Beispiel #1
    def custom_init_sequence_classifier(self, args):
        Initializes a binary sequence classifier model with custom settings.
        The default settings args dictionary can be found  happy_transformer/sequence_classification/classifier_args.
        This dictionary can then be modified and then used as the only input for this method.

        self.seq = SequenceClassifier(args, self.tokenizer, self.logger, self.gpu_support, self.model, self.model_name)"A binary sequence classifier for %s has been initialized", self.model_name)
Beispiel #2
    def init_sequence_classifier(self):
        Initializes a binary sequence classifier model with default settings

        # TODO Test the sequence classifier with other models
        args = classifier_args.copy()
        self.seq = SequenceClassifier(args, self.tokenizer, self.logger, self.gpu_support, self.model, self.model_name)"A binary sequence classifier for %s has been initialized", self.model_name)
Beispiel #3
class HappyTransformer:
    Initializes pytroch's transformer models and provided methods for
    their basic functionality.
    Philosophy: Automatically make decisions for the user so that they don't
                have to have any understanding of PyTorch or transformer
                models to be able to utilize their capabilities.
    def __init__(self, model, model_name):
        # Transformer and tokenizer set in child class
        self.model = model
        self.model_name = model_name
        self.mlm = None  # Masked Language Model
        self.seq = None  # Sequence Classification = None  # Question Answering
        self.mlm_args = None  # Mask Language Model Finetuning

        # the following variables are declared in the  child class:
        self.tokenizer = None
        self.cls_token = None
        self.sep_token = None
        self.masked_token = None

        # Child class sets to indicate which model is being used
        self.tag_one_transformers = ['BERT', "ROBERTA", 'XLNET']

        # GPU support
        self.gpu_support = torch.device(
            "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # show only happytransformer logs
        handler = logging.StreamHandler()
            format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s -   %(message)s',
            datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Using model: %s", self.gpu_support)
        self.seq_trained = False
        self.mwp_trainer = None
        self.mwp_trained = False

    def _get_masked_language_model(self):

    def predict_mask(self, text: str, options=None, num_results=1):
        Method to predict what the masked token in the given text string is.
        NOTE: This is the generic version of this predict_mask method. If a
        child class needs a different implementation they should overload this
        method, not create a new method.
        :param text: a string with a masked token within it
        :param options: list of options that the mask token may be [optional]
        :param k: the number of options to output if no output list is given
        :return: list of dictionaries containing the predicted token(s) and
                 their corresponding softmax values
        NOTE: If no options are given, the returned list will be length 1
        if self.mlm is None:

        if self.gpu_support:

        if self.model_name in self.tag_one_transformers:
            text = text.replace("<mask>", "[MASK]")
            text = text.replace("<MASK>", "[MASK]")
            text = text.replace("[MASK]", "<mask>")


        tokenized_text = self. \
        masked_index = tokenized_text.index(self.masked_token)

        softmax = self._get_prediction_softmax(tokenized_text)

        if options is not None:

            if self.model_name == "BERT":
                option_ids = [
                    self.tokenizer.encode(option) for option in options

                option_ids = option_ids[:num_results]

                scores = list(
                    map(lambda x: self.soft_sum(x, softmax[0], masked_index),
                tupled_predictions = tuple(zip(options, scores))

                top_predictions = torch.topk(softmax[0, masked_index], 5000)
                scores = top_predictions[0].tolist()
                lowest_score = min(float(i) for i in scores)
                prediction_index = top_predictions[1].tolist()
                top_options = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(

                if self.model_name == "XLNET":
                    top_options = self.__remove_starting_character(
                        top_options, "▁")
                if self.model_name == "ROBERTA":
                    top_options = self.__remove_starting_character(
                        top_options, "Ġ")
                    top_options = self.__switch_prediction(
                        top_options, "</s>", '.')

