Beispiel #1
    def __acquireLockInternal(self, blockingLock, timeout):
        waitPeriod = 3
        if not blockingLock:
            waitPeriod = min(3, timeout)
        utilities.runCommandSilently('sleep ' + str(waitPeriod))
        elapsedTime = waitPeriod
        glogger.debug(self.clientId + " trying again to acquire lock")
        start = time.time()
        if not self.__isLockFree():
            if blockingLock:
                end = time.time()
                delay = int(end-start)
                remainingTime = timeout - elapsedTime - delay
                if remainingTime <= 0:
                    return False
                timeExpired,elapsedTimeInWait = self.__timedWaitForLock(remainingTime)
                if timeExpired:
                    return False
                elapsedTime += elapsedTimeInWait
                start = time.time()

        if self.__createLockFile() != 0:
            end = time.time()
            delay = int(end-start)
            remainingTime = timeout - elapsedTime - delay
            if not blockingLock and remainingTime <= 0:
                return False
            return self.__acquireLockInternal(blockingLock, remainingTime)
        return True
Beispiel #2
 def __removeLockFile(self):
     rVal = ''
         rVal = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('cat', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
     except HdfsException as ex:
         errorMessage = self.clientId + " failed to release lock\n" + str(ex) + "\n"
         raise HdfsLockReleaseException(errorMessage)
     msgs = rVal.rstrip().splitlines()
     if len(msgs) == 1 and msgs[0] == self.clientId:
         retryCount = 0
         count = 3; # max try
         while retryCount < count:
                 glogger.debug(self.clientId + " trying to remove lock file")
                 status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('rm', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
                 if status == 0:
                     return True
             except HdfsException as ex:
                 glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not remove lock file\n" + str(ex) + "\n")
                 retryCount = retryCount + 1
         errorMessage = self.clientId + " failed to release lock after trying " + str(count) + " times\n"
         raise HdfsLockReleaseException(errorMessage)
         glogger.debug(self.clientId + " found lock file data: " + str(msgs))
         errorMessage = "no lock file found for " + self.clientId + "\n"
         raise HdfsNoLockFoundException(errorMessage)
 def __removeLockFile(self):
     rVal = ''
         rVal = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute(
             'cat', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
     except HdfsException as ex:
         errorMessage = self.clientId + " failed to release lock\n" + str(
             ex) + "\n"
         raise HdfsLockReleaseException(errorMessage)
     msgs = rVal.rstrip().splitlines()
     if len(msgs) == 1 and msgs[0] == self.clientId:
         retryCount = 0
         count = 3
         # max try
         while retryCount < count:
                 glogger.debug(self.clientId +
                               " trying to remove lock file")
                 status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute(
                     'rm', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
                 if status == 0:
                     return True
             except HdfsException as ex:
                 glogger.warn(self.clientId +
                              " could not remove lock file\n" + str(ex) +
                 retryCount = retryCount + 1
         errorMessage = self.clientId + " failed to release lock after trying " + str(
             count) + " times\n"
         raise HdfsLockReleaseException(errorMessage)
         glogger.debug(self.clientId + " found lock file data: " +
         errorMessage = "no lock file found for " + self.clientId + "\n"
         raise HdfsNoLockFoundException(errorMessage)
Beispiel #4
    def acquire(self, waitPeriod = 0):
        if not isinstance(waitPeriod, int) or waitPeriod < 0:
            raise ValueError("wait period is integer type and can not be < 0.")
        blockingLock = True
        if waitPeriod != 0:
            blockingLock = False
        glogger.debug(self.clientId + " acquiring lock...")
