def apply(self): # Apply schedule #print 'apply schedule:' #print str(self) halide.inline_all(self.root_func) scope = halide.all_vars(self.root_func) #print 'scope', scope.keys() new_vars = self.new_vars() #print 'new_vars', new_vars for varname in new_vars: scope[varname] = instantiate_var(varname) print 'scope:', scope def callback(f, parent): name = if name in self.d: s = str(self.d[name]) s = s.replace(name + '.', '__func.') scope['__func'] = f exec s in scope halide.visit_funcs(self.root_func, callback)
def apply(self, constraints, verbose=False): # Apply schedule #verbose = True #print 'apply schedule:' #print str(self) #halide.inline_all(self.root_func) scope = halide.all_vars(self.root_func) #print 'scope', scope.keys() new_vars = self.new_vars() if verbose: print 'apply, new_vars', new_vars for varname in new_vars: scope[varname] = instantiate_var(varname) if verbose: print 'apply, scope:', scope def callback(f, parent): name = if verbose: print 'apply, name', name, constraints if name in constraints.exclude_names: if verbose: print ' constrained, skipping' return if name in self.d: s = str(self.d[name]) f.reset() s = s.replace(name + '.', '__func.') scope['__func'] = f #print 'apply', s #print scope, s if verbose: print ' exec', s exec s in scope else: if verbose: print ' not in d, reset' f.reset() halide.visit_funcs(self.root_func, callback)
def test_schedules(verbose=False, test_random=False): #random_module.seed(int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>1 else 0) halide.exit_on_signal() f = halide.Func('f') x = halide.Var('x') y = halide.Var('y') c = halide.Var('c') g = halide.Func('g') v = halide.Var('v') input = halide.UniformImage(halide.UInt(16), 3) int_t = halide.Int(32) f[x, y, c] = input[ halide.clamp(x, halide.cast(int_t, 0 ), halide.cast(int_t, input.width() - 1)), halide.clamp(y, halide.cast(int_t, 0 ), halide.cast(int_t, input.height() - 1)), halide.clamp(c, halide.cast(int_t, 0), halide.cast(int_t, 2))] #g[v] = f[v,v] g[x, y, c] = f[x, y, c] + 1 assert sorted(halide.all_vars(g).keys()) == sorted(['x', 'y', 'c']) #, 'v']) if verbose: print halide.func_varlist(f) print 'caller_vars(f) =', caller_vars(g, f) print 'caller_vars(g) =', caller_vars(g, g) # validL = list(valid_schedules(g, f, 4)) # validL = [repr(_x) for _x in validL] # # for L in sorted(validL): # print repr(L) T0 = time.time() if not test_random: random = True #False nvalid_determ = 0 for L in schedules_func(g, f, 0, 3): nvalid_determ += 1 if verbose: print L nvalid_random = 0 for i in range(100): for L in schedules_func( g, f, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, random=True ): #sorted([repr(_x) for _x in valid_schedules(g, f, 3)]): if verbose and 0: print L #repr(L) nvalid_random += 1 s = [] for i in range(400): d = random_schedule(g, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH) si = str(d) s.append(si) if verbose: print 'Schedule:', si d.apply() evaluate = d.test((36, 36, 3), input) print 'evaluate' evaluate() if test_random: print 'Success' sys.exit() T1 = time.time() s = '\n'.join(s) assert 'f.chunk(_c0)' in s assert 'f.root().vectorize' in s assert 'f.root().unroll' in s assert 'f.root().split' in s assert 'f.root().tile' in s assert 'f.root().parallel' in s assert 'f.root().transpose' in s assert nvalid_random == 100 if verbose: print 'generated in %.3f secs' % (T1 - T0) print 'random_schedule: OK'
def test_schedules(verbose=False, test_random=False): #random_module.seed(int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>1 else 0) halide.exit_on_signal() f = halide.Func('f') x = halide.Var('x') y = halide.Var('y') c = halide.Var('c') g = halide.Func('g') v = halide.Var('v') input = halide.UniformImage(halide.UInt(16), 3) int_t = halide.Int(32) f[x,y,c] = input[halide.clamp(x,halide.cast(int_t,0),halide.cast(int_t,input.width()-1)), halide.clamp(y,halide.cast(int_t,0),halide.cast(int_t,input.height()-1)), halide.clamp(c,halide.cast(int_t,0),halide.cast(int_t,2))] #g[v] = f[v,v] g[x,y,c] = f[x,y,c]+1 assert sorted(halide.all_vars(g).keys()) == sorted(['x', 'y', 'c']) #, 'v']) if verbose: print halide.func_varlist(f) print 'caller_vars(f) =', caller_vars(g, f) print 'caller_vars(g) =', caller_vars(g, g) # validL = list(valid_schedules(g, f, 4)) # validL = [repr(_x) for _x in validL] # # for L in sorted(validL): # print repr(L) T0 = time.time() if not test_random: random = True #False nvalid_determ = 0 for L in schedules_func(g, f, 0, 3): nvalid_determ += 1 if verbose: print L nvalid_random = 0 for i in range(100): for L in schedules_func(g, f, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, random=True): #sorted([repr(_x) for _x in valid_schedules(g, f, 3)]): if verbose and 0: print L#repr(L) nvalid_random += 1 s = [] for i in range(400): d = random_schedule(g, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH) si = str(d) s.append(si) if verbose: print 'Schedule:', si d.apply() evaluate = d.test((36, 36, 3), input) print 'evaluate' evaluate() if test_random: print 'Success' sys.exit() T1 = time.time() s = '\n'.join(s) assert 'f.chunk(_c0)' in s assert 'f.root().vectorize' in s assert 'f.root().unroll' in s assert 'f.root().split' in s assert 'f.root().tile' in s assert 'f.root().parallel' in s assert 'f.root().transpose' in s assert nvalid_random == 100 if verbose: print 'generated in %.3f secs' % (T1-T0) print 'random_schedule: OK'