Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        translator = QTranslator(app) # translation       
        translator.load('%slocale/%s.qm' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, locale.getlocale()[0])) # all files in locale/ as language code de_DE.qm as example
        app.installTranslator(translator) # use the file if the language exists
        QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.ui = Ui_KFZcheck() # load the qt-designer generated gui file

        self.countrybox = QDialog() # create a dialog for the country (and extras) selector
        self.countrybox.setWindowTitle("Select file"))
        self.countrybox.setFixedHeight(350) # it's not the best way ...
        self.countryvertical = QVBoxLayout(self.countrybox) # create a vertical layout - full width of the screen
        self.countryfield = QListWidget(self.countrybox) # for the country selector
        self.countryvertical.addWidget(self.countryfield) # full witdh for the listwidget = QActionGroup(self)

        QObject.connect(self.ui.searchfield, SIGNAL('textChanged(QString)'), self.searching) # call the searching function on every text change - on the fly search
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionTop, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.filterTop)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionMiddle, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.filterMiddle)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionBottom, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.filterBottom)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionAbout, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.about)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionCountry, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.countrySelector)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionExtras, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.extrasSelector) # loads self.countrySelector with a dir parameter
        QObject.connect(self.countryfield, SIGNAL('itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *)'), self.loadCountry)

        extras_path = '%s%s/%s' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, self.kfzcheck_list_dir, self.kfzcheck_extras)
        if os.path.isdir(extras_path): # if the extras dir exists 
            self.ui.actionExtras.setVisible(True) # show the action menu for the extras list - it's hidden normally

Beispiel #2
class KFZcheck(QMainWindow):
    workingDir = os.getcwd() # get the current directory
    appName = sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1] # get the application name
    pathToFile = sys.argv[0].rstrip(appName) # extract the path from the current dir to the app - and exclude the application name

    if pathToFile == '': # when is in the same dir
        kfzcheck_dir = '%s/' % (workingDir)
    elif pathToFile[0] == '/': # to differentiate between absolute and relative path
        kfzcheck_dir = pathToFile # absolute path
        kfzcheck_dir = '%s/%s' % (workingDir, pathToFile) # create the absolute path out of the relative one

    kfzcheck_list_dir = 'kfzlist'
    kfzcheck_extras = 'extras/'

    listfield_list = [] # data for searching
    Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    kfzcheck_ini = os.path.expanduser('~/.kfzcheck.ini') # configuration file for the country selection
    if os.path.isfile(kfzcheck_ini) == False: # when the ini file not exists create it in ~./.kfzcheck.ini
        ini_file = open(kfzcheck_ini, 'w') # open the file and create it when not exists
        Config.set('Country', 'firstload', 'de') # first standard load is the german file
    firstload = Config.get('Country', 'firstload') # load the country that specified in the configuration file

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        translator = QTranslator(app) # translation       
        translator.load('%slocale/%s.qm' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, locale.getlocale()[0])) # all files in locale/ as language code de_DE.qm as example
        app.installTranslator(translator) # use the file if the language exists
        QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.ui = Ui_KFZcheck() # load the qt-designer generated gui file

        self.countrybox = QDialog() # create a dialog for the country (and extras) selector
        self.countrybox.setWindowTitle("Select file"))
        self.countrybox.setFixedHeight(350) # it's not the best way ...
        self.countryvertical = QVBoxLayout(self.countrybox) # create a vertical layout - full width of the screen
        self.countryfield = QListWidget(self.countrybox) # for the country selector
        self.countryvertical.addWidget(self.countryfield) # full witdh for the listwidget = QActionGroup(self)

        QObject.connect(self.ui.searchfield, SIGNAL('textChanged(QString)'), self.searching) # call the searching function on every text change - on the fly search
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionTop, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.filterTop)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionMiddle, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.filterMiddle)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionBottom, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.filterBottom)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionAbout, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.about)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionCountry, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.countrySelector)
        QObject.connect(self.ui.actionExtras, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.extrasSelector) # loads self.countrySelector with a dir parameter
        QObject.connect(self.countryfield, SIGNAL('itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *)'), self.loadCountry)

        extras_path = '%s%s/%s' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, self.kfzcheck_list_dir, self.kfzcheck_extras)
        if os.path.isdir(extras_path): # if the extras dir exists 
            self.ui.actionExtras.setVisible(True) # show the action menu for the extras list - it's hidden normally


    def load(self, kfzlist):
        csvfile_country = '%s%s/%s.csv' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, self.kfzcheck_list_dir, kfzlist)
        csvfile_extras = '%s%s/%s%s.csv' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, self.kfzcheck_list_dir, self.kfzcheck_extras, kfzlist)

        if os.path.isfile(csvfile_country): # a bit ... circular, but it's easy ;)
            csvfile = csvfile_country # it's not as modular as is can be but it searches in two directorys for files
            csvfile = csvfile_extras

            file = csv.reader(open(csvfile), delimiter=',') # parse the csv file
            for i in file:
                i[0] = unicode(i[0], 'utf-8') # listfield_list is unicode, too. When i append the item.
                i[1] = unicode(i[1], 'utf-8')