        start = time.time()
        if self.__hasAlreadyAcquiredLock():
            glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has already acquired lock successfully")
            return True
        if (self.__isLockFree() and self.__createLockFile() == 0):
            glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has acquired lock successfully")
            return True
        end = time.time()
        delay = int(end - start)
        waitPeriod -= delay
        lockAquired = False
        if blockingLock or waitPeriod > 0:
            lockAquired = self.__acquireLockInternal(blockingLock, waitPeriod)

        if lockAquired:
            glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has acquired lock successfully")
        elif not blockingLock:         
            glogger.debug(self.clientId + " could not acquire lock in specified time")
        return lockAquired
    def __acquireLockInternal(self, blockingLock, timeout):
        waitPeriod = 3
        if not blockingLock:
            waitPeriod = min(3, timeout)
        utilities.runCommandSilently('sleep ' + str(waitPeriod))
        elapsedTime = waitPeriod
        glogger.debug(self.clientId + " trying again to acquire lock")
        start = time.time()
        if not self.__isLockFree():
            if blockingLock:
                end = time.time()
                delay = int(end - start)
                remainingTime = timeout - elapsedTime - delay
                if remainingTime <= 0:
                    return False
                timeExpired, elapsedTimeInWait = self.__timedWaitForLock(
                if timeExpired:
                    return False
                elapsedTime += elapsedTimeInWait
                start = time.time()

        if self.__createLockFile() != 0:
            end = time.time()
            delay = int(end - start)
            remainingTime = timeout - elapsedTime - delay
            if not blockingLock and remainingTime <= 0:
                return False
            return self.__acquireLockInternal(blockingLock, remainingTime)
        return True
    def acquire(self, waitPeriod=0):
        if not isinstance(waitPeriod, int) or waitPeriod < 0:
            raise ValueError("wait period is integer type and can not be < 0.")
        blockingLock = True
        if waitPeriod != 0:
            blockingLock = False
        glogger.debug(self.clientId + " acquiring lock...")
        start = time.time()
        if self.__hasAlreadyAcquiredLock():
            glogger.debug(self.clientId +
                          " has already acquired lock successfully")
            return True
        if (self.__isLockFree() and self.__createLockFile() == 0):
            glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has acquired lock successfully")
            return True
        end = time.time()
        delay = int(end - start)
        waitPeriod -= delay
        lockAquired = False
        if blockingLock or waitPeriod > 0:
            lockAquired = self.__acquireLockInternal(blockingLock, waitPeriod)

        if lockAquired:
            glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has acquired lock successfully")
        elif not blockingLock:
            glogger.debug(self.clientId +
                          " could not acquire lock in specified time")
        return lockAquired
Beispiel #7
 def __isValidLockFile(self, lockFileData):
     msgs = lockFileData.rstrip().splitlines()
     if len(msgs) != 1:
         glogger.debug('found invalid lock file')
         return False
     tokens = msgs[0].split(',')
     if len(tokens) != 2:
         glogger.debug('found invalid lock file')
         return False
     return True
 def __isValidLockFile(self, lockFileData):
     msgs = lockFileData.rstrip().splitlines()
     if len(msgs) != 1:
         glogger.debug('found invalid lock file')
         return False
     tokens = msgs[0].split(',')
     if len(tokens) != 2:
         glogger.debug('found invalid lock file')
         return False
     return True
 def __isLockExpired(self, lsResult):
     lines = lsResult.rstrip().splitlines()
     if len(lines) == 2 and'found', lines[0].lower()):
         tokens = lines[1].split()
         dateStr = tokens[5] + ' ' + tokens[6]
         struct_time = time.strptime(dateStr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
         hdfsTime = time.mktime(struct_time)
         currentTime = time.time()
         if currentTime - hdfsTime > self.lockExpiryPeriod:
             glogger.debug('lock is expired')
             return True
     return False
Beispiel #10
 def __isLockExpired(self, lsResult):
     lines = lsResult.rstrip().splitlines()
     if len(lines) == 2 and'found', lines[0].lower()):
         tokens = lines[1].split()
         dateStr = tokens[5] + ' ' + tokens[6]
         struct_time = time.strptime(dateStr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
         hdfsTime = time.mktime(struct_time)
         currentTime = time.time()
         if currentTime - hdfsTime > self.lockExpiryPeriod:
             glogger.debug('lock is expired')
             return True
