Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, filename, init_msrmsf=True):
     # Initialize MSRecord structure
     self.msr = clibmseed.msr_init(C.POINTER(MSRecord)())
     self.msf = C.POINTER(MSFileParam)()  # null pointer
     self.file = filename
     # dummy read once, to avoid null pointer in ms.msf for e.g.
     # ms.offset
     if init_msrmsf:, 0, 1, 0)
         self.offset = 0
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, filename, init_msrmsf=True):
     # Initialize MSRecord structure
     self.msr = clibmseed.msr_init(C.POINTER(MSRecord)())
     self.msf = C.POINTER(MSFileParam)()  # null pointer
     self.file = filename
     # dummy read once, to avoid null pointer in ms.msf for e.g.
     # ms.offset
     if init_msrmsf:, 0, 1, 0)
         self.offset = 0
Beispiel #3
def writeMSEED(stream, filename, encoding=None, reclen=None, byteorder=None, flush=1, verbose=0, **_kwargs):
    Write Mini-SEED file from a Stream object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        the :meth:`` method of an
        ObsPy :class:`` object, call this instead.

    :type stream: :class:``
    :param stream: A Stream object.
    :type filename: str
    :param filename: Name of the output file
    :type encoding: int or str, optional
    :param encoding: Should be set to one of the following supported Mini-SEED
        data encoding formats: ASCII (``0``)*, INT16 (``1``), INT32 (``3``),
        FLOAT32 (``4``)*, FLOAT64 (``5``)*, STEIM1 (``10``) and STEIM2
        (``11``)*. Default data types a marked with an asterisk. Currently
        INT24 (``2``) is not supported due to lacking NumPy support.
    :type reclen: int, optional
    :param reclen: Should be set to the desired data record length in bytes
        which must be expressible as 2 raised to the power of X where X is
        between (and including) 8 to 20.
        Defaults to 4096
    :type byteorder: [``0`` or ``'<'`` | ``1`` or ``'>'`` | ``'='``], optional
    :param byteorder: Must be either ``0`` or ``'<'`` for LSBF or
        little-endian, ``1`` or ``'>'`` for MBF or big-endian. ``'='`` is the
        native byteorder. If ``-1`` it will be passed directly to libmseed
        which will also default it to big endian. Defaults to big endian.
    :type flush: int, optional
    :param flush: If it is not zero all of the data will be packed into
        records, otherwise records will only be packed while there are
        enough data samples to completely fill a record.
    :type verbose: int, optional
    :param verbose: Controls verbosity, a value of zero will result in no
        diagnostic output.

    .. note::
        The reclen, encoding and byteorder keyword arguments can be set
        in the stats.mseed of each :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` as well as
        as kwargs of this function. If both are given the kwargs will be used.

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy.core import read
    >>> st = read()
    >>> st.write('filename.mseed', format='MSEED')  # doctest: +SKIP
    # Some sanity checks for the keyword arguments.
    if reclen is not None and reclen not in VALID_RECORD_LENGTHS:
        msg = (
            "Invalid record length. The record length must be a value\n" + "of 2 to the power of X where 8 <= X <= 20."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if byteorder is not None and byteorder not in [0, 1, -1]:
        if byteorder == "=":
            byteorder = NATIVE_BYTEORDER
        # If not elif because NATIVE_BYTEORDER is '<' or '>'.
        if byteorder == "<":
            byteorder = 0
        elif byteorder == ">":
            byteorder = 1
            msg = "Invalid byteorder. It must be either '<', '>', '=', " + "0, 1 or -1"
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # Check if encoding kwarg is set and catch invalid encodings.
    # XXX: Currently INT24 is not working due to lacking NumPy support.
    encoding_strings = dict([(v[0], k) for (k, v) in ENCODINGS.iteritems()])

    if encoding is not None:
        if isinstance(encoding, int) and encoding in ENCODINGS:
        elif encoding and isinstance(encoding, basestring) and encoding in encoding_strings:
            encoding = encoding_strings[encoding]
            msg = "Invalid encoding %s. Valid encodings: %s"
            raise ValueError(msg % (encoding, encoding_strings))

    trace_attributes = []
    use_blkt_1001 = 0

    # The data might need to be modified. To not modify the input data keep
    # references of which data to finally write.
    trace_data = []
    # Loop over every trace and figure out the correct settings.
    for _i, trace in enumerate(stream):
        # Create temporary dict for storing information while writing.
        trace_attr = {}
        stats = trace.stats

