Beispiel #1
	def __init__(self, graphicsEngine):
		self.graphicsEngine = graphicsEngine
		self.state = GUI_STATS

		self.background = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/game_background.png')
		g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

		# events
		self.pressedKeys = []

		# game GUIs
		self.mapEditorGUI = MapEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)

		# input fields (TODO: dont hardcode placement)
		self.inpChat = pygUI.pygInputField((16, 384, 480, 20), "", 40, (255, 255, 255))
		self.inpChat.restricted = '\'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!"#$%&\\\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~\''
		self.listLog = pygUI.pygList((16, 420, 480, 164), (255, 255, 255))

		self.label1 = pygUI.pygLabel((544, 150, 20, 20), "Selected tile:")

		# GUI = gui.App()

		self.guiContainer = GUIContainer(self, align=-1, valign=-1)

		# dialogs
		self.quitDialog = QuitDialog()
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, graphicsEngine):
        self.graphicsEngine = graphicsEngine
        self.state = GUI_STATS

        self.background = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bg_ingame.png')
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # events
        self.pressedKeys = []

        # inventory boxes
        self.inventoryBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.inventoryBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        self.emptySlotSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/empty_slot.png').convert_alpha()

        # spellbook boxes
        # inventory boxes
        self.spellbookBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.spellbookBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        # inventory tooltip
        self.tooltipRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 128, 64))

        # game GUIs
        self.mapEditorGUI = MapEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.itemEditorGUI = ItemEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.spellEditorGUI = SpellEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.npcEditorGUI = NPCEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)

        # GUI = gui.App()

        self.guiContainer = GUIContainer(self, align=-1, valign=-1)

        # dialogs
        self.quitDialog = QuitDialog()

        # dirty
        self.isDirty = True

        # init
        self.itemSprites = []
        self.spellSprites = []
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, graphicsEngine):
        self.graphicsEngine = graphicsEngine
        self.state = GUI_STATS

        self.background = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bg_ingame.png')
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # events
        self.pressedKeys = []

        # inventory boxes
        self.inventoryBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.inventoryBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        self.emptySlotSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/empty_slot.png').convert_alpha()

        # spellbook boxes
        # inventory boxes
        self.spellbookBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.spellbookBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        # inventory tooltip
        self.tooltipRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 128, 64))

        # game GUIs
        self.mapEditorGUI = MapEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.itemEditorGUI = ItemEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.spellEditorGUI = SpellEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.npcEditorGUI = NPCEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)

        # GUI = gui.App()

        self.guiContainer = GUIContainer(self, align=-1, valign=-1)

        # dialogs
        self.quitDialog = QuitDialog()

        # dirty
        self.isDirty = True

        # init
        self.itemSprites = []
        self.spellSprites = []
Beispiel #4
class GameGUI():
    def __init__(self, graphicsEngine):
        self.graphicsEngine = graphicsEngine
        self.state = GUI_STATS

        self.background = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/game_background.png')
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # events
        self.pressedKeys = []

        # inventory boxes
        self.inventoryBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.inventoryBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 120 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        self.emptySlotSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/empty_slot.png').convert_alpha()

        # inventory tooltip
        self.tooltipRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 128, 64))

        # game GUIs
        self.mapEditorGUI = MapEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)

        # GUI = gui.App()

        self.guiContainer = GUIContainer(self, align=-1, valign=-1)

        # dialogs
        self.quitDialog = QuitDialog()

        # dirty
        self.isDirty = True

        # init
        self.itemSprites = []

    def loadItemSprites(self):
        for i in range(18):
            tempImage = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/items/' + str(i) + '.bmp').convert()

    def setState(self, state):
        ''' sets UI engine state '''
        self.state = state

    def setUIState(self, state):
        ''' sets UI rendering state '''
        if state == GUI_INVENTORY:

    def draw(self, surface, surfaceRect):
        # surface and surfaceRect is a part of a stupid hack. See

        # render ui
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # part of the hack. game map is blitted so that the gui (app.paint) is ABOVE the game screen
        g.screenSurface.blit(surface, surfaceRect)

        # render gui

    def update(self, event):

        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
                if self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == False:
                    self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = True
                    g.canMoveNow = False
                elif self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == True:
                    self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = False
                    g.canMoveNow = True

            elif event.key == pygame.K_q or event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                if self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == False:
                    if not self.quitDialog.is_open():

        if self.state == GUI_INVENTORY:
            # show item information
            for i in range(len(self.inventoryBoxes)):
                if self.inventoryBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):
                    self.hoveredInventorySlot = i
                    self.hoveredInventorySlot = None

        elif self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:


    def reset(self):
        ''' resets the whole surface '''
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

    def drawUI(self):
        if self.state == GUI_STATS:

        elif self.state == GUI_EQUIPMENT:

        elif self.state == GUI_INVENTORY:

        elif self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:

        g.screenSurface.blit(g.guiSurface, (0, 0))

    def drawStats(self):
        ''' the stats interface '''