     return False
 def __cat(self, commandOptions, args):
     command = self.hadoopCmd + " fs -cat " + commandOptions + " " + args
     glogger.debug("executing command = " + command)
     process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     ret = process.communicate()
     if process.returncode != 0:
         errorString = self.__getErrorStringFromLog(ret[1])
         exceptionMessage = "could not cat file(s) [" + args + " ]\nFailure Reason: " + errorString + ' (Hdfs Command Return Code: ' + str(process.returncode) + ')\n' + ret[1]
         raise self.__getExceptionFromErrorString(errorString, exceptionMessage)
         glogger.debug("cat file(s) [" + args + " ] result:\n" + ret[0])
         return ret[0]
Beispiel #12
 def __isLockFree(self):
         status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('test -e', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
         if status == 0:
             lockFileData = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('cat', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
             lsResult = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('ls', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
             if not self.__isValidLockFile(lockFileData) or not self.__lockingProcessExists(lockFileData) or self.__isLockExpired(lsResult):
                     return True
                 except HdfsException, e:
                     glogger.warn(self.clientId + ' could not clear old lock')
                     return False
         elif status == 1:
             glogger.debug(self.clientId + " found lock free")
             return True 
Beispiel #13
 def __cat(self, commandOptions, args):
     command = self.hadoopCmd + " fs -cat " + commandOptions + " " + args
     glogger.debug("executing command = " + command)
     process = subprocess.Popen(command,
     ret = process.communicate()
     if process.returncode != 0:
         errorString = self.__getErrorStringFromLog(ret[1])
         exceptionMessage = "could not cat file(s) [" + args + " ]\nFailure Reason: " + errorString + ' (Hdfs Command Return Code: ' + str(
             process.returncode) + ')\n' + ret[1]
         raise self.__getExceptionFromErrorString(errorString,
         glogger.debug("cat file(s) [" + args + " ] result:\n" + ret[0])
         return ret[0]
 def __mv(self, commandOptions, args):
     command = self.hadoopCmd + " fs -mv " + commandOptions + " " + args
     glogger.debug("executing command = " + command)
     process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     ret = process.communicate()
     files = args.split()
     srcFiles = files[0:len(files) - 1]
     destFile = files[len(files) - 1]
     inputFiles = ''
     for file in srcFiles:
         inputFiles = inputFiles + ' ' + file
     if process.returncode != 0:
         errorString = self.__getErrorStringFromLog(ret[1])
         exceptionMessage = "could not move file(s)/directory [" + inputFiles + " ] to " + destFile + "\nFailure Reason: " + errorString + ' (Hdfs Command Return Code: ' + str(process.returncode) + ')\n' + ret[1]
         raise self.__getExceptionFromErrorString(errorString, exceptionMessage)
         glogger.debug("moved file(s) [" + inputFiles + " ] at " + destFile +" successfully")
         return 0
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, lockFileName, lockExpiryPeriod = 30):
        if not isinstance(lockFileName, str) or lockFileName == "":
            raise ValueError("lock file name is string type and can not be empty.")
        if not isinstance(lockExpiryPeriod, int) or lockExpiryPeriod <= 0:
            raise ValueError("lock expiry period is int type and can not be <= 0.")
        clientIP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
        if not clientIP or clientIP == '' or clientIP == '':
            raise Exception("could not retrieve ip address of client")
        ipTokens = clientIP.split('.')
        if len(ipTokens) != 4 or ipTokens[0] == '127':
            raise Exception("could not retrieve ip address of client")

        self.lockname = lockFileName
        self.lockExpiryPeriod = lockExpiryPeriod
        self.lockBaseDir = HdfsLock.lockBaseDirectory
        self.tmpDir = HdfsLock.tmpDirectory
        self.clientIP = clientIP = str(os.getpid())
        self.clientId = self.clientIP + "," + 
Beispiel #16
 def __createLockFile(self):
     tmpFolder = self.tmpDir + "/" + self.clientId
     command = 'mkdir -p ' + tmpFolder
     status = utilities.runCommandSilently(command)
     if status != 0:
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create directory " + tmpFolder)
         return -1
     tmpLockFile = tmpFolder + "/" + self.lockname
     command = 'touch ' + tmpLockFile + ' | echo "' + self.clientId + '" > ' + tmpLockFile
     status = utilities.runCommandSilently(command)
     if status != 0:
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create file " + tmpLockFile)
         command = "rm -rf " + tmpFolder
         return -1
         status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('put', tmpLockFile, self.lockBaseDir)
