def insert_route(url): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers=ptxheader()).text for route in json.loads(res): for subroute in route["SubRoutes"]: try: # 有的第一個子路線的路線編號會硬加0在後面 if subroute["SubRouteName"]["Zh_tw"][-1] == "0" and len( subroute["SubRouteName"]["Zh_tw"]) > len( route["RouteID"]): number = subroute["SubRouteName"]["Zh_tw"][:-1] else: number = subroute["SubRouteName"]["Zh_tw"] if route["DepartureStopNameEn"] != "" and route[ "DestinationStopNameEn"] != "": eheadsign = route["DepartureStopNameEn"] + " - " + route[ "DestinationStopNameEn"] else: eheadsign = None cursor.execute( "exec dbo.xp_insertBus ?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "公路客運", number, number, subroute["Headsign"].replace("→", " - ").replace("─", " - "), eheadsign, subroute["SubRouteUID"], subroute["Direction"]) cursor.commit() except: continue del cursor connect.close()
def insert_stop(url, city): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers=ptxheader()).text for stop in json.loads(res): # 資料可能有可能無 try: if stop["StopName"]["En"] == "": estop = None else: estop = stop["StopName"]["En"] except: estop = None try: lon = stop["StopPosition"]["PositionLon"] except: lon = None try: lat = stop["StopPosition"]["PositionLat"] except: lat = None try: cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertStop ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", city, stop["StopName"]["Zh_tw"], estop, stop["UpdateTime"][0:19], stop["StopUID"], lon, lat, None, None) cursor.commit() except: continue del cursor connect.close()
def insert_timetable(url): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers=ptxheader()).text for train in json.loads(res): try: # 以車次時刻加密成md5 md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(json.dumps(train["StopTimes"]).encode()) # 判斷是否需建班次 sql = "select TID from Transportation where Number = " + train[ "DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"] + " and MD5 = '" + md5.hexdigest( ) + "'" cursor.execute(sql) if cursor.fetchone() is not None: pass else: # insert Transportation cursor.execute( "exec dbo.xp_insertTrain ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "高鐵", None, None, None, None, train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"], train["DailyTrainInfo"]["StartingStationID"], train["DailyTrainInfo"]["StartingStationName"] ["Zh_tw"].replace("臺", "台"), train["DailyTrainInfo"]["EndingStationID"], train["DailyTrainInfo"]["EndingStationName"] ["Zh_tw"].replace("臺", "台"), train["DailyTrainInfo"]["Direction"], md5.hexdigest()) cursor.commit() # insert ST and TS for stop in train["StopTimes"]: cursor.execute( "exec dbo.xp_insertTrainST ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "高鐵", train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"], md5.hexdigest(), stop["StopSequence"], stop["StationID"], stop["StationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺", "台"), stop["ArrivalTime"], stop["DepartureTime"]) cursor.commit() # insert Dailytimetable year, month, day = train["TrainDate"].split("-") cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertDailyTimetable ?,?,?,?,?,?", "高鐵", year, month, day, train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"], md5.hexdigest()) cursor.commit() except: continue del cursor connect.close()
def insert_stop(url): connect = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers = ptxheader()).text for stop in json.loads(res): try: cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertStop ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "台鐵", stop["StationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺","台"), stop["StationName"]["En"], stop["UpdateTime"][0:19], stop["StationID"], stop["StationPosition"]["PositionLon"], stop["StationPosition"]["PositionLat"], stop["StationPhone"], stop["StationAddress"]) cursor.commit() except: continue del cursor connect.close()
