def reset(self) -> Observation:
        # Initialize gazebo if not yet done
        gazebo = self.gazebo
        assert gazebo, "Gazebo object not valid"

        # Remove the robot and insert a new one
        if not self._first_run:
            logger.debug("Hard reset: deleting the robot")

            # Execute a dummy step to process model removal

            logger.debug("Hard reset: creating new robot")
            self.task.robot = self._get_robot()
            self._first_run = False

        # Reset the environment
        ok_reset = self.task.reset_task()
        assert ok_reset, "Failed to reset the task"

        # Get the observation
        observation = self.task.get_observation()

        if not self.observation_space.contains(observation):
                "The observation does not belong to the observation space")

        return Observation(observation)
Beispiel #2
    def reset(self) -> Observation:
        # Initialize gazebo if not yet done
        gazebo = self.gazebo
        assert gazebo, "Gazebo object not valid"

        # Remove the model and insert it again. This is the reset strategy for
        # floating-base robots. Resetting the joint state, instead, is sufficient to
        # reset fixed-based robots. Though, while avoiding the model deletion might
        # provide better performance, we should be sure that all the internal buffers
        # (e.g. those related to the low-level PIDs) are correctly re-initialized.
        if self._hard_reset and self.task.has_robot():
            if not self._first_run:
                logger.debug("Hard reset: deleting the robot")

                logger.debug("Hard reset: creating new robot")
                self.task.robot = self._get_robot()
                self._first_run = False

        # Reset the environment
        ok_reset = self.task.reset_task()
        assert ok_reset, "Failed to reset the task"

        # Get the observation
        observation = self.task.get_observation()

        if not self.observation_space.contains(observation):
                "The observation does not belong to the observation space")

        return Observation(observation)
Beispiel #3
    def reset(self) -> Observation:
        # Initialize pybullet if not yet done
        p = self.pybullet
        assert p, "PyBullet object not valid"

        if self._hard_reset and self.task.has_robot():
            if not self._first_run:
                logger.debug("Hard reset: deleting the robot")

                logger.debug("Hard reset: creating new robot")
                self.task.robot = self._get_robot()
                self._first_run = False

        # Reset the environment
        ok_reset = self.task.reset_task()
        assert ok_reset, "Failed to reset the task"

        # Get the observation
        observation = self.task.get_observation()

        if not self.observation_space.contains(observation):
                "The observation does not belong to the observation space")

        return Observation(observation)
    def gazebo(self) -> bindings.GazeboWrapper:
        if self._gazebo_wrapper:
            assert self._gazebo_wrapper.getPhysicsData().rtf == self._rtf, \
                "The RTF of gazebo does not match the configuration"
            assert 1 / self._gazebo_wrapper.getPhysicsData().maxStepSize == \
                self._physics_rate, \
                "The physics rate of gazebo does not match the configuration"

            return self._gazebo_wrapper

        # =================
        # =================

        assert self._rtf, "Real Time Factor was not set"
        assert self.agent_rate, "Agent rate was not set"
        assert self._physics_rate, "Physics rate was not set"

        logger.debug("Starting gazebo")
        logger.debug(f"Agent rate: {self.agent_rate} Hz")
        logger.debug(f"Physics rate: {self._physics_rate} Hz")
        logger.debug(f"Simulation RTF: {self._rtf}")

        # Compute the number of physics iteration to execute at every environment step
        num_of_iterations_per_gazebo_step = self._physics_rate / self.agent_rate

        if num_of_iterations_per_gazebo_step != int(
                "Rounding the number of iterations to {} from the nominal {}".
            logger.debug("Setting {} iteration per simulator step".format(

        # Create the GazeboWrapper object
        self._gazebo_wrapper = bindings.GazeboWrapper(
            int(num_of_iterations_per_gazebo_step), self._rtf,

        # Set the verbosity

        # Initialize the world
        world_ok = self._gazebo_wrapper.setupGazeboWorld(self._world)
        assert world_ok, "Failed to initialize the gazebo world"

        # Initialize the ignition gazebo wrapper
        gazebo_initialized = self._gazebo_wrapper.initialize()
        assert gazebo_initialized, "Failed to initialize ignition gazebo"

        return self._gazebo_wrapper
Beispiel #5
    def gympp_robot(self):
        if self._gympp_robot:
            assert not self._gympp_robot.expired(), "The Robot object has expired"
            assert self._gympp_robot.lock(), "The Robot object is empty"
            assert self._gympp_robot.lock().valid(), "The Robot object is not valid"
            return self._gympp_robot.lock()

