Beispiel #1
def drop_tables():
    """Drop all the tables in the database.

    This is distinct from db.drop_all() in that it isn't dependent on what
    SQLAlchemy thinks the schema should be; it just gets all the table names
    and drops them. This is important since in these test we are working
    with older versions of the schema.
    # Notes about the implementation:
    # * SQLAlchemy's inspector can do a bit more than we're using it for here;
    #   however, after fighting with all of the nitty-gritty details of
    #   using it to construct a metadata object that would let us just do a
    #   call to drop_all(), it was decided that it wsan't worth the trouble.
    # * The below constructs a raw SQL string programmatically. In general,
    #   this should set off your spidey-sense, and is not condoned outside of
    #   the test suite, or without _very_ careful consideration even within it.
    #   However, in this case the inputs are controlled, so there is no risk
    #   of malicious input. Furthermore, per the first bullet point, this was
    #   far simpler than convincing SQLAlchemy to do the right thing.
    tablenames = db.inspect(db.engine).get_table_names()
    for tablename in tablenames:
        db.session.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "' +
                           tablename + '" CASCADE')
Beispiel #2
def check_db_schema():
    """Verify that the database schema is present and up-to-date.

    If not, an error message is printed and the program is aborted.
    tablenames = db.inspect(db.engine).get_table_names()

    if 'alembic_version' not in tablenames:
        sys.exit("ERROR: Database schema is not initialized; have you run "
                 "haas-admin db create?")

    actual_heads = {row[0] for row in db.session.query(AlembicVersion).all()}

    if _expected_heads() != actual_heads:
        sys.exit("ERROR: Database schema version is incorrect; try "
                 "running haas-admin db upgrade heads.")
Beispiel #3
def drop_tables():
    """Drop all the tables in the database.

    This is distinct from db.drop_all() in that it isn't dependent on what
    SQLAlchemy thinks the schema should be; it just gets all the table names
    and drops them. This is important since in these test we are working
    with older versions of the schema.
    # Notes about the implementation:
    # * SQLAlchemy's inspector can do a bit more than we're using it for here;
    #   however, after fighting with all of the nitty-gritty details of
    #   using it to construct a metadata object that would let us just do a
    #   call to drop_all(), it was decided that it wsan't worth the trouble.
    # * The below constructs a raw SQL string programmatically. In general,
    #   this should set off your spidey-sense, and is not condoned outside of
    #   the test suite, or without _very_ careful consideration even within it.
    #   However, in this case the inputs are controlled, so there is no risk
    #   of malicious input. Furthermore, per the first bullet point, this was
    #   far simpler than convincing SQLAlchemy to do the right thing.
    tablenames = db.inspect(db.engine).get_table_names()
    for tablename in tablenames:
        db.session.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "' + tablename + '" CASCADE')
Beispiel #4
def get_db_state():
    """Inspect the database, and return a representation of its contents

    The return value is a dictionary mapping table names to dictionaries
    containing two keys each:

        - 'schema', which describes the columns for that table.
        - 'rows', which is a list of all rows in the table.
    result = {}
    inspector = db.inspect(db.engine)
    metadata = db.MetaData()

    for name in inspector.get_table_names():
        schema = inspector.get_columns(name)
        tbl = db.Table(name, metadata)
        inspector.reflecttable(tbl, None)
        rows = db.session.query(tbl).all()
        result[name] = {
            'schema': schema,
            'rows': sorted(rows),

    return result
Beispiel #5
def get_db_state():
    """Inspect the database, and return a representation of its contents

    The return value is a dictionary mapping table names to dictionaries
    containing two keys each:

        - 'schema', which describes the columns for that table.
        - 'rows', which is a list of all rows in the table.
    result = {}
    inspector = db.inspect(db.engine)
    metadata = db.MetaData()

    for name in inspector.get_table_names():
        schema = inspector.get_columns(name)
        tbl = db.Table(name, metadata)
        inspector.reflecttable(tbl, None)
        rows = db.session.query(tbl).all()
        result[name] = {
            'schema': schema,
            'rows': sorted(rows),

    return result