def openInputXLS(evt): if os.path.isfile(mywin['txtInputXLS'].value): #startcommand = 'start excel "' + mywin['txtInputXLS'].value + '"' startcommand = '"' + mywin['txtInputXLS'].value + '"' os.popen(startcommand) else: gui.alert("Please select a valid Input XLS first.")
def doScrape(evt): if num_of_search_criteria_enetered(evt) < 2: gui.alert("Enter at least two search criteria") return if not os.path.isdir(mywin['txtOutputDir'].value): os.makedirs(mywin['txtOutputDir'].value) config.outputDir = mywin['txtOutputDir'].value try: if mywin['chkRunInBrowser'].value: gui.alert("You have chosen to execute scraping in browser.\nPlease do no touch your mouse or keyboard during scraping.") else: if not gui.confirm("Scraping will run in background. Please be patient.\nDo you want to proceed?"): return config.RunInBrowser = mywin['chkRunInBrowser'].value # gui.alert("Scraping results. Please wait.") mywin.minimized = True ret_value = Scraping_Main.doScrape() mywin.minimized = False if ret_value == 1: gui.alert("Scraping Done !!!") elif ret_value == "NO_RESULTS": gui.alert("Your search query returned zero results !!!") else: gui.alert("There were some problems with the scraping. Please report to developer.") except: logger.exception(sys.exc_info()) finally: mywin.minimized = False pass
def on_btnEnviar_click(self, event): try: ok = no = 0 self.progreso(0) for i, item in self.get_selected_items(): if not item['cae'] in ("", "NULL"): archivo = self.generar_factura(item) if item.get('email'): self.enviar_mail(item, archivo) ok += 1 else: no += 1 self.log("No se envia factura %s por no tener EMAIL" % item['cbt_numero']) else: self.log("No se envia factura %s por no tener CAE" % item['cbt_numero']) no += 1 self.progreso(i) self.progreso(len(self.items)) gui.alert( 'Proceso finalizado OK!\n\nEnviados: %d\nNo enviados: %d' % (ok, no), 'Envio de Email') except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e))
def doAutoFlagging(evt): if os.path.isfile(mywin['txtInputXLS'].value): if not os.path.isdir(mywin['txtOutputImages'].value): os.makedirs(mywin['txtOutputImages'].value) config.inputXLSPath = mywin['txtInputXLS'].value config.outputXLSPath = mywin['txtOutputXLS'].value config.outputImagesPath = mywin['txtOutputImages'].value mywin['btnOpenOutput'].enabled = False mywin.minimized = True mywin.enabled = False # noinspection PyBroadException try: retValue = CL_AutoFlagging.main() mywin.enabled = True mywin.minimized = False mywin['btnOpenOutput'].enabled = True if retValue == 1: mbResponse = gui.confirm( message="Thanks for using CL_AutoFlagging by K Team \nDo you want to open output file?", title="Flagging Complete !", ) if mbResponse: openOutputXLS(evt) except: module_logger.exception(sys.exc_info()) finally: mywin.enabled = True mywin.minimized = False else: gui.alert("Please select a valid Input XLS first.")
def openOutputXLS(evt): if os.path.isfile(mywin['txtOutputXLS'].value): #startcommand = 'start excel "' + mywin['txtOutputXLS'].value + '"' startcommand = '"' + mywin['txtOutputXLS'].value + '"' os.popen(startcommand) else: gui.alert("Output XLS first does not exist.")
def grabar(self, fn=None): try: if fn is None and salida: if salida.startswith("-") and self.paths: fn = os.path.splitext(self.paths[0])[0] + salida else: fn = salida elif not fn: raise RuntimeError( "Debe indicar un nombre de archivo para grabar") if fn.lower().endswith(".csv") or fn.lower().endswith(".xlsx"): formato_csv.escribir([self.cols] + [[item[k] for k in self.cols] for item in self.items], fn) else: regs = formato_csv.desaplanar([self.cols] + [[item[k] for k in self.cols] for item in self.items]) if fn.endswith(".xml"): formato_xml.escribir(regs, fn) elif fn.endswith(".txt"): formato_txt.escribir(regs, fn) elif fn.endswith(".dbf"): formato_dbf.escribir(regs, conf_dbf, carpeta=os.path.dirname(fn)) elif fn.endswith(".json"): formato_json.escribir(regs, fn) else: self.error('Formato de archivo desconocido', str(fn)) gui.alert('Se guardó con éxito el archivo:\n%s' % (str(fn), ), 'Guardar') except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e))
def verifica_ws(self): if not gui.alert("Debe seleccionar el webservice a utilizar!", 'Advertencia') raise RuntimeError() if not self.token or not self.sign: gui.alert("Debe autenticarse con AFIP!", 'Advertencia') raise RuntimeError()
