Beispiel #1
    def fit_alternatives_numpy(self, pa, a=None, return_pandas=False):
        r"""Fit and test alternative model for each augmented design matrix.

        This Python-only implementation runs serially on master. See
        the scalable implementation :meth:`fit_alternatives` for documentation
        of the returned table.

        pa: :class:`ndarray`
            Projected matrix :math:`P_r A` of alternatives with shape :math:`(r, m)`.
            Each column is a projected augmentation :math:`P_r x_\star` of :math:`P_r X`.
        a: :class:`ndarray`, optional
            Matrix :math:`A` of alternatives with shape :math:`(n, m)`.
            Each column is an augmentation :math:`x_\star` of :math:`X`.
            Required for low-rank inference.
        return_pandas: :obj:`bool`
            If true, return pandas dataframe. If false, return Hail table.

        :class:`.Table` or :class:`.pandas.DataFrame`
            Table of results for each augmented design matrix.
        self._check_dof(self.f + 1)

        if not self._fitted:
            raise Exception("null model is not fit. Run 'fit' first.")

        n_cols = pa.shape[1]
        assert pa.shape[0] == self.r

        if self.low_rank:
            assert a.shape[0] == self.n and a.shape[1] == n_cols
            data = [(i, ) + self._fit_alternative_numpy(pa[:, i], a[:, i])
                    for i in range(n_cols)]
            data = [(i, ) + self._fit_alternative_numpy(pa[:, i], None)
                    for i in range(n_cols)]

        df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            data, columns=['idx', 'beta', 'sigma_sq', 'chi_sq', 'p_value'])

        if return_pandas:
            return df
            return Table.from_pandas(df, key='idx')
Beispiel #2
    def fit_alternatives_numpy(self, pa, a=None, return_pandas=False):
        r"""Fit and test alternative model for each augmented design matrix.

        This Python-only implementation runs serially on master. See
        the scalable implementation :meth:`fit_alternatives` for documentation
        of the returned table.

        pa: :class:`ndarray`
            Projected matrix :math:`P_r A` of alternatives with shape :math:`(r, m)`.
            Each column is a projected augmentation :math:`P_r x_\star` of :math:`P_r X`.
        a: :class:`ndarray`, optional
            Matrix :math:`A` of alternatives with shape :math:`(n, m)`.
            Each column is an augmentation :math:`x_\star` of :math:`X`.
            Required for low-rank inference.
        return_pandas: :obj:`bool`
            If true, return pandas dataframe. If false, return Hail table.

        :class:`.Table` or :class:`.pandas.DataFrame`
            Table of results for each augmented design matrix.
        self._check_dof(self.f + 1)

        if not self._fitted:
            raise Exception("null model is not fit. Run 'fit' first.")

        n_cols = pa.shape[1]
        assert pa.shape[0] == self.r

        if self.low_rank:
            assert a.shape[0] == self.n and a.shape[1] == n_cols
            data = [(i,) + self._fit_alternative_numpy(pa[:, i], a[:, i]) for i in range(n_cols)]
            data = [(i,) + self._fit_alternative_numpy(pa[:, i], None) for i in range(n_cols)]

        df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, columns=['idx', 'beta', 'sigma_sq', 'chi_sq', 'p_value'])

        if return_pandas:
            return df
            return Table.from_pandas(df, key='idx')
Beispiel #3
    def fit_alternatives_numpy(self, pa, a=None):
        r"""Fit and test alternative model for each augmented design matrix.

        The resulting table has the following fields:

        .. list-table::
          :header-rows: 1

          * - Field
            - Type
            - Value
          * - `idx`
            - int64
            - Index of augmented design matrix.
          * - `beta`
            - float64
            - :math:`\beta_\star`
          * - `sigma_sq`
            - float64
            - :math:`\sigma^2`
          * - `chi_sq`
            - float64
            - :math:`\chi^2`
          * - `p_value`
            - float64
            - p-value

        pa: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            Projected matrix :math:`P_r A` of alternatives with shape :math:`(r, m)`.
            Each column is a projected augmentation :math:`P_r x_\star` of :math:`P_r X`.
        a: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
            Matrix :math:`A` of alternatives with shape :math:`(n, m)`.
            Each column is an augmentation :math:`x_\star` of :math:`X`.
            Required for low-rank inference.

            Table of results for each augmented design matrix.
        self._check_dof(self.f + 1)

        if not self._fitted:
            raise Exception("null model is not fit. Run 'fit' first.")

        n_cols = pa.shape[1]
        assert pa.shape[0] == self.r

        if self.low_rank:
            assert a.shape[0] == self.n and a.shape[1] == n_cols
            data = [(i, ) + self._fit_alternative_numpy(pa[:, i], a[:, i])
                    for i in range(n_cols)]
            data = [(i, ) + self._fit_alternative_numpy(pa[:, i], None)
                    for i in range(n_cols)]

        df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
            data, columns=['idx', 'beta', 'sigma_sq', 'chi_sq', 'p_value'])

        return Table.from_pandas(df, key='idx')