        # Figure out whether or not to use Blockette 1001. This check is done
        # once to ensure that Blockette 1001 is either written for every record
        # in the file or for none. It checks the starttime as well as the
        # sampling rate. If either one has a precision of more than 100
        # microseconds, Blockette 1001 will be written for every record.
        starttime = util._convertDatetimeToMSTime(trace.stats.starttime)
        if starttime % 100 != 0 or (1.0 / trace.stats.sampling_rate * HPTMODULUS) % 100 != 0:
            use_blkt_1001 += 1

        # Determine if a blockette 100 will be needed to represent the input
        # sample rate or if the sample rate in the fixed section of the data
        # header will suffice (see ms_genfactmult in libmseed/genutils.c)
        if trace.stats.sampling_rate >= 32727.0 or trace.stats.sampling_rate <= (1.0 / 32727.0):
            use_blkt_100 = True
            use_blkt_100 = False

        # Set data quality to indeterminate (= D) if it is not already set.
            trace_attr["dataquality"] = trace.stats["mseed"]["dataquality"].upper()
            trace_attr["dataquality"] = "D"
        # Sanity check for the dataquality to get a nice Python exception
        # instead of a C error.
        if trace_attr["dataquality"] not in ["D", "R", "Q", "M"]:
            msg = (
                "Invalid dataquality in Stream[%i].stats" % _i
                + ".mseed.dataquality\n"
                + "The dataquality for Mini-SEED must be either D, R, Q "
                + "or M. See the SEED manual for further information."
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Check that data is of the right type.
        if not isinstance(, np.ndarray):
            msg = "Unsupported data type %s" % type( + " for Stream[%i].data." % _i
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Check if ndarray is contiguous (see #192, #193)
        if not
            msg = "Detected non contiguous data array in Stream[%i]" % _i + ".data. Trying to fix array."
   = np.require(, requirements=("C_CONTIGUOUS",))

        # Handle the record length.
        if reclen is not None:
            trace_attr["reclen"] = reclen
        elif hasattr(stats, "mseed") and hasattr(stats.mseed, "record_length"):
            if stats.mseed.record_length in VALID_RECORD_LENGTHS:
                trace_attr["reclen"] = stats.mseed.record_length
                msg = (
                    "Invalid record length in Stream[%i].stats." % _i
                    + "mseed.reclen.\nThe record length must be a value "
                    + "of 2 to the power of X where 8 <= X <= 20."
                raise ValueError(msg)
            trace_attr["reclen"] = 4096

        # Handle the byteorder.
        if byteorder is not None:
            trace_attr["byteorder"] = byteorder
        elif hasattr(stats, "mseed") and hasattr(stats.mseed, "byteorder"):
            if stats.mseed.byteorder in [0, 1, -1]:
                trace_attr["byteorder"] = stats.mseed.byteorder
            elif stats.mseed.byteorder == "=":
                if NATIVE_BYTEORDER == "<":
                    trace_attr["byteorder"] = 0
                    trace_attr["byteorder"] = 1
            elif stats.mseed.byteorder == "<":
                trace_attr["byteorder"] = 0
            elif stats.mseed.byteorder == ">":
                trace_attr["byteorder"] = 1
                msg = (
                    "Invalid byteorder in Stream[%i].stats." % _i
                    + "mseed.byteorder. It must be either '<', '>', '=',"
                    + " 0, 1 or -1"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            trace_attr["byteorder"] = 1
        if trace_attr["byteorder"] == -1:
            if NATIVE_BYTEORDER == "<":
                trace_attr["byteorder"] = 0
                trace_attr["byteorder"] = 1