         if status == 0:
             glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has created lock file successfully")
     except HdfsDataNodeDownException as ex:
         status = -1
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create lock file\n" + str(ex) + "\n")
             glogger.debug(self.clientId + " removing partial lock file")
             glogger.debug(self.clientId + " removed partial lock file")
         except HdfsException as e:
             glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not remove partial lock file\n" + str(e) + "\n")           
     except HdfsException as e:
         status = -1
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create lock file\n" + str(e) + "\n")
     command = "rm -rf " + tmpFolder
     return status
Beispiel #17
 def __lockingProcessExists(self, lockFileData):
     msgs = lockFileData.rstrip().splitlines()
     tokens = msgs[0].split(',')
     user = '******'
     ip = tokens[0]
     pid = tokens[1]
     processExists = False
     if self.clientIP == ip:
             os.kill(int(pid), 0)
             processExists = True
         except OSError:
             glogger.debug('Locking process(' + pid + ') does not exist on ip ' + ip)
         retryCount = 3
         while retryCount > 0:
             ssh_opts = "-o ConnectTimeout=5 -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o HostbasedAuthentication=no -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no"
             command = "ssh " + ssh_opts + " " + user + "@" + ip + " \"/usr/bin/python -c \\\"exec(\\\\\\\"import os\\\\\\\\nval=0\\\\\\\\ntry:\\\\\\\\n os.kill(" + pid + ",0)\\\\\\\\nexcept OSError:\\\\\\\\n val=1\\\\\\\\nprint val\\\\\\\")\\\"\""
             process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
             ret = process.communicate()
             status = process.returncode
             if status == 0:
                 if ret[0].rstrip() == '0':
                     processExists = True
                     glogger.debug('Locking process(' + pid + ') does not exist on remote ip ' + ip)
                 retryCount -= 1;
         if retryCount == 0:
             glogger.debug('Retry limit reached. Assuming locking process(' + pid + ') does not exist on remote ip ' + ip)
     return processExists
 def __timedWaitForLock(self, timeout):
     glogger.debug(self.clientId + " started waiting for " + str(timeout) +
                   " seconds for lock to be free")
     elapsedWaitingTime = 0
     done = False
     timeExpired = False
     while not done:
         waitPeriod = min(3, timeout - elapsedWaitingTime)
         if waitPeriod <= 0:
             waitPeriod = 0
         utilities.runCommand("sleep " + str(waitPeriod))
         elapsedWaitingTime = elapsedWaitingTime + waitPeriod
         if elapsedWaitingTime >= timeout:
             timeExpired = True
             done = True
             glogger.debug("lock is not free. " + self.clientId +
                           " trying again")
             start = time.time()
             done = self.__isLockFree()
             end = time.time()
             delay = int(end - start)
             elapsedWaitingTime += delay
     if not timeExpired:
         glogger.debug(self.clientId +
                       " found the lock free after waiting for " +
                       str(elapsedWaitingTime) + " seconds")
     return timeExpired, elapsedWaitingTime
 def __isLockFree(self):
         status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute(
             'test -e', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
         if status == 0:
             lockFileData = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute(
                 'cat', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
             lsResult = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute(
                 'ls', self.lockBaseDir + "/" + self.lockname)
             if not self.__isValidLockFile(
                     lockFileData) or not self.__lockingProcessExists(
                         lockFileData) or self.__isLockExpired(lsResult):
                     return True
                 except HdfsException, e:
                     glogger.warn(self.clientId +
                                  ' could not clear old lock')
                     return False
         elif status == 1:
             glogger.debug(self.clientId + " found lock free")
             return True
    def __init__(self, lockFileName, lockExpiryPeriod=30):
        if not isinstance(lockFileName, str) or lockFileName == "":
            raise ValueError(
                "lock file name is string type and can not be empty.")
        if not isinstance(lockExpiryPeriod, int) or lockExpiryPeriod <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "lock expiry period is int type and can not be <= 0.")
        clientIP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
        if not clientIP or clientIP == '' or clientIP == '':
            raise Exception("could not retrieve ip address of client")
        ipTokens = clientIP.split('.')