def on_menu_consultas_getCAE_click(self, event): self.verifica_ws() options = [ v for k, v in sorted([(k, v) for k, v in list(self.tipos.items())]) ] result = gui.single_choice( options, "Tipo de comprobante", "Consulta Comprobante", ) if not result: return tipocbte = [k for k, v in list(self.tipos.items()) if v == result][0] result = gui.prompt("Punto de venta", "Consulta Comprobante", '2') if not result: return ptovta = result result = gui.prompt("Nº de comprobante", "Consulta Comprobante", '2') if not result: return nrocbte = result try: if self.webservice == "wsfe": cae = 'no soportado' elif self.webservice == "wsfev1": cae = "%s (wsfev1)" % tipocbte, ptovta, nrocbte) self.log('CAE: %s' % self.log('FechaCbte: %s' % self.log('PuntoVenta: %s' % self.log('CbteNro: %s' % self.log('ImpTotal: %s' % self.log('ImpNeto: %s' % self.log('ImptoLiq: %s' % self.log('EmisionTipo: %s' % elif self.webservice == "wsfexv1": cae = "%s (wsfexv1)" %, ptovta, nrocbte) self.log('CAE: %s' % self.log('FechaCbte: %s' % self.log('PuntoVenta: %s' % self.log('CbteNro: %s' % self.log('ImpTotal: %s' % gui.alert( "CAE: %s\n" "Tipo: %s (%s)\nPunto de Venta: %s\nNumero: %s\nFecha: %s" % (cae, self.tipos[tipocbte], tipocbte, ptovta, nrocbte,, 'Consulta Comprobante') except SoapFault as e: self.log(self.client.xml_request) self.log(self.client.xml_response) self.error(e.faultcode, e.faultstring.encode("ascii", "ignore")) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(str(e), "latin1", "ignore"))
def send(evt): "Process an outgoing communication" # get the text written by the user (input textbox control) msg = ctrl_input.value # send the message (replace with socket/queue/etc.) gui.alert(msg, "Message") # record the message (update the UI) log(msg) ctrl_input.value = "" ctrl_input.set_focus()
def save_entropy_plain(): obj = {"entropy": hexlify(entropy).decode('utf-8')} with open(reckless_fname, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(obj)) with open(reckless_fname, "r") as f: d = json.loads( if "entropy" in d and d["entropy"] == hexlify(entropy).decode('utf-8'): gui.alert("Success!", "Your key is saved in the memory now") else: gui.error("Something went wrong")
def on_menu_consultas_dummy_click(self, event): ##self.verifica_ws() try: if self.webservice in ("wsfev1", "wsfexv1"): msg = "AppServ %s\nDbServer %s\nAuthServer %s" % (,, location = else: msg = "%s no soportado" % self.webservice location = "" gui.alert(msg, location) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(str(e), "latin1", "ignore"))
def on_menu_consultas_lastID_click(self, event): ##self.verifica_ws() try: if self.webservice == "wsfexv1": ultnro = else: ultnro = None gui.alert("Último ID (máximo): %s" % (ultnro), 'Consulta Último ID') except SoapFault as e: self.log(self.client.xml_request) self.log(self.client.xml_response) self.error(e.faultcode, e.faultstring.encode("ascii", "ignore")) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e))
def button_press_update(self, evt): param = {} controles = self.controls for d in controles.iterkeys(): ctrl = panel['record'][controles[d]['name']] if d != 'id': param[controles[d]['field']] = ctrl.value else: valorid = ctrl.value if not self.nuevo: self.db(self.db[self.tabla]._id==valorid).update(**param) else: self.db[self.tabla].insert(**param) self.db.commit() gui.alert("Datos grabados correctamente") if DEBUG: print self.db._lastsql
def actualizar(evt): "Agregar o actualizar los datos del cliente" nro_doc = panel['nro_doc'].value.replace('-','') tipo_doc = panel['tipo_doc'].value denominacion = panel['nombre'].value cat_iva = panel['cat_iva'].value direccion = panel['domicilio'].value email = panel['email'].value imp_ganancias = panel['ganancias'].value imp_iva = panel['impiva'].value monotributo = panel['monotributo'].value if cat_iva == 6 else 'NI' integrante_soc = 'S' if panel['intsociedad'].value else 'N' empleador = 'S' if panel['empleador'].value else 'N' if padron.Guardar(tipo_doc, nro_doc, denominacion, cat_iva, direccion, email, imp_ganancias, imp_iva, monotributo, integrante_soc, empleador): gui.alert(u"Se ha guardado la informacion correctamente") else: gui.alert(u"Se ha producido un errror y no se guardo la informacion")
