def results_browse_command(self):
        Set the results path to entry widget
        :return: updated path

        self.results_path_input.delete(0, tk.END)
        path = set_path()
        self.results_path_input.insert(0, path)
    def set_test_path(self):
        Set the test data set path to entry widget
        :return: updated test path

        self.test_input.delete(0, END)
        path = set_path()
        self.test_input.insert(0, path)
    def set_results_path(self):
        Set the results path to entry widget
        :return: updated results path

        self.results_input.delete(0, END)
        path = set_path()
        self.results_input.insert(0, path)
    def set_algorithm_path(self, algorithm):
        Set the algorithm path in the UI
        :param algorithm: input algorithm
        :return: updated state

        self.input_entries[algorithm].delete(0, END)
        path = set_path()
        self.input_entries[algorithm].insert(0, path)