    def drawInventoryUI(self):
        ''' the inventory interface '''

        for i in range(len(self.inventoryBoxes)):
            if self.inventoryBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):


    def drawStatText(self):
        font = pygame.font.SysFont('monospace', 15)
        fontColor = (251, 230, 204)

        label = font.render('STR - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.strength)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 590
        labelRect.centery = 150
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('DEF - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.defense)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 590
        labelRect.centery = 170
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('SPD - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.speed)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 705
        labelRect.centery = 150
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('MAG - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.magic)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 705
        labelRect.centery = 170
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

    def drawHealthBar(self):
        emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
        redBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_red.png').convert_alpha()

        pos = (544, 75)
        healthBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[Vitals.hp]/Player[g.myIndex].maxHP
        g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
        g.guiSurface.blit(redBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, healthBarWidth, 28))

    def drawManaBar(self):
        emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
        blueBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_blue.png').convert_alpha()

        pos = (544, 100)
        manaBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]/Player[g.myIndex].maxMP
        g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
        g.guiSurface.blit(blueBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, manaBarWidth, 28))

    def drawEquipment(self):
        emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
        blueBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_blue.png').convert_alpha()

        pos = (544, 150)
        manaBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]/Player[g.myIndex].maxMP
        g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
        g.guiSurface.blit(blueBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, manaBarWidth, 28))

    def drawGold(self):
        # icon
        goldSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/items/2.bmp').convert()
        goldSurface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
        goldSurfaceRect = goldSurface.get_rect()
        goldSurfaceRect.centerx = 665
        goldSurfaceRect.centery = 90

        g.guiSurface.blit(goldSurface, goldSurfaceRect)

        # text
        textSurface = g.nameFont.render("203", 0, textColor.YELLOW)
        textSurfaceRect = textSurface.get_rect()
        textSurfaceRect.centerx = 630
        textSurfaceRect.centery = 90

        g.guiSurface.blit(textSurface, textSurfaceRect)

    def drawInventory(self):
        curItemSlot = 0

        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                if getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, curItemSlot) != None:
                    itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, curItemSlot)
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 120 + y*(66+24) + 1)
                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempPos)
                    tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24), 120 + y*(66+24))
                    g.guiSurface.blit(self.emptySlotSurface, tempPos)

                curItemSlot += 1

    def drawInventoryTooltip(self, itemSlot):

        def generateTooltip(itemNum):
            # determine rect size
            itemName = Item[itemNum].name
            textSize = g.tooltipFont.size(itemName)

            # draw surface
            tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + 10))
            tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

            # draw border
            pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

            # determine name color
            itemType = Item[itemNum].type
            if itemType == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_HELMET or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD:
                nameColor = (33, 96, 167)  # textColor.BLUE

            elif itemType == ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY:
                nameColor = textColor.YELLOW

                nameColor = textColor.GREY

            # render information
            img = g.tooltipFont.render(itemName, 0, nameColor)
            imgRect = img.get_rect()
            imgRect.centerx = tempSurface.get_rect().w / 2
            imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 2

            tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

            return tempSurface

        if getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, itemSlot) != None:
            # generate tooltip
            itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, itemSlot)
            tooltipSurface = generateTooltip(itemNum)

            # position the tooltip at the mouse
            self.tooltipRect.x = g.cursorX
            self.tooltipRect.y = g.cursorY - tooltipSurface.get_rect().h

            # render tooltip on surface
            g.guiSurface.blit(tooltipSurface, self.tooltipRect)
Beispiel #5
class GameGUI():
    def __init__(self, graphicsEngine):
        self.graphicsEngine = graphicsEngine
        self.state = GUI_STATS

        self.background = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bg_ingame.png')
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # events
        self.pressedKeys = []

        # inventory boxes
        self.inventoryBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.inventoryBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        self.emptySlotSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/empty_slot.png').convert_alpha()

        # spellbook boxes
        # inventory boxes
        self.spellbookBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.spellbookBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        # inventory tooltip
        self.tooltipRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 128, 64))

        # game GUIs
        self.mapEditorGUI = MapEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.itemEditorGUI = ItemEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.spellEditorGUI = SpellEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.npcEditorGUI = NPCEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)

        # GUI = gui.App()

        self.guiContainer = GUIContainer(self, align=-1, valign=-1)

        # dialogs
        self.quitDialog = QuitDialog()

        # dirty
        self.isDirty = True

        # init
        self.itemSprites = []
        self.spellSprites = []

    def loadSprites(self):
        spritesAmount = countFiles(g.dataPath + '/items/')

        for i in range(spritesAmount):
            tempImage = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/items/' + str(i) + '.png').convert_alpha()

        spritesAmount = countFiles(g.dataPath + '/spells/')

        for i in range(spritesAmount):
            tempImage = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/spells/' + str(i) + '.bmp').convert()

    def setState(self, state):
        ''' sets UI engine state '''
        self.state = state

    def setUIState(self, state):
        ''' sets UI rendering state '''
        if state == GUI_INVENTORY:

    def draw(self, surface, surfaceRect):
        # surface and surfaceRect is a part of a stupid hack. See

