Beispiel #1
def visualizeHealPixMap(theMap, nest=True, title="map", norm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None,
    from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
    from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
    nside = hp.npix2nside(theMap.size)
    mapValue = theMap[theMap != hp.UNSEEN]
    indices = np.arange(theMap.size)
    seenInds = indices[theMap != hp.UNSEEN]

    print "Building polygons from HEALPixel map."
    vertices = np.zeros( (seenInds.size, 4, 2) )
    print "Building polygons for "+str(seenInds.size)+" HEALPixels."
    for HPixel,i in zip(seenInds,xrange(seenInds.size)):
        corners = hp.vec2ang( np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside,HPixel,nest=nest) ) )
        # HEALPix insists on using theta/phi; we in astronomy like to use ra/dec.
        vertices[i,:,0] = corners[1] *180./np.pi
        vertices[i,:,1] = 90.0 - corners[0] * 180/np.pi

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))
    #coll = PolyCollection(vertices, array = mapValue, cmap =, edgecolors='none')
    coll = PolyCollection(vertices, array=mapValue, cmap=cmap, edgecolors='none')
    coll.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

    #ax.set_ylim([-60.2, -43])

    print "Writing to file: "+title+".png"
Beispiel #2
def GetHealPixRectangles(nside, dbrange, nest):
    hpindex = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))

    vec_corners = hp.boundaries(nside, hpindex, nest=nest)
    vec_corners = np.transpose(vec_corners, (0,2,1))
    vec_corners = np.reshape(vec_corners, (vec_corners.shape[0]*vec_corners.shape[1], vec_corners.shape[2]))
    theta_corners, phi_corners = hp.vec2ang(vec_corners)
    theta_corners = np.reshape(theta_corners, (theta_corners.shape[0]/4, 4))
    phi_corners = np.reshape(phi_corners, (phi_corners.shape[0]/4, 4))

    ra_corners = np.degrees(phi_corners)
    dec_corners = 90.0 - np.degrees(theta_corners)

    rainside = ( (ra_corners > dbrange[0]) & (ra_corners < dbrange[1]) )
    rakeep = np.sum(rainside, axis=-1)
    decinside = ( (dec_corners > dbrange[2]) & (dec_corners < dbrange[3]) )
    deckeep = np.sum(decinside, axis=-1)
    keep = ( (rakeep > 0) & (deckeep > 0) )
    ra_corners, dec_corners, hpindex = Cut(ra_corners, dec_corners, hpindex, cut=keep)

    ramin = np.amin(ra_corners, axis=-1)
    ramax = np.amax(ra_corners, axis=-1)
    decmin = np.amin(dec_corners, axis=-1)
    decmax = np.amax(dec_corners, axis=-1)

    return ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax, hpindex
Beispiel #3
 def write_reg(self, filename):
     Write a ds9 region file that represents this region as a set of diamonds.
     :param filename: file to write
     :return: None
     with open(filename, 'w') as out:
         for d in xrange(1, self.maxdepth + 1):
             for p in self.pixeldict[d]:
                 line = "fk5; polygon("
                 #the following int() gets around some problems with np.int64 that exist prior to numpy v 1.8.1
                 vectors = zip(
                     *hp.boundaries(2**d, int(p), step=1, nest=True))
                 positions = []
                 for sky in self.vec2sky(np.array(vectors), degrees=True):
                     ra, dec = sky
                     pos = SkyCoord(ra / 15, dec, unit=(,
                         pos.dec.to_string(sep=':', precision=2))
                 line += ','.join(positions)
                 line += ")"
                 print >> out, line
def get_vertices(m):
    m = np.copy(m)
    top_npix = len(m)
    top_nside = hp.npix2nside(top_npix)
    top_order = int(np.log2(top_nside))
    for order in range(top_order + 1):
        nside = 1 << order
        npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
        stride = 1 << (2 * (top_order - order))
        keep = (hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=True) *
                np.expand_dims(xyz0, 1)).sum(0) >= np.cos(np.deg2rad(30))
        if order < top_order:
            mm = m.reshape((-1, stride))
            keep &= (mm[:, :-1] == mm[:, 1:]).all(axis=1)
            m += hp.ud_grade(np.where(keep, np.nan, 0),
            keep &= ~np.isnan(m)
        for ipix in np.flatnonzero(keep):
            boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, ipix, nest=True, step=1).T
            theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(boundaries)
            ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
            dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)
            vertices = np.column_stack((ra, dec))
            yield vertices
    def enclosed_pixel_indices(self, nside_out):