        if len(ipTokens) != 4 or ipTokens[0] == '127':
            raise Exception("could not retrieve ip address of client")

        self.lockname = lockFileName
        self.lockExpiryPeriod = lockExpiryPeriod
        self.lockBaseDir = HdfsLock.lockBaseDirectory
        self.tmpDir = HdfsLock.tmpDirectory
        self.clientIP = clientIP = str(os.getpid())
        self.clientId = self.clientIP + "," +
Beispiel #21
 def __mv(self, commandOptions, args):
     command = self.hadoopCmd + " fs -mv " + commandOptions + " " + args
     glogger.debug("executing command = " + command)
     process = subprocess.Popen(command,
     ret = process.communicate()
     files = args.split()
     srcFiles = files[0:len(files) - 1]
     destFile = files[len(files) - 1]
     inputFiles = ''
     for file in srcFiles:
         inputFiles = inputFiles + ' ' + file
     if process.returncode != 0:
         errorString = self.__getErrorStringFromLog(ret[1])
         exceptionMessage = "could not move file(s)/directory [" + inputFiles + " ] to " + destFile + "\nFailure Reason: " + errorString + ' (Hdfs Command Return Code: ' + str(
             process.returncode) + ')\n' + ret[1]
         raise self.__getExceptionFromErrorString(errorString,
         glogger.debug("moved file(s) [" + inputFiles + " ] at " +
                       destFile + " successfully")
         return 0
Beispiel #22
 def __waitForLockInfinitely(self):
     glogger.debug(self.clientId + " started waiting infinitely for lock to be free")
     waitPeriod = 3
     done = False
     while not done:
         utilities.runCommand("sleep " + str(waitPeriod))
         glogger.debug("lock is not free trying again for " + self.clientId)
         done = self.__isLockFree()
     glogger.debug(self.clientId + " found the lock free")
     return 0
 def __waitForLockInfinitely(self):
     glogger.debug(self.clientId +
                   " started waiting infinitely for lock to be free")
     waitPeriod = 3
     done = False
     while not done:
         utilities.runCommand("sleep " + str(waitPeriod))
         glogger.debug("lock is not free trying again for " + self.clientId)
         done = self.__isLockFree()
     glogger.debug(self.clientId + " found the lock free")
     return 0
Beispiel #24
 def releaseForcefully(lockFileName):
     lockFilePath = HdfsLock.lockBaseDirectory + '/' + lockFileName
     glogger.debug("trying to release lock " + lockFilePath + " forcefully")
         status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('rm', lockFilePath)
         if status == 0:
             glogger.debug("released lock " + lockFilePath + " successfully")
     except HdfsFileNotFoundException:
         glogger.debug("No lock found with name = " + lockFilePath)
     except HdfsException as ex:
         errorMessage = "could not release lock = " + lockFilePath + "\n" + str(ex) + "\n"
         raise HdfsLockReleaseException(errorMessage)
 def releaseForcefully(lockFileName):
     lockFilePath = HdfsLock.lockBaseDirectory + '/' + lockFileName
     glogger.debug("trying to release lock " + lockFilePath + " forcefully")
         status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('rm', lockFilePath)
         if status == 0:
             glogger.debug("released lock " + lockFilePath +
                           " successfully")
     except HdfsFileNotFoundException:
         glogger.debug("No lock found with name = " + lockFilePath)
     except HdfsException as ex:
         errorMessage = "could not release lock = " + lockFilePath + "\n" + str(
             ex) + "\n"
         raise HdfsLockReleaseException(errorMessage)
 def __test(self, commandOptions, args):
     command = self.hadoopCmd + " fs -test " + commandOptions + " " + args
     glogger.debug("executing command = " + command)
     process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     ret = process.communicate()
     if process.returncode == 0:
         glogger.debug(command + ": 0")
         return 0
     elif process.returncode == 1:
         glogger.debug(command + ": 1")
         return 1
         errorString = self.__getErrorStringFromLog(ret[1])
         exceptionMessage = "could not execute test on file [" + args + " ]\nFailure Reason: " + errorString + ' (Hdfs Command Return Code: ' + str(process.returncode) + ')\n' + ret[1]
         raise self.__getExceptionFromErrorString(errorString, exceptionMessage)
 def __createLockFile(self):
     tmpFolder = self.tmpDir + "/" + self.clientId
     command = 'mkdir -p ' + tmpFolder
     status = utilities.runCommandSilently(command)
     if status != 0:
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create directory " +
         return -1
     tmpLockFile = tmpFolder + "/" + self.lockname
     command = 'touch ' + tmpLockFile + ' | echo "' + self.clientId + '" > ' + tmpLockFile