        # render ui
        #g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # part of the hack. game map is blitted so that the gui (app.paint) is ABOVE the game screen
        g.screenSurface.blit(surface, surfaceRect)

        # render gui

    def update(self, event):
        def pressed(key):
            keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()

            if keys[key]:
                return True
                return False

        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
                print self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused
                if self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == False:
                    self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = True
                    g.canMoveNow = False
                elif self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == True:
                    self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = False
                    g.canMoveNow = True

            elif event.key == pygame.K_q or event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                if self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == False:
                    if not self.quitDialog.is_open():

        if self.state == GUI_STATS or self.state == GUI_INVENTORY or self.state == GUI_SPELLBOOK:
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                # mouse click

        if self.state == GUI_INVENTORY:
            # show item information
            for i in range(len(self.inventoryBoxes)):
                if self.inventoryBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):

                    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                        # mouse click
                        self.handleInventoryMouseClick(event.button, i)

        elif self.state == GUI_SPELLBOOK:
            # show item information
            for i in range(len(self.spellbookBoxes)):
                if self.spellbookBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):
                    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                        for key in g.SPELLBOOK_HOTKEYS.keys():
                            if pressed(key):
                                setSpellbookHotkey(i, key)

                        # mouse click
                        self.handleSpellbookMouseClick(event.button, i)

        elif self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_ITEMEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_SPELLEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_NPCEDITOR:

    def handleMouseTargetClick(self, button):
        # left click - target npc/player
        if button == 1:
            # make sure we are clicking inside the game
            if g.gameSurface.get_rect().collidepoint((g.cursorX, g.cursorY)):
                # calculate mouse tile pos
                x = (g.cursorX-16) // PIC_X
                y = (g.cursorY-16) // PIC_Y

                # find target
                findTarget(x, y)


    def handleInventoryMouseClick(self, button, invNum):
        # right click - use inventory item
        if button == 3:

    def handleSpellbookMouseClick(self, button, spellNum):
        # right click - cast spell
        if button == 3:


    def reset(self):
        ''' resets the whole surface '''
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

    def drawUI(self):
        ''' renders the ui depending on the menu state '''
        if self.state == GUI_STATS:

        elif self.state == GUI_INVENTORY:
            g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (513, 17), (513, 17, 274, 365))

            # todo: render the empty slots once


        elif self.state == GUI_SPELLBOOK:
            g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (513, 17), (513, 17, 274, 365))

            # todo: render the empty slots once


        # EDITORS

        elif self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_ITEMEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_NPCEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_SPELLEDITOR:

        g.screenSurface.blit(g.guiSurface, (0, 0))

    def drawStats(self):
        ''' the stats interface '''
        # todo: redraw the player name and level


    def drawInventoryUI(self):
        ''' the inventory interface '''

        for i in range(len(self.inventoryBoxes)):
            if self.inventoryBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):

    def drawSpellbookUI(self):

        for i in range(len(self.spellbookBoxes)):
            if self.spellbookBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):


    def drawLevelText(self):
        font = g.nameFont
        fontColor = (251, 230, 204)

        label = font.render('EXP: ' + str(getPlayerExp(g.myIndex)) +' / ' + str(g.expToNextLvl), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 648
        labelRect.centery = 130
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

    def drawStatText(self):
        font = g.nameFont
        fontColor = (251, 230, 204)

        label = font.render('STR - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.strength)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 590
        labelRect.centery = 150
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('DEF - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.defense)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 590
        labelRect.centery = 170
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('SPD - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.speed)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 705
        labelRect.centery = 150
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('MAG - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.magic)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 705
        labelRect.centery = 170
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

    def drawStatIcons(self):
        attributeStrength = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/attribute_strength.png').convert_alpha()
        attributeDefense = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/attribute_defense.png').convert_alpha()

        # calculate positions
        strRect = attributeStrength.get_rect()
        strRect.centerx = 590 - 50
        strRect.centery = 150

        defRect = attributeDefense.get_rect()
        defRect.centerx = 590 - 50
        defRect.centery = 170

        # render it all
        g.guiSurface.blit(attributeStrength, strRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(attributeDefense, defRect)

    def drawHealthBar(self):
        emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
        redBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_red.png').convert_alpha()

        pos = (544, 75)
        healthBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[Vitals.hp]/Player[g.myIndex].maxHP

        # render text
        hpText = str(Player[g.myIndex].vitals[Vitals.hp]) + '/' + str(Player[g.myIndex].maxHP)
        img = g.tooltipFont.render(hpText, 0, (255, 255, 255))
        imgRect = img.get_rect()
        imgRect.centerx = pos[0] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().w / 2
        imgRect.centery = pos[1] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().h / 2