def actualizar(evt): "Agregar o actualizar los datos del cliente" nro_doc = panel['nro_doc'].value.replace('-', '') tipo_doc = panel['tipo_doc'].value denominacion = panel['nombre'].value cat_iva = panel['cat_iva'].value direccion = panel['domicilio'].value email = panel['email'].value imp_ganancias = panel['ganancias'].value imp_iva = panel['impiva'].value monotributo = panel['monotributo'].value if cat_iva == 6 else 'NI' integrante_soc = 'S' if panel['intsociedad'].value else 'N' empleador = 'S' if panel['empleador'].value else 'N' if padron.Guardar(tipo_doc, nro_doc, denominacion, cat_iva, direccion, email, imp_ganancias, imp_iva, monotributo, integrante_soc, empleador): gui.alert(u"Se ha guardado la informacion correctamente") else: gui.alert(u"Se ha producido un errror y no se guardo la informacion")
def save_entropy_encrypted(): try: Key.iv = get_random_bytes(16) entropy_encrypted = entropy_encrypt(entropy) hmac_entropy_encrypted = hmac_sha512(Key.key, entropy_encrypted) obj = { "entropy": hexlify(entropy_encrypted).decode('utf-8'), "iv": hexlify(Key.iv).decode('utf-8'), "hmac": hexlify(hmac_entropy_encrypted).decode('utf-8') } with open(reckless_fname, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(obj)) with open(reckless_fname, "r") as f: d = json.loads( if "entropy" in d and d["entropy"] == hexlify(entropy_encrypted).decode('utf-8') and \ unhexlify(d["hmac"]) == hmac_entropy_encrypted and entropy == entropy_decrypt(entropy_encrypted): gui.alert("Success!", "Your encrypted key is saved in the memory now") else: gui.error("Something went wrong") except Exception as e: gui.error("Fail: %r" % e)
def count_load(evt): a = mywin['edit_count'].value try: a = int(a) f = open('data.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(a, f) f.close() f = open('data.txt', 'r') var1 = pickle.load(f) #print var1, "Bombs So Far At:", time.ctime() bombnum = a mywin['count'].left = '860' if (9 < a < 100): mywin['count'].left = '790' if (99 < a < 1000): mywin['count'].left = '720' if (999 < a): mywin['count'].left = '660' #mywin['count'].left = '660' mywin['count'].size = (0, 0) mywin['count'].text = u'%s' % (bombnum) mywin['edit_count'].visible = False mywin['load'].visible = False mywin['initi'].visible = False mywin['cans'].visible = False mywin['count'].visible = True mywin['made'].visible = True mywin['bombs'].visible = True mywin['bombpase'].visible = True mywin['ryth'].visible = True mywin['shiftbombpase'].visible = True mywin['shiftryth'].visible = True mywin['hour'].visible = True mywin['edit_count'].value = '' except: gui.alert(u'?? ????? ???? ????? ????')
def cargar(self): try: items = [] for fn in self.paths: if fn.lower().endswith(".csv") or fn.lower().endswith(".xlsx"): filas = formato_csv.leer(fn) items.extend(filas) elif fn.lower().endswith(".xml"): regs = formato_xml.leer(fn) items.extend(formato_csv.aplanar(regs)) elif fn.lower().endswith(".txt"): regs = formato_txt.leer(fn) items.extend(formato_csv.aplanar(regs)) elif fn.lower().endswith(".dbf"): reg = formato_dbf.leer(conf_dbf, carpeta=os.path.dirname(fn)) items.extend(formato_csv.aplanar(list(reg.values()))) elif fn.lower().endswith(".json"): regs = formato_json.leer(fn) items.extend(formato_csv.aplanar(regs)) else: self.error('Formato de archivo desconocido: %s', str(fn)) if len(items) < 2: gui.alert('El archivo no tiene datos válidos', 'Advertencia') # extraer los nombres de columnas (ignorar vacios de XLSX) cols = items and [str(it).strip() for it in items[0] if it] or [] if DEBUG: print("Cols", cols) # armar diccionario por cada linea items = [ dict([(col, item[i]) for i, col in enumerate(cols)]) for item in items[1:] ] self.cols = cols self.items = items except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e))
def on_menu_consultas_lastCBTE_click(self, event): ##self.verifica_ws() options = [ v for k, v in sorted([(k, v) for k, v in list(self.tipos.items())]) ] result = gui.single_choice( options, "Tipo de comprobante", "Consulta Último Nro. Comprobante", ) if not result: return tipocbte = [k for k, v in list(self.tipos.items()) if v == result][0] result = gui.prompt("Punto de venta", "Consulta Último Nro. Comprobante", '2') if not result: return ptovta = result try: if self.webservice == "wsfev1": ultcmp = "%s (wsfev1)" % tipocbte, ptovta) elif self.webservice == "wsfexv1": ultcmp = "%s (wsfexv1)" %, ptovta) gui.alert( "Último comprobante: %s\n" "Tipo: %s (%s)\nPunto de Venta: %s" % (ultcmp, self.tipos[tipocbte], tipocbte, ptovta), 'Consulta Último Nro. Comprobante') except SoapFault as e: self.log(self.client.xml_request) self.log(self.client.xml_response) self.error(e.faultcode, e.faultstring.encode("ascii", "ignore")) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(str(e), "latin1", "ignore"))