        # Sanity
        if nside_out < self.nside:
            raise (
                "Can't get enclosed pixel indices for lower resolution pixels!"

        if len(self.__epi) == 0:

            # Start with the central pixel, in case the size of the FOV is <= the pixel size
            self.__epi = np.asarray([
                hp.ang2pix(self.nside, 0.5 * np.pi - self.__coord.dec.radian,

            pixel_xyz_vertices = hp.boundaries(self.nside, pix=self.index)
            internal_pix = hp.query_polygon(nside_out,

            if len(internal_pix) > 0:
                self.__epi = internal_pix

        return self.__epi
Beispiel #6
def get_hpmask_subpix_indices(submask_nside, submask_hpix, submask_border, nside_mask, hpix):

    nside_cutref = np.clip(submask_nside * 4, 256, nside_mask)

    # Find out which cutref pixels are inside the main pixel
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside_cutref, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside_cutref)))
    ipring_coarse = hp.ang2pix(submask_nside, theta, phi)
    inhpix, = np.where(ipring_coarse == submask_hpix)

    # If there is a border, we need to find the boundary pixels
    if submask_border > 0.0:
        boundaries = hp.boundaries(submask_nside, submask_hpix, step=nside_cutref/submask_nside)
        # These are all the pixels that touch the boundary
        for i in xrange(boundaries.shape[1]):
            pixint = hp.query_disc(nside_cutref, boundaries[:, i],
                                   np.radians(submask_border), inclusive=True, fact=8)
            inhpix = np.append(inhpix, pixint)
            # Need to uniqify here because of overlapping pixels
            inhpix = np.unique(inhpix)

    # And now choose just those depthmap pixels that are in the inhpix region
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside_mask, hpix)
    ipring = hp.ang2pix(nside_cutref, theta, phi)

    _, use = esutil.numpy_util.match(inhpix, ipring)

    return use
Beispiel #7
def get_vert(pixel, nside, nest):
    """Get the coordinates for the vertices for a single Healpix index for a given
    resolution (nside) and schema (nest)

        * All arguments are required
        pixel(int): Healpix index
        nside(int) : Healpix resolution given by nside parameters for the input pixel
        nest(bool): Pixelization schema, True: Nested Schema, False: Ring Schema
        Two lists with the RA and DEC positions for the vertices for the given pixel.
    # Get vertices in radian coordinates for a given pixel
    vertices = np.array(
        hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside, pixel, nest=nest))))
    # To degrees
    vertices = vertices * 180. / np.pi
    diff = vertices[1] - vertices[1][0]  # RA = 0
    diff[diff > 180] -= 360
    diff[diff < -180] += 360
    ra_vert = vertices[1][0] + diff
    ra_vert = np.append(ra_vert, ra_vert[0])
    dec_vert = 90.0 - vertices[0]
    dec_vert = np.append(dec_vert, dec_vert[0])
    return ra_vert, dec_vert
Beispiel #8
def check_problematic_pixel(nside,
    Checks input pixel for exposure deviation within the corner points from more than certain
    threshold (default: 0.5).

