Beispiel #1
    def table_irs(self):
        b = ir.TrueIR()
        table_read = ir.TableRead(
            ir.TableNativeReader(resource('backward_compatability/1.0.0/table/'), None, False), False)
        table_read_row_type = hl.dtype('struct{idx: int32, f32: float32, i64: int64, m: float64, astruct: struct{a: int32, b: float64}, mstruct: struct{x: int32, y: str}, aset: set<str>, mset: set<float64>, d: dict<array<str>, float64>, md: dict<int32, str>, h38: locus<GRCh38>, ml: locus<GRCh37>, i: interval<locus<GRCh37>>, c: call, mc: call, t: tuple(call, str, str), mt: tuple(locus<GRCh37>, bool)}')

        matrix_read = ir.MatrixRead(
            ir.MatrixNativeReader(resource('backward_compatability/1.0.0/matrix_table/0.hmt'), None, False),
            False, False)

        range = ir.TableRange(10, 4)
        table_irs = [
            ir.TableKeyBy(table_read, ['m', 'd'], False),
            ir.TableFilter(table_read, b),
                ir.MakeStruct([('a', ir.I32(5))])),
                ir.MakeStruct([('a', ir.I32(5))]),
                ir.MakeStruct([('b', ir.I32(5))]),
                1, 2),
                ir.TableRange(100, 10), 'inner', 1),
                ('rows', ir.Literal(hl.tarray(hl.tstruct(a=hl.tint32)), [{'a':None}, {'a':5}, {'a':-3}])),
                ('global', ir.MakeStruct([]))]), None),
                ir.TableKeyBy(table_read, []),
                    ('a', ir.GetField(ir.Ref('row'), 'f32')),
                    ('b', ir.F64(-2.11))])),
                    ('foo', ir.NA(hl.tarray(hl.tint32)))])),
            ir.TableRange(100, 10),
            ir.TableRepartition(table_read, 10, ir.RepartitionStrategy.COALESCE),
                [ir.TableRange(100, 10), ir.TableRange(50, 10)]),
            ir.TableExplode(table_read, ['mset']),
            ir.TableHead(table_read, 10),
            ir.TableOrderBy(ir.TableKeyBy(table_read, []), [('m', 'A'), ('m', 'D')]),
            ir.CastMatrixToTable(matrix_read, '__entries', '__cols'),
            ir.TableRename(table_read, {'idx': 'idx_foo'}, {'global_f32': 'global_foo'}),
            ir.TableMultiWayZipJoin([table_read, table_read], '__data', '__globals'),
            ir.MatrixToTableApply(matrix_read, {'name': 'LinearRegressionRowsSingle', 'yFields': ['col_m'], 'xField': 'entry_m', 'covFields': [], 'rowBlockSize': 10, 'passThrough': []}),
            ir.TableToTableApply(table_read, {'name': 'TableFilterPartitions', 'parts': [0], 'keep': True}),
            ir.TableFilterIntervals(table_read, [hl.utils.Interval(hl.utils.Struct(row_idx=0), hl.utils.Struct(row_idx=10))], hl.tstruct(row_idx=hl.tint32), keep=False),

        return table_irs
Beispiel #2
def pca(entry_expr,
        compute_loadings=False) -> Tuple[List[float], Table, Table]:
    r"""Run principal component analysis (PCA) on numeric columns derived from a
    matrix table.


    For a matrix table with variant rows, sample columns, and genotype entries,
    compute the top 2 PC sample scores and eigenvalues of the matrix of 0s and
    1s encoding missingness of genotype calls.

    >>> eigenvalues, scores, _ = hl.pca(,
    ...                                 k=2)

      This method does **not** automatically mean-center or normalize each column.
      If desired, such transformations should be incorporated in `entry_expr`.

      Hail will return an error if `entry_expr` evaluates to missing, nan, or
      infinity on any entry.


    PCA is run on the columns of the numeric matrix obtained by evaluating
    `entry_expr` on each entry of the matrix table, or equivalently on the rows
    of the **transposed** numeric matrix :math:`M` referenced below.

    PCA computes the SVD

    .. math::

      M = USV^T

    where columns of :math:`U` are left singular vectors (orthonormal in
    :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`), columns of :math:`V` are right singular vectors
    (orthonormal in :math:`\mathbb{R}^m`), and :math:`S=\mathrm{diag}(s_1, s_2,
    \ldots)` with ordered singular values :math:`s_1 \ge s_2 \ge \cdots \ge 0`.
    Typically one computes only the first :math:`k` singular vectors and values,
    yielding the best rank :math:`k` approximation :math:`U_k S_k V_k^T` of
    :math:`M`; the truncations :math:`U_k`, :math:`S_k` and :math:`V_k` are
    :math:`n \times k`, :math:`k \times k` and :math:`m \times k`

    From the perspective of the rows of :math:`M` as samples (data points),
    :math:`V_k` contains the loadings for the first :math:`k` PCs while
    :math:`MV_k = U_k S_k` contains the first :math:`k` PC scores of each
    sample. The loadings represent a new basis of features while the scores
    represent the projected data on those features. The eigenvalues of the Gramian
    :math:`MM^T` are the squares of the singular values :math:`s_1^2, s_2^2,
    \ldots`, which represent the variances carried by the respective PCs. By
    default, Hail only computes the loadings if the ``loadings`` parameter is

    Scores are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the column key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `scores` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component scores.