                option_scores = list()
                for option in options:
                    if option in top_options:
                        option_id = top_options.index(option)

                tupled_predictions = tuple(zip(options, option_scores))

                sorted(tupled_predictions, key=lambda x: x[1])

                tupled_predictions = tupled_predictions[:num_results]

            top_predictions = torch.topk(softmax[0, masked_index], num_results)
            scores = top_predictions[0].tolist()
            prediction_index = top_predictions[1].tolist()
            options = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(prediction_index)

            if self.model_name == "XLNET":  # TODO find other models that also require this
                options = self.__remove_starting_character(options, "▁")
            if self.model_name == "ROBERTA":
                options = self.__remove_starting_character(options, "Ġ")
                options = self.__switch_prediction(options, "</s>", '.')
            tupled_predictions = tuple(zip(options, scores))

        if self.gpu_support == "cuda":

        return self.__format_option_scores(tupled_predictions)

    def __switch_prediction(self, options, current_token, new_token):
        Switches a token with a different token in final predictions  for predict_mask.
        So far it is only used to switch the "</s>" token with "." for RoBERTA. "</s>" is meant to indicate
        a new sentence.

        for n, i in enumerate(options):
            if i == current_token:
                options[n] = new_token

        return options

    def __remove_starting_character(self, options, starting_char):
        Some cased models like XLNet place a "▁" character in front of lower cased predictions.
        For most applications this extra bit of information is irrelevant.
        :param options: A list that contains word predictions
        ;param staring_char: The special character that is placed at the start of the predicted word
        :return: a new list of tuples where the prediction's name does not contains a special starting character
        new_predictions = list()
        for prediction in options:
            if prediction[0] == starting_char:
                new_prediction = prediction[1:]
        return new_predictions

    def _get_tokenized_text(self, text):
        Formats a sentence so that it can be tokenized by a transformer.
        :param text: a 1-2 sentence text that contains [MASK]
        :return: A string with the same sentence that contains the required
                 tokens for the transformer

        # Create a spacing around each punctuation character. eg "!" -> " ! "
        # TODO: easy: find a cleaner way to do punctuation spacing
        text = re.sub('([.,!?()])', r' \1 ', text)
        # text = re.sub('\s{2,}', ' ', text)

        split_text = text.split()
        new_text = list()

        for i, char in enumerate(split_text):
            if char not in string.punctuation:
            # must be a punctuation symbol
            elif i + 1 >= len(split_text):
                # is the last punctuation so simply add to the new_text
                if split_text[i + 1] in string.punctuation:
                    # if self.model_name == "ROBERTA":
                    #     # ROBERTA requires two "</s>" tokens to separate sentences
                    #     new_text.append(self.sep_token)
                # must be a middle punctuation

        text = " ".join(new_text).replace('[mask]', self.masked_token)
        text = self.tokenizer.tokenize(text)
        return text

    def _get_prediction_softmax(self, text):
        Gets the softmaxes of the predictions for each index in the the given
        input string.
        Returned tensor will be in shape:
            [1, <tokens in string>, <possible options for token>]
        :param text: a tokenized string to be used by the transformer.
        :return: a tensor of the softmaxes of the predictions of the


        indexed_tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(text)
        # Convert inputs to PyTorch tensors
        tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens])

        if self.gpu_support:
            tokens_tensor ='cuda')

        with torch.no_grad():

            if self.model_name != "ROBERTA":
                segments_ids = self._get_segment_ids(text)
                segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids])
                if self.gpu_support:
                    segments_tensors ='cuda')
                outputs = self.mlm(tokens_tensor,
                outputs = self.mlm(tokens_tensor)

            predictions = outputs[0]

            softmax = self._softmax(predictions)
            return softmax

    def __format_option_scores(self, tupled_predicitons: list):
        Formats the given list of tuples containing the option and its
        corresponding softtmax into a user friendly list of dictionaries where
        the first element in the list is the option with the highest softmax.
        Dictionary will be in the form:
             {'word': <the option>, 'softmax': <sofmax for the option>}
        :param: ranked_scores: list of tuples to be converted into user
                friendly dicitonary
        :return: formatted_ranked_scores: list of dictionaries of the ranked
        ranked_scores = sorted(tupled_predicitons,
                               key=lambda x: x[1],
        formatted_ranked_scores = list()
        for word, softmax in ranked_scores:
            formatted_ranked_scores.append({'word': word, 'softmax': softmax})
        return formatted_ranked_scores