        # blit onto gui
        g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
        g.guiSurface.blit(redBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, healthBarWidth, 28))
        g.guiSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

    def drawManaBar(self):
        emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
        blueBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_blue.png').convert_alpha()

        pos = (544, 100)
        manaBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]/Player[g.myIndex].maxMP

        # render text
        mpText = str(Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]) + '/' + str(Player[g.myIndex].maxMP)
        img = g.tooltipFont.render(mpText, 0, (255, 255, 255))
        imgRect = img.get_rect()
        imgRect.centerx = pos[0] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().w / 2
        imgRect.centery = pos[1] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().h / 2

        # blit onto gui
        g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
        g.guiSurface.blit(blueBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, manaBarWidth, 28))
        g.guiSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

    def drawEquipment(self):
        # load resources
        # todo: only load data files on initialization
        slotHelmet = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_helmet.png').convert()
        slotHelmetRect = slotHelmet.get_rect()
        slotArmor = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_armor.png').convert()
        slotArmorRect = slotArmor.get_rect()
        slotWeapon = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_weapon.png').convert()
        slotWeaponRect = slotWeapon.get_rect()
        slotShield = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_shield.png').convert()
        slotShieldRect = slotShield.get_rect()

        # positions
        slotHelmetRect.centerx = 648
        slotHelmetRect.centery = 240

        slotArmorRect.centerx = 648
        slotArmorRect.centery = 324

        slotWeaponRect.centerx = 574
        slotWeaponRect.centery = 324

        slotShieldRect.centerx = 722
        slotShieldRect.centery = 324

        # render everything
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotHelmet, slotHelmetRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotArmor, slotArmorRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotWeapon, slotWeaponRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotShield, slotShieldRect)

        for i in range(Equipment.equipment_count):
            if getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, i) != None:
                invNum = getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, i)
                itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, invNum)

                # render the item
                if Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_HELMET:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 648
                    tempRect.centery = 240

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

                elif Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 648
                    tempRect.centery = 324

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

                elif Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 574
                    tempRect.centery = 324

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

                elif Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 722
                    tempRect.centery = 324

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

    def drawGold(self):
        # icon
        goldSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/items/2.bmp').convert()
        goldSurface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
        goldSurfaceRect = goldSurface.get_rect()
        goldSurfaceRect.centerx = 665
        goldSurfaceRect.centery = 90

        g.guiSurface.blit(goldSurface, goldSurfaceRect)

        # text
        textSurface = g.nameFont.render("203", 0, textColor.YELLOW)
        textSurfaceRect = textSurface.get_rect()
        textSurfaceRect.centerx = 630
        textSurfaceRect.centery = 90

        g.guiSurface.blit(textSurface, textSurfaceRect)

    def drawInventorySlots(self):
        ''' render the empty inventory slots before the items '''
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24), 90 + y*(66+24))
                g.guiSurface.blit(self.emptySlotSurface, tempPos)

    def drawInventory(self):
        ''' render the items within the emtpy inventory slots '''
        curItemSlot = 0

        # get all equipped items
        equippedItems = getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.weapon), getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.armor), getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.helmet), getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.shield)

        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                if getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, curItemSlot) != None:
                    itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, curItemSlot)
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1)

                    # if item is equipped, then mark it
                    if curItemSlot in equippedItems:
                        pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 64, 64), 1)

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempPos)

                curItemSlot += 1

    def drawInventoryTooltip(self, itemSlot):
        ''' draw a tooltip when the mouse is hovering over an item in the inventory '''

        def generateTooltip(itemNum, itemSlot):
            # determine rect size
            itemName = Item[itemNum].name
            textSize = g.tooltipFont.size(itemName)

            # determine name color
            itemType = Item[itemNum].type

            if itemType == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_HELMET or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD:
                nameColor = (33, 96, 167)  # textColor.BLUE

                # calculate stats string length
                strString = '+' + str(Item[itemNum].data2) + _(' strength')
                strDurability = str(getPlayerInvItemDur(g.myIndex, itemSlot)) + '/' + str(Item[itemNum].data1) + _(' durability')

                statStrSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strString)
                statDurSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strDurability)

                # calculate the largest width/height
                if statStrSize[0] > statDurSize[0]:
                    statTextSize = statStrSize
                    statTextSize = statDurSize

                if textSize[0] > statTextSize[0]:
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + statStrSize[1] + statDurSize[1] + 10))
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((statTextSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + statStrSize[1] + statDurSize[1] + 10))

                tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

                # draw border
                pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

                # render information
                # - name
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(itemName, 0, nameColor)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - strength
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strString, 0, (255, 255, 255))
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4) * 2

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - durability
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strDurability, 0, (255, 255, 255))
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4) * 3

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

            elif itemType == ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY:
                nameColor = textColor.YELLOW

                strValue = _('Amount: ') + str(getPlayerInvItemValue(g.myIndex, itemSlot))
                strValueSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strValue)

                # draw surface
                if textSize[0] > strValueSize[0]:
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + strValueSize[1] + 10))
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((strValueSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + strValueSize[1] + 10))

                tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

                # draw border
                pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

                # render information
                # - name
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(itemName, 0, nameColor)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 3