        # Find and load the model SDF file
        sdf_file = resource_finder.find_resource(self.model_file)
        with open(sdf_file, "r") as stream:
            sdf_string =

        # Get the model name
        original_name = bindings.GazeboWrapper.getModelNameFromSDF(sdf_string)
        assert original_name, f"Failed to get model name from file {self.model_file}"

        # Create a unique robot name
        self._robot_name = self._prefix + "::" + original_name

        # Initialize the model data
        model_data = bindings.ModelInitData()
        model_data.setPosition([0., 0, 0])  # TODO: default initial position
        model_data.setOrientation([1., 0, 0, 0])  # TODO: default initial orientation

        # Initialize robot controller plugin
        plugin_data = bindings.PluginData()

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = self._gazebo.insertModel(model_data, plugin_data)
        assert ok_model, "Failed to insert the model"

        # Extract the robot from the singleton
        self._gympp_robot = bindings.RobotSingleton_get().getRobot(self._robot_name)

        # The robot is a weak pointer. Check that it is valid.
        assert not self._gympp_robot.expired(), "The Robot object has expired"
        assert self._gympp_robot.lock(), \
            "The returned Robot object does not contain a valid interface"
        assert self._gympp_robot.lock().valid(), "The Robot object is not valid"

        if self._controller_rate:
            logger.debug("Robot controller rate: {} Hz".format(self._controller_rate))
            ok_dt = self._gympp_robot.lock().setdt(1 / self._controller_rate)
            assert ok_dt, "Failed to set the robot controller period"

        logger.debug(f"IgnitionRobot '{self._gympp_robot.lock().name()}' added to the "
        return self._gympp_robot.lock()
Beispiel #6
    def _load_model(self, filename: str, **kwargs) -> int:
        logger.debug(f"Loading model {filename}")

        # Get the file extension
        extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]

        if extension == "sdf":
            model_id = self._pybullet.loadSDF(filename, **kwargs)[0]
            model_id = self._pybullet.loadURDF(
                filename, flags=pybullet.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE, **kwargs)

        return model_id
def find_resource(file_name: str) -> str:
    file_abs_path = ""

    logger.debug(f"Looking for file '{file_name}'")

    # Handle if the path is absolute
    if os.path.isabs(file_name):
        if isfile(file_name):
            logger.debug(f"  Found resource: '{file_name}'")
            return file_name
            raise Exception(f"Failed to find resource '{file_name}'")

    # Handle if the path is relative
    for path in GYM_IGNITION_DATA_PATH:
        logger.debug(f"  Exploring folder '{path}'")
        path_with_slash = path if path[-1] == '/' else path + "/"
        candidate_abs_path = path_with_slash + file_name

        if isfile(candidate_abs_path):
            logger.debug(f"  Found resource: '{candidate_abs_path}'")
            file_abs_path = candidate_abs_path

    if not file_abs_path:
        raise Exception(f"Failed to find resource '{file_name}'")

    return file_abs_path
def add_path(data_path: str) -> None:
    if not exists(data_path):
        logger.warn(f"The path '{data_path}' does not exist. Not added to the data path.")


    for path in GYM_IGNITION_DATA_PATH:
        if path == data_path:
            logger.debug(f"The path '{data_path}' is already present in the data path")

    logger.debug(f"Adding new search path: '{data_path}'")
Beispiel #9
    def pybullet(self) -> bullet_client.BulletClient:
        if self._pybullet is not None:
            return self._pybullet

        logger.debug("Creating PyBullet simulator")

        if self._render_enabled:
            self._pybullet = bullet_client.BulletClient(pybullet.GUI)
            # Connects to an existing instance or, if it fails, creates an headless
            # simulation (DIRECT)
            self._pybullet = bullet_client.BulletClient()

        assert self._pybullet, "Failed to create the bullet client"

        # Find the ground plane
        world_abs_path = resource_finder.find_resource(self._world)

        # Load the ground plane
        self._plane_id = self._load_model(world_abs_path)

        # Configure the physics engine
        self._pybullet.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)

        # Configure the physics engine with a single big time step divided in multiple
        # substeps. As an alternative, we could use a single substep and step the
        # simulation multiple times.
        self._pybullet.setTimeStep(1.0 / self._physics_rate /