    def _softmax(self, value):
        # TODO: make it an external function
        return value.exp() / (value.exp().sum(-1)).unsqueeze(-1)

    def _get_segment_ids(self, tokenized_text: list):
        Converts a list of tokens into segment_ids. The segment id is a array
        representation of the location for each character in the
        first and second sentence. This method only words with 1-2 sentences.
        tokenized_text = ['[CLS]', 'who', 'was', 'jim', 'henson', '?', '[SEP]',
                          'jim', '[MASK]', 'was', 'a', 'puppet', '##eer',
        segments_ids = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        returns segments_ids
        split_location = tokenized_text.index(self.sep_token)
        segment_ids = list()
        for i in range(0, len(tokenized_text)):
            if i <= split_location:
            # add exception case for XLNet

        return segment_ids

    def _text_verification(self, text: str):

        # TODO,  Add cases for the other masked tokens used in common transformer models
        valid = True
        if '[MASK]' not in text:
                "[MASK] was not found in your string. Change the word you want to predict to [MASK]"
            valid = False
        if '<mask>' in text or '<MASK>' in text:
                'Instead of using <mask> or <MASK>, use [MASK] please as it is the convention'
            valid = True
        if '[CLS]' in text:
                "[CLS] was found in your string.  Remove it as it will be automatically added later"
            valid = False
        if '[SEP]' in text:
                "[SEP] was found in your string.  Remove it as it will be automatically added later"
            valid = False
        if not valid:

    def soft_sum(option: list, softed, mask_id: int):
        # TODO: Better logic.
        Adds the softmax of a single option
        XLNET tokenizer sometimes splits words in to pieces.
        Ex: The councilmen -> ['the', 'council', 'men']
        Pretty sure that this is mathematically wrong
        :param option: Id of tokens in one option
        :param softed: softmax of the output
        :param mask: Index of masked word
        :return: float Tensor
        # Collects the softmax of all tokens in list
        return np.sum([softed[mask_id][op] for op in option])

    def init_sequence_classifier(self):
        Initializes a binary sequence classifier model with default settings

        # TODO Test the sequence classifier with other models
        args = classifier_args.copy()
        self.seq = SequenceClassifier(args, self.tokenizer, self.logger,
                                      self.gpu_support, self.model,
            "A binary sequence classifier for %s has been initialized",

    def custom_init_sequence_classifier(self, args):
        Initializes a binary sequence classifier model with custom settings.
        The default settings args dictionary can be found  happy_transformer/sequence_classification/classifier_args.
        This dictionary can then be modified and then used as the only input for this method.

        self.seq = SequenceClassifier(args, self.tokenizer, self.logger,
                                      self.gpu_support, self.model,
            "A binary sequence classifier for %s has been initialized",

    def train_sequence_classifier(self, train_csv_path):
        Trains the HappyTransformer's sequence classifier

        :param train_csv_path: A path to the csv evaluation file.
            Each test is contained within a row.
            The first column is for the the correct answers, either 0 or 1 as an int or a string .
            The second column is for the text.
        """"***** Running Training *****")

        train_df = self.__process_classifier_data(train_csv_path)

        if self.seq is None:
                "Initialize the sequence classifier before training")

        sys.stdout = open(
            'w')  # Disable printing to stop external libraries from printing
        train_df = train_df.astype("str")
        self.seq.train_list_data = train_df.values.tolist()
        del train_df  # done with train_df
        self.seq_trained = True
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Enable printing

    def eval_sequence_classifier(self, eval_csv_path):
        Evaluates the trained sequence classifier against a testing set.

        :param csv_path: A path to the csv evaluation file.
            Each test is contained within a row.
            The first column is for the the correct answers, either 0 or 1 as an int or a string .
            The second column is for the text.

