Beispiel #1
def cdbnprint(G, mtype="obs", bend=5, curve=5, R=1):
    Prints  out  a  compressed  dbn  repesentation  of  the  graph  in
    TikZ/Latex format
    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    BE = set()
    n = len(G)
    nodes = G.keys()
    idx = np.argsort([int(v) for v in nodes])
    nodes = [nodes[i] for i in idx]

    g = dict2graph(ecj.cloneBfree(G))
    paintSCC(g, colors)

    for i in range(0, n):
        node = g.vs[i]['label']
        rc = g.vs[i]["color"]
        print >>output, "{ \\definecolor{mycolor}{RGB}{"\
            + str(rc[0]) + "," + str(rc[1]) + "," + str(rc[2]) + "}"
        mcolor = "fill = {rgb: red," + str(rc[0]) + "; green," + str(rc[1]) +\
            "; blue," + str(rc[2]) + "}"
        print >>output, "\\node[" + mtype + ", fill=mycolor] (" + node + ") at (" +\
            str(-i * 360 / n + 180) + ":" + str(R) + ") {" + node + "};}"

#    print >>output,"\\foreach \\name/\\angle in {"+",".join(
#        [nodes[i]+"/"+str(-i*360/n+180) for i in range(0,n)])+"}"
#    print >>output,"\\node["+mtype+"] (\\name) at (\\angle:"\
#        +str(R)+") {\\name};"

    for i in range(0, n):
        v = nodes[i]
        ll = [v + '/' + u for u in G[v]]
        for l in ll:
            a, b = l.split('/')
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['bidirected'], 0)]):
                if not(BE.intersection([(a, b)]) or BE.intersection([(b, a)])):
                    ang_a = -nodes.index(a) * 360 / n + 180
                    ang_b = -nodes.index(b) * 360 / n + 180
                    print >>output, '  \\draw[pilip, on layer=back] (' + a + ') -- (' + b + ');'
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['directed'], 1)]):
                ang_a = -nodes.index(a) * 360 / n + 180
                ang_b = -nodes.index(b) * 360 / n + 180
                if a == b:
                    print >>output, "\\path[overlay,draw,pil] (" + a + ")" +\
                        " .. controls +(" + "%.5f" % (bend + ang_a) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (2 * curve) + "mm) and +(" +\
                        "%.5f" % (ang_a - bend) +\
                        ":" + "%.5f" % (2 * curve) + "mm) .. (" + b + ");"
                    print >>output, "\\path[overlay,draw,pil] (" + a + ")" +\
                        " .. controls +(" + "%.5f" % (bend + getangle(ang_a, ang_b)) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (curve) + "mm) and +(" +\
                        fstr % (getangle(ang_b, ang_a) - bend) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (curve) + "mm) .. (" + b + ");"
    return output
Beispiel #2
def gprint(G, mtype="obs", bend=5, curve=5, R=1, layout=None, scale=5):
    Prints out an automatically layout compressed dbn repesentation of
    the graph in TikZ/Latex format
    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    BE = set()
    n = len(G)
    if not layout:
        g = dict2graph(ecj.cloneBfree(G))
        layout = g.layout_fruchterman_reingold(maxiter=50000, coolexp=1.1)
        # layout = g.layout_graphopt(niter=50000, node_charge=0.08)[0, 0])
        layout.scale(float(1 / scipy.absolute(layout.coords).max()))
        cc = scipy.round_(array(layout.coords), decimals=4)
        g = dict2graph(ecj.cloneBfree(G))
        cc = array(layout.coords)
    paintSCC(g, colors)
    for i in range(0, n):
        node = g.vs[i]['label']
        rc = g.vs[i]["color"]
        print >>output, "{ \\definecolor{mycolor}{RGB}{"\
            + str(rc[0]) + "," + str(rc[1]) + "," + str(rc[2]) + "}"
        mcolor = "fill = {rgb: red," + str(rc[0]) + "; green," + str(rc[1]) +\
            "; blue," + str(rc[2]) + "}"
        print >>output, "\\node[" + mtype + ", fill=mycolor] (" + node + ") at (" +\
            str(cc[i][0]) + "," + str(cc[i][1]) + ") {" + node + "};}"

    for i in range(0, n):
        v = g.vs[i]['label']
        ll = [v + '/' + u for u in G[v]]
        for l in ll:
            a, b = l.split('/')
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['bidirected'], 0)]):
                if not(BE.intersection([(a, b)]) or BE.intersection([(b, a)])):
                    print >>output, '  \\draw[pilip, on layer=back] (' +\
                        a + ') -- (' + b + ');'
            if G[a][b].intersection([(edge_type['directed'], 1)]):
                if a == b:
                    dff = cc[g.vs['label'].index(a)] - scipy.mean(cc, 0)
                    ang = scipy.arctan2(dff[1], dff[0])
                    ang_a = scipy.rad2deg(ang)
                    print >>output, "\\path[overlay,draw,pil] (" + a + ")" +\
                        " .. controls +(" + "%.5f" % (bend + ang_a) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (2 * curve) + "mm) and +(" +\
                        "%.5f" % (ang_a - bend) +\
                        ":" + "%.5f" % (2 * curve) + "mm) .. (" + b + ");"
                    dff = cc[g.vs['label'].index(b)] \
                        - cc[g.vs['label'].index(a)]
                    ang = scipy.arctan2(dff[1], dff[0])
                    ang_a = scipy.rad2deg(ang)
                    ang_b = ang_a + 180
                    print >>output, "\\path[overlay,draw,pil] (" + a + ")" +\
                        " .. controls +(" +\
                        "%.5f" % (bend + ang_a) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (curve) + "mm) and +(" +\
                        fstr % (ang_b - bend) +\
                        ":" + fstr % (curve) + "mm) .. (" + b + ");"
    return output