    :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization
    :param ipix: pixel number(s)
    :param a0: latitude of detector (-90, 90) in degrees (default: Auger)
    :param zmax: maximum acceptance zenith angle (0, 90) degrees
    :param deviation: maximum deviation between exposure values in pixel corners
    :param coord_system: choose between different coordinate systems - gal, eq, sgal, ecl
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    v = np.swapaxes(hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(npix), step=1), 0,
                    1).reshape(3, -1)
    if coord_system != 'eq':
        v = getattr(coord, '%s2eq' % coord_system)(v)
    # exposure values of corner points
    exposure = coord.exposure_equatorial(coord.vec2ang(v)[1], a0,
                                         zmax).reshape((npix, 4))
    # check for maximal deviation of corner points
    _min, _max = np.min(exposure, axis=-1), np.max(exposure, axis=-1)
    mask = _max > 0
    eps = np.min(_min[_min > 0]) / 2.
    _min[_min < eps] = eps
    mask = mask * (_max / _min > (1 + deviation))
    return mask[ipix]
Beispiel #9
 def test_boundaries(self):
     nside = 2
     corners = boundaries(nside, 5)
     corners_precomp = np.array(
         [[  2.44708573e-17,  5.27046277e-01,  3.60797400e-01,  4.56383842e-17],
          [  3.99652627e-01,  5.27046277e-01,  8.71041977e-01,  7.45355992e-01],
          [  9.16666667e-01,  6.66666667e-01,  3.33333333e-01,  6.66666667e-01]])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(corners, corners_precomp, decimal=8)
Beispiel #10
 def plot_tessellation(self, facecmap: Optional[str] = 'Blues_r',
                       ncols: int = 20, edgecolor: str = '#32519D', cell_centers: bool = True,
                       markercolor: str = 'k', markersize: float = 2, linewidths=1, alpha: float = 0.9,
                       seed: int = 0):
     vertices = [[hp.boundaries(self.nside, i).transpose()] for i in range(self.resolution)]
     self._plot_spherical_polygons(vertices, facecmap=facecmap, ncols=ncols, edgecolor=edgecolor,
                                   cell_centers=cell_centers, markercolor=markercolor, markersize=markersize,
                                   linewidths=linewidths, alpha=alpha, seed=seed)
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self, nSide, ident, nest, tractBuilder, ctrCoord,
              tractOverlap, wcs):
     """Set vertices from nside, ident, nest"""
     theta, phi = healpy.vec2ang(
         numpy.transpose(healpy.boundaries(nSide, ident, nest=nest)))
     vertexList = [angToCoord(thetaphi) for thetaphi in zip(theta, phi)]
     super(HealpixTractInfo, self).__init__(ident, tractBuilder, ctrCoord,
                                            vertexList, tractOverlap, wcs)
Beispiel #12
def make_polycoll(hpx_beam,plot_lim=[-90,-50],nsides=8,cmap=cm.gnuplot):
    #pixnums = np.arange(len(hpx_beam))
    #theta,phi = hp.pix2ang(nsides,pixnums)
    #pix = pixnums[np.argwhere(theta<np.pi/2)].squeeze()
    pix = np.where(np.isnan(hpx_beam)==False)[0]
    boundaries = hp.boundaries(nsides,pix)
    verts = np.swapaxes(boundaries[:,0:2,:],1,2)
    coll = PolyCollection(verts, array=hpx_beam[np.isnan(hpx_beam)==False],\
    return coll
Beispiel #13
def corners_ring(testcase):
    cs = []
    for norder in range(16):
        nside = 1 << norder
        for i in range(1000):
            ipix = random.randrange(12 * nside * nside)
            args = (nside, ipix)
                dict(args=args, expected=healpy.boundaries(*args).T.tolist()))
    testcase['corners_ring'] = cs
    def getFgcmReferenceStarsHealpix(self, nside, pixel, filterList, nest=False):
        Get a reference catalog that overlaps a healpix pixel, using multiple
        filters.  In addition, apply colorterms if available.

        Return format is a numpy recarray for use with fgcm, with the format:

        dtype = ([('ra', `np.float64`),
                  ('dec', `np.float64`),
                  ('refMag', `np.float32`, len(filterList)),
                  ('refMagErr', `np.float32`, len(filterList)])

        Reference magnitudes (AB) will be 99 for non-detections.

        nside: `int`
           Healpix nside of pixel to load
        pixel: `int`
           Healpix pixel of pixel to load
        filterList: `list`
           list of `str` of camera filter names.
        nest: `bool`, optional
           Is the pixel in nest format?  Default is False.