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - value
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strValue, 0, (255, 255, 255))
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 3) * 2

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                nameColor = textColor.GREY

                # draw surface
                tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + 10))
                tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

                # draw border
                pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

                # render information
                # - name
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(itemName, 0, nameColor)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.centerx = tempSurface.get_rect().w / 2
                imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 2

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

            return tempSurface

        if getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, itemSlot) != None:
            # generate tooltip
            itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, itemSlot)
            tooltipSurface = generateTooltip(itemNum, itemSlot)

            # position the tooltip at the mouse
            self.tooltipRect.x = g.cursorX
            self.tooltipRect.y = g.cursorY - tooltipSurface.get_rect().h

            # render tooltip on surface
            g.guiSurface.blit(tooltipSurface, self.tooltipRect)

    def drawSpellbookSlots(self):
        ''' render the empty inventory slots before the items '''
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24), 90 + y*(66+24))
                g.guiSurface.blit(self.emptySlotSurface, tempPos)

    def drawSpellbook(self):
        ''' render the items within the empty spellbook slots '''
        curSpellSlot = 0

        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):

                if PlayerSpells[curSpellSlot] is not None:
                    spellNum = PlayerSpells[curSpellSlot]
                    spellPic = Spell[spellNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.spellSprites[spellPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1)

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempPos, (0, 0, 64, 64))

                # check if theres a hotkey attached to the slot
                if curSpellSlot in g.SPELLBOOK_HOTKEYS.values():
                    # find the key
                    for key, spellSlot in g.SPELLBOOK_HOTKEYS.items():
                        if spellSlot == curSpellSlot:
                            img = g.tooltipFont.render(g.SPELLBOOK_HOTKEYS_STRINGS[key], 0, (255, 255, 255))
                            imgPos = (524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1)

                            g.guiSurface.blit(img, (imgPos[0] + 5, imgPos[1] + 5))

                curSpellSlot += 1

                # todo: make grey if out of mana

    def drawSpellbookTooltip(self, spellSlot):
        ''' draw a tooltip when the mouse is hovering over a spell in the spellbook '''

        def generateTooltip(spellNum, spellSlot):
            # determine rect size
            spellName = Spell[spellNum].name
            textSize = g.tooltipFont.size(spellName)

            # determine name color
            spellType = Spell[spellNum].type

            if spellType != SPELL_TYPE_GIVEITEM:
                nameColor = textColor.WHITE

                # create strings
                strReqMp = str(Spell[spellNum].reqMp) + _(' Mana')
                if spellType == SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP:
                    strEffect = 'Effect: +' + str(Spell[spellNum].data1) + ' HP'
                elif spellType == SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP:
                    strEffect = 'Effect: +' + str(Spell[spellNum].data1) + ' MP'
                elif spellType == SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP:
                    strEffect = 'Effect: +' + str(Spell[spellNum].data1) + ' SP'
                elif spellType == SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP:
                    strEffect = 'Effect: -' + str(Spell[spellNum].data1) + ' HP'
                elif spellType == SPELL_TYPE_SUBMP:
                    strEffect = 'Effect: -' + str(Spell[spellNum].data1) + ' MP'
                elif spellType == SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP:
                    strEffect = 'Effect: -' + str(Spell[spellNum].data1) + ' SP'

                strReqMpSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strReqMp)
                strEffectSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strEffect)

                # get largest width/height
                if strReqMpSize[0] > strEffectSize[0]:
                    infoTextSize = strReqMpSize
                    infoTextSize = strEffectSize

                if textSize[0] > infoTextSize[0]:
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + strReqMpSize[1] + strEffectSize[1] + 10))
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((infoTextSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + strReqMpSize[1] + strEffectSize[1] + 10))

                tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

                # border
                pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

                # render information
                # - name
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(spellName, 0, nameColor)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - mana required
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strReqMp, 0, textColor.BRIGHT_BLUE)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4) * 2

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - effect
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strEffect, 0, textColor.YELLOW)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4) * 3

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

            return tempSurface

        if PlayerSpells[spellSlot] != None:
            # generate tooltip
            spellNum = PlayerSpells[spellSlot]
            tooltipSurface = generateTooltip(spellNum, spellSlot)

            # position the tooltip at the mouse
            self.tooltipRect.x = g.cursorX
            self.tooltipRect.y = g.cursorY - tooltipSurface.get_rect().h

            # render tooltip on surface
            g.guiSurface.blit(tooltipSurface, self.tooltipRect)
Beispiel #6
class GameGUI():
    def __init__(self, graphicsEngine):
        self.graphicsEngine = graphicsEngine
        self.state = GUI_STATS

        self.background = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/game_background.png')
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # events
        self.pressedKeys = []

        # inventory boxes
        self.inventoryBoxes = []
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                self.inventoryBoxes.append(pygame.Rect((524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1, 64, 64)))

        self.emptySlotSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/empty_slot.png').convert_alpha()