def send_message(self, evt): to = mywin['notebook']['tab_message']['to'].value sender = mywin['notebook']['tab_message']['from'].value message = mywin['notebook']['tab_message']['message'].value r = self.__get_api__() r.set_type(self.mtype) if self.mtype == 'mms': r.set_image(self.imgfile) status = r.send(to, message, sender) if status == False: mywin['statusbar'].text = r.get_error() gui.alert(r.get_error()) return if int(status['error_count']) > 0: gui.alert("%u 개의 메시지에 오류가 발생했습니다." % int(status['error_count'])) else: gui.alert("Sent!") print status['result_message'] mywin['statusbar'].text = status['result_message'].encode('utf-8')
def on_btnAutorizar_click(self, event): self.verifica_ws() try: ok = procesadas = rechazadas = 0 cols = self.cols items = [] self.progreso(0) selected = [] for i, item in self.get_selected_items(): kargs = item.copy() selected.append(item) kargs['cbt_desde'] = kargs['cbt_hasta'] = kargs['cbt_numero'] for key in kargs: if isinstance(kargs[key], str): kargs[key] = kargs[key].replace(",", ".") if self.webservice == 'wsfev1': encabezado = {} for k in ('concepto', 'tipo_doc', 'nro_doc', 'tipo_cbte', 'punto_vta', 'cbt_desde', 'cbt_hasta', 'imp_total', 'imp_tot_conc', 'imp_neto', 'imp_iva', 'imp_trib', 'imp_op_ex', 'fecha_cbte', 'moneda_id', 'moneda_ctz'): encabezado[k] = kargs[k] for k in ('fecha_venc_pago', 'fecha_serv_desde', 'fecha_serv_hasta'): if k in kargs: encabezado[k] = kargs.get(k)**encabezado) for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'tributo_%%s_%s' % l if (k % 'id') in kargs: id = kargs[k % 'id'] desc = kargs[k % 'desc'] base_imp = kargs[k % 'base_imp'] alic = kargs[k % 'alic'] importe = kargs[k % 'importe'] if id:, desc, base_imp, alic, importe) else: break for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'iva_%%s_%s' % l if (k % 'id') in kargs: id = kargs[k % 'id'] base_imp = kargs[k % 'base_imp'] importe = kargs[k % 'importe'] if id:, base_imp, importe) else: break for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'cbte_asoc_%%s_%s' % l if (k % 'tipo') in kargs: tipo = kargs[k % 'tipo'] pto_vta = kargs[k % 'pto_vta'] nro = kargs[k % 'nro'] if id:, pto_vta, nro) else: break for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'opcional_%%s_%s' % l if (k % 'id') in kargs: op_id = kargs[k % 'id'] valor = kargs[k % 'valor'] if op_id:, valor) else: break if DEBUG: self.log('\n'.join([ "%s='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in list( ])) cae = kargs.update({ 'cae':, 'fecha_vto':, 'resultado':, 'motivo':, 'reproceso':, 'err_code':"latin1"), 'err_msg':"latin1"), }) if gui.alert(, "Error AFIP") if and != '00': gui.alert(, "Observación AFIP") elif self.webservice == 'wsfexv1': kargs['cbte_nro'] = kargs['cbt_numero'] kargs[ 'permiso_existente'] = kargs['permiso_existente'] or "" encabezado = {} for k in ('tipo_cbte', 'punto_vta', 'cbte_nro', 'fecha_cbte', 'imp_total', 'tipo_expo', 'permiso_existente', 'pais_dst_cmp', 'nombre_cliente', 'cuit_pais_cliente', 'domicilio_cliente', 'id_impositivo', 'moneda_id', 'moneda_ctz', 'obs_comerciales', 'obs_generales', 'forma_pago', 'incoterms', 'idioma_cbte', 'incoterms_ds'): encabezado[k] = kargs.get(k)**encabezado) for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'codigo%s' % l if k in kargs: codigo = kargs['codigo%s' % l] ds = kargs['descripcion%s' % l] qty = kargs['cantidad%s' % l] umed = kargs['umed%s' % l] precio = kargs['precio%s' % l] importe = kargs['importe%s' % l] bonif = kargs.get('bonif%s' % l), ds, qty, umed, precio, importe, bonif) else: break for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'cbte_asoc_%%s_%s' % l if (k % 'tipo') in kargs: tipo = kargs[k % 'tipo'] pto_vta = kargs[k % 'pto_vta'] nro = kargs[k % 'nro'] if id:, pto_vta, nro) else: break if DEBUG: self.log('\n'.join([ "%s='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in list( ])) cae =['id']) kargs.update({ 'cae':, 'fecha_vto':, 'resultado':, 'motivo':, 'reproceso':, 'err_code':"latin1"), 'err_msg':"latin1"), }) if gui.alert(, "Error AFIP") if and != '00': gui.alert(, "Observación AFIP") # actualizo la factura for k in ('cae', 'fecha_vto', 'resultado', 'motivo', 'reproceso', 'err_code', 'err_msg'): if kargs.get(k): item[k] = kargs[k] if kargs[k] is not None else "" self.items[i] = item self.log("ID: %s CAE: %s Motivo: %s Reproceso: %s" % (kargs['id'], kargs['cae'], kargs['motivo'], kargs['reproceso'])) procesadas += 1 if kargs['resultado'] == "R": rechazadas += 1 elif kargs['resultado'] == "A": ok += 1 self.progreso(i) self.items = self.items self.set_selected_items(selected) self.progreso(len(self.items) - 1) gui.alert( 'Proceso finalizado, procesadas %d\n\n' 'Aceptadas: %d\n' 'Rechazadas: %d' % (procesadas, ok, rechazadas), 'Autorización') self.grabar() except SoapFault as e: self.error(e.faultcode, e.faultstring.encode("ascii", "ignore")) except KeyError as e: self.error("Error", 'Campo obligatorio no encontrado: %s' % e) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e)) finally: if DEBUG: if self.webservice == 'wsfev1' and DEBUG: print( print(
