Beispiel #1
    def generate_random_graphs(self):
        Extend random graphs by generating larger versions provided in the Traces package.
        Random graphs are defined with edge probability 1/2, 1/10 and sqrt(n)
        ph = ProcessHandler()
        instances = [
            5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500,
            600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000, 20000,

        probabilities = ["1/2", "1/10", "sqrt"]
        names = ["ran2_custom", "ran10_custom", "ransq_custom"]

        for p, n in zip(probabilities, names):
            print p
            for i in instances:
                dest = "./../assets/graphs_custom/{0}/{1}".format(n, i)
                print dest
                p = "1/" + str(int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(float(i)))))
                print "./../assets/nauty26r7/genrang -P{0} {1} 1 {2}.g6".format(
                    p, i, dest)
                    "./../assets/nauty26r7/genrang -P{0} {1} 1 {2}.g6".format(
                        p, i, dest))
                    "./../assets/nauty26r7/showg -d {0}.g6 {1}.dre".format(
                        dest, dest))
Beispiel #2
 def update_strongly_k(self, n, m, system):
     Update the folder of stored systems which are a catalogue of slow systems
     :param n: 
     :param m: 
     :param system: 
     ph = ProcessHandler()
     fh = FileHandler()
     path = "./../assets/systems_strongly_k/{0}_{1}".format(n, m)
     self.save_system(n, m, system, "./../assets/systems_strongly_k/")
Beispiel #3
    def run_solver(self, **kwargs):
        Run Traces through systems and record times
        Looking for systems that are faster with gauss off => K-local consistent
        :param kwargs: 
        :return: Null
        fh = FileHandler()
        ph = ProcessHandler()
        results = []
        skip = kwargs.get("outstanding", False)
        completed = []
        if fh.read_from_file("./../assets/systems_run/run"):
            for result in fh.read_from_file("./../assets/systems_run/run"):

        for filename in ph.run_command('ls -v ./../assets/systems/'):
            # Init
            path = './../assets/systems/' + filename
            system = fh.read_from_file(path)
            split = filename.split("_")
            n = split[0]
            m = split[1]

            # Skip completed systems
            key = "{0}:{1}".format(n, m)
            if skip and key in completed:
            print key

            # Create cryptominisat system
            time_off, time_on = self.get_gauss_times(n, m, system)

            # Save
            results.append([key, n, m, time_off, time_on, time_off - time_on])
            fh.update_file("./../assets/systems_run/run", results)
Beispiel #4
    def is_system_eligble(self, n, m, system, gi, location):
        Check if graph meets the construction criteria
        - k consistent 
        - No automorphisms
        :param n: 
        :param m: 
        :param gi: 
        :param system: 
        # Init
        ph = ProcessHandler()
        fh = FileHandler()
        graph_path = "{0}/constructions/".format(location)
        system_path = "{0}/constructions/{1}_{2}".format(location, n, m)
        construct_a_location = "{0}{1}_{2}_A.dre".format(graph_path, n, m)

        # Save system temporarily
        self.save_system(n, m, system, graph_path)
        G = self.convert_system_to_graph(n, m, system)
        gi.convert_graph_to_traces(n, m, G, "A",
                                   graph_path)  # First construction

        # Check for k-local consistency
        if not self.is_k_consistent(n, m, system):
            # print "Not K consistent"
            return False
        elif not gi.graph_has_automorphisms(construct_a_location):
            # print "No Automorphisms. Construct."
            G = self.convert_system_to_construction(n, m, system)
            gi.convert_graph_to_traces(n, m, G, "B",
                                       graph_path)  # Second construction
            return True
            # print "Automorphisms. Remove."
            fh.delete_file(construct_a_location)  # Remove unwanted graph
            fh.delete_file(system_path)  # Remove unwanted system
            return False
Beispiel #5
    def convert_systems_to_constructions(self, **kwargs):
        Convert found systems into graphs and run them through Traces
        # Init
        gi = Gi()
        sat = Sat()
        ph = ProcessHandler()
        fh = FileHandler()
        paths = ph.run_command("ls -v ./../assets/systems_to_convert/")
        validate = kwargs.get("validate", False)
        delete = kwargs.get("delete", False)

        # Iterate systems
        for path in paths:
            print "Checking " + path

            # Paths
            graph_path = "./../assets/construction/" + path + "_A.dre"
            system_path = "./../assets/systems_to_convert/" + path

            # Extract n and m values
            n, m = path.split("_")
            n = int(n)
            m = int(m)

            # Load system
            system = fh.read_from_file(system_path)

            if validate:
                # Check for k-local consistency
                if not sat.is_k_consistent(n, m, system):
                    print "\t Not K consistent system. Removing and skipping."
                    if delete:
                    print "\t K consistent system. Constructing A."