        # Disable real-time update. We step the simulation when needed.
        self._pybullet.setRealTimeSimulation(0)"PyBullet Physic Engine Parameters:")

        step_time = 1.0 / self._physics_rate / self._rtf"Nominal step time: {step_time} seconds")

        logger.debug("PyBullet simulator created")
        return self._pybullet
Beispiel #10
def setup_gazebo_env_vars() -> None:
    # Configure the environment
    ign_gazebo_resource_path = os.environ.get("IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH")
    ign_gazebo_system_plugin_path = os.environ.get("IGN_GAZEBO_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH")

    if not ign_gazebo_resource_path:
        ign_gazebo_resource_path = ""

    if not ign_gazebo_system_plugin_path:
        ign_gazebo_system_plugin_path = ""

    if misc.installed_in_editable_mode():
        logger.debug("Developer setup")

        # Detect the install prefix
        import gympp_bindings
        site_packages_path = Path(gympp_bindings.__file__).parent
        install_prefix = site_packages_path.parent.parent.parent
        logger.debug(f"Detected install prefix: '{install_prefix}'")

        # Add the plugins path
        ign_gazebo_system_plugin_path += f":{install_prefix}/lib/gympp/plugins"

        # Add the worlds and models path
        ign_gazebo_resource_path += f":{install_prefix}/share/gympp/gazebo/worlds"
        ign_gazebo_resource_path += f":{install_prefix}/share/gympp/gazebo/models"
        logger.debug("User setup")

        # Add the plugins path
        import gym_ignition
        ign_gazebo_system_plugin_path += f":{gym_ignition.__path__[0]}/plugins"

        # Add the worlds and models path
        import gym_ignition_data
        data_path = gym_ignition_data.__path__[0]
        ign_gazebo_resource_path += f":{data_path}:/{data_path}/worlds"

    os.environ["IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH"] = ign_gazebo_resource_path
    os.environ["IGN_GAZEBO_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH"] = ign_gazebo_system_plugin_path
    def _get_robot(self):
        if not self.gazebo:
            raise Exception("Failed to instantiate the gazebo simulator")

        # Build the robot object
        logger.debug("Creating the robot object")
        robot = self._robot_cls(model_file=self._model,
        assert isinstance(robot, robot_abc.RobotABC), \
            "'robot' object must inherit from RobotABC"

        # Check the requested robot features
        if self.task.robot_features:

        if not robot.valid():
            raise Exception("The robot is not valid")

        return robot
Beispiel #12
    def _get_robot(self) -> robot_abc.RobotABC:
        if not self.pybullet:
            raise Exception("Failed to instantiate the pybullet simulator")

        if not issubclass(self._robot_cls,
            raise Exception("The 'robot_cls' must inherit from PyBulletRobot")

        # Build the robot object
        logger.debug("Creating the robot object")
        robot = self._robot_cls(plane_id=self._plane_id,

        if self.task.robot_features:

        if not robot.valid():
            raise Exception("The robot is not valid")

        logger.debug("Robot object created")
        return robot
Beispiel #13
def template_test(
    rtf: float,
    physics_rate: float,
    agent_rate: float,
    # controller_rate: float = None,
) -> None:

    # Get the simulator and the robot objects
    gazebo, robot = get_gazebo_and_robot(
        # controller_rate=None,  # Does not matter

    # Trajectory specifications
    trajectory_dt = 1 / agent_rate
    tot_simulated_seconds = 2

    # Generate the cart trajectory. This is analogous of setting an action containing
    # the cart references, hence it is related to the agent rate.
    cart_ref = np.fromiter(
        (0.2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 0.5 * t)
         for t in np.arange(0, tot_simulated_seconds, trajectory_dt)),

    avg_time_per_step = 0.0
    start = time.time()

    logger.debug(f"Simulating {cart_ref.size} steps")
    for i, ref in enumerate(cart_ref):
        # Set the references
        ok_ref = robot.setJointPositionTarget("linear", ref)
        assert ok_ref, "Failed to set joint references"