def on_btnAutenticar_click(self, event): try: if self.webservice in ('wsfe', ): service = "wsfe" elif self.webservice in ('wsfev1', ): self.log("Conectando WSFEv1... " + wsfev1_url)"", wsfev1_url, proxy_dict, timeout=60, cacert=CACERT, wrapper=WRAPPER) = cuit service = "wsfe" elif self.webservice in ('wsfex', 'wsfexv1'): self.log("Conectando WSFEXv1... " + wsfexv1_url)"", wsfexv1_url, proxy_dict, cacert=CACERT, wrapper=WRAPPER) = cuit service = "wsfex" else: gui.alert('Debe seleccionar servicio web!', 'Advertencia') return self.log("Creando TRA %s ..." % service) ws = wsaa.WSAA() tra = ws.CreateTRA(service) self.log("Frimando TRA (CMS) con %s %s..." % (str(cert), str(privatekey))) cms = ws.SignTRA(str(tra), str(cert), str(privatekey)) self.log("Llamando a WSAA... " + wsaa_url) ws.Conectar("", wsdl=wsaa_url, proxy=proxy_dict, cacert=CACERT, wrapper=WRAPPER) self.log("Proxy: %s" % proxy_dict) xml = ws.LoginCMS(str(cms)) self.log("Procesando respuesta...") if xml: self.token = ws.Token self.sign = ws.Sign if DEBUG: self.log("Token: %s" % self.token) self.log("Sign: %s" % self.sign) elif self.token and self.sign: self.log("Token: %s... OK" % self.token[:10]) self.log("Sign: %s... OK" % self.sign[:10]) if self.webservice in ("wsfev1", "wsfexv1"): = self.token = self.sign if xml: gui.alert('Autenticado OK!', 'Advertencia') else: gui.alert('Respuesta: %s' % ws.XmlResponse, 'No se pudo autenticar: %s' % ws.Excepcion) except SoapFault as e: self.error(e.faultcode, e.faultstring.encode("ascii", "ignore")) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e))
def on_field1_keypress(self, evt): print "Keypress: ", evt.key if evt.key == 13: gui.alert(self.component['field1'].value, "hello world!")
def on_menu_ayuda_acercade_click(self, event): text = ACERCA_DE gui.alert(text, 'Acerca de PyRece Versión %s' % __version__)
def on_menu_ayuda_instructivo_click(self, event): text = INSTRUCTIVO gui.alert(text, 'Instructivo de PyRece')
def delete_entropy(): try: os.remove(reckless_fname) gui.alert("Success!", "Your key is deleted") except: gui.error("Failed to delete the key")
def get_balance(self, evt): cash, point = self.__get_balance__() gui.alert('cash : %u, point : %u' % (cash, point))
def on_field1_keypress(evt): print "Keypress: ", evt.key if evt.key == 13: gui.alert(evt.window['field1'].value, "hello world!")
def main(): args = parse_arguments() shown_times = [] logger.debug("Work plan started") while True: plan_file, error_message = find_plan_file(args.plan_folder) if plan_file is None: logger.warning(f"No plan file found") playsound(no_plan_alarm) gui.alert("Error", error_message) sleep(20) else: time_with_activity = get_activities(plan_file) now = from_time, to_time = get_current_time_range( time_with_activity.keys(), now) if from_time is None: logger.warning("No defined activity") playsound(no_plan_alarm) gui.alert("Error", "No activity is planned") sleep(20) elif to_time is None: logger.warning("No defined activity end") playsound(no_plan_alarm) gui.alert( "Error", f"Activity {time_with_activity[from_time]} starting at {from_time.strftime('%H:%M')}" f" has no defined end") sleep(20) elif (to_time - from_time).total_seconds() > 60 * 60: logger.warning( "Activity is too long (max duration is one hour)") playsound(no_plan_alarm) gui.alert( "Error", "Activity is too long (maximally one hour is allowed)") sleep(20) elif from_time not in shown_times: f"{from_time.strftime('%H:%M')} - {to_time.strftime('%H:%M')}: {time_with_activity[from_time]}" ) shown_times.append(from_time) playsound(alarm) gui.alert( f"{from_time.strftime('%H:%M')} - {to_time.strftime('%H:%M')}", time_with_activity[from_time], timeout=None) sleep(5) else: sleep(5)
def error(self, code, text): ex = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]) self.log(''.join(ex)) gui.alert(text, 'Error %s' % code)
def on_mypanel_mybutton_click(etv): gui.alert("btn clicked!!!!")
