def __init__(self, suite, suiterc, template_vars, template_vars_file, orientation="TB", should_hide=False): self.outfile = None self.disable_output_image = False self.suite = suite self.file = suiterc self.suiterc = None self.orientation = orientation self.template_vars = template_vars self.template_vars_file = template_vars_file self.start_point_string = None self.stop_point_string = None self.filter_recs = [] util.setup_icons() gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.graph = xdot.Graph() window = self window.set_title('Cylc Suite Runtime Inheritance Graph Viewer') window.set_default_size(512, 512) window.set_icon( util.get_icon() ) vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) self.widget = xdot.DotWidget() # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # Create an ActionGroup actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions') self.actiongroup = actiongroup actiongroup.add_actions(( ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, None, None, 'Zoom In', self.widget.on_zoom_in), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, None, None, 'Zoom Out', self.widget.on_zoom_out), ('ZoomFit', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, None, None, 'Zoom Fit', self.widget.on_zoom_fit), ('Zoom100', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, None, None, 'Zoom 100', self.widget.on_zoom_100), ('Refresh', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, None, None, 'Refresh', self.on_refresh), ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, None, None, 'Save', self.save_action), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions(( ('LeftToRight', 'transpose', 'Transpose', None, 'Transpose the graph', self.on_left_to_right), )) # Add the actiongroup to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) # Add a UI descrption uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) left_to_right_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget( '/ToolBar/LeftToRight') left_to_right_toolitem.set_active(self.orientation == "LR") # Create a Toolbar toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar') vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.widget) self.set_focus(self.widget) if not should_hide: self.show_all() self.load_config()
def __init__(self, suite, suiterc, start_point_string, stop_point_string, template_vars, template_vars_file, orientation="TB", subgraphs_on=False, should_hide=False): self.outfile = None self.disable_output_image = False self.suite = suite self.file = suiterc self.suiterc = None self.orientation = orientation self.subgraphs_on = subgraphs_on self.template_vars = template_vars self.template_vars_file = template_vars_file self.ignore_suicide = False self.start_point_string = start_point_string self.stop_point_string = stop_point_string self.filter_recs = [] util.setup_icons() gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.graph = xdot.Graph() window = self window.set_title('Cylc Suite Dependency Graph Viewer') window.set_default_size(512, 512) window.set_icon( util.get_icon() ) vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) self.widget = xdot.DotWidget() # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # Create an ActionGroup actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions') self.actiongroup = actiongroup # create new stock icons for group and ungroup actions imagedir = os.environ[ 'CYLC_DIR' ] + '/images/icons' factory = gtk.IconFactory() for i in [ 'group', 'ungroup' ]: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( imagedir + '/' + i + '.png' ) iconset = gtk.IconSet(pixbuf) factory.add( i, iconset ) factory.add_default() actiongroup.add_actions(( ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, None, None, 'Zoom In', self.widget.on_zoom_in), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, None, None, 'Zoom Out', self.widget.on_zoom_out), ('ZoomFit', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, None, None, 'Zoom Fit', self.widget.on_zoom_fit), ('Zoom100', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, None, None, 'Zoom 100', self.widget.on_zoom_100), ('Group', 'group', 'Group', None, 'Group All Families', self.group_all), ('UnGroup', 'ungroup', 'Ungroup', None, 'Ungroup All Families', self.ungroup_all), ('Refresh', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, None, None, 'Refresh', self.on_refresh), ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, None, None, 'Save', self.save_action), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions(( ('LeftToRight', 'transpose', 'Transpose', None, 'Transpose the graph', self.on_left_to_right), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions(( ('Subgraphs', gtk.STOCK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN, 'Cycle Point Subgraphs', None, 'Organise by cycle point', self.on_subgraphs), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions(( ('IgnoreSuicide', gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 'Ignore Suicide Triggers', None, 'Ignore Suicide Triggers', self.on_igsui), )) # Add the actiongroup to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) # Add a UI descrption uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) left_to_right_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/LeftToRight') left_to_right_toolitem.set_active(self.orientation == "LR") subgraphs_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget( '/ToolBar/Subgraphs') subgraphs_toolitem.set_active(self.subgraphs_on) # Create a Toolbar toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar') vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.widget) eb = gtk.EventBox() eb.add( gtk.Label( "right-click on nodes to control family grouping" ) ) eb.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse( '#8be' ) ) vbox.pack_start( eb, False ) self.set_focus(self.widget) if not should_hide: self.show_all() self.load_config()