        # Handle the encoding.
        trace_attr["encoding"] = None
        if encoding is not None:
            # Check if the dtype for all traces is compatible with the enforced
            # encoding.
            id, _, dtype = ENCODINGS[encoding]
            if != dtype:
                msg = """
                    Wrong dtype for Stream[%i].data for encoding %s.
                    Please change the dtype of your data or use an appropriate
                    encoding. See the obspy.mseed documentation for more
                    """ % (
                raise Exception(msg)
            trace_attr["encoding"] = encoding
        elif hasattr(trace.stats, "mseed") and hasattr(trace.stats.mseed, "encoding"):
            mseed_encoding = stats.mseed.encoding
            # Check if the encoding is valid.
            if isinstance(mseed_encoding, int) and mseed_encoding in ENCODINGS:
                trace_attr["encoding"] = mseed_encoding
            elif isinstance(mseed_encoding, basestring) and mseed_encoding in encoding_strings:
                trace_attr["encoding"] = encoding_strings[mseed_encoding]
                msg = "Invalid encoding %s in " + "Stream[%i].stats.mseed.encoding. Valid encodings: %s"
                raise ValueError(msg % (mseed_encoding, _i, encoding_strings))
            # Check if the encoding matches the data's dtype.
            if != ENCODINGS[trace_attr["encoding"]][2]:
                msg = (
                    "The encoding specified in "
                    + "trace.stats.mseed.encoding does not match the "
                    + "dtype of the data.\nA suitable encoding will "
                    + "be chosen."
                warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
                trace_attr["encoding"] = None
        # automatically detect encoding if no encoding is given.
        if not trace_attr["encoding"]:
            if == np.dtype("int32"):
                trace_attr["encoding"] = 11
            elif == np.dtype("float32"):
                trace_attr["encoding"] = 4
            elif == np.dtype("float64"):
                trace_attr["encoding"] = 5
            elif == np.dtype("int16"):
                trace_attr["encoding"] = 1
            elif == np.dtype("|S1").type:
                trace_attr["encoding"] = 0
                msg = "Unsupported data type %s in Stream[%i].data" % (, _i)
                raise Exception(msg)

        # Convert data if necessary, otherwise store references in list.
        if trace_attr["encoding"] == 1:
            # INT16 needs INT32 data type

    # Do some final sanity checks and raise a warning if a file will be written
    # with more than one different encoding, record length or byteorder.
    encodings = set([_i["encoding"] for _i in trace_attributes])
    reclens = set([_i["reclen"] for _i in trace_attributes])
    byteorders = set([_i["byteorder"] for _i in trace_attributes])
    msg = (
        "File will be written with more than one different %s.\n"
        + "This might have a negative influence on the compatibility "
        + "with other programs."
    if len(encodings) != 1:
        warnings.warn(msg % "encodings")
    if len(reclens) != 1:
        warnings.warn(msg % "record lengths")
    if len(byteorders) != 1:
        warnings.warn(msg % "byteorders")

    # Open filehandler or use an existing file like object.
    if not hasattr(filename, "write"):
        f = open(filename, "wb")
        f = filename

    # Loop over every trace and finally write it to the filehandler.
    for trace, data, trace_attr in izip(stream, trace_data, trace_attributes):
        # Create C struct MSTraceGroup.
        mstg = MSTG(trace, data, dataquality=trace_attr["dataquality"])
        # Initialize packedsamples pointer for the mst_pack function
        packedsamples = C.c_int()

        # Callback function for mst_pack to actually write the file
        def record_handler(record, reclen, _stream):

        # Define Python callback function for use in C function
        recHandler = C.CFUNCTYPE(C.c_void_p, C.POINTER(C.c_char), C.c_int, C.c_void_p)(record_handler)

        # Fill up msr record structure, this is already contained in
        # mstg, however if blk1001 is set we need it anyway
        msr = clibmseed.msr_init(None) =
        msr.contents.station = trace.stats.station
        msr.contents.location = trace.stats.location =
        msr.contents.dataquality = trace_attr["dataquality"]

        # Only use Blockette 1001 if necessary.
        if use_blkt_1001:
            size = C.sizeof(blkt_1001_s)
            blkt1001 = C.c_char(" ")
            C.memset(C.pointer(blkt1001), 0, size)
            ret_val = clibmseed.msr_addblockette(msr, C.pointer(blkt1001), size, 1001, 0)
            # Usually returns a pointer to the added blockette in the
            # blockette link chain and a NULL pointer if it fails.
            # NULL pointers have a false boolean value according to the
            # ctypes manual.
            if bool(ret_val) is False:
                del mstg, msr
                raise Exception("Error in msr_addblockette")
        # Only use Blockette 100 if necessary.
        if use_blkt_100:
            size = C.sizeof(blkt_100_s)
            blkt100 = C.c_char(" ")
            C.memset(C.pointer(blkt100), 0, size)
            ret_val = clibmseed.msr_addblockette(msr, C.pointer(blkt100), size, 100, 0)
            # Usually returns a pointer to the added blockette in the
            # blockette link chain and a NULL pointer if it fails.
            # NULL pointers have a false boolean value according to the
            # ctypes manual.
            if bool(ret_val) is False:
                del mstg, msr
                raise Exception("Error in msr_addblockette")

        # Pack mstg into a MSEED file using the callback record_handler as
        # write method.
        errcode = clibmseed.mst_packgroup(
        if errcode == 0:
            msg = 'Skipping empty trace "%s".' % (trace)
        if errcode == -1:
            del mstg, msr
            raise Exception("Error in mst_packgroup")
        # Deallocate any allocated memory.
        del mstg, msr
    # Close if its a file handler.
    if isinstance(f, file):
Beispiel #4
def writeMSEED(stream,
    Write Mini-SEED file from a Stream object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        the :meth:`` method of an
        ObsPy :class:`` object, call this instead.