to.append(bcc) self.smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], to, msg.as_string()) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e)) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and not sys.argv[1].startswith("-"): CONFIG_FILE = sys.argv[1] config = SafeConfigParser() if not len(config.sections()): if os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE): gui.alert( "Error al cargar archivo de configuración: %s" % CONFIG_FILE, "PyRece: Imposible Continuar") else: gui.alert( "No se encuentra archivo de configuración: %s" % CONFIG_FILE, "PyRece: Imposible Continuar") sys.exit(1) cert = config.get('WSAA', 'CERT') privatekey = config.get('WSAA', 'PRIVATEKEY') cuit = config.get('WSFEv1', 'CUIT') if config.has_option('WSFEv1', 'ENTRADA'): entrada = config.get('WSFEv1', 'ENTRADA') else: entrada = "" if not os.path.exists(entrada): entrada = "facturas.csv"
# (this will allow to drop new controls on the window) obj = root set_drop_target(root, root, designer, inspector) # link the designer (context menu) and toolbox (tool click) inspector.set_designer(designer) tb.set_default_tlw(root, designer, inspector) if root: designer.onclose = save designer.filename = filename frame.Show() tb.Show() wellcome_tip(root.wx_obj) f1.Move((root.pos[0] + root.size[0] + 50, 25)) f2.Move((root.pos[0] + root.size[0] + 50, f1.Size[1] + 60)) f1.Show() f2.Show() ##import wx.lib.inspection ##wx.lib.inspection.InspectionTool().Show() app.MainLoop() else: gui.alert("No window to design!")
def on_btnAutorizarLote_click(self, event): self.verifica_ws() if not self.items: return try: #getcontext().prec = 2 ok = 0 rechazadas = 0 cols = self.cols items = [] self.progreso(0) cbt_desde = cbt_hasta = None datos = { 'tipo_cbte': None, 'punto_vta': None, 'fecha_cbte': None, 'fecha_venc_pago': None, 'fecha_cbte': None, 'fecha_venc_pago': None, 'fecha_serv_desde': None, 'fecha_serv_hasta': None, 'moneda_id': None, 'moneda_ctz': None, 'id': None, } importes = { 'imp_total': Decimal(0), 'imp_tot_conc': Decimal(0), 'imp_neto': Decimal(0), 'imp_iva': Decimal(0), 'imp_op_ex': Decimal(0), 'imp_trib': Decimal(0), } for l in range(1, 5): k = 'iva_%%s_%s' % l datos[k % 'id'] = None importes[k % 'base_imp'] = Decimal(0) importes[k % 'importe'] = Decimal(0) for l in range(1, 10): k = 'tributo_%%s_%s' % l datos[k % 'id'] = None datos[k % 'desc'] = None importes[k % 'base_imp'] = Decimal(0) datos[k % 'alic'] = None importes[k % 'importe'] = Decimal(0) for i, item in self.get_selected_items(): if cbt_desde is None or int(item['cbt_numero']) < cbt_desde: cbt_desde = int(item['cbt_numero']) if cbt_hasta is None or int(item['cbt_numero']) > cbt_hasta: cbt_hasta = int(item['cbt_numero']) for key in item: if key in datos: if datos[key] is None: datos[key] = item[key] elif datos[key] != item[key]: raise RuntimeError( "%s tiene valores distintos en el lote!" % key) if key in importes and item[key]: importes[key] = importes[key] + Decimal( "%.2f" % float(str(item[key].replace(",", ".")))) kargs = {'cbt_desde': cbt_desde, 'cbt_hasta': cbt_hasta} kargs.update({'tipo_doc': 99, 'nro_doc': '0'}) kargs.update(datos) kargs.update(importes) if kargs['fecha_serv_desde'] and kargs['fecha_serv_hasta']: kargs['presta_serv'] = 1 kargs['concepto'] = 2 else: kargs['presta_serv'] = 0 kargs['concepto'] = 1 del kargs['fecha_serv_desde'] del kargs['fecha_serv_hasta'] for key, val in list(importes.items()): importes[key] = val.quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) if 'id' not in kargs or kargs['id'] == "": id = int(kargs['cbt_desde']) id += (int(kargs['tipo_cbte']) * 10**4 + int(kargs['punto_vta'])) * 10**8 kargs['id'] = id if DEBUG: self.log('\n'.join( ["%s='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in list(kargs.items())])) if '--test' in sys.argv: kargs['cbt_desde'] = 777 kargs['fecha_cbte'] = '20110802' kargs['fecha_venc_pago'] = '20110831' if gui.confirm( "Confirma Lote:\n" "Tipo: %(tipo_cbte)s Desde: %(cbt_desde)s Hasta %(cbt_hasta)s\n" "Neto: %(imp_neto)s IVA: %(imp_iva)s Trib.: %(imp_trib)s Total: %(imp_total)s" % kargs, "Autorizar lote:"): if self.webservice == 'wsfev1': encabezado = {} for k in ('concepto', 'tipo_doc', 'nro_doc', 'tipo_cbte', 'punto_vta', 'cbt_desde', 'cbt_hasta', 'imp_total', 'imp_tot_conc', 'imp_neto', 'imp_iva', 'imp_trib', 'imp_op_ex', 'fecha_cbte', 'moneda_id', 'moneda_ctz'): encabezado[k] = kargs[k] for k in ('fecha_venc_pago', 'fecha_serv_desde', 'fecha_serv_hasta'): if k in kargs: encabezado[k] = kargs.get(k)**encabezado) for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'iva_%%s_%s' % l if (k % 'id') in kargs: id = kargs[k % 'id'] base_imp = kargs[k % 'base_imp'] importe = kargs[k % 'importe'] if