Beispiel #1
    def _space_contains(self, space: gym.Space, x: MultiEnvDict) -> bool:
        """Check if the given space contains the observations of x.

            space: The space to if x's observations are contained in.
            x: The observations to check.

            True if the observations of x are contained in space.
        agents = set(self.get_agent_ids())
        for multi_agent_dict in x.values():
            for agent_id, obs in multi_agent_dict.items():
                # this is for the case where we have a single agent
                # and we're checking a Vector env thats been converted to
                # a BaseEnv
                if agent_id == _DUMMY_AGENT_ID:
                    if not space.contains(obs):
                        return False
                # for the MultiAgent env case
                elif (agent_id
                      not in agents) or (not space[agent_id].contains(obs)):
                    return False

        return True
Beispiel #2
    def _space_contains(space: gym.Space, x: MultiEnvDict) -> bool:
        """Check if the given space contains the observations of x.

            space: The space to if x's observations are contained in.
            x: The observations to check.

        Note: With vector envs, we can process the raw observations
            and ignore the agent ids and env ids, since vector envs'
            sub environements are guaranteed to be the same

            True if the observations of x are contained in space.
        for _, multi_agent_dict in x.items():
            for _, element in multi_agent_dict.items():
                if not space.contains(element):
                    return False
        return True
Beispiel #3
def _gym_space_contains(space: gym.Space, x: Any) -> None:
    """Strengthened version of gym.Space.contains.
    Giving more diagnostic information on why validation fails.

    Throw exception rather than returning true or false.
    if isinstance(space, spaces.Dict):
        if not isinstance(x, dict) or len(x) != len(space):
            raise GymSpaceValidationError(
                "Sample must be a dict with same length as space.", space, x)
        for k, subspace in space.spaces.items():
            if k not in x:
                raise GymSpaceValidationError(f"Key {k} not found in sample.",
                                              space, x)
                _gym_space_contains(subspace, x[k])
            except GymSpaceValidationError as e:
                raise GymSpaceValidationError(
                    f"Subspace of key {k} validation error.", space, x) from e

    elif isinstance(space, spaces.Tuple):
        if isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)):
            x = tuple(
                x)  # Promote list and ndarray to tuple for contains check
        if not isinstance(x, tuple) or len(x) != len(space):
            raise GymSpaceValidationError(
                "Sample must be a tuple with same length as space.", space, x)
        for i, (subspace, part) in enumerate(zip(space, x)):
                _gym_space_contains(subspace, part)
            except GymSpaceValidationError as e:
                raise GymSpaceValidationError(
                    f"Subspace of index {i} validation error.", space,
                    x) from e

        if not space.contains(x):
            raise GymSpaceValidationError("Validation error reported by gym.",
                                          space, x)
 def __init__(self, ob_space: gym.Space, ac_space: gym.Space, fixed_val: np.ndarray):
     super().__init__(ob_space, ac_space)
     self.fixed_val = fixed_val
     if not ac_space.contains(fixed_val):  # pragma: no cover
         raise ValueError(f"fixed_val = '{fixed_val}' not contained in ac_space = '{ac_space}'")