        # inventory tooltip
        self.tooltipRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 128, 64))

        # game GUIs
        self.mapEditorGUI = MapEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.itemEditorGUI = ItemEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.spellEditorGUI = SpellEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)
        self.npcEditorGUI = NPCEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)

        # GUI = gui.App()

        self.guiContainer = GUIContainer(self, align=-1, valign=-1)

        # dialogs
        self.quitDialog = QuitDialog()

        # dirty
        self.isDirty = True

        # init
        self.itemSprites = []

    def loadItemSprites(self):
        spritesAmount = countFiles(g.dataPath + '/items/')

        for i in range(spritesAmount):
            tempImage = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/items/' + str(i) + '.png').convert_alpha()

    def setState(self, state):
        ''' sets UI engine state '''
        self.state = state

    def setUIState(self, state):
        ''' sets UI rendering state '''
        if state == GUI_INVENTORY:

    def draw(self, surface, surfaceRect):
        # surface and surfaceRect is a part of a stupid hack. See

        # render ui
        #g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

        # part of the hack. game map is blitted so that the gui (app.paint) is ABOVE the game screen
        g.screenSurface.blit(surface, surfaceRect)

        # render gui

    def update(self, event):

        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
                if self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == False:
                    self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = True
                    g.canMoveNow = False
                elif self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == True:
                    self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = False
                    g.canMoveNow = True

            elif event.key == pygame.K_q or event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                if self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == False:
                    if not self.quitDialog.is_open():

        if self.state == GUI_INVENTORY:
            # show item information
            for i in range(len(self.inventoryBoxes)):
                if self.inventoryBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):
                    self.hoveredInventorySlot = i

                    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                        # mouse click
                        self.handleMouseClick(event.button, i)
                    self.hoveredInventorySlot = None

        elif self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_ITEMEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_SPELLEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_NPCEDITOR:

    def handleMouseClick(self, button, invNum):
        # right click
        if button == 3:


    def reset(self):
        ''' resets the whole surface '''
        g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

    def drawUI(self):
        ''' renders the ui depending on the menu state '''
        if self.state == GUI_STATS:

        elif self.state == GUI_INVENTORY:
            g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (513, 17), (513, 17, 274, 365))

            # todo: render the empty slots once


        elif self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_ITEMEDITOR:

        elif self.state == GUI_NPCEDITOR:

        g.screenSurface.blit(g.guiSurface, (0, 0))

    def drawStats(self):
        ''' the stats interface '''
        # todo: redraw the player name and level


    def drawInventoryUI(self):
        ''' the inventory interface '''

        for i in range(len(self.inventoryBoxes)):
            if self.inventoryBoxes[i].collidepoint(g.cursorX, g.cursorY):


    def drawLevelText(self):
        font = g.nameFont
        fontColor = (251, 230, 204)

        label = font.render('EXP: ' + str(getPlayerExp(g.myIndex)) +' / ' + str(g.expToNextLvl), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 648
        labelRect.centery = 130
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

    def drawStatText(self):
        font = g.nameFont
        fontColor = (251, 230, 204)

        label = font.render('STR - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.strength)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 590
        labelRect.centery = 150
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('DEF - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.defense)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 590
        labelRect.centery = 170
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('SPD - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.speed)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 705
        labelRect.centery = 150
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

        label = font.render('MAG - ' + str(getPlayerStat(g.myIndex, Stats.magic)), 0, fontColor)
        labelRect = label.get_rect()
        labelRect.centerx = 705
        labelRect.centery = 170
        g.guiSurface.blit(label, labelRect)

    def drawStatIcons(self):
        attributeStrength = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/attribute_strength.png').convert_alpha()
        attributeDefense = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/attribute_defense.png').convert_alpha()

        # calculate positions
        strRect = attributeStrength.get_rect()
        strRect.centerx = 590 - 50
        strRect.centery = 150

        defRect = attributeDefense.get_rect()
        defRect.centerx = 590 - 50
        defRect.centery = 170

        # render it all
        g.guiSurface.blit(attributeStrength, strRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(attributeDefense, defRect)

    def drawHealthBar(self):
        emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
        redBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_red.png').convert_alpha()

        pos = (544, 75)
        healthBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[Vitals.hp]/Player[g.myIndex].maxHP

        # render text
        hpText = str(Player[g.myIndex].vitals[Vitals.hp]) + '/' + str(Player[g.myIndex].maxHP)
        img = g.tooltipFont.render(hpText, 0, (255, 255, 255))
        imgRect = img.get_rect()
        imgRect.centerx = pos[0] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().w / 2
        imgRect.centery = pos[1] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().h / 2

        # blit onto gui
        g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
        g.guiSurface.blit(redBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, healthBarWidth, 28))
        g.guiSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

    def drawManaBar(self):
        emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
        blueBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_blue.png').convert_alpha()

        pos = (544, 100)
        manaBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]/Player[g.myIndex].maxMP

