Beispiel #1
    def load_simplex_dict(simp_index, golog_index):
        simp_dict = GSON[simp_index]
        if simp_index in handled: return handled[simp_index]
        faces = tuple([
            load_simplex_dict(face_key, golog_index)
            for face_key in simp_dict['faces']

        #handle math_data, if golog, change into an anctual golog
        if simp_dict['math_data_type'] == 'golog':
            golog_dict = {
                'golog': load_golog_dict(simp_dict['math_data']['golog']),
                'folder_path': simp_dict['math_data']['folder_path']
            math_data = hcat.Math_Data(type='golog', math_data=golog_dict)
            math_data = hcat.Math_Data(type=simp_dict['math_data_type'],

        G = load_golog_dict(golog_index)
        simp = G.add(faces,

        return simp
Beispiel #2
    def consolidate(self, selected = False,sel_simp = None):
        #ask for label, or cancel
        G = self.golog

        # if a collection isn't provided, use the (multi-select) drag dictionary
        if not selected: selected = [G.Graphics_to_Simplex[G.NP_to_Graphics[node]] for node in self.drag_dict.keys()]
        if not selected: return #return if there was nothing passed, and nothing in the drag_dict
        for simp in selected:
            for face in simp.faces:
                if face not in selected: selected.append(face)

        # #? select a simplex to consolidate into
        # sel_simp = None
        # for simp in selected: 
        #     if simp.math_data.type == 'None':
        #         sel_simp = simp

        #make a golog from selected
        new_golog = golog.golog(self.base, label ='test')

        def add(simplex):
            for face in simplex.faces:
            new_golog.add(simplex, pos = G.Simplex_to_Graphics[simplex].graphics_kwargs['pos'])
        for simplex in selected: add(simplex)

        #consolidate into 1 simplex
        if sel_simp:
            #consolidate into sel_simp
            subgolog_folder_path = os.path.join(self.folder_path,'subgologs')
            unique_path = tk_funcs.unique_path(subgolog_folder_path,[sel_simp.label])
            new_folder_path = ['subgologs', *unique_path]
            sel_simp.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(math_data = {'golog':new_golog, 'folder_path':new_folder_path}, type = 'golog')
            #? remove simplexes and place at selected simplex location
            return sel_simp

        #create an entirely new simplex to put the golog into
            #? ask for label / cancel
            label = "test"
            subgolog_folder_path = os.path.join(self.folder_path,'subgologs')
            unique_path = tk_funcs.unique_path(subgolog_folder_path,[label])
            new_folder_path = ['subgologs', *unique_path]

            #create a simplex with average position of things in golog
            avg = LPoint3f(*[sum([G.Simplex_to_Graphics[simplex].graphics_kwargs['pos'][i]/len(new_golog.sSet.simplecies[()])  for simplex in new_golog.sSet.simplecies[()]]) for i in range(3)])
            s = self.golog.add(0, label ='test', math_data = hcat.Math_Data(math_data = {'golog':new_golog, 'folder_path':new_folder_path}, type = 'golog'), pos = LPoint3f(avg))

            return s
Beispiel #3
 def delete_math_data(self,simplex,**kwargs):
     simplex.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(type = 'None')
Beispiel #4
    def update_math_data(self,simplex, math_data_type, **kwargs):

        if autosave == True:

        if 'label' in kwargs: simplex.label = kwargs['label']

        if simplex.math_data.type != 'None':
            answer = tk_funcs.are_you_sure('are you sure you want to delete the current math_data?')
            if answer == 'yes':
            else: return
        if math_data_type == 'None':
            simplex.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(type = 'None')

        if math_data_type == 'golog':

            #create a path for all subgologs, if it doesn't already exist
            subgolog_folder_path = os.path.join(self.folder_path,'subgologs')
            if not os.path.exists(subgolog_folder_path): os.mkdir(subgolog_folder_path)

            new_golog = golog.golog(self.base, label = kwargs['label']) #create a new golog

            #create a unique folder path list in subgolog_folder_path
            unique_path = tk_funcs.unique_path(subgolog_folder_path,[kwargs['label']])
            new_folder_path = ['subgologs', *unique_path]
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.folder_path , *new_folder_path)) #make the directory as above
            #create a new golog save at new_folder_path/label.golog
            new_save_location = os.path.join(self.folder_path, *new_folder_path, kwargs['label']+'.golog')

            #new_save_location should be a subfolder of subgologs
            gexport(new_golog, new_save_location)

            #math data is a dictionary of the physical golog and it's relative save path list
            golog_dict = {'golog':new_golog, 'folder_path':new_folder_path}
            simplex.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(math_data = golog_dict, type = 'golog')

        if math_data_type == 'file':
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.folder_path,'files')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.folder_path,'files'))
            file_folder_path = ['files']

            file_location = tk_funcs.ask_file_location()
            if not file_location: return #if user cancels
            file_name = os.path.split(file_location)[1] #file name with extension
            file_path = tk_funcs.unique_path(os.path.join(self.folder_path),[*file_folder_path, file_name]) #get a unique file path starting from the file_folder
            copyfile(file_location, os.path.join(self.folder_path,*file_path))
            simplex.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(math_data = file_path, type = 'file')
            #? add handler for if user exits text editor
            #? make asynchronous

        if math_data_type == 'latex':
            #ensure latex folder exists
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.folder_path,'latex')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.folder_path,'latex'))

            # create a uniquely named folder in self.folder_path/latex/ based on simplex.label
            tex_folder_path = tk_funcs.unique_path(root = self.folder_path, path = ['latex',simplex.label])
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.folder_path, *tex_folder_path))
            #create a tex file in tex folder
            tex_file_path = [*tex_folder_path, simplex.label+'.tex']
            # ask if want new or to load one
            location = tk_funcs.load_tex(self.folder_path)
            # if new, returns True and copies template tex file
            # if load, returns a path and copies the path into tex_file_path
            true_path = os.path.join(self.folder_path,*tex_file_path)
            if location == True: copyfile(os.path.abspath('./misc_data/config_files/template.tex'), true_path)

                # open(   true_path  , 'w').close()
            if isinstance(location, str): copyfile(location, true_path)

            # make a file dictionary with just tex file in it
            file_dict = {'tex':tex_file_path, 'folder':tex_folder_path}
            simplex.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(math_data = file_dict, type = 'latex')

        if math_data_type == 'weblink':
            weblink = tk_funcs.ask_weblink()
            simplex.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(math_data = weblink, type = 'weblink')

        if math_data_type == 'text':
            #create a text file
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.folder_path,'files')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.folder_path,'files'))
            file_folder_path = ['files']
            file_path = tk_funcs.unique_path(root = self.folder_path, path = ['files',simplex.label+'.txt' ])
            with open(os.path.join(self.folder_path, *file_path),'w') as file: pass
            #create a math_data for it
            simplex.math_data = hcat.Math_Data(math_data = file_path, type = 'file')

        #save golog
        if autosave == True:
        return simplex.math_data