Beispiel #1
    def test_xl_seq_A(self):
        # uses h2o_xl to do magic with Rapids
        # does this DFInit to rows=0 now?
        a = DF('a1') # knon_* key
        b = DF('b1')
        c = DF('c1')
        print "lastExecResult:", dump_json(h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult)
        # look at our secret stash in the base class. Should see the DFInit?

        # DF does a kv store init. Key doesn't
        # DF inherits from Key. KeyIndexed inherits from Key
        assert isinstance(a, DF)
        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(a, Xbase)

        assert not isinstance(a, KeyIndexed)
        assert not isinstance(a, Fcn)
        assert not isinstance(a, Assign)

        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(b, Key)
        assert isinstance(c, Key)

        Assign(a, 0)
        checkAst("(= !a1 #0)")
        Assign(b, 0)
        checkAst("(= !b1 #0)")
        Assign(c, 0)
        checkAst("(= !c1 #0)")

        Assign(a, [0])
        checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
        Assign(b, [0,1])
        checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
        Assign(c, [0,1,2])
        checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        Assign(a, (0,)) # make sure it's a tuple with comma
        checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
        Assign(b, (0,1))
        checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
        Assign(c, (0,1,2))
        checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        Assign(c, a[0] + b[1])
        checkAst("(= !c1 (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

        Assign(c[0], (a[0] + b[1]))
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

        # print "\nDoes the keyWriteHistoryList work?"
        for k in Xbase.keyWriteHistoryList:
            print k

    def test_xl_ast_assert_Z(self):
        a = DF('a1')
        b = DF('b1')
        c = DF('c1')

        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(b, Key)
        assert isinstance(c, Key)

        # this just overwrite the a/b/c with python datatypes
        if 1==0:
            a = 0
            checkAst("(= !a1 #0)")
            b = 0
            checkAst("(= !b1 #0)")
            c = 0
            checkAst("(= !c1 #0)")

            a = [0]
            checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
            b = [0,1]
            checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
            c = [0,1,2]
            checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

            a = (0,) # make sure it's a tuple with comma
            checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
            b = (0,1)
            checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
            c = (0,1,2)
            checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        # added to init the keys, to avoid AAIOBE at h2o
        a <<= [0] # comma isn't needed
        checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
        b <<= [0,1]
        checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
        c <<= [0,1,2]
        checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        # these don't work
        if 1==0:
            c = a[0] + b[1]
            # no .do() needed because of types on rhs? or ?
            checkAst("(= !c1 (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

            c[0] = a[0] + b[1]
            checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

        # print "\nDoes the keyWriteHistoryList work?"
        for k in Xbase.keyWriteHistoryList:
            print k

    def test_xl_ast_assert_Y(self):
        a = DF('a1')
        b = DF('b1')
        c = DF('c1')

        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(b, Key)
        assert isinstance(c, Key)

        a <<= 0
        checkAst("(= !a1 #0)")
        b <<= 0
        checkAst("(= !b1 #0)")
        c <<= 0
        checkAst("(= !c1 #0)")

        a <<= [0]
        checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
        b <<= [0,1]
        checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
        c <<= [0,1,2]
        checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        a <<= (0,) # make sure it's a tuple with comma
        checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
        b <<= (0,1)
        checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
        c <<= (0,1,2)
        checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        c <<= a[0] + b[1]
        checkAst("(= !c1 (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

        c[0] <<= a[0] + b[1]
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

        # print "\nDoes the keyWriteHistoryList work?"
        for k in Xbase.keyWriteHistoryList:
            print k

Beispiel #4
    def test_xl_oobe(self):
        # uses h2o_xl to do magic with Rapids
        # does this DFInit to rows=0 now?
        a = DF('a1')  # knon_* key
        b = DF('b1')
        c = DF('c1')
        # look at our secret stash in the base class. Should see the DFInit?

        assert isinstance(a, DF)
        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(a, Xbase)
        assert not isinstance(a, KeyIndexed)
        assert not isinstance(a, Fcn)
        assert not isinstance(a, Assign)

        Assign(a, range(5))
        Assign(b, range(5))
        Assign(c, range(5))
        print "lastExecResult:", dump_json(h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult)

        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(b, Key)
        assert isinstance(c, Key)

        # print "Referring to non-existent rows causes a problem (AAIOBE)"
        # not any more..change it to legal case
        Assign(c[1], (a[2] + b[2]))
        ast = h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult['ast']
        astExpected = "(= ([ %c1 #1 #0) (+ ([ %a1 #2 #0) ([ %b1 #2 #0)))"
        assert ast == astExpected, "Actual: %s    Expected: %s" % (ast,