    :type stream: :class:``
    :param stream: A Stream object.
    :type filename: str
    :param filename: Name of the output file
    :type encoding: int or str, optional
    :param encoding: Should be set to one of the following supported Mini-SEED
        data encoding formats: ASCII (``0``)*, INT16 (``1``), INT32 (``3``),
        FLOAT32 (``4``)*, FLOAT64 (``5``)*, STEIM1 (``10``) and STEIM2
        (``11``)*. Default data types a marked with an asterisk. Currently
        INT24 (``2``) is not supported due to lacking NumPy support.
    :type reclen: int, optional
    :param reclen: Should be set to the desired data record length in bytes
        which must be expressible as 2 raised to the power of X where X is
        between (and including) 8 to 20.
        Defaults to 4096
    :type byteorder: [``0`` or ``'<'`` | ``1`` or ``'>'`` | ``'='``], optional
    :param byteorder: Must be either ``0`` or ``'<'`` for LSBF or
        little-endian, ``1`` or ``'>'`` for MBF or big-endian. ``'='`` is the
        native byteorder. If ``-1`` it will be passed directly to libmseed
        which will also default it to big endian. Defaults to big endian.
    :type flush: int, optional
    :param flush: If it is not zero all of the data will be packed into
        records, otherwise records will only be packed while there are
        enough data samples to completely fill a record.
    :type verbose: int, optional
    :param verbose: Controls verbosity, a value of zero will result in no
        diagnostic output.

    .. note::
        The reclen, encoding and byteorder keyword arguments can be set
        in the stats.mseed of each :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` as well as
        as kwargs of this function. If both are given the kwargs will be used.

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy.core import read
    >>> st = read()
    >>> st.write('filename.mseed', format='MSEED')  # doctest: +SKIP
    # Some sanity checks for the keyword arguments.
    if reclen is not None and reclen not in VALID_RECORD_LENGTHS:
        msg = 'Invalid record length. The record length must be a value\n' + \
                'of 2 to the power of X where 8 <= X <= 20.'
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if byteorder is not None and byteorder not in [0, 1, -1]:
        if byteorder == '=':
            byteorder = NATIVE_BYTEORDER
        # If not elif because NATIVE_BYTEORDER is '<' or '>'.
        if byteorder == '<':
            byteorder = 0
        elif byteorder == '>':
            byteorder = 1
            msg = "Invalid byteorder. It must be either '<', '>', '=', " + \
                  "0, 1 or -1"
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # Check if encoding kwarg is set and catch invalid encodings.
    # XXX: Currently INT24 is not working due to lacking NumPy support.
    encoding_strings = dict([(v[0], k) for (k, v) in ENCODINGS.iteritems()])

    if encoding is not None:
        if isinstance(encoding, int) and encoding in ENCODINGS:
        elif encoding and isinstance(encoding, basestring) and encoding \
                in encoding_strings:
            encoding = encoding_strings[encoding]
            msg = 'Invalid encoding %s. Valid encodings: %s'
            raise ValueError(msg % (encoding, encoding_strings))

    trace_attributes = []
    use_blkt_1001 = 0

    # The data might need to be modified. To not modify the input data keep
    # references of which data to finally write.
    trace_data = []
    # Loop over every trace and figure out the correct settings.
    for _i, trace in enumerate(stream):
        # Create temporary dict for storing information while writing.
        trace_attr = {}
        stats = trace.stats

        # Figure out whether or not to use Blockette 1001. This check is done
        # once to ensure that Blockette 1001 is either written for every record
        # in the file or for none. It checks the starttime as well as the
        # sampling rate. If either one has a precision of more than 100
        # microseconds, Blockette 1001 will be written for every record.
        starttime = util._convertDatetimeToMSTime(trace.stats.starttime)
        if starttime % 100 != 0 or \
           (1.0 / trace.stats.sampling_rate * HPTMODULUS) % 100 != 0:
            use_blkt_1001 += 1