        # render text
        mpText = str(Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]) + '/' + str(Player[g.myIndex].maxMP)
        img = g.tooltipFont.render(mpText, 0, (255, 255, 255))
        imgRect = img.get_rect()
        imgRect.centerx = pos[0] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().w / 2
        imgRect.centery = pos[1] + emptyBarSurface.get_rect().h / 2

        # blit onto gui
        g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
        g.guiSurface.blit(blueBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, manaBarWidth, 28))
        g.guiSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

    def drawEquipment(self):
        # load resources
        # todo: only load data files on initialization
        slotHelmet = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_helmet.png').convert()
        slotHelmetRect = slotHelmet.get_rect()
        slotArmor = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_armor.png').convert()
        slotArmorRect = slotArmor.get_rect()
        slotWeapon = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_weapon.png').convert()
        slotWeaponRect = slotWeapon.get_rect()
        slotShield = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/equipment_shield.png').convert()
        slotShieldRect = slotShield.get_rect()

        # positions
        slotHelmetRect.centerx = 648
        slotHelmetRect.centery = 240

        slotArmorRect.centerx = 648
        slotArmorRect.centery = 324

        slotWeaponRect.centerx = 574
        slotWeaponRect.centery = 324

        slotShieldRect.centerx = 722
        slotShieldRect.centery = 324

        # render everything
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotHelmet, slotHelmetRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotArmor, slotArmorRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotWeapon, slotWeaponRect)
        g.guiSurface.blit(slotShield, slotShieldRect)

        for i in range(Equipment.equipment_count):
            if getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, i) != None:
                invNum = getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, i)
                itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, invNum)

                # render the item
                if Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_HELMET:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 648
                    tempRect.centery = 240

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

                elif Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 648
                    tempRect.centery = 324

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

                elif Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 574
                    tempRect.centery = 324

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

                elif Item[itemNum].type == ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD:
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempRect = tempSurface.get_rect()
                    tempRect.centerx = 722
                    tempRect.centery = 324

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempRect)

    def drawGold(self):
        # icon
        goldSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/items/2.bmp').convert()
        goldSurface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
        goldSurfaceRect = goldSurface.get_rect()
        goldSurfaceRect.centerx = 665
        goldSurfaceRect.centery = 90

        g.guiSurface.blit(goldSurface, goldSurfaceRect)

        # text
        textSurface = g.nameFont.render("203", 0, textColor.YELLOW)
        textSurfaceRect = textSurface.get_rect()
        textSurfaceRect.centerx = 630
        textSurfaceRect.centery = 90

        g.guiSurface.blit(textSurface, textSurfaceRect)

    def drawInventorySlots(self):
        ''' render the empty inventory slots before the items '''
        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24), 90 + y*(66+24))
                g.guiSurface.blit(self.emptySlotSurface, tempPos)

    def drawInventory(self):
        ''' render the items within the emtpy inventory slots '''
        curItemSlot = 0

        # get all equipped items
        equippedItems = getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.weapon), getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.armor), getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.helmet), getPlayerEquipmentSlot(g.myIndex, Equipment.shield)

        for y in range(0, 3):
            for x in range(0, 3):
                if getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, curItemSlot) != None:
                    itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, curItemSlot)
                    itemPic = Item[itemNum].pic

                    tempSurface = self.itemSprites[itemPic]
                    tempSurface = pygame.transform.scale2x(tempSurface)

                    tempPos = (524 + x*(66+24) + 1, 90 + y*(66+24) + 1)

                    # if item is equipped, then mark it
                    if curItemSlot in equippedItems:
                        pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 64, 64), 1)

                    g.guiSurface.blit(tempSurface, tempPos)

                curItemSlot += 1

    def drawInventoryTooltip(self, itemSlot):
        ''' draw a tooltip when the mouse is hovering over an item in the inventory '''

        def generateTooltip(itemNum, itemSlot):
            # determine rect size
            itemName = Item[itemNum].name
            textSize = g.tooltipFont.size(itemName)

            # determine name color
            itemType = Item[itemNum].type

            if itemType == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_HELMET or itemType == ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD:
                nameColor = (33, 96, 167)  # textColor.BLUE

                # calculate stats string length
                strString = '+' + str(Item[itemNum].data2) + ' strength'
                strDurability = str(getPlayerInvItemDur(g.myIndex, itemSlot)) + '/' + str(Item[itemNum].data1) + ' durability'

                statStrSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strString)
                statDurSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strDurability)

                # calculate the largest width/height
                if statStrSize[0] > statDurSize[0]:
                    statTextSize = statStrSize
                    statTextSize = statDurSize

                if textSize[0] > statTextSize[0]:
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + statStrSize[1] + statDurSize[1] + 10))
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((statTextSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + statStrSize[1] + statDurSize[1] + 10))

                tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

                # draw border
                pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

                # render information
                # - name
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(itemName, 0, nameColor)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - strength
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strString, 0, (255, 255, 255))
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4) * 2