def insert_price(url): connect = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers = ptxheader()).text traintype = {0:["自強","普悠瑪","太魯閣"], 1:["自強","普悠瑪","太魯閣"], 5:["莒光"], 6:["莒光"], 10:["復興","區間車","區間快"], 11:["復興","區間車","區間快"], 15:["普快車"], 16:["普快車"]} tickettype = {0:"全票", 1:"優待票", 5:"全票", 6:"優待票", 10:"全票", 11:"優待票", 15:"全票", 16:"優待票"} note = {0:None, 1:"孩童票、敬老票、愛心票", 5:None, 6:"孩童票、敬老票、愛心票", 10:None, 11:"孩童票、敬老票、愛心票", 15:None, 16:"孩童票、敬老票、愛心票"} for price in json.loads(res): try: for j in [0,1,5,6,10,11,15,16]: for traintypes in traintype[j]: cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertPrice ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?","台鐵", price["OriginStationID"], price["OriginStationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺","台"), price["DestinationStationID"], price["DestinationStationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺","台"), traintypes, tickettype[j], int(price["Fares"][j]["Price"]), note[j], price["UpdateTime"][0:19]) cursor.commit() except: continue
def update(city): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get( "" + city + "?$format=JSON", headers=ptxheader()).text versionID = json.loads(res)["VersionID"] sql = "select VersionID from DataVersion where Name = '" + city + "'" cursor.execute(sql) if cursor.fetchone()[0] == versionID: return 0 else: sql = "update DataVersion set VersionID = " + str( versionID) + ", Since = getdate() where Name = '" + city + "'" cursor.execute(sql) cursor.commit() return 1
def update(url): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers=ptxheader()).text date = ("%Y-%m-%d") year, month, day = date.split("-") #先將班次動態清除 cursor.execute( "update Transportation set PassRank = NULL, DelayTime = NULL") cursor.commit() for train in json.loads(res): try: numbers = train["TrainNo"] cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_updateTrainState ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "台鐵", year, month, day, numbers, train["StationID"], train["StationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺", "台"), train["DelayTime"]) cursor.commit() except: continue
def insert_ST(url, city): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers=ptxheader()).text if "台北市" in city or "新北市" in city: uid = "RouteUID" else: uid = "SubRouteUID" for route in json.loads(res): # 以停靠站點加密成md5 md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(json.dumps(route["Stops"]).encode()) # 判斷路線是否更動或為新增的路線 cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_checkBus ?,?,?,?", city, route[uid], route["Direction"], md5.hexdigest()) cursor.commit() sql = """select * from Class C, CO, Object O, Transportation T, TS where C.CID = CO.CID and CO.OID = O.OID and O.OID = T.TID and T.TID = TS.TID and C.Type = 102 and C.NamePath like '%' + ' """ + city + "' and T.Number = '" + route[ uid] + "' and T.Direction = " + str( route["Direction"]) + " and T.MD5 = '" + md5.hexdigest() + "'" cursor.execute(sql) if cursor.fetchone() is None: for stop in route["Stops"]: try: cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertBusST ?,?,?,?,?,?", city, route[uid], route["Direction"], stop["StopUID"], stop["StopName"]["Zh_tw"], stop["StopSequence"]) cursor.commit() except: continue del cursor connect.close()
def insert_price(url): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers=ptxheader()).text price = json.loads(res) for i in range(0, 3, 1): try: cursor.execute( "exec dbo.xp_insertPrice ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "高鐵", price[0]["OriginStationID"], price[0]["OriginStationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺", "台"), price[0]["DestinationStationID"], price[0]["DestinationStationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺", "台"), price[0]["Fares"][i]["TicketType"], "全票", int(price[0]["Fares"][i]["Price"]), None, price[0]["SrcUpdateTime"][0:19]) cursor.commit() except: continue del cursor connect.close()
def insert_route(url, city): connect = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers=ptxheader()).text if "台北市" in city or "新北市" in city: for route in json.loads(res): try: ename = route["RouteName"]["En"] except: ename = None try: if route["DepartureStopNameZh"] != "" and route[ "DestinationStopNameZh"] != "": cheadsign = route["DepartureStopNameZh"] + " - " + route[ "DestinationStopNameZh"] else: cheadsign = None except: cheadsign = None try: if route["DepartureStopNameEn"] != "" and route[ "DestinationStopNameEn"] != "": eheadsign = route["DepartureStopNameEn"] + " - " + route[ "DestinationStopNameEn"] else: eheadsign = None except: eheadsign = None cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertBus ?,?,?,?,?,?,?", city, route["RouteName"]["Zh_tw"], ename, cheadsign, eheadsign, route["RouteUID"], 0) cursor.commit() cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertBus ?,?,?,?,?,?,?", city, route["RouteName"]["Zh_tw"], ename, cheadsign, eheadsign, route["RouteUID"], 1) cursor.commit() else: for route in json.loads(res): for subroute in route["SubRoutes"]: try: ename = subroute["SubRouteName"]["En"] except: ename = None try: cheadsign = subroute["Headsign"].replace( "<->", " - ").replace("→", " - ").replace("─", " - ").replace( "->", " - ").replace("-", " - ").replace("-", " - ") except: try: if route["DepartureStopNameZh"] != "" and route[ "DestinationStopNameZh"] != "": cheadsign = route[ "DepartureStopNameZh"] + " - " + route[ "DestinationStopNameZh"] else: cheadsign = None except: cheadsign = None try: if route["DepartureStopNameEn"] != "" and route[ "DestinationStopNameEn"] != "": eheadsign = route[ "DepartureStopNameEn"] + " - " + route[ "DestinationStopNameEn"] else: eheadsign = None except: eheadsign = None cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertBus ?,?,?,?,?,?,?", city, subroute["SubRouteName"]["Zh_tw"], ename, cheadsign, eheadsign, subroute["SubRouteUID"], subroute["Direction"]) cursor.commit() del cursor connect.close()
def insert_timetable(url): connect = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=iTraffic;') cursor = connect.cursor() res = requests.get(url, headers = ptxheader()).text for train in json.loads(res): try: # 以車次時刻加密成md5 md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(json.dumps(train["StopTimes"]).encode()) # 判斷是否需建班次 sql = "select TID from Transportation where Number = "+train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"]+" and MD5 = '"+md5.hexdigest()+"'" cursor.execute(sql) if cursor.fetchone() is not None: pass else: # insert Transportation # 有的班次沒NoteEn會出錯 try: Note_En = train["DailyTrainInfo"]["Note"]["En"] except: Note_En = "" #有的班次沒有車種 if "Tze" in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["En"] : if '普悠瑪' in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["Zh_tw"] : ctraintype = "普悠瑪"; etraintype = "Puyuma" elif '太魯閣' in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["Zh_tw"] : ctraintype = "太魯閣"; etraintype = "Taroko" else: ctraintype = "自強"; etraintype = "Tze-Chiang" elif "Chu" in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["En"] : ctraintype = "莒光"; etraintype = "Chu-Kuang" elif "Fu" in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["En"] : ctraintype = "復興"; etraintype = "Fu-Hsing" elif "Fast" in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["En"]: ctraintype = "區間快"; etraintype = "Fast Local Train" elif "Local" in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["En"]: ctraintype = "區間車"; etraintype = "Local Train" elif "Ordinary" in train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainTypeName"]["En"]: ctraintype = "普快車"; etraintype = "Local Train" cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertTrain ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "台鐵", ctraintype,etraintype, train["DailyTrainInfo"]["Note"]["Zh_tw"], Note_En, train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"], train["DailyTrainInfo"]["StartingStationID"], train["DailyTrainInfo"]["StartingStationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺","台"), train["DailyTrainInfo"]["EndingStationID"], train["DailyTrainInfo"]["EndingStationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺","台"), train["DailyTrainInfo"]["Direction"], md5.hexdigest()) cursor.commit() # insert ST and TS for stop in train["StopTimes"] : cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertTrainST ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?", "台鐵", train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"], md5.hexdigest(), stop["StopSequence"], stop["StationID"], stop["StationName"]["Zh_tw"].replace("臺","台"), stop["ArrivalTime"], stop["DepartureTime"]) cursor.commit() # insert Dailytimetable year, month, day = train["TrainDate"].split("-") cursor.execute("exec dbo.xp_insertDailyTimetable ?,?,?,?,?,?", "台鐵", year, month, day, train["DailyTrainInfo"]["TrainNo"], md5.hexdigest()) cursor.commit() except: continue del cursor connect.close()