                if len(i) == 3: # check if the csv file has 3 values
                    i[2] = unicode(i[2], 'utf-8')
                    self.addItemstoList('%s, %s\n%s' % (i[0], i[1], i[2]))
                    self.addItemstoList('%s, %s' % (i[0], i[1])) # when only 2 values in the csv files
   # when no csv file found at the first start and you change the country - the searchfield should be displayed
            self.addItemstoList("csv file not found or has not enough rights."))
            self.ui.searchfield.hide() # no searchoption - the message will be stay on the screen
        self.setWindowTitle('KFZcheck - %s ' % (kfzlist)) # set the name of the current list in the the window title
        self.filterTop() # jump to the beginning after loading a new csv file 
        self.countrybox.hide() # hide the QDialog
        self.countryfield.hide() # hide the country selector after pressing the next file to load
    def loadCountry(self):
        self.listfield_list = [] # clear the searching list from the old entries
        self.ui.listfield.clear() # clear the ui from the old entries
        selected_country = self.countryfield.currentItem().text()

        self.Config.set('Country', 'firstload', selected_country) # set the config file to the selected country
        ini_file = open(self.kfzcheck_ini, 'w') # open the file
        self.Config.write(ini_file) # write and save it
        ini_file.close # close the ini file
        self.load(selected_country) # load the csv file
    def searching(self):
        text = unicode(self.ui.searchfield.text()) # a QString is not as nice as unicode :)
        for i in self.listfield_list:
            if i[0].startswith(text): # when uppercase writing show all license plates that starts with searchtext
                if len(i) == 3:
                    self.addItemstoList('%s, %s\n%s' % (i[0], i[1], i[2]))
                    self.addItemstoList('%s, %s' % (i[0], i[1]))
                if text.islower(): # lowercase writing
                    if text.lower() == i[0].lower(): # if the license plate matches exactly
                        self.ui.listfield.clear() # show only the right
                        if len(i) == 3:
                            self.addItemstoList('%s, %s\n%s' % (i[0], i[1], i[2]))
                            self.addItemstoList('%s, %s' % (i[0], i[1]))
                        break # and break the loop after it

                        if i[1].lower().startswith(text.lower()): # lowercase, search after the city
                            if len(i) == 3:
                                self.addItemstoList('%s, %s\n%s' % (i[0], i[1], i[2]))
                                self.addItemstoList('%s, %s' % (i[0], i[1]))
        if self.ui.listfield.count() == 0: # check if no items in list
            self.addItemstoList("No matches found")) # add a descriptions text 
    def addItemstoList(self, textToadd):
        newItem = QListWidgetItem()
        textToAddList = unicode(textToadd).splitlines()
        if len(textToAddList) == 2: # when two lines - the state is always on a newline - check if a image exists - it's not a problem when no image exists
            textIcon = textToAddList[1] # get the name of the image
            secondload = self.Config.get('Country', 'firstload') # get the selected country in the moment
            icon = QIcon('%s/wappen/%s/%s.png' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, secondload, textIcon)) # set it as QIcon
            newItem.setIcon(icon) # and add it to the newItem
        self.ui.listfield.addItem(newItem) # add the item to the QlistWidget
    def filterTop(self):
        self.ui.listfield.setCurrentRow(0) # jump to the top
        self.ui.listfield.setCurrentRow(1) # It's not possible to jump into a selected area twice, 
                                           # this happens when you scroll manually down with a scrollbar - so we have to change it
        self.ui.listfield.clearSelection() # no selection should be visible

    def filterMiddle(self):
        rows = self.ui.listfield.count()
        self.ui.listfield.setCurrentRow(rows/2) # jump to the middle
        self.ui.listfield.clearSelection() # no selection should be visible
    def filterBottom(self):
        rows = self.ui.listfield.count()
        self.ui.listfield.setCurrentRow(rows-1) # jump to the end (-1 because it count from 0)
        self.ui.listfield.setCurrentRow(rows-2) # 
        self.ui.listfield.clearSelection() # no selection should be visible

    def about(self):
        text ="""<p><span style=\" font-size:30pt; text-decoration: bold; color:#ff5c00;\">KFZcheck</span> searches for kfz license plates shortcuts and cities / regions.</p>
<p><span style=\" text-decoration: bold; color:#ff5c00;\">Uppercase</span> searches for all license plates starting with your search. <span style=\" text-decoration: bold; color:#ff5c00;\">Lowercase</span> matches exactly for the license plates and searches after the city / region, if no license plate exists.</p>

<p>It's possible to use other data sources (numbers, city codes, etc.) Visit the project website at <a href=""><span style=\" text-decoration: underline; color:#ff5c00;\"></span></a>.</p>

<p>Other data sources has the same search mechanism - look at the order.</p>

<p>Feedback is welcome at <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span style=\" text-decoration: bold; color:#ff5c00;\">[email protected]</span></p>""")
        self.aboutDialog = QDialog()
        self.aboutDialog.setFixedHeight(350) # fixed height to use the possible height
        self.aboutVLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.aboutDialog) 
        self.aboutScroll = QScrollArea() # scrollable area
        self.aboutScroll.setProperty('FingerScrollable', True) 

        self.aboutLabel = QLabel(text)
        self.aboutLabel.setOpenExternalLinks( True ) # without this set command no website or email will be opened
        self.aboutLabel.setWordWrap(True) # word should be wraped when they no fit into a line

        # show the whole dialog

    def extrasSelector(self): # only a helper function to call countrySelector

    def countrySelector(self, dir=''): # dir is a optional argument
        self.countryfield.clear() # delete the content of the selector - or it will be twice in the field
        country_list = []
        path = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.kfzcheck_dir, self.kfzcheck_list_dir, dir) # if dir is set it will look on a subfolder of kfzlist/
        files = os.listdir(path)
        for i in files: # search all csv files and create a country code (or extras) list
            if os.path.isfile(path + i):
                country_list.append(i.replace('.csv', ''))
        country_list.sort() # alphabetical sort
        for i in country_list:
            newCountry = QListWidgetItem()
            self.countryfield.addItem(newCountry) # the qlistwidget # the qdialog