id:, base_imp, importe) else: break for l in range(1, 1000): k = 'tributo_%%s_%s' % l if (k % 'id') in kargs: id = kargs[k % 'id'] desc = kargs[k % 'desc'] base_imp = kargs[k % 'base_imp'] alic = kargs[k % 'alic'] importe = kargs[k % 'importe'] if id:, desc, base_imp, alic, importe) else: break if DEBUG: self.log('\n'.join([ "%s='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in list( ])) cae = kargs.update({ 'cae':, 'fecha_vto':, 'resultado':, 'motivo':, 'reproceso':, 'err_code':"latin1"), 'err_msg':"latin1"), }) if gui.alert(, "Error AFIP") if and != '00': gui.alert(, "Observación AFIP") for i, item in self.get_selected_items(): for key in ('id', 'cae', 'fecha_vto', 'resultado', 'motivo', 'reproceso', 'err_code', 'err_msg'): item[ key] = kargs[key] if kargs[key] is not None else "" self.items[i] = item self.log("ID: %s CAE: %s Motivo: %s Reproceso: %s" % (kargs['id'], kargs['cae'], kargs['motivo'], kargs['reproceso'])) if kargs['resultado'] == "R": rechazadas += 1 elif kargs['resultado'] == "A": ok += 1 self.items = self.items # refrescar, ver de corregir self.progreso(len(self.items)) gui.alert( 'Proceso finalizado OK!\n\nAceptadas: %d\nRechazadas: %d' % (ok, rechazadas), 'Autorización') self.grabar() except SoapFault as e: self.log(self.client.xml_request) self.log(self.client.xml_response) self.error(e.faultcode, e.faultstring.encode("ascii", "ignore")) except Exception as e: self.error('Excepción', str(e))
def on_field1_keypress(evt): print "Keypress: ", evt.key if evt.key == 13: gui.alert(evt.window["field1"].value, "hello world!")
def qr_animated(indx, callback): gui.alert("Animated QR: %s/%s" % (indx[0], indx[1]), "Proceed to scanning code No. %s" % str(indx[0] + 1), callback)
def sys_mes(mess): import wx, sys gui.alert(mess)
def doOrderScrape(evt): if not mywin['txtFivUsername'].value or not mywin['txtFivPassword'].value: gui.alert("Please enter username and password") return if not os.path.isdir(mywin['txtOutputPath'].value): os.makedirs(mywin['txtOutputPath'].value) config.outputPath = mywin['txtOutputPath'].value config.outputAttachmentsPath = config.outputPath + "Attachments/" if not os.path.isdir(config.outputAttachmentsPath): os.makedirs(config.outputAttachmentsPath) config.FivUsername = mywin['txtFivUsername'].value config.FivPassword = mywin['txtFivPassword'].value try: gui.alert("Starting Order Scrape. \nPlease do not touch your keyboard or mouse.") mywin.minimized = True ret_value = FiverrOrderScrape.main() mywin.minimized = False if ret_value == 1: gui.alert("Order Scraping Done.") elif ret_value == 101: gui.alert("There were no orders to scrape.") elif ret_value == 102: gui.alert("There were no new orders to scrape.") else: gui.alert("There were some problems with scraping. Please report to developer.") except: logger.exception(sys.exc_info()) finally: mywin.minimized = False
def logicloop(loopy): try: theDevice = ArduinoUsbDevice(idVendor=0x16c0, idProduct=0x05df) except: gui.alert( u'?? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ????? \n ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????' ) try: f = open('data.txt', 'r') a = pickle.load(f) #print a, "Bombs So Far At:", time.ctime() except: a = 0 b = 0 f = open('pase.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(b, f) f.close() startime = time.time() f = open('startime.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(startime, f) f.close() c = 0 f = open('shiftpase.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(c, f) f.close() shifttime = time.time() f = open('shifttime.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(shifttime, f) f.close() while True: lastChar = chr( sys.stdout.flush() while (lastChar == "0"): lastChar = chr( if (lastChar == "1"): winsound.PlaySound('bomb.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME) f = open('data.txt', 'r') a = pickle.load(f) a = a + 1 #print a, "Bombs So Far At:", time.ctime() ddelay = 0 bombnum = a mywin['count'].left = '860' if (9 < a < 100): mywin['count'].left = '790' if (99 < a < 1000): mywin['count'].left = '720' if (999 < a): mywin['count'].left = '660' mywin['count'].size = (0, 0) mywin['count'].text = u'%s' % (bombnum) mywin['count'].transparent = False mywin['count'].transparent = True mywin['count'].bgcolor = 'transparent' f = open('data.