def extract_snapshots_matplotlib_cloud(demo_type, core_type):
    runs snapshot extraction on the cloud and saves the result on local machine. 
    demo_testing_dir = osp.join(testing_results_dir, demo_type)
    env_state_files  = find_recursive(demo_testing_dir, '*.cp')
    state_infos = []
    for env_state_file in env_state_files:
        with open(env_state_file,"r") as fh:
            seg_info = cp.load(fh)['seg_info']
        if seg_info == None:

        save_dir = osp.join(osp.dirname(env_state_file),  'snapshots')        
        state_infos.append((seg_info, save_dir, osp.splitext(osp.basename(env_state_file))[0]+'.jpg'))

    p = multiprocessing.Pool(8), state_infos)
def extract_snapshots_on_cloud(demo_type, core_type):
    runs snapshot extraction on the cloud and saves the result on local machine. 
    demo_testing_dir = osp.join(testing_results_dir, demo_type)
    env_state_files  = find_recursive(demo_testing_dir, '*.cp')
    state_infos = []
    for env_state_file in env_state_files[0:2]:
        with open(env_state_file,"r") as fh:
            seg_info = cp.load(fh)['seg_info']
        if seg_info == None:

        save_dir = osp.join(osp.dirname(env_state_file),  'snapshots', osp.splitext(osp.basename(env_state_file))[0])        
        state_infos.append((seg_info, save_dir))

    print colorize("calling on cloud..", "yellow", True)
    jids =, state_infos, _env='RSS3', _type=core_type)
    res  = cloud.result(jids)
    print colorize("got snapshots from cloud for : %s. Saving..."%demo_type, "green", True)