        # print "\nDoes the keyWriteHistoryList work?"
        for k in Xbase.keyWriteHistoryList:
            print k

    def test_xl_ast_assert_ZZ(self):
        a = DF('a1') # inits to -1
        # I suppose use of the h2o inspect request is deprecated
        # h2o_cmd.runInspect uses Frames?
        if 1==0:
            inspect = h2o.n0.inspect(key=a) # str(a) becomes 'a1'. so this param should take type Key for key=
            print "a/a1:", dump_json(inspect)

        # let's use runSummary for fun..returns OutputObj for the col
        # will get from column 0, since column not specified
        summaryResult = h2o_cmd.runSummary(key=a)
        co = h2o_cmd.infoFromSummary(summaryResult)
        print "co.label:", co.label
        print "",

        # how can we get a bunch of data?
        b = DF('b1') # inits to -1
        c = DF('c1') # inits to -1
        print "lastExecResult:", dump_json(h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult)

        h2p.yellow_print("Assign compare1")
        Assign(c[0], c[0] + 0)
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (+ ([ %c1 #0 #0) #0))")

        h2p.yellow_print("Assign compare2")
        Assign(c[0], c[0] - 0)
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (- ([ %c1 #0 #0) #0))")

        h2p.yellow_print("Assign compare3")
        Assign(c[0], c[0] == 0)
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (n ([ %c1 #0 #0) #0))")

        h2p.yellow_print("Assign compare4")
        Assign(c[0], c[0] != 0)
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (N ([ %c1 #0 #0) #0))")

        # h2o_xl.debugPrintEnable = True

        c = DF('c1')

        h2p.yellow_print("<<= compare1")
        c[0] <<= (c[0] + 0)
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (+ ([ %c1 #0 #0) #0))")

        h2p.yellow_print("<<= compare2")
        c[0] <<= (c[0] - 0)
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (- ([ %c1 #0 #0) #0))")

        h2p.yellow_print("<<= compare3")
        c[0] <<= (c[0] == 0)
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (n ([ %c1 #0 #0) #0))")

        c = DF('c1') # inits to -1
        # doesn't assign result to a key?, gets result if scalar, otherwise gets a list or ??? 
        # .result can give us scalar, list, Key, None

        # .result could be a property that triggers a csv download, if we didn't cache the scalar/list result because it was small?
        # i.e. check if .result_cached was None, when .result property is used (property to avoid the need for ()
        result = Expr(c[0] == -1).result
        checkAst("(n ([ %c1 #0 #0) #-1)")
        h2p.yellow_print("Expr result..Desire: python datatype/value if scalar or list,.else Key: %s %s" % (type(result), result))
        assert result == 1.0, "%s %s" % (type(result), result) # real result?

        if result:
            print "true for if of result", type(result), result
            print "else for if of result", type(result), result

        # difference is this goes to a temp key, so if not scalar, you can still get the results by looking at the key
        result = Assign(None, c[0]==-1).result
        checkAst("(= !knon_0x1a34250 (n ([ %c1 #0 #0) #-1))")
        h2p.yellow_print("Assign result..Desire: python datatype/value if scalar or list,.else Key: %s %s" % (type(result), result))
        assert result == 1.0, "%s %s" % (type(result), result) # real result?

        if result:
            print "true if of result", result
            print "false if of result", result
    def test_xl_ast_assert_X(self):
        # uses h2o_xl to do magic with Rapids
        # does this DFInit to rows=0 now?
        a = DF('a1')
        b = DF('b1')
        c = DF('c1')
        # look at our secret stash in the base class. Should see the DFInit?
        print "lastExecResult:", dump_json(h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult)

        # DF does a kv store init. Key doesn't
        # DF inherits from Key. KeyIndexed inherits from Key
        assert isinstance(a, DF)
        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(a, Xbase)

        assert not isinstance(a, KeyIndexed)
        assert not isinstance(a, Fcn)
        assert not isinstance(a, Assign)

        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(b, Key)
        assert isinstance(c, Key)

        Assign(a, 2)
        checkAst("(= !a1 #2)")
        Assign(b, 2)
        checkAst("(= !b1 #2)")
        Assign(c, 2)
        checkAst("(= !c1 #2)")

        # - doesn't exist? multiply by -1?
        Assign(c, ~c)
        checkAst("(= !c1 (^ %c1 #1))") # not right if more than 1 col?
        Assign(c, -c)
        checkAst("(= !c1 (_ %c1))")
        Assign(c, abs(c))
        checkAst("(= !c1 (abs %c1))")

        # this needs to be an h2o int? because it expects int return
        # Assign(c, int(c))
        # checkAst("(= !c1 (trunc c1 ))")