        # Determine if a blockette 100 will be needed to represent the input
        # sample rate or if the sample rate in the fixed section of the data
        # header will suffice (see ms_genfactmult in libmseed/genutils.c)
        if trace.stats.sampling_rate >= 32727.0 or \
           trace.stats.sampling_rate <= (1.0 / 32727.0):
            use_blkt_100 = True
            use_blkt_100 = False

        # Set data quality to indeterminate (= D) if it is not already set.
            trace_attr['dataquality'] = \
            trace_attr['dataquality'] = 'D'
        # Sanity check for the dataquality to get a nice Python exception
        # instead of a C error.
        if trace_attr['dataquality'] not in ['D', 'R', 'Q', 'M']:
            msg = 'Invalid dataquality in Stream[%i].stats' % _i + \
                  '.mseed.dataquality\n' + \
                  'The dataquality for Mini-SEED must be either D, R, Q ' + \
                  'or M. See the SEED manual for further information.'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Check that data is of the right type.
        if not isinstance(, np.ndarray):
            msg = "Unsupported data type %s" % type( + \
                  " for Stream[%i].data." % _i
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Check if ndarray is contiguous (see #192, #193)
        if not
            msg = "Detected non contiguous data array in Stream[%i]" % _i + \
                  ".data. Trying to fix array."
   = np.require(,
                                    requirements=('C_CONTIGUOUS', ))

        # Handle the record length.
        if reclen is not None:
            trace_attr['reclen'] = reclen
        elif hasattr(stats, 'mseed') and \
                hasattr(stats.mseed, 'record_length'):
            if stats.mseed.record_length in VALID_RECORD_LENGTHS:
                trace_attr['reclen'] = stats.mseed.record_length
                msg = 'Invalid record length in Stream[%i].stats.' % _i + \
                      'mseed.reclen.\nThe record length must be a value ' + \
                      'of 2 to the power of X where 8 <= X <= 20.'
                raise ValueError(msg)
            trace_attr['reclen'] = 4096

        # Handle the byteorder.
        if byteorder is not None:
            trace_attr['byteorder'] = byteorder
        elif hasattr(stats, 'mseed') and \
                hasattr(stats.mseed, 'byteorder'):
            if stats.mseed.byteorder in [0, 1, -1]:
                trace_attr['byteorder'] = stats.mseed.byteorder
            elif stats.mseed.byteorder == '=':
                if NATIVE_BYTEORDER == '<':
                    trace_attr['byteorder'] = 0
                    trace_attr['byteorder'] = 1
            elif stats.mseed.byteorder == '<':
                trace_attr['byteorder'] = 0
            elif stats.mseed.byteorder == '>':
                trace_attr['byteorder'] = 1
                msg = "Invalid byteorder in Stream[%i].stats." % _i + \
                       "mseed.byteorder. It must be either '<', '>', '='," + \
                       " 0, 1 or -1"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            trace_attr['byteorder'] = 1
        if trace_attr['byteorder'] == -1:
            if NATIVE_BYTEORDER == '<':
                trace_attr['byteorder'] = 0
                trace_attr['byteorder'] = 1

        # Handle the encoding.
        trace_attr['encoding'] = None
        if encoding is not None:
            # Check if the dtype for all traces is compatible with the enforced
            # encoding.
            id, _, dtype = ENCODINGS[encoding]
            if != dtype:
                msg = """
                    Wrong dtype for Stream[%i].data for encoding %s.
                    Please change the dtype of your data or use an appropriate
                    encoding. See the obspy.mseed documentation for more
                    """ % (_i, id)
                raise Exception(msg)
            trace_attr['encoding'] = encoding
        elif hasattr(trace.stats, 'mseed') and hasattr(trace.stats.mseed,
            mseed_encoding = stats.mseed.encoding
            # Check if the encoding is valid.
            if isinstance(mseed_encoding, int) and mseed_encoding in ENCODINGS:
                trace_attr['encoding'] = mseed_encoding
            elif isinstance(mseed_encoding, basestring) and \
                    mseed_encoding in encoding_strings:
                trace_attr['encoding'] = encoding_strings[mseed_encoding]
                msg = 'Invalid encoding %s in ' + \
                      'Stream[%i].stats.mseed.encoding. Valid encodings: %s'
                raise ValueError(msg % (mseed_encoding, _i, encoding_strings))
            # Check if the encoding matches the data's dtype.
            if != ENCODINGS[trace_attr['encoding']][2]:
                msg = 'The encoding specified in ' + \
                      'trace.stats.mseed.encoding does not match the ' + \
                      'dtype of the data.\nA suitable encoding will ' + \
                      'be chosen.'
                warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
                trace_attr['encoding'] = None
        # automatically detect encoding if no encoding is given.
        if not trace_attr['encoding']:
            if == np.dtype("int32"):
                trace_attr['encoding'] = 11
            elif == np.dtype("float32"):
                trace_attr['encoding'] = 4
            elif == np.dtype("float64"):
                trace_attr['encoding'] = 5
            elif == np.dtype("int16"):
                trace_attr['encoding'] = 1
            elif == np.dtype('|S1').type:
                trace_attr['encoding'] = 0
                msg = "Unsupported data type %s in Stream[%i].data" % \
                    (, _i)
                raise Exception(msg)

