def task_struct_loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth=99):
  listHeads= [('cg_list',  task_struct),
              ('children', None), # core dump on 'task_struct'
              ('cpu_timers', None), # array of 3
              ('perf_event_list', None),
              ('pi_state_list', None),
              ('pi_waiters', None),
              ('preempt_notifiers', None), # ?
              ('ptraced', None),
              ('ptrace_entry', None),
              ('robust_list', None),
              ('sibling', task_struct),
              ('tasks', task_struct),
              ('thread_group', None),
  for attrname, attrtype in listHeads:
    if attrtype is not None:
      # save next and prev from differential offset
      offsets[(attrname, attrtype)] = getattr(self,attrname).getOffsets(mappings, attrtype, attrname)
  #now, we can map in local space // kinda useless, but hey... we wont hack into ctypes..
  maxDepth = 5
  LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self,mappings, maxDepth)
  log.debug("Loaded task_struct for process '%s'"%(self.comm))  
  # copy real list members memory space size, offseting from list_head member
  for head,addrs in offsets.items():
    attrname, attrtype = head
    # load that list_head members
    getattr(self,attrname).loadRealMembers(mappings, maxDepth, attrtype, attrname, addrs)
  return True
def task_struct_loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth=99):
    listHeads = [
        ('cg_list', task_struct),
        ('children', None),  # core dump on 'task_struct'
        ('cpu_timers', None),  # array of 3
        ('perf_event_list', None),
        ('pi_state_list', None),
        ('pi_waiters', None),
        ('preempt_notifiers', None),  # ?
        ('ptraced', None),
        ('ptrace_entry', None),
        ('robust_list', None),
        ('sibling', task_struct),
        ('tasks', task_struct),
        ('thread_group', None),
    offsets = dict()
    for attrname, attrtype in listHeads:
        if attrtype is not None:
            # save next and prev from differential offset
            offsets[(attrname, attrtype)] = getattr(self, attrname).getOffsets(
                mappings, attrtype, attrname)
    #now, we can map in local space // kinda useless, but hey... we wont hack into ctypes..
    maxDepth = 5
    LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth)
    log.debug("Loaded task_struct for process '%s'" % (self.comm))
    # copy real list members memory space size, offseting from list_head member
    for head, addrs in offsets.items():
        attrname, attrtype = head
        # load that list_head members
        getattr(self, attrname).loadRealMembers(mappings, maxDepth, attrtype,
                                                attrname, addrs)
    return True
Beispiel #3
def DSA_loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
  # clean other structs
  # r and kinv can be null
  self.meth = None
  self._method_mod_p = None
  #self.engine = None
  if not LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
    log.debug('DSA not loaded')
    return False

  return True
Beispiel #4
 def loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
   if not LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
     return False
   # Load and memcopy key 
   log.debug('Memcopying a Key with %d bytes'%self.key_len)
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)    
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.key_len).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte, self.key_len))
   log.debug('unmac_ctx has been nulled and ignored. its not often used by any ssh impl. Not useful for us anyway.')
   log.debug('MAC KEY(%d bytes) acquired'%(self.key_len))
   return True
Beispiel #5
def RSA_loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
  #self.meth = 0 # from_address(0)
  # ignore bignum_data.
  #self.bignum_data = 0
  self.bignum_data.ptr.value = 0
  #self.blinding = 0
  #self.mt_blinding = 0

  if not LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
    log.debug('RSA not loaded')
    return False
  return True
Beispiel #6
 def loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
   if not LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
     return False
   # Load and memcopy key and iv
   log.debug('Memcopying a Key with %d bytes'%self.key_len)
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.key_len).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte, self.key_len))
   log.debug('Memcopying a IV with %d bytes'%( self.block_size) )
   memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings)
   array=(ctypes.c_ubyte*self.block_size).from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readArray(attr_obj_address, ctypes.c_ubyte,self.block_size))
   log.debug('ENC KEY(%d bytes) and IV(%d bytes) acquired'%(self.key_len,self.block_size))
   return True
Beispiel #7
 def loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
   if not LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
     return False
   #log.debug('evp    app_data    attr_obj_address=0x%lx'%(self.evp.app_data) )
   #log.debug('evp    cipher_data attr_obj_address=0x%lx'%(self.evp.cipher_data) )  ##none
   #log.debug('cipher app_data    attr_obj_address=0x%lx'%(getaddress(self.cipher.contents.cipher_data)) )
   # cast evp.app_data into a valid struct
   if in self.cipherContexts:
     if(struct is None):
       log.warning("Unsupported cipher %s"%(
       return True
     #attr_obj_address=getaddress(attr) or attr  # c_void_p is a basic type.
     attr_obj_address = attr
     #print attr
     memoryMap = is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings, struct)
     log.debug( "CipherContext CAST %s into : %s "%(fieldname, struct) )
     if not memoryMap:
       log.warning('On second toughts, %s seems to be at an invalid address. That should not happen (often).'%(fieldname))
       log.warning('%s addr:0x%lx size:0x%lx addr+size:0x%lx '%(is_valid_address_value( attr_obj_address, mappings), 
                                   attr_obj_address, ctypes.sizeof(struct), attr_obj_address+ctypes.sizeof(struct)))
       log.warning('%s : %s'%(fieldname, attr))
       return False # DEBUG kill it
     #st=struct.from_buffer_copy(memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, struct ) )
     # XXX CAST do not copy buffer when casting, sinon on perds des bytes
     ## attr.contents=(type(attr.contents)).from_buffer(st)
     ### c_void_p -> allocate local_mem and change value
     ### XXX dangling pointer ?
     #attr.value = ctypes.addressof(st)
     #setattr(self.evp, fieldname, ctypes.c_void_p(ctypes.addressof(st)) )
     st=memoryMap.readStruct(attr_obj_address, struct )
     setattr(self.evp, fieldname, ctypes.c_void_p(ctypes.addressof(st)) )
     log.debug('Copied 0x%lx into %s (0x%lx)'%(ctypes.addressof(st), fieldname, attr))      
     log.debug('LOADED app_data evp.%s as %s from 0x%lx (%s) into 0x%lx'%(fieldname,struct, 
           attr_obj_address, is_valid_address_value(attr_obj_address,mappings,struct), attr ))
     log.warning("Unknown cipher %s, can't load a data struct for the EVP_CIPHER_CTX->app_data"%(
   return True
Beispiel #8
def CRYPTO_EX_DATA_isValid(self,mappings):
  ''' erase'''
  # TODO why ?
  return LoadableMembers.isValid(self,mappings)
Beispiel #9
def CRYPTO_EX_DATA_loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth):
  ''' erase'''
  return LoadableMembers.loadMembers(self, mappings, maxDepth)
Beispiel #10
def BIGNUM_isValid(self,mappings):
  if ( self.dmax < 0 or < 0 or self.dmax < ):
    return False
  return LoadableMembers.isValid(self,mappings)