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(a, f) f.close() lastChar = chr( mywin['statusbar'].text = u"???? ?????? ?????? ????: %s" % ( time.ctime()) f = open('pase.txt', 'r') b = pickle.load(f) b = b + 1 f = open('startime.txt', 'r') startime = pickle.load(f) pase = time.time() avg = (pase - startime) #print "time passed: ", avg avgpase = (b / avg) * 3600 #print b #print "bomb pase: ", avgpase avgpase = int(avgpase) bombpase = avgpase print bombpase if (bombpase < 1): mywin['bombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['bombpase'].left = '800' mywin['bombpase'].top = '500' mywin['bombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['bombpase'].text = u'--' mywin['bombpase'].transparent = False mywin['bombpase'].transparent = True mywin['bombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (1 <= bombpase < 10): mywin['bombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['bombpase'].left = '800' mywin['bombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['bombpase'].text = u'%s' % (bombpase) mywin['bombpase'].transparent = False mywin['bombpase'].transparent = True mywin['bombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (10 <= bombpase <= 33): mywin['bombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['bombpase'].left = '775' mywin['bombpase'].top = '480' mywin['bombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['bombpase'].text = u'%s' % (bombpase) mywin['bombpase'].transparent = False mywin['bombpase'].transparent = True mywin['bombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (34 <= bombpase <= 99): mywin['bombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['bombpase'].left = '775' mywin['bombpase'].top = '480' mywin['bombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['bombpase'].text = u'%s' % (bombpase) mywin['bombpase'].transparent = False mywin['bombpase'].transparent = True mywin['bombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (99 < bombpase): mywin['bombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['bombpase'].left = '780' mywin['bombpase'].top = '500' mywin['bombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['bombpase'].text = u'--' mywin['bombpase'].transparent = False mywin['bombpase'].transparent = True mywin['bombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' f = open('pase.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(b, f) f.close() f = open('shiftpase.txt', 'r') c = pickle.load(f) c = c + 1 f = open('shifttime.txt', 'r') shifttime = pickle.load(f) shiftpase = time.time() shiftavg = (shiftpase - shifttime) #print "time passed: ", shiftavg shiftavgpase = (c / shiftavg) * 3600 #print c #print "bomb pase: ", shiftavgpase shiftavgpase = int(shiftavgpase) shiftbombpase = shiftavgpase print shiftbombpase if (shiftbombpase < 1): mywin['shiftbombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['shiftbombpase'].left = '800' mywin['shiftbombpase'].top = '700' mywin['shiftbombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['shiftbombpase'].text = u'--' mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = False mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = True mywin['shiftbombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (1 <= shiftbombpase < 10): mywin['shiftbombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['shiftbombpase'].left = '800' mywin['shiftbombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['shiftbombpase'].text = u'%s' % (shiftbombpase) mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = False mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = True mywin['shiftbombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (10 <= shiftbombpase <= 33): mywin['shiftbombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['shiftbombpase'].left = '775' mywin['shiftbombpase'].top = '680' mywin['shiftbombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['shiftbombpase'].text = u'%s' % (shiftbombpase) mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = False mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = True mywin['shiftbombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (34 <= shiftbombpase <= 99): mywin['shiftbombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['shiftbombpase'].left = '775' mywin['shiftbombpase'].top = '680' mywin['shiftbombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['shiftbombpase'].text = u'%s' % (shiftbombpase) mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = False mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = True mywin['shiftbombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' if (99 < shiftbombpase): mywin['shiftbombpase'].fgcolor = u'#FFFFFF' mywin['shiftbombpase'].left = '780' mywin['shiftbombpase'].top = '700' mywin['shiftbombpase'].size = (0, 0) mywin['shiftbombpase'].text = u'--' mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = False mywin['shiftbombpase'].transparent = True mywin['shiftbombpase'].bgcolor = 'transparent' f = open('shiftpase.txt', 'w') pickle.dump(c, f) f.close() while (ddelay < 50000000): ddelay = ddelay + 1 break