                # Convert system into graphs and check for automorphisms
                G = sat.convert_system_to_graph(n, m, system)
                    n, m, G, "A",
                    "./../assets/construction/")  # First construction
                if not gi.graph_has_automorphisms(graph_path):
                    print "\t No Automorphisms. Constructing B."
                    G = sat.convert_system_to_construction(n, m, system)
                        n, m, G, "B",
                        "./../assets/construction/")  # Second construction
                    if delete:
                    print "\t Automorphisms. Removing and skipping."
                    if delete:
                        fh.delete_file(graph_path)  # Remove unwanted graph
                        fh.delete_file(system_path)  # Remove unwanted system
                G = sat.convert_system_to_construction(n, m, system)
                gi.convert_graph_to_traces(n, m, G, "B",
Beispiel #6
    def generate_systems(self, **kwargs):
        Generate instances by searching through combinations of n and m
        Save these results as files
        :param kwargs: 
        :return: Results of time taken to search
        # Init
        fh = FileHandler()
        ph = ProcessHandler()
        all_results = [['key', 'n', 'm', 'tries', 'vTime']]
        all_systems = []

        # Looping params
        step = kwargs.get("step", 1)
        max_tries = kwargs.get("max_tries", 30)
        min_m = kwargs.get("min_m", 4)
        n = kwargs.get("n", 4)
        max_n = kwargs.get("max_n", 100)
        max_m = kwargs.get("max_m", 100)
        # Complex looping params
        efficient_search = kwargs.get("limited_search", False)
        limit = kwargs.get("limit", False)
        upper_bound = kwargs.get("upper_bound", 4)
        lower_bound = kwargs.get("lower_bound", 1)
        # Additional params
        save_results_dir = "./../assets/sat_run/{0}-n-{1}_{2}-m-{3}_step-{4}".format(
            n, max_n, min_m, max_m, step)
        save_results = kwargs.get("save_results", False)
        save_systems = kwargs.get("save_systems", False)
        gi = kwargs.get("gi", False)
        update_strongly_k = kwargs.get("update_strongly_k", False)

        # Prep results folder
        if save_results or save_systems or gi:
            save_results_dir = fh.makedir(save_results_dir)
            save_results_location = save_results_dir + "/results"
            save_systems_location = save_results_dir + "/systems/"
            save_constructions_location = save_results_dir + "/constructions/"

        # Loop n value
        while n <= max_n:
            # Init loop
            tries = 0
            found = 0
            smallest_m_found = False
            n_results = []
            n_systems = []

            if min_m < n:
                # If m is smaller than n, then bring m up to speed
                m = lower_bound * n
                m = min_m

            # Loop m value
            while m <= max_m:
                # Handle Iterators
                if max_tries == tries:
                    # Failed to find and tried too many times
                    print "Skipping: {0} {1}".format(n, m)
                    tries = 0
                    all_results.append([key, n, m, tries, -1, -1])
                    n_results.append([key, n, m, tries, -1, -1])
                    m += step
                elif m > (upper_bound * n) or (found and found == limit):
                    # Do not search for m > 4n or continue to next m if adequate systems are found

                # Generate random system and record time taken to find
                key = ` n ` + ':' + ` m `
                validation_start = timeit.default_timer()
                generate_time, system = ph.run_function_timed(
                    self.generate_rand_system, (n, m), return_args=True)

                # Validate system
                if self.is_system_uniquely_satisfiable(system, n) \
                        and ((gi and self.is_system_eligble(n, m, system, gi, save_results_dir)) or not gi) \
                        and ((update_strongly_k and self.is_system_slower(n, m, system)) or not update_strongly_k):

                    # Found unique system
                    print "Found: {0} {1}".format(n, m)
                    # Record times
                    validation_time = timeit.default_timer() - validation_start
                        [key, n, m, tries, validation_time, generate_time])
                        [key, n, m, tries, validation_time, generate_time])
                    all_systems.append([key, n, m, system])
                    n_systems.append([key, n, m, system])

                    # Update iterators
                    tries = 0
                    found += 1
                    if efficient_search and not smallest_m_found:
                        # Update the lower bound
                        min_m = m - step
                        smallest_m_found = True

                    if update_strongly_k:
                        self.update_strongly_k(n, m, system)
                    # Failed to find, try again
                    # print 'Couldnt find for {0} {1} Misses {2}'.format(n, m, tries)
                    tries += 1
                    m -= step

                # Increment m
                m += step

            # Save search information
            if save_results:
                self.save_results(n_results, save_results_location)
            if save_systems:
                self.save_results_systems(n_systems, save_systems_location)

            # Increment n
            n += step

        return all_results, all_systems