        :return: A dictionary evaluation matrix
        """"***** Running evaluation *****")

        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')  # Disable printing

        eval_df = self.__process_classifier_data(eval_csv_path)

        if not self.seq_trained:
                "Train the sequence classifier before evaluation")

        eval_df = eval_df.astype("str")
        self.seq.eval_list_data = eval_df.values.tolist()

        results = self.seq.evaluate()
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Enable printing

        return results

    def test_sequence_classifier(self, test_csv_path):

        :param test_csv_path: a path to the csv evaluation file.
            Each test is contained within a row.
            The first column is for the the correct answers, either 0 or 1 as an int or a string .
            The second column is for the text.
        :return: A list of predictions where each prediction index is the same as the corresponding test's index
        """"***** Running Testing *****")
        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')  # Disable printing

        test_df = self.__process_classifier_data(test_csv_path,

        # todo finish
        if not self.seq_trained:
            self.logger.error("Train the sequence classifier before testing")

        test_df = test_df.astype("str")
        self.seq.test_list_data = test_df.values.tolist()
        del test_df  # done with test_df

        results = self.seq.test()

        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Enable printing

        return results

    def __process_classifier_data(self, csv_path, for_test_data=False):
         Credit: This code was modified from this repository
        :param csv_path: Path to csv file that must be processed
        :return: A Panda dataframe with the proper information for classification tasks

        if for_test_data:
            with open(csv_path, 'r') as test_file:
                reader = csv.reader(test_file)
                text_list = list(reader)
            # Blank values are required for the first column value the testing data to increase
            # reusability of preprocessing methods between the tasks
            blank_values = ["0"] * len(text_list)
            data_frame = pd.DataFrame([*zip(blank_values, text_list)])
            del blank_values  # done with blank_values

            data_frame = pd.read_csv(csv_path, header=None)

        data_frame[0] = data_frame[0].astype("int")
        data_frame = pd.DataFrame({
            'alpha': ['a'] * data_frame.shape[0],
            data_frame[1].replace(r'\n', ' ', regex=True)

        return data_frame

    def init_train_mwp(self, args=None):
        Initializes the MLM for fine-tuning on masked word prediction.
        If args are not supplied the following hyperparameters are used:
            batch size = 1
            Number of epochs  = 1
            Learning rate = 5e-5
            Adam epsilon = 1e-8

        if not args:
            self.mlm_args = word_prediction_args
            self.mlm_args = args

        # TODO Test the sequence classifier with other models

        if self.model_name != "XLNET":

            # current implementation:
            if not self.mlm:
                self._get_masked_language_model()  # if already has self.mlm
                # don't call this
            self.mwp_trainer = FinetuneMlm(self.mlm, self.mlm_args,
                                           self.tokenizer, self.logger)

                "You can now train a masked word prediction model using %s",

                "Masked language model training is not available for XLNET")

    def train_mwp(self, train_path: str):
        Trains the model with masked language modeling loss.

        train_path: Path to the training file, expected to be a .txt or of
        similar form.


        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            if self.mwp_trained and self.mwp_trainer:  # If model is trained
                self.logger.warning("Training on the already fine-tuned model")

            elif self.mwp_trainer and not self.mwp_trained:  # If trainer
                # exists but isn't trained
                self.mlm, self.tokenizer = self.mwp_trainer.train(train_path)
                self.mwp_trained = True

            elif not self.mwp_trainer:  # If trainer doesn't exist
                    "The model is not loaded, you should run init_train_mwp.")

        else:  # If the user doesn't have a gpu.
                "You are using %s, you must use a GPU to train a MLM",

    def eval_mwp(self, eval_path: str, batch_size: int = 2):
        Evaluates the masked language model and returns the perplexity and
        the evaluation loss.

        eval_path: Path to the evaluation file, expected to be a .txt or
        batch_size: Depending on the gpu the user may increase or decrease
        batch size.

        if not self.mwp_trainer:
                "The model is not loaded, you should run init_train_mwp.")

        if not self.mwp_trained:
                "You are evaluating on the pretrained model, not the fine-tuned model."

        results = self.mwp_trainer.evaluate(eval_path, batch_size)

        return results
Beispiel #4
class HappyTransformer:
    Initializes pytroch's transformer models and provided methods for
    their basic functionality.
    Philosophy: Automatically make decisions for the user so that they don't
                have to have any understanding of PyTorch or transformer
                models to be able to utilize their capabilities.