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - durability
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strDurability, 0, (255, 255, 255))
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 4) * 3

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

            elif itemType == ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY:
                nameColor = textColor.YELLOW

                strValue = 'Amount: ' + str(getPlayerInvItemValue(g.myIndex, itemSlot))
                strValueSize = g.tooltipFont.size(strValue)

                # draw surface
                if textSize[0] > strValueSize[0]:
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + strValueSize[1] + 10))
                    tempSurface = pygame.Surface((strValueSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + strValueSize[1] + 10))

                tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

                # draw border
                pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

                # render information
                # - name
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(itemName, 0, nameColor)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 3

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                # - value
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(strValue, 0, (255, 255, 255))
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.x = 5
                imgRect.centery = (tempSurface.get_rect().h / 3) * 2

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

                nameColor = textColor.GREY

                # draw surface
                tempSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize[0] + 10, textSize[1] + 10))
                tempSurface.fill((0, 0, 0))

                # draw border
                pygame.draw.rect(tempSurface, (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, tempSurface.get_rect().w, tempSurface.get_rect().h), 1)

                # render information
                # - name
                img = g.tooltipFont.render(itemName, 0, nameColor)
                imgRect = img.get_rect()
                imgRect.centerx = tempSurface.get_rect().w / 2
                imgRect.centery = tempSurface.get_rect().h / 2

                tempSurface.blit(img, imgRect)

            return tempSurface

        if getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, itemSlot) != None:
            # generate tooltip
            itemNum = getPlayerInvItemNum(g.myIndex, itemSlot)
            tooltipSurface = generateTooltip(itemNum, itemSlot)

            # position the tooltip at the mouse
            self.tooltipRect.x = g.cursorX
            self.tooltipRect.y = g.cursorY - tooltipSurface.get_rect().h

            # render tooltip on surface
            g.guiSurface.blit(tooltipSurface, self.tooltipRect)
Beispiel #7
class GameGUI():
	def __init__(self, graphicsEngine):
		self.graphicsEngine = graphicsEngine
		self.state = GUI_STATS

		self.background = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/game_background.png')
		g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))

		# events
		self.pressedKeys = []

		# game GUIs
		self.mapEditorGUI = MapEditorGUI(g.guiSurface)

		# input fields (TODO: dont hardcode placement)
		self.inpChat = pygUI.pygInputField((16, 384, 480, 20), "", 40, (255, 255, 255))
		self.inpChat.restricted = '\'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!"#$%&\\\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~\''
		self.listLog = pygUI.pygList((16, 420, 480, 164), (255, 255, 255))

		self.label1 = pygUI.pygLabel((544, 150, 20, 20), "Selected tile:")

		# GUI = gui.App()

		self.guiContainer = GUIContainer(self, align=-1, valign=-1)

		# dialogs
		self.quitDialog = QuitDialog()

	def setState(self, state):
		self.state = state

	def draw(self, surface, surfaceRect):
		# surface and surfaceRect is a part of a stupid hack. See

		# render ui
		if self.state == GUI_STATS:

		elif self.state == GUI_EQUIPMENT:

		elif self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:

		# render background etc
		# todo: optimize
		g.screenSurface.blit(g.guiSurface, (0, 0))
		g.screenSurface.blit(surface, surfaceRect)

		# render gui

	def update(self, event):

		if event.type == KEYDOWN:
			if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
				if self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == False:
					self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = True
					g.canMoveNow = False
				elif self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused == True:
					self.guiContainer.chatCtrl.focused = False
					g.canMoveNow = True

			elif event.key == pygame.K_q or event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
				if not self.quitDialog.is_open():

		if self.state == GUI_MAPEDITOR:


	def reset(self):
		''' resets the whole surface '''
		g.guiSurface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))
		g.screenSurface.blit(g.guiSurface, (0, 0))

	def drawStats(self):
		''' the stats interface '''

	def drawInventory(self):
		''' the inventory interface '''


	def drawHealthBar(self):
		emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
		redBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_red.png').convert_alpha()

		pos = (544, 75)
		healthBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[Vitals.hp]/Player[g.myIndex].maxHP
		g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
		g.guiSurface.blit(redBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, healthBarWidth, 28))

	def drawManaBar(self):
		emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
		blueBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_blue.png').convert_alpha()

		pos = (544, 100)
		manaBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]/Player[g.myIndex].maxMP
		g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
		g.guiSurface.blit(blueBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, manaBarWidth, 28))

	def drawEquipment(self):
		emptyBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_empty.png').convert_alpha()
		blueBarSurface = pygame.image.load(g.dataPath + '/gui/bar_blue.png').convert_alpha()

		pos = (544, 150)
		manaBarWidth = 208*Player[g.myIndex].vitals[]/Player[g.myIndex].maxMP
		g.guiSurface.blit(emptyBarSurface, pos)
		g.guiSurface.blit(blueBarSurface, pos, (0, 0, manaBarWidth, 28))