def __init__(self, suite, suiterc, template_vars, template_vars_file, watch, outfile=None, orientation="TB" ): self.outfile = outfile self.disable_output_image = False self.suite = suite self.file = suiterc = [] self.orientation = orientation self.template_vars = template_vars self.template_vars_file = template_vars_file gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.graph = xdot.Graph() window = self window.set_title('Suite Runtime Namespace Graph Viewer') window.set_default_size(512, 512) window.set_icon( util.get_icon() ) vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) self.widget = xdot.DotWidget() # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # Create an ActionGroup actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions') self.actiongroup = actiongroup # create new stock icons for group and ungroup actions imagedir = os.environ[ 'CYLC_DIR' ] + '/images/icons' factory = gtk.IconFactory() for i in [ 'group', 'ungroup' ]: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( imagedir + '/' + i + '.png' ) iconset = gtk.IconSet(pixbuf) factory.add( i, iconset ) factory.add_default() # Create actions actiongroup.add_actions(( ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, None, None, 'Zoom In', self.widget.on_zoom_in), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, None, None, 'Zoom Out', self.widget.on_zoom_out), ('ZoomFit', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, None, None, 'Zoom Fit', self.widget.on_zoom_fit), ('Zoom100', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, None, None, 'Zoom 100', self.widget.on_zoom_100), ('Help', gtk.STOCK_HELP, None, None, 'Help', helpwindow.graph_viewer ), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions(( ('Landscape', gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, None, None, 'Landscape', self.on_landscape), )) # Add the actiongroup to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) # Add a UI descrption uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) landscape_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/Landscape') landscape_toolitem.set_active(self.orientation == "LR") # Create a Toolbar toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar') vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.widget) #eb = gtk.EventBox() #eb.add( gtk.Label( "right-click on nodes to control family grouping" ) ) #eb.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse( '#8be' ) ) #vbox.pack_start( eb, False ) self.set_focus(self.widget) # find all suite.rc include-files self.rc_mtimes = {} self.rc_last_mtimes = {} for rc in watch: while True: try: self.rc_last_mtimes[rc] = os.stat(rc).st_mtime except OSError: # this happens occasionally when the file is being edited ... print >> sys.stderr, "Failed to get rc file mod time, trying again in 1 second" time.sleep(1) else: #self.rc_mtimes[rc] = self.rc_last_mtimes[rc] break self.show_all() while True: if self.load_config(): break else: time.sleep(1)
def __init__(self, suite, suiterc, template_vars, template_vars_file, orientation="TB", should_hide=False): self.outfile = None self.disable_output_image = False self.suite = suite self.file = suiterc self.suiterc = None self.orientation = orientation self.template_vars = template_vars self.template_vars_file = template_vars_file self.start_point_string = None self.stop_point_string = None self.filter_recs = [] util.setup_icons() gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.graph = xdot.Graph() window = self window.set_title('Cylc Suite Runtime Inheritance Graph Viewer') window.set_default_size(512, 512) window.set_icon(util.get_icon()) vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) self.widget = xdot.DotWidget() # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # Create an ActionGroup actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions') self.actiongroup = actiongroup actiongroup.add_actions(( ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, None, None, 'Zoom In', self.widget.on_zoom_in), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, None, None, 'Zoom Out', self.widget.on_zoom_out), ('ZoomFit', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, None, None, 'Zoom Fit', self.widget.on_zoom_fit), ('Zoom100', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, None, None, 'Zoom 100', self.widget.on_zoom_100), ('Refresh', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, None, None, 'Refresh', self.on_refresh), ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, None, None, 'Save', self.save_action), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions( (('LeftToRight', 'transpose', 'Transpose', None, 'Transpose the graph', self.on_left_to_right), )) # Add the actiongroup to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) # Add a UI descrption uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) left_to_right_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/LeftToRight') left_to_right_toolitem.set_active(self.orientation == "LR") # Create a Toolbar toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar') vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.widget) self.set_focus(self.widget) if not should_hide: self.show_all() self.load_config()