    def __init__(self, model, model_name):
        # Transformer and tokenizer set in child class
        self.model = model
        self.model_name = model_name
        self.mlm = None  # Masked Language Model
        self.seq = None  # Sequence Classification = None  # Question Answering
        self.mlm_args = None  # Mask Language Model Finetuning
        self.tokenizer = None

        # GPU support
        self.gpu_support = torch.device(
            "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available()
            else "cpu"

        # show only happytransformer logs
        handler = logging.StreamHandler()
            format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s -   %(message)s',
            datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Using model: %s", self.gpu_support)
        self.seq_trained = False
        self.mwp_trainer = None
        self.mwp_trained = False

    def _get_masked_language_model(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _standardize_mask_tokens(self, text):
        convert mask tokens to mask token preferred by tokenizer
        for possible_mask_token in _POSSIBLE_MASK_TOKENS:
            text = text.replace(possible_mask_token, self.tokenizer.mask_token)
        return text

    def _prepare_mlm(self):
        if self.mlm is None:
        if self.gpu_support=='cuda':

    def _masked_predictions_at_index_any(self, softmax, index, k):
        return top predictions for a mask token from all embeddings
        scores_tensor, token_ids_tensor = torch.topk(softmax[index], k)
        scores = scores_tensor.tolist()
        token_ids = token_ids_tensor.tolist()
        tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(token_ids)
        options = [
            for token in tokens
        return [
            {"word": option, "softmax": score}
            for option, score in zip(options, scores)

    def _masked_predictions_at_index_options(self, softmax, index, options):
        return top predictions for a mask token from a list of options
        option_ids = [
            for option in options
        scores = [
            self.soft_sum(option_id, softmax, index)
            for option_id in option_ids
        return [
            {"word": option, "softmax": score}
            for option,score in zip(options,scores)

    def _postprocess_option(self, text: str):
        modifies option text as seen by predict_masks() output.
        override in subclass to filter out weird characters.
        :param text: original text of prediction option
        :returns text: processed text of prediction option
        return text

    def predict_masks(self, text: str, options=None, num_results=1):
        Predict multiple [MASK] tokens in some text.
        :param text: text containing the mask tokens
        :param masks_options: list of lists of options as strings
        :param num_results: number of results to return per mask token
        num_results is ignored if options are supplied.
        :returns: A list of list of namedtuples of the form (text,probability),
        where predictions are ordered descendingly by likelihood
        text = self._standardize_mask_tokens(text)

        token_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt')
        softmax = self._get_prediction_softmax(token_ids)

        masked_indices = [
            for idx, token_id in enumerate(token_ids[0].tolist())
            if token_id == self.tokenizer.mask_token_id
        if options is None:
            return [
                    softmax, masked_index, num_results
                for masked_index in masked_indices
            return [
                    softmax, masked_index, mask_options
                for masked_index, mask_options in zip(masked_indices, options)

    def predict_mask(self, text: str, options=None, num_results=1):
        Predict a single [MASK] token in some text.
        :param text: text containing the mask token
        :param options: list of options as strings
        :param num_results: number of predictions to return if no options supplied
        :returns: list of dictionaries with keys 'word' and 'softmax'
        masks_options = None if options is None else [options]
        predictions = self.predict_masks(text, masks_options, num_results)
        return self.__format_option_scores(predictions[0])

    def _get_prediction_softmax(self, token_ids):
        Gets the softmaxes of the predictions for each index in the the given
        input string.
        Returned tensor will be in shape:
            [1, <tokens in string>, <possible options for token>]
        :param text: a tokenized string to be used by the transformer.
        :return: a tensor of the softmaxes of the predictions of the


        if self.gpu_support == "cuda":
            token_ids ='cuda')

        with torch.no_grad():
            outputs = self.mlm(token_ids)
            return torch.softmax(outputs.logits[0], dim=-1)

    def __format_option_scores(self, tupled_predicitons: list):
        Formats the given list of tuples containing the option and its
        corresponding softtmax into a user friendly list of dictionaries where
        the first element in the list is the option with the highest softmax.
        Dictionary will be in the form:
             {'word': <the option>, 'softmax': <sofmax for the option>}
        :param: ranked_scores: list of tuples to be converted into user
                friendly dicitonary
        :return: formatted_ranked_scores: list of dictionaries of the ranked
        ranked_scores = sorted(tupled_predicitons, key=lambda x: x["softmax"],
        formatted_ranked_scores = list()
        for dic in ranked_scores:

            formatted_ranked_scores.append({'word': dic["word"], 'softmax': dic["softmax"]})
        return formatted_ranked_scores

    def _get_segment_ids(self, tokenized_text: list):
        Converts a list of tokens into segment_ids. The segment id is a array
        representation of the location for each character in the
        first and second sentence. This method only words with 1-2 sentences.
        tokenized_text = ['[CLS]', 'who', 'was', 'jim', 'henson', '?', '[SEP]',
                          'jim', '[MASK]', 'was', 'a', 'puppet', '##eer',
        segments_ids = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        returns segments_ids
        split_location = tokenized_text.index(self.tokenizer.sep_token)

        segment_ids = [
            0 if idx <= split_location else 1
            for idx in range(len(tokenized_text))
        # add exception case for XLNet

        return segment_ids

    def _verify_mask_text(self, text: str):

        if all(
            mask_token not in text
            for mask_token in _POSSIBLE_MASK_TOKENS
            raise ValueError('No mask token found')
        if '[MASK]' not in text:
            self.logger.warn("[MASK] was not found in your string. Change the word you want to predict to [MASK]")
        if '[CLS]' in text:
            raise ValueError("[CLS] was found in your string.  Remove it as it will be automatically added later")
        if '[SEP]' in text:
            raise ValueError("[SEP] was found in your string.  Remove it as it will be automatically added later")

    def soft_sum(option: list, softed, mask_id: int):
        # TODO: Better logic.
        Adds the softmax of a single option
        XLNET tokenizer sometimes splits words in to pieces.
        Ex: The councilmen -> ['the', 'council', 'men']
        Pretty sure that this is mathematically wrong
        :param option: Id of tokens in one option
        :param softed: softmax of the output
        :param mask: Index of masked word
        :return: float Tensor
        # Collects the softmax of all tokens in list
        return np.sum([softed[mask_id][op] for op in option])

    def init_sequence_classifier(self):
        Initializes a binary sequence classifier model with default settings

        # TODO Test the sequence classifier with other models
        args = classifier_args.copy()
        self.seq = SequenceClassifier(args, self.tokenizer, self.logger, self.gpu_support, self.model, self.model_name)"A binary sequence classifier for %s has been initialized", self.model_name)

    def custom_init_sequence_classifier(self, args):
        Initializes a binary sequence classifier model with custom settings.
        The default settings args dictionary can be found  happy_transformer/sequence_classification/classifier_args.
        This dictionary can then be modified and then used as the only input for this method.

        self.seq = SequenceClassifier(args, self.tokenizer, self.logger, self.gpu_support, self.model, self.model_name)"A binary sequence classifier for %s has been initialized", self.model_name)

    def train_sequence_classifier(self, train_csv_path):
        Trains the HappyTransformer's sequence classifier

        :param train_csv_path: A path to the csv evaluation file.
            Each test is contained within a row.
            The first column is for the the correct answers, either 0 or 1 as an int or a string .
            The second column is for the text.
        """"***** Running Training *****")

        train_df = self.__process_classifier_data(train_csv_path)

        if self.seq is None:
            raise ValueError("Initialize the sequence classifier before training")

        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull,
                          'w')  # Disable printing to stop external libraries from printing
        train_df = train_df.astype("str")
        self.seq.train_list_data = train_df.values.tolist()
        del train_df  # done with train_df
        self.seq_trained = True
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Enable printing

    def eval_sequence_classifier(self, eval_csv_path):
        Evaluates the trained sequence classifier against a testing set.

        :param csv_path: A path to the csv evaluation file.
            Each test is contained within a row.
            The first column is for the the correct answers, either 0 or 1 as an int or a string .
            The second column is for the text.

