, y_dv) print "accuracy: ", accuracy if (accuracy > bestAcc): bestAcc = accuracy returnDict[smoothing] = accuracy return bestAcc, returnDict
def find_best_smoother(x_tr, y_tr, x_dv, y_dv, smoothers): """ find the smoothing value that gives the best accuracy on the dev data :param x_tr: training instances :param y_tr: training labels :param x_dv: dev instances :param y_dv: dev labels :param smoothers: list of smoothing values :returns: best smoothing value :rtype: float """ labels = list(set(y_tr)) best_acc = 0 best_smoother = None scores = {} for smoother in smoothers: theta_i = estimate_nb(x_tr, y_tr, smoother) y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv, theta_i, labels) acc = evaluation.acc(y_hat, y_dv) scores[smoother] = acc if acc > best_acc: best_acc = acc best_smoother = smoother return best_smoother, scores
def test_lr_d5_3_test(): # NOTE! This test is for the TAs to run # You cannot pass this test without the true test labels. # This is a sanity check to make sure your solution for 5.3 is not too crazy global y_te y_hat_te = evaluation.read_predictions('lr-best-test.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_te,y_te),.63)
def test_clf_base_d2_3(): global x_dv, y_dv, y_te, labels y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv,hand_weights.theta_hand,labels) assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat,y_dv),.41) # just make sure the file is there y_hat_te = evaluation.read_predictions('hand-test.preds') eq_(len(y_hat_te),len(y_te))
def test_perc_d4_3_test(): # NOTE! This test is for the TAs to run # You cannot pass this test without the true test labels. # This is a sanity check to make sure your solution for 4.3 is not too crazy global y_te y_hat_te = evaluation.read_predictions('avp-test.preds') # i get 66.8% accuracy assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_te,y_te),.645)
def train_model(loss, model, X_tr_var, Y_tr_var, num_its=200, X_dv_var=None, Y_dv_var=None, status_frequency=10, optim_args={ 'lr': 0.002, 'momentum': 0 }, param_file='best.params'): # initialize optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), **optim_args) losses = [] accuracies = [] for epoch in range(num_its): # set gradient to zero optimizer.zero_grad() # run model forward to produce loss output = loss.forward(model.forward(X_tr_var), Y_tr_var) # backpropagate and train output.backward() optimizer.step() #print(output.item()) losses.append(output.item()) # write parameters if this is the best epoch yet if X_dv_var is not None: # run forward on dev data _, Y_hat = model.forward(X_dv_var).max(dim=1) # compute dev accuracy acc = evaluation.acc(, # save if len(accuracies) == 0 or acc > max(accuracies): state = { 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'epoch': len(accuracies) + 1, 'accuracy': acc }, param_file) accuracies.append(acc) # print status message if desired if status_frequency > 0 and epoch % status_frequency == 0: print("Epoch " + str(epoch + 1) + ": Dev Accuracy: " + str(acc)) # load parameters of best model checkpoint = torch.load(param_file) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) return model, losses, accuracies
def test_d2_2_predict(): global x_tr_pruned, x_dv_pruned, y_dv y_hat,scores = clf_base.predict(x_tr_pruned[0],hand_weights.theta_hand,labels) eq_(scores['pre-1980'],0.1) assert_almost_equals(scores['2000s'],1.3,places=5) eq_(y_hat,'2000s') eq_(scores['1980s'],0.0) y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv_pruned,hand_weights.theta_hand,labels) assert_almost_equals(evaluation.acc(y_hat,y_dv),.3422222, places=5)
def test_avp_d4_3(): global y_dv, x_tr, y_tr # run on a subset of data theta_avp,theta_avp_history = perceptron.estimate_avg_perceptron(x_tr[:10],y_tr[:10],3) assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('science','what')],3.2258,places=2) assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('science','its')],0,places=2) assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('worldnews','its')],0.871,places=2) y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('avp-dev.preds') # i get 66.4% accuracy assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.64)