def __init__(self, suite, suiterc, start_point_string, stop_point_string, template_vars, template_vars_file, orientation="TB", subgraphs_on=False, ignore_suicide=True, should_hide=False): self.outfile = None self.disable_output_image = False self.suite = suite self.file = suiterc self.suiterc = None self.orientation = orientation self.subgraphs_on = subgraphs_on self.template_vars = template_vars self.template_vars_file = template_vars_file self.ignore_suicide = ignore_suicide self.start_point_string = start_point_string self.stop_point_string = stop_point_string self.filter_recs = [] util.setup_icons() gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.graph = xdot.Graph() window = self window.set_title('Cylc Suite Dependency Graph Viewer') window.set_default_size(512, 512) window.set_icon(util.get_icon()) vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) self.widget = xdot.DotWidget() # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # Create an ActionGroup actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions') self.actiongroup = actiongroup # create new stock icons for group and ungroup actions imagedir = os.environ['CYLC_DIR'] + '/images/icons' factory = gtk.IconFactory() for i in ['group', 'ungroup']: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(imagedir + '/' + i + '.png') iconset = gtk.IconSet(pixbuf) factory.add(i, iconset) factory.add_default() actiongroup.add_actions(( ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, None, None, 'Zoom In', self.widget.on_zoom_in), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, None, None, 'Zoom Out', self.widget.on_zoom_out), ('ZoomFit', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, None, None, 'Zoom Fit', self.widget.on_zoom_fit), ('Zoom100', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, None, None, 'Zoom 100', self.widget.on_zoom_100), ('Group', 'group', 'Group', None, 'Group All Families', self.group_all), ('UnGroup', 'ungroup', 'Ungroup', None, 'Ungroup All Families', self.ungroup_all), ('Refresh', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, None, None, 'Refresh', self.on_refresh), ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, None, None, 'Save', self.save_action), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions( (('LeftToRight', 'transpose', 'Transpose', None, 'Transpose the graph', self.on_left_to_right), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions( (('Subgraphs', gtk.STOCK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN, 'Cycle Point Subgraphs', None, 'Organise by cycle point', self.on_subgraphs), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions( (('IgnoreSuicide', gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 'Ignore Suicide Triggers', None, 'Ignore Suicide Triggers', self.on_igsui), )) # Add the actiongroup to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) # Add a UI descrption uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) left_to_right_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/LeftToRight') left_to_right_toolitem.set_active(self.orientation == "LR") subgraphs_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/Subgraphs') subgraphs_toolitem.set_active(self.subgraphs_on) igsui_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/IgnoreSuicide') igsui_toolitem.set_active(self.ignore_suicide) # Create a Toolbar toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar') vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.widget) eb = gtk.EventBox() eb.add(gtk.Label("right-click on nodes to control family grouping")) eb.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse('#8be')) vbox.pack_start(eb, False) self.set_focus(self.widget) if not should_hide: self.show_all() self.load_config()
def __init__(self, suite, suiterc, template_vars, template_vars_file, watch, orientation="TB" ): self.outfile = None self.disable_output_image = False self.suite = suite self.file = suiterc self.suiterc = None = [] self.orientation = orientation self.template_vars = template_vars self.template_vars_file = template_vars_file gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.graph = xdot.Graph() window = self window.set_title('Suite Runtime Namespace Graph Viewer') window.set_default_size(512, 512) window.set_icon( util.get_icon() ) vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) self.widget = xdot.DotWidget() # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # Create an ActionGroup actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions') self.actiongroup = actiongroup # create new stock icons for group and ungroup actions imagedir = os.environ[ 'CYLC_DIR' ] + '/images/icons' factory = gtk.IconFactory() for i in [ 'group', 'ungroup' ]: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( imagedir + '/' + i + '.png' ) iconset = gtk.IconSet(pixbuf) factory.add( i, iconset ) factory.add_default() # Create actions actiongroup.add_actions(( ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, None, None, 'Zoom In', self.widget.on_zoom_in), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, None, None, 'Zoom Out', self.widget.on_zoom_out), ('ZoomFit', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, None, None, 'Zoom Fit', self.widget.on_zoom_fit), ('Zoom100', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, None, None, 'Zoom 100', self.widget.on_zoom_100), ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, None, None, 'Save', self.save_action ), )) actiongroup.add_toggle_actions(( ('Landscape', gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, None, None, 'Landscape', self.on_landscape), )) # Add the actiongroup to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) # Add a UI descrption uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) landscape_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/Landscape') landscape_toolitem.set_active(self.orientation == "LR") # Create a Toolbar toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar') vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.widget) #eb = gtk.EventBox() #eb.add( gtk.Label( "right-click on nodes to control family grouping" ) ) #eb.modify_bg( gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse( '#8be' ) ) #vbox.pack_start( eb, False ) self.set_focus(self.widget) # find all suite.rc include-files self.rc_mtimes = {} self.rc_last_mtimes = {} for rc in watch: while True: try: self.rc_last_mtimes[rc] = os.stat(rc).st_mtime except OSError: # this happens occasionally when the file is being edited ... print >> sys.stderr, "Failed to get rc file mod time, trying again in 1 second" time.sleep(1) else: #self.rc_mtimes[rc] = self.rc_last_mtimes[rc] break self.show_all() while True: if self.load_config(): break else: time.sleep(1)