        fgcmRefCat: `np.recarray`

        # Determine the size of the sky circle to load
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixel, nest=nest)
        center = lsst.geom.SpherePoint(phi * lsst.geom.radians, (np.pi/2. - theta) * lsst.geom.radians)

        corners = hp.boundaries(nside, pixel, step=1, nest=nest)
        theta_phi = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(corners))

        radius = 0.0 * lsst.geom.radians
        for ctheta, cphi in zip(*theta_phi):
            rad = center.separation(lsst.geom.SpherePoint(cphi * lsst.geom.radians,
                                                          (np.pi/2. - ctheta) * lsst.geom.radians))
            if (rad > radius):
                radius = rad

        # Load the fgcm-format reference catalog
        fgcmRefCat = self.getFgcmReferenceStarsSkyCircle(center.getRa().asDegrees(),
        catPix = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.radians(90.0 - fgcmRefCat['dec']),
                            np.radians(fgcmRefCat['ra']), nest=nest)

        inPix, = np.where(catPix == pixel)

        return fgcmRefCat[inPix]
Beispiel #15
def natural_order(nside, ind, subn):
    assert nside <= subn
    if subn == nside:
        return np.array([ind])
    sub = hp.query_polygon(2 * nside,
                           hp.boundaries(nside, ind, nest=True).T,
    assert len(sub) == 4

    r = [natural_order(nside * 2, s, subn) for s in np.sort(sub)]
    return np.vstack((np.hstack((r[0], r[1])), np.hstack((r[2], r[3]))))
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, NSIDE, lmax=10, clv=True):
            NSIDE (int) : the healpix NSIDE parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30
            npix (int) : number of pixel in the X and Y axis of the final projected map
            rot_velocity (float) : rotation velocity of the star in the equator in km/s
        self.NSIDE = int(NSIDE)        
        self.hp_npix = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE)
        self.lmax = lmax
        self.n_coef_max = (1+lmax)**2
        self.epsilon = 1e-3
        self.l = np.arange(self.lmax+1)

        self.alpha = np.zeros(self.n_coef_max)
        self.beta = np.zeros(self.n_coef_max)
        self.gamma = np.zeros(self.n_coef_max)

        # self.rot_velocity = rot_velocity
        self.clv = clv

# Generate the indices of all healpix pixels
        self.indices = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE), dtype='int')
        self.n_healpix_pxl = len(self.indices)

        self.polar_angle, self.azimuthal_angle = hp.pixelfunc.pix2ang(self.NSIDE, np.arange(self.n_healpix_pxl))
        self.pixel_vectors = np.array(hp.pixelfunc.pix2vec(self.NSIDE, self.indices))

# Compute LOS rotation velocity as v=w x r
        self.rotation_velocity = np.cross(np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])[:,None], self.pixel_vectors, axisa=0, axisb=0, axisc=0)

        self.vec_boundaries = np.zeros((3,4,self.n_healpix_pxl))
        for i in range(self.n_healpix_pxl):
            self.vec_boundaries[:,:,i] = hp.boundaries(self.NSIDE, i)

        self.Plm = np.zeros((self.lmax+2, self.lmax+2, self.n_healpix_pxl))
        self.dPlm = np.zeros((self.lmax+2, self.lmax+2, self.n_healpix_pxl))

        self.Clm = np.zeros((self.lmax+2, self.lmax+2))

        for i in range(self.n_healpix_pxl):
            self.Plm[:,:,i], self.dPlm[:,:,i] = sp.lpmn(self.lmax+1, self.lmax+1, np.cos(self.polar_angle[i]))
            self.dPlm[:,:,i] *= -np.sin(self.polar_angle[i])

        for l in range(self.lmax+2):
            for m in range(0, l+1):
                self.Clm[m,l] = np.sqrt((2.0*l+1) / (4.0*np.pi) * mi.factorial(l-m) / mi.factorial(l+m))

        self.lambda0 = 5000.0
        self.lande = 1.2
        self.constant = -4.6686e-13 * self.lambda0 * self.lande * 3e5
Beispiel #17
def get_healsparse_subpix_indices(subpix_nside, subpix_hpix, subpix_border, coverage_nside):
    Retrieve the coverage pixels that intersect the region, with a border.