     status = utilities.runCommandSilently(command)
     if status != 0:
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create file " +
         command = "rm -rf " + tmpFolder
         return -1
         status = hdfsCommandExecutor.execute('put', tmpLockFile,
         if status == 0:
             glogger.debug(self.clientId +
                           " has created lock file successfully")
     except HdfsDataNodeDownException as ex:
         status = -1
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create lock file\n" +
                      str(ex) + "\n")
             glogger.debug(self.clientId + " removing partial lock file")
             glogger.debug(self.clientId + " removed partial lock file")
         except HdfsException as e:
             glogger.warn(self.clientId +
                          " could not remove partial lock file\n" + str(e) +
     except HdfsException as e:
         status = -1
         glogger.warn(self.clientId + " could not create lock file\n" +
                      str(e) + "\n")
     command = "rm -rf " + tmpFolder
     return status
Beispiel #28
 def __test(self, commandOptions, args):
     command = self.hadoopCmd + " fs -test " + commandOptions + " " + args
     glogger.debug("executing command = " + command)
     process = subprocess.Popen(command,
     ret = process.communicate()
     if process.returncode == 0:
         glogger.debug(command + ": 0")
         return 0
     elif process.returncode == 1:
         glogger.debug(command + ": 1")
         return 1
         errorString = self.__getErrorStringFromLog(ret[1])
         exceptionMessage = "could not execute test on file [" + args + " ]\nFailure Reason: " + errorString + ' (Hdfs Command Return Code: ' + str(
             process.returncode) + ')\n' + ret[1]
         raise self.__getExceptionFromErrorString(errorString,
 def __lockingProcessExists(self, lockFileData):
     msgs = lockFileData.rstrip().splitlines()
     tokens = msgs[0].split(',')
     user = '******'
     ip = tokens[0]
     pid = tokens[1]
     processExists = False
     if self.clientIP == ip:
             os.kill(int(pid), 0)
             processExists = True
         except OSError:
             glogger.debug('Locking process(' + pid +
                           ') does not exist on ip ' + ip)
         retryCount = 3
         while retryCount > 0:
             ssh_opts = "-o ConnectTimeout=5 -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o HostbasedAuthentication=no -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no"
             command = "ssh " + ssh_opts + " " + user + "@" + ip + " \"/usr/bin/python -c \\\"exec(\\\\\\\"import os\\\\\\\\nval=0\\\\\\\\ntry:\\\\\\\\n os.kill(" + pid + ",0)\\\\\\\\nexcept OSError:\\\\\\\\n val=1\\\\\\\\nprint val\\\\\\\")\\\"\""
             process = subprocess.Popen(command,
             ret = process.communicate()
             status = process.returncode
             if status == 0:
                 if ret[0].rstrip() == '0':
                     processExists = True
                     glogger.debug('Locking process(' + pid +
                                   ') does not exist on remote ip ' + ip)
                 retryCount -= 1
         if retryCount == 0:
                 'Retry limit reached. Assuming locking process(' + pid +
                 ') does not exist on remote ip ' + ip)
     return processExists
Beispiel #30
 def __timedWaitForLock(self, timeout):
     glogger.debug(self.clientId + " started waiting for " + str(timeout) + " seconds for lock to be free")
     elapsedWaitingTime = 0
     done = False
     timeExpired = False
     while not done:
         waitPeriod = min(3, timeout - elapsedWaitingTime)
         if waitPeriod <= 0:
             waitPeriod = 0
         utilities.runCommand("sleep " + str(waitPeriod))
         elapsedWaitingTime = elapsedWaitingTime + waitPeriod
         if elapsedWaitingTime >= timeout:
             timeExpired = True
             done = True
             glogger.debug("lock is not free. " + self.clientId + " trying again")
             start = time.time()
             done = self.__isLockFree()
             end = time.time()
             delay = int(end-start)
             elapsedWaitingTime += delay
     if not timeExpired:
         glogger.debug(self.clientId + " found the lock free after waiting for " + str(elapsedWaitingTime) + " seconds")
     return timeExpired,elapsedWaitingTime
Beispiel #31
 def release(self):
     glogger.debug(self.clientId + " releasing lock...")
     if self.__removeLockFile():
         glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has released lock successfully")
 def release(self):
     glogger.debug(self.clientId + " releasing lock...")
     if self.__removeLockFile():
         glogger.debug(self.clientId + " has released lock successfully")