    Loadings are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the row key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `loadings` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component loadings.

    The eigenvalues are returned in descending order, with scores and loadings
    given the corresponding array order.

    entry_expr : :class:`.Expression`
        Numeric expression for matrix entries.
    k : :obj:`int`
        Number of principal components.
    compute_loadings : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, compute row loadings.

    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Table`)
        List of eigenvalues, table with column scores, table with row loadings.
    check_entry_indexed('pca/entry_expr', entry_expr)

    mt = matrix_table_source('pca/entry_expr', entry_expr)

    #  FIXME: remove once select_entries on a field is free
    if entry_expr in mt._fields_inverse:
        field = mt._fields_inverse[entry_expr]
        field = Env.get_uid()
        mt = mt.select_entries(**{field: entry_expr})
    mt = mt.select_cols().select_rows().select_globals()

    t = (Table(
            mt._mir, {
                'name': 'PCA',
                'entryField': field,
                'k': k,
                'computeLoadings': compute_loadings

    g = t.index_globals()
    scores = hl.Table.parallelize(g.scores, key=list(mt.col_key))
    if not compute_loadings:
        t = None
    return hl.eval(g.eigenvalues), scores, None if t is None else t.drop(
        'eigenvalues', 'scores')
Beispiel #3
def identity_by_descent(dataset,
                        max=None) -> Table:
    """Compute matrix of identity-by-descent estimates.

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tstring.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_tvariant.rst

    .. include:: ../_templates/req_biallelic.rst


    To calculate a full IBD matrix, using minor allele frequencies computed
    from the dataset itself:

    >>> hl.identity_by_descent(dataset)

    To calculate an IBD matrix containing only pairs of samples with
    ``PI_HAT`` in :math:`[0.2, 0.9]`, using minor allele frequencies stored in
    the row field `panel_maf`:

    >>> hl.identity_by_descent(dataset, maf=dataset['panel_maf'], min=0.2, max=0.9)


    The dataset must have a column field named `s` which is a :class:`.StringExpression`
    and which uniquely identifies a column.

    The implementation is based on the IBD algorithm described in the `PLINK
    paper <>`__.

    :func:`.identity_by_descent` requires the dataset to be biallelic and does
    not perform LD pruning. Linkage disequilibrium may bias the result so
    consider filtering variants first.

    The resulting :class:`.Table` entries have the type: *{ i: String,
    j: String, ibd: { Z0: Double, Z1: Double, Z2: Double, PI_HAT: Double },
    ibs0: Long, ibs1: Long, ibs2: Long }*. The key list is: `*i: String, j:

    Conceptually, the output is a symmetric, sample-by-sample matrix. The
    output table has the following form

    .. code-block:: text

        i		j	ibd.Z0	ibd.Z1	ibd.Z2	ibd.PI_HAT ibs0	ibs1	ibs2
        sample1	sample2	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000 ...
        sample1	sample3	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000 ...
        sample1	sample4	0.6807	0.0000	0.3193	0.3193 ...
        sample1	sample5	0.1966	0.0000	0.8034	0.8034 ...

    dataset : :class:`.MatrixTable`
        Variant-keyed and sample-keyed :class:`.MatrixTable` containing genotype information.
    maf : :class:`.Float64Expression`, optional
        Row-indexed expression for the minor allele frequency.
    bounded : :obj:`bool`
        Forces the estimations for `Z0``, ``Z1``, ``Z2``, and ``PI_HAT`` to take
        on biologically meaningful values (in the range [0,1]).
    min : :obj:`float` or :obj:`None`
        Sample pairs with a ``PI_HAT`` below this value will
        not be included in the output. Must be in :math:`[0,1]`.
    max : :obj:`float` or :obj:`None`
        Sample pairs with a ``PI_HAT`` above this value will
        not be included in the output. Must be in :math:`[0,1]`.


    require_col_key_str(dataset, 'identity_by_descent')

    if maf is not None:
        analyze('identity_by_descent/maf', maf, dataset._row_indices)
        dataset = dataset.select_rows(__maf=maf)
        dataset = dataset.select_rows()
    dataset = dataset.select_cols().select_globals().select_entries('GT')
    dataset = require_biallelic(dataset, 'ibd')

    return Table(
            dataset._mir, {
                'name': 'IBD',
                'mafFieldName': '__maf' if maf is not None else None,
                'bounded': bounded,
                'min': min,
                'max': max,