def test_d2_2_predict(): global x_tr_pruned, x_dv_pruned, y_dv y_hat, scores = clf_base.predict(x_tr_pruned[0], hand_weights.theta_hand, labels) eq_(scores['pre-1980'], 0.1) assert_almost_equals(scores['2000s'], 1.3, places=5) eq_(y_hat, '2000s') eq_(scores['1980s'], 0.0) y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv_pruned, hand_weights.theta_hand, labels) assert_almost_equals(evaluation.acc(y_hat, y_dv), .3422222, places=5)
def find_best_smoother(x_tr, y_tr, x_dv, y_dv, smoothers): """find the smoothing value that gives the best accuracy on the dev data """ scores = {} labels = set(y_tr) for s in smoothers: theta_nb = estimate_nb(x_tr, y_tr, s) y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv, theta_nb, labels) scores[s] = evaluation.acc(y_hat, y_dv) l = scores.values() best = smoothers[np.argmax(l)] return best, scores
def test_lr_d5_2(): global x_tr, y_tr, y_dv, y_te # run on a subset of data theta_lr,theta_lr_hist = logreg.estimate_logreg(x_tr[:10],y_tr[:10],3) assert_almost_equals(theta_lr[('science','what')],.000402,places=4) assert_almost_equals(theta_lr[('iama', 'missile')],-0.00031832285759249263,places=4) assert_almost_equals(theta_lr[('iama',constants.OFFSET)],.00045298,places=4) assert_almost_equals(theta_lr[('askreddit',constants.OFFSET)],0.,places=4) # dev set accuracy y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('lr-dev.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.595)
def test_perc_d4_2(): global y_dv, x_tr, y_tr # run on a subset of data theta_perc,theta_perc_history = perceptron.estimate_perceptron(x_tr[:10],y_tr[:10],3) eq_(theta_perc[('worldnews','its')],1) eq_(theta_perc[('science','its')],0) eq_(theta_perc[('science','what')],4) eq_(theta_perc[('worldnews','always')],-1) eq_(theta_perc_history[0][('science','what')],2) y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('perc-dev.preds') # i get 64.6% accuracy assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.62)
def train_model(loss, model, X_tr_var, Y_tr_var, num_its = 200, X_dv_var = None, Y_dv_var = None, status_frequency=10, optim_args = {'lr':0.002,'momentum':0}, param_file = 'best.params'): # initialize optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), **optim_args) losses = [] accuracies = [] for epoch in range(num_its): # set gradient to zero optimizer.zero_grad() # run model forward to produce loss output = loss.forward(model.forward(X_tr_var),Y_tr_var) # backpropagate and train output.backward() optimizer.step() losses.append([0]) # write parameters if this is the best epoch yet if X_dv_var is not None: # run forward on dev data _, Y_hat = model.forward(X_dv_var).max(dim=1) # compute dev accuracy acc = evaluation.acc(, # save if len(accuracies) == 0 or acc > max(accuracies): state = {'state_dict':model.state_dict(), 'epoch':len(accuracies)+1, 'accuracy':acc},param_file) accuracies.append(acc) # print status message if desired if status_frequency > 0 and epoch % status_frequency == 0: print("Epoch "+str(epoch+1)+": Dev Accuracy: "+str(acc)) # load parameters of best model checkpoint = torch.load(param_file) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) return model, losses, accuracies
def test_avp_d4_3(): global y_dv, x_tr, y_tr theta_avp,theta_avp_history = perceptron.estimate_avg_perceptron(x_tr[:10],y_tr[:10],3) # with t=0 initialization #assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('science','what')],3.2,places=1) # with t=1 initialization assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('science','what')],3.2258,places=1) assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('science','its')],0,places=2) # with t=0 initialization #assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('worldnews','its')],0.866,places=1) # with t=1 initialization assert_almost_equals(theta_avp[('worldnews','its')],0.871,places=1) y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('avp-dev.preds') # i get 66.4% accuracy assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.64)