        # Step the simulator
        now = time.time()
        this_step = time.time() - now
        avg_time_per_step = avg_time_per_step + 0.1 * (this_step -

    stop = time.time()
    elapsed_time = stop - start

    # Compute useful quantities
    # simulation_dt = 1 / simulation_rate
    number_of_actions = tot_simulated_seconds / trajectory_dt
    physics_iterations_per_run = physics_rate / agent_rate
    simulation_dt = 1 / (physics_rate * rtf)

    assert number_of_actions == cart_ref.size

    print("Elapsed time = {}".format(elapsed_time))
    print("Average step time = {}".format(avg_time_per_step))
    print("Number of actions: = {}".format(tot_simulated_seconds /
    print("Physics iteration per simulator step = {}".format(

    # Check if the average time per step matches what expected
    assert almost_equal(first=avg_time_per_step,
                        second=simulation_dt * physics_iterations_per_run,
                        epsilon=avg_time_per_step * 0.5)

    # Check if the total time of the simulation matched what expected
    assert almost_equal(first=elapsed_time,
                        second=number_of_actions * simulation_dt *
                        epsilon=elapsed_time * 0.5)

    # Terminate simulation
Beispiel #14
def template_test(
    rtf: float,
    physics_rate: float,
    agent_rate: float,
) -> None:

    # Get the simulator
    iterations = int(physics_rate / agent_rate)
    gazebo = utils.Gazebo(physics_rate=physics_rate,

    # Get the cartpole robot
    robot = utils.get_cartpole(gazebo)
    assert robot.valid(), "The robot object is not valid"

    # Configure the cartpole
    ok_cm = robot.set_joint_control_mode("linear", JointControlMode.POSITION)
    assert ok_cm, "Failed to set the control mode"

    # Set the joint controller period
    robot.set_dt(0.001 if physics_rate < 1000 else physics_rate)

    # Trajectory specifications
    trajectory_dt = 1 / agent_rate
    tot_simulated_seconds = 2

    # Generate the cart trajectory. This is analogous of setting an action containing
    # the cart references, hence it is related to the agent rate.
    cart_ref = np.fromiter(
        (0.2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 0.5 * t)
         for t in np.arange(0, tot_simulated_seconds, trajectory_dt)),

    avg_time_per_step = 0.0
    start = time.time()

    logger.debug(f"Simulating {cart_ref.size} steps")
    for i, ref in enumerate(cart_ref):
        # Set the references
        ok_ref = robot.set_joint_position("linear", ref)
        assert ok_ref, "Failed to set joint references"

        # Step the simulator
        now = time.time()
        this_step = time.time() - now
        avg_time_per_step = avg_time_per_step + 0.1 * (this_step -

    stop = time.time()
    elapsed_time = stop - start

    # Compute useful quantities
    number_of_actions = tot_simulated_seconds / trajectory_dt
    physics_iterations_per_run = physics_rate / agent_rate
    simulation_dt = 1 / (physics_rate * rtf)

    assert number_of_actions == cart_ref.size

    print(f"Elapsed time = {elapsed_time}")
    print(f"Average step time = {avg_time_per_step}")
    print("Number of actions: = {}".format(tot_simulated_seconds /
        f"Physics iteration per simulator step = {physics_iterations_per_run}")

    # Check if the average time per step matches what expected
    assert almost_equal(first=avg_time_per_step,
                        second=simulation_dt * physics_iterations_per_run,
                        epsilon=avg_time_per_step * 0.5)

    # Check if the total time of the simulation matched what expected
    assert almost_equal(first=elapsed_time,
                        second=number_of_actions * simulation_dt *
                        epsilon=elapsed_time * 0.5)

    # Terminate simulation
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self,
                 task_cls: type,
                 robot_cls: type,
                 model: str,
                 rtf: float,
                 agent_rate: float,
                 physics_rate: float,
                 world: str = "plane_implicit.urdf",
                 hard_reset: bool = True,

        # Save the keyworded arguments.
        # We use them to build the task and the robot objects, and allow custom class
        # to accept user-defined parameters.
        self._kwargs = kwargs

        # Store the type of the class that provides Robot interface
        self._robot_cls = robot_cls

        # Delete and create a new robot every environment reset
        self._first_run = True
        self._hard_reset = hard_reset

        # URDF or SDF model files
        self._world = world
        self._model = model

        # Simulation attributes
        self._rtf = rtf
        self._now = None
        self._bias = 0.0

        self._physics_rate = physics_rate

        self._plane_id = None
        self._pybullet = None
        self._render_enabled = False
        self._render_called = False