        :return: A dictionary evaluation matrix
        """"***** Running evaluation *****")

        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')  # Disable printing

        eval_df = self.__process_classifier_data(eval_csv_path)

        if not self.seq_trained:
            raise ValueError("Train the sequence classifier before evaluation")

        eval_df = eval_df.astype("str")
        self.seq.eval_list_data = eval_df.values.tolist()

        results = self.seq.evaluate()
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Enable printing

        return results

    def test_sequence_classifier(self, test_csv_path):

        :param test_csv_path: a path to the csv evaluation file.
            Each test is contained within a row.
            The first column is for the the correct answers, either 0 or 1 as an int or a string .
            The second column is for the text.
        :return: A list of predictions where each prediction index is the same as the corresponding test's index
        """"***** Running Testing *****")
        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')  # Disable printing

        test_df = self.__process_classifier_data(test_csv_path, for_test_data=True)

        if not self.seq_trained:
            raise ValueError("Train the sequence classifier before testing")

        test_df = test_df.astype("str")
        self.seq.test_list_data = test_df.values.tolist()
        del test_df  # done with test_df

        results = self.seq.test()

        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Enable printing

        return results

    def __process_classifier_data(self, csv_path, for_test_data=False):
         Credit: This code was modified from this repository
        :param csv_path: Path to csv file that must be processed
        :return: A Panda dataframe with the proper information for classification tasks

        if for_test_data:
            with open(csv_path, 'r') as test_file:
                reader = csv.reader(test_file)
                text_list = list(reader)
            # Blank values are required for the first column value the testing data to increase
            # reusability of preprocessing methods between the tasks
            blank_values = ["0"] * len(text_list)
            data_frame = pd.DataFrame([*zip(blank_values, text_list)])
            del blank_values  # done with blank_values

            data_frame = pd.read_csv(csv_path, header=None)

        data_frame[0] = data_frame[0].astype("int")
        data_frame = pd.DataFrame({
            'id': range(len(data_frame)),
            'label': data_frame[0],
            'alpha': ['a'] * data_frame.shape[0],
            'text': data_frame[1].replace(r'\n', ' ', regex=True)

        return data_frame

    def init_train_mwp(self, args=None):
        Initializes the MLM for fine-tuning on masked word prediction.
        If args are not supplied the following hyperparameters are used:
            batch size = 1
            Number of epochs  = 1
            Learning rate = 5e-5
            Adam epsilon = 1e-8

        if not args:
            self.mlm_args = word_prediction_args
            self.mlm_args = args

        # TODO Test the sequence classifier with other models

        if self.model_name != "XLNET":

            # current implementation:
            if not self.mlm:
                self._get_masked_language_model()  # if already has self.mlm
                # don't call this
            self.mwp_trainer = FinetuneMlm(self.mlm, self.mlm_args,
                                           self.tokenizer, self.logger)

                "You can now train a masked word prediction model using %s",

            raise ValueError(
                "Masked language model training is not available for XLNET")

    def train_mwp(self, train_path: str):
        Trains the model with masked language modeling loss.

        train_path: Path to the training file, expected to be a .txt or of
        similar form.


        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            if self.mwp_trained and self.mwp_trainer:  # If model is trained
                self.logger.warning("Training on the already fine-tuned model")

            elif self.mwp_trainer and not self.mwp_trained:  # If trainer
                # exists but isn't trained
                self.mlm, self.tokenizer = self.mwp_trainer.train(train_path)
                self.mwp_trained = True

            elif not self.mwp_trainer:  # If trainer doesn't exist
                raise ValueError(
                    "The model is not loaded, you should run init_train_mwp.")

        else:  # If the user doesn't have a gpu.
            raise ValueError(
                "You are using %s, you must use a GPU to train a MLM",

    def eval_mwp(self, eval_path: str, batch_size: int = 2):
        Evaluates the masked language model and returns the perplexity and
        the evaluation loss.

        eval_path: Path to the evaluation file, expected to be a .txt or
        batch_size: Depending on the gpu the user may increase or decrease
        batch size.

        if not self.mwp_trainer:
            raise ValueError(
                "The model is not loaded, you should run init_train_mwp.")

        if not self.mwp_trained:
                "You are evaluating on the pretrained model, not the fine-tuned model.")

        results = self.mwp_trainer.evaluate(eval_path, batch_size)

        return results