def find_best_smoother(x_tr, y_tr, x_dv, y_dv, smoothers): ''' find the smoothing value that gives the best accuracy on the dev data :param x_tr: training instances :param y_tr: training labels :param x_dv: dev instances :param y_dv: dev labels :param smoothers: list of smoothing values :returns: best smoothing value :rtype: float ''' score = {} for smoother in smoothers: theta_nb = estimate_nb(x_tr, y_tr, smoother) y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv, theta_nb, set(y_tr)) score[smoother] = (evaluation.acc(y_hat, y_dv)) return clf_base.argmax(score), score
def find_best_smoother(x_tr, y_tr, x_dv, y_dv, smoothers): """find the smoothing value that gives the best accuracy on the dev data :param x_tr: training instances :param y_tr: training labels :param x_dv: dev instances :param y_dv: dev labels :param smoothers: list of smoothing values to try :returns: best smoothing value, scores of all smoothing values :rtype: float, dict """ smoother_acc = {} labels = set(y_dv) for smoother in smoothers: theta = estimate_nb(x_tr, y_tr, smoother) y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv, theta, labels) smoother_acc[smoother] = evaluation.acc(y_hat, y_dv) argmax = lambda x: max(x.iteritems(), key=lambda y: y[1])[0] return argmax(smoother_acc), smoother_acc
def find_best_smoother(x_tr, y_tr, x_dv, y_dv, smoothers): ''' find the smoothing value that gives the best accuracy on the dev data :param x_tr: training instances :param y_tr: training labels :param x_dv: dev instances :param y_dv: dev labels :param smoothers: list of smoothing values :returns: best smoothing value :rtype: float ''' accuracy = {} genres = set(y_dv) for smoother in smoothers: accuracy[smoother] = evaluation.acc( clf_base.predict_all(x_dv, estimate_nb(x_tr, y_tr, smoother), genres), y_dv) best_smoother = clf_base.argmax(accuracy) return best_smoother, accuracy
def find_best_smoother(x_tr_pruned, y_tr, x_dv_pruned, y_dv, smoothers): ''' find the smoothing value that gives the best accuracy on the dev data :param x_tr: training instances :param y_tr: training labels :param x_dv: dev instances :param y_dv: dev labels :param smoothers: list of smoothing values :returns: 1) best smoothing value, 2) a dictionary of smoothing values and dev set accuracy. :rtype: 1) float, 2) dictionary ''' smther_dict = {} labels = set(y_tr) for x in smoothers: theta_nb = estimate_nb(x_tr_pruned, y_tr, x) y_hat = clf_base.predict_all(x_dv_pruned, theta_nb, labels) smther_dict[x] = evaluation.acc(y_hat, y_dv) key_min = min(smther_dict.keys(), key=(lambda k: smther_dict[k])) return smther_dict[key_min], smther_dict
def test_d7_3_bakeoff_dev4(): global Y_dv_var acc = evaluation.acc(np.load('bakeoff-dev.preds.npy'), assert_greater_equal(acc, 0.55)
def test_feats_d7_1(): global y_dv y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('bakeoff-dev.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.78)
def test_feats_d7_1_test(): global y_te y_hat_te = evaluation.read_predictions('bakeoff-test.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_te,y_te),.722)
def test_lr_d5_3(): global y_dv y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('lr-best-dev.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.66)
def test_d5_5_accuracy(): global Y_dv_var acc = evaluation.acc(np.load('logreg-es-dev.preds.npy'), assert_greater_equal(acc,0.5)
def test_d7_3_bakeoff_dev4(): global Y_dv_var acc = evaluation.acc(np.load('bakeoff-dev.preds.npy'), assert_greater_equal(acc,0.55)