        # Convert data if necessary, otherwise store references in list.
        if trace_attr['encoding'] == 1:
            # INT16 needs INT32 data type

    # Do some final sanity checks and raise a warning if a file will be written
    # with more than one different encoding, record length or byteorder.
    encodings = set([_i['encoding'] for _i in trace_attributes])
    reclens = set([_i['reclen'] for _i in trace_attributes])
    byteorders = set([_i['byteorder'] for _i in trace_attributes])
    msg = 'File will be written with more than one different %s.\n' + \
          'This might have a negative influence on the compatibility ' + \
          'with other programs.'
    if len(encodings) != 1:
        warnings.warn(msg % 'encodings')
    if len(reclens) != 1:
        warnings.warn(msg % 'record lengths')
    if len(byteorders) != 1:
        warnings.warn(msg % 'byteorders')

    # Open filehandler or use an existing file like object.
    if not hasattr(filename, 'write'):
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
        f = filename

    # Loop over every trace and finally write it to the filehandler.
    for trace, data, trace_attr in izip(stream, trace_data, trace_attributes):
        # Create C struct MSTraceGroup.
        mstg = MSTG(trace, data, dataquality=trace_attr['dataquality'])
        # Initialize packedsamples pointer for the mst_pack function
        packedsamples = C.c_int()

        # Callback function for mst_pack to actually write the file
        def record_handler(record, reclen, _stream):

        # Define Python callback function for use in C function
        recHandler = C.CFUNCTYPE(C.c_void_p, C.POINTER(C.c_char), C.c_int,

        # Fill up msr record structure, this is already contained in
        # mstg, however if blk1001 is set we need it anyway
        msr = clibmseed.msr_init(None) =
        msr.contents.station = trace.stats.station
        msr.contents.location = trace.stats.location =
        msr.contents.dataquality = trace_attr['dataquality']

        # Only use Blockette 1001 if necessary.
        if use_blkt_1001:
            size = C.sizeof(blkt_1001_s)
            blkt1001 = C.c_char(' ')
            C.memset(C.pointer(blkt1001), 0, size)
            ret_val = clibmseed.msr_addblockette(msr, C.pointer(blkt1001),
                                                 size, 1001, 0)
            # Usually returns a pointer to the added blockette in the
            # blockette link chain and a NULL pointer if it fails.
            # NULL pointers have a false boolean value according to the
            # ctypes manual.
            if bool(ret_val) is False:
                del mstg, msr
                raise Exception('Error in msr_addblockette')
        # Only use Blockette 100 if necessary.
        if use_blkt_100:
            size = C.sizeof(blkt_100_s)
            blkt100 = C.c_char(' ')
            C.memset(C.pointer(blkt100), 0, size)
            ret_val = clibmseed.msr_addblockette(msr, C.pointer(blkt100), size,
                                                 100, 0)
            # Usually returns a pointer to the added blockette in the
            # blockette link chain and a NULL pointer if it fails.
            # NULL pointers have a false boolean value according to the
            # ctypes manual.
            if bool(ret_val) is False:
                del mstg, msr
                raise Exception('Error in msr_addblockette')

        # Pack mstg into a MSEED file using the callback record_handler as
        # write method.
        errcode = clibmseed.mst_packgroup(mstg.getMstg(), recHandler, None,
                                          C.byref(packedsamples), flush,
                                          verbose, msr)
        if errcode == 0:
            msg = 'Skipping empty trace "%s".' % (trace)
        if errcode == -1:
            del mstg, msr
            raise Exception('Error in mst_packgroup')
        # Deallocate any allocated memory.
        del mstg, msr
    # Close if its a file handler.
    if isinstance(f, file):