        # Calculate the rate between agent and physics rate
        physics_steps_per_agent_update = physics_rate / agent_rate
        self._num_of_physics_steps = int(physics_steps_per_agent_update)

        assert physics_rate >= agent_rate, "Agent cannot run faster than physics"

        # If there is an incompatibility between the agent and physics rates, round the
        # iterations and notify the user
        if physics_steps_per_agent_update != round(
            self._num_of_physics_steps = round(physics_steps_per_agent_update)
            logger.warn("The real physics rate will be {} Hz".format(
                agent_rate * self._num_of_physics_steps))

        logger.debug(f"RTF = {rtf}")
        logger.debug(f"Agent rate = {agent_rate} Hz")
            f"Physics rate = {agent_rate * self._num_of_physics_steps} Hz")

        logger.debug("Initializing the Task")
        task = task_cls(**kwargs)

        assert isinstance(task, base.task.Task), \
            "'task_cls' object must inherit from Task"

        # Wrap the task with this runtime
        super().__init__(task=task, agent_rate=agent_rate)

        # Initialize the simulator and the robot
        self.task.robot = self._get_robot()

        # Initialize the spaces
        self.task.action_space, self.task.observation_space = self.task.create_spaces(

        # Seed the environment
for epoch in range(10):
    # Reset the environment
    observation = env.reset()

    # Initialize returned values
    done = False
    totalReward = 0

    while not done:
        # Execute a random action
        action = env.action_space.sample()
        observation, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

        # Render the environment
        # It is not required to call this in the loop
        # env.render('human')

        # Accumulate the reward
        totalReward += reward

        # Print the observation
        msg = ""
        for value in observation:
            msg += "\t%.6f" % value
        logger.debug(msg)"Total reward for episode #{}: {}".format(epoch, totalReward))

Beispiel #17
    def gympp_robot(self) -> bindings.Robot:
        if self._gympp_robot:
            return self._gympp_robot

        # Find and load the model SDF file
        sdf_file = resource_finder.find_resource(self.model_file)
        with open(sdf_file, "r") as stream:
            sdf_string =

        # Get the model name
        original_name = bindings.GazeboWrapper.getModelNameFromSDF(sdf_string)
        assert original_name, f"Failed to get model name from file {self.model_file}"

        # Create a unique robot name
        self._robot_name = self._prefix + "::" + original_name

        initial_base_pose, initial_base_orientation = self.initial_base_pose()

        # Initialize the model data
        model_data = bindings.ModelInitData()
        model_data.modelName = self._robot_name
        model_data.sdfString = sdf_string
        model_data.fixedPose = not self.is_floating_base()
        model_data.position = initial_base_pose.tolist()
        model_data.orientation = initial_base_orientation.tolist()

        if self._base_frame is not None:
            model_data.baseLink = self._base_frame

        # Initialize robot controller plugin
        plugin_data = bindings.PluginData()
        plugin_data.libName = "RobotController"
        plugin_data.className = "gympp::plugins::RobotController"

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = self._gazebo.insertModel(model_data, plugin_data)
        assert ok_model, "Failed to insert the model"

        # Extract the robot from the singleton
        gympp_robot_weak = bindings.RobotSingleton_get().getRobot(

        # The robot is a weak pointer. Check that it is valid.
        assert not gympp_robot_weak.expired(), "The Robot object has expired"
        assert gympp_robot_weak.lock(), \
            "The returned Robot object does not contain a valid interface"

        self._gympp_robot = gympp_robot_weak.lock()
        assert self._gympp_robot.valid(), "The Robot object is not valid"

        if self._controller_rate is not None:
            logger.debug(f"Robot controller rate: {self._controller_rate} Hz")
            ok_dt = self._gympp_robot.setdt(1 / self._controller_rate)
            assert ok_dt, "Failed to set the robot controller period"

        s0 = self.initial_joint_positions()
        sdot0 = self.initial_joint_velocities()
        joint_names = list(self._gympp_robot.jointNames())

        assert s0.size == len(joint_names)
        assert sdot0.size == len(joint_names)

        for idx, name in enumerate(joint_names):
            ok_reset = self._gympp_robot.resetJoint(name, s0[idx], sdot0[idx])
            assert ok_reset, f"Failed to initialize the state of joint '{name}'"

            f"GazeboRobot '{}' added to the simulation"
        return self._gympp_robot