def train_model(loss, model, X_tr,Y_tr, word_to_ix, tag_to_ix, X_dv=None, Y_dv = None, num_its=50, status_frequency=10, optim_args = {'lr':0.1,'momentum':0}, param_file = 'best.params'): #initialize optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), **optim_args) losses=[] accuracies=[] for epoch in range(num_its): loss_value=0 count1=0 for X,Y in zip(X_tr,Y_tr): X_tr_var = prepare_sequence(X, word_to_ix) Y_tr_var = prepare_sequence(Y, tag_to_ix) # set gradient to zero optimizer.zero_grad() lstm_feats= model.forward(X_tr_var) output = loss(lstm_feats,Y_tr_var) output.backward() optimizer.step() loss_value +=[0] count1+=1 losses.append(loss_value/count1) # write parameters if this is the best epoch yet acc=0 if X_dv is not None and Y_dv is not None: acc=0 count2=0 for Xdv, Ydv in zip(X_dv, Y_dv): X_dv_var = prepare_sequence(Xdv, word_to_ix) Y_dv_var = prepare_sequence(Ydv, tag_to_ix) # run forward on dev data Y_hat = model.predict(X_dv_var) Yhat = np.array([tag_to_ix[yhat] for yhat in Y_hat]) Ydv = np.array([tag_to_ix[ydv] for ydv in Ydv]) # compute dev accuracy acc += (evaluation.acc(Yhat,Ydv))*len(Xdv) count2 += len(Xdv) # save acc/=count2 if len(accuracies) == 0 or acc > max(accuracies): state = {'state_dict':model.state_dict(), 'epoch':len(accuracies)+1, 'accuracy':acc},param_file) accuracies.append(acc) # print status message if desired if status_frequency > 0 and epoch % status_frequency == 0: print("Epoch "+str(epoch+1)+": Dev Accuracy: "+str(acc)) return model, losses, accuracies
def test_d3_3b_nb(): global y_dv y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('nb-dev.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv, y_dv), .46)
def test_d4_2b_perc_accuracy(): global y_dv # i get 43% accuracy y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('perc-dev.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv, y_dv), .43)
def test_d3_3b_nb(): global y_dv y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('nb-dev.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.46)
def test_d5_5_accuracy(): global Y_dv_var acc = evaluation.acc(np.load('logreg-es-dev.preds.npy'), assert_greater_equal(acc, 0.5)
def test_d4_2b_perc_accuracy(): global y_dv # i get 43% accuracy y_hat_dv = evaluation.read_predictions('perc-dev.preds') assert_greater_equal(evaluation.acc(y_hat_dv,y_dv),.43)
def train_model(loss, model, X_tr, Y_tr, word_to_ix, tag_to_ix, X_dv=None, Y_dv=None, num_its=50, status_frequency=10, optim_args={ 'lr': 0.1, 'momentum': 0 }, param_file='best.params'): #initialize optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), **optim_args) losses = [] accuracies = [] for epoch in range(num_its): loss_value = 0 count1 = 0 for X, Y in zip(X_tr, Y_tr): X_tr_var = prepare_sequence(X, word_to_ix) Y_tr_var = prepare_sequence(Y, tag_to_ix) # set gradient to zero optimizer.zero_grad() lstm_feats = model.forward(X_tr_var) output = loss(lstm_feats, Y_tr_var) output.backward() optimizer.step() loss_value +=[0] count1 += 1 losses.append(loss_value / count1) # write parameters if this is the best epoch yet acc = 0 if X_dv is not None and Y_dv is not None: acc = 0 count2 = 0 for Xdv, Ydv in zip(X_dv, Y_dv): X_dv_var = prepare_sequence(Xdv, word_to_ix) Y_dv_var = prepare_sequence(Ydv, tag_to_ix) # run forward on dev data Y_hat = model.predict(X_dv_var) Yhat = np.array([tag_to_ix[yhat] for yhat in Y_hat]) Ydv = np.array([tag_to_ix[ydv] for ydv in Ydv]) # compute dev accuracy acc += (evaluation.acc(Yhat, Ydv)) * len(Xdv) count2 += len(Xdv) # save acc /= count2 if len(accuracies) == 0 or acc > max(accuracies): state = { 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'epoch': len(accuracies) + 1, 'accuracy': acc }, param_file) accuracies.append(acc) # print status message if desired if status_frequency > 0 and epoch % status_frequency == 0: print("Epoch " + str(epoch + 1) + ": Dev Accuracy: " + str(acc)) return model, losses, accuracies