        Assign(a, [0])
        checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
        Assign(b, [0,1])
        checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
        Assign(c, [0,1,2])
        checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        Assign(a, (0,)) # make sure it's a tuple with comma
        checkAst("(= !a1 (c {#0}))")
        Assign(b, (0,1))
        checkAst("(= !b1 (c {#0;#1}))")
        Assign(c, (0,1,2))
        checkAst("(= !c1 (c {#0;#1;#2}))")

        Assign(c, a[0] + b[1])
        checkAst("(= !c1 (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

        Assign(c[0], (a[0] + b[1]))
        checkAst("(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #1 #0)))")

        # print "\nDoes the keyWriteHistoryList work?"
        for k in Xbase.keyWriteHistoryList:
            print k

    def test_xl_real(self):
        bucket = 'smalldata'
        csvPathname = 'iris/iris_wheader.csv'
        hexDF = 'v'
        parseResult = h2i.import_parse(bucket=bucket,

        # uses h2o_xl to do magic with Rapids
        # does this DFInit to rows=0 now?
        a = DF('a1')  # knon_* key
        assert isinstance(a, DF)
        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        assert isinstance(a, Xbase)
        assert not isinstance(a, KeyIndexed)
        assert not isinstance(a, Fcn)
        assert not isinstance(a, Assign)

        # look at our secret stash in the base class. Should see the DFInit?
        print "Does the lastExecResult stash work?", dump_json(
        # this should work if str(DF) returns DF.frame
        inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=a)
        # print "inspect a", dump_json(inspect)

        b = DF('b1')
        assert isinstance(b, DF)
        inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=b)
        # print "inspect b", dump_json(inspect)

        Assign(a, [0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
        assert isinstance(a, Key)
        b <<= [3.1, 4.1, 5.1]
        assert isinstance(b, Key)
        # FIX! how come I have to create c here first for python
        # see here
        # is it too much to require c to exist first?
        # c = DF()
        # c <<= a + b

        # this will trigger ok?
        c = DF('c1')
        c <<= [6.2, 7.2, 8.2]
        assert isinstance(c, Key)
        # c[0] <<= a + b
        # Assign(lhs=c[0], rhs=(a + b))
        rhs = a + b
        Assign(c, rhs)
        ast = h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult['ast']
        astExpected = "(= !c1 (+ %a1 %b1))"
        assert ast == astExpected, "Actual: %s    Expected: %s" % (ast,

        rhs = a[0] + b[0]
        Assign(c[0], rhs)
        ast = h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult['ast']
        astExpected = "(= ([ %c1 #0 #0) (+ ([ %a1 #0 #0) ([ %b1 #0 #0)))"
        assert ast == astExpected, "Actual: %s    Expected: %s" % (ast,

        Assign(c[1], (a[2] + b[2]))
        ast = h2o_xl.Xbase.lastExecResult['ast']
        astExpected = "(= ([ %c1 #1 #0) (+ ([ %a1 #2 #0) ([ %b1 #2 #0)))"
        assert ast == astExpected, "Actual: %s    Expected: %s" % (ast,

        # assert ast = "(= !b1 ( (c {#0})))"

        assert isinstance(c, Key), type(c)

        inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=c)
        # # print "inspect c", dump_json(inspect)

        # DF inits the frame
        # if you just want an existing Key, say existing=True
        a = DF('a2')  # named data frame
        assert isinstance(a, DF)
        b = DF('b2')
        c = DF('c2')
        inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=c)
        # # print "inspect c", dump_json(inspect)

        a <<= 3
        b <<= 3
        c <<= 3
        c[0] <<= a[0] + b[0]
        assert isinstance(c, Key)
        inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=c)
        # print "inspect c", dump_json(inspect)

        a = DF('a3')  # named data frame
        b = DF('b3')
        c = DF('c3')
        a <<= 4
        b <<= 4
        c <<= 4

        c[0] <<= a[0] - b[0]
        assert isinstance(c, Key)
        c[0] <<= a[0] * b[0]
        assert isinstance(c, Key)

        a = DF('a4')  # named data frame
        b = DF('b4')
        c = DF('c4')
        a <<= 5
        b <<= 5
        c <<= 5
        c[0] <<= (a[0] - b[0])
        assert isinstance(c, Key)
        inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=c)
        # print "inspect c", dump_json(inspect)

        c[0] <<= (a[0] & b[0]) | a[0]
        assert isinstance(c, Key)
        inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(key=c)
        # print "inspect c", dump_json(inspect)

        # print "\nDoes the keyWriteHistoryList work?"
        for k in Xbase.keyWriteHistoryList:
            print k