    subpix_nside: `int`
       Nside for the subregion
    subpix_hpix: `int`
       Pixel number for the subregion (ring format)
    subpix_border: `float`
       Border radius to cover outside subpix_hpix
    coverage_nside: `int`
       Nside of the healsparse coverage map

    # First, we need to know which pixel(s) from nside_coverage are covered by
    # subpix_hpix

    if subpix_nside == coverage_nside:
        # simply convert to nest
        covpix = hp.ring2nest(subpix_nside, subpix_hpix)
    elif subpix_nside > coverage_nside:
        # what pixel is this contained in?
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(subpix_nside, subpix_hpix, nest=False)
        covpix = hp.ang2pix(coverage_nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
        # This is subpix_nside < coverage_nside
        # what coverage pixels are contained in subpix_hpix?
        subpix_hpix_nest = hp.ring2nest(subpix_nside, subpix_hpix)
        bit_shift = 2 * int(np.round(np.log(coverage_nside / subpix_nside) / np.log(2)))
        n_pix = 2**bit_shift
        covpix = np.left_shift(subpix_hpix_nest, bit_shift) + np.arange(n_pix)

    # And now if we have a border...
    if subpix_border > 0.0:
        nside_testing = max([coverage_nside * 4, subpix_nside * 4])
        boundaries = hp.boundaries(subpix_nside, subpix_hpix, step=nside_testing/subpix_nside)

        extrapix = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int64)

        # These are pixels that touch the boundary
        for i in xrange(boundaries.shape[1]):
            pixint = hp.query_disc(nside_testing, boundaries[:, i],
                                   np.radians(subpix_border), inclusive=True, fact=8)
            extrapix = np.append(extrapix, pixint)

        extrapix = np.unique(extrapix)
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside_testing, extrapix)
        covpix = np.unique(np.append(covpix, hp.ang2pix(coverage_nside, theta, phi, nest=True)))

    return covpix
Beispiel #18
def healpix_boundaries(ipix,
    return an array of points on the boundaries of the healpixels with ids
    given by ipix in the form of (colongitudes, colatitudes)

    ipix : `np.ndarray`, dtype int
        healpixel ids of pixels whose boundaries are required
    nside : int, defaults to 256
        Healpix NSIDE
    step : int
        factor by which the number of points in the corners (4) are stepped up.
        ie. a step of 2 returns 8 points along the boundaries of the Healpixel
        inlcuding the corners
    nest : Bool, defaults to True
        using the `nested` rather than `ring` scheme.
    convention : {'spherical', 'celestial'}, defaults to 'spherical'
        (theta, phi) of the usual spherical coordinate system or (ra, dec)
    units : {'degrees', 'radians'} , defaults to 'degrees'
        units in which the points are returned

    tuple (colongitude, colatitude)

    .. note: This also produces the 'inner' boundaries for connected pixels.
    corner_vecs = hp.boundaries(nside, ipix, step=step, nest=nest)
    if len(np.shape(corner_vecs)) > 2:
        corner_vecs = np.concatenate(corner_vecs, axis=1)

    phi_theta = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(corner_vecs))
    # These are in radians and spherical coordinates by construction
    theta, phi = phi_theta
    if convention == 'celestial':
        return convertToCelestialCoordinates(theta, phi, output_unit=units)
    # else return in spherical coordinates, but convert to degrees if requested
    if units == 'degrees':
        lon = np.degrees(phi)
        lat = np.degrees(theta)
        lon = phi
        lat = theta
    return lon, lat
def prepare_sampling(nside):
    os.makedirs("cache", exist_ok=True)
    filename = f'cache/sampling-{nside}.npy'
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        sample_info = np.load(filename)
        return sample_info
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    p = np.arange(npix, dtype=int)
    vertices = hp.boundaries(nside, p)
    sample_info = []
    for v in vertices:
        sample_info.append(prepare_quadrilateral_sampling(v)), sample_info)
    return sample_info
    def polygon(self):

        if not self.__polygon:
            pixel_xyz_vertices = hp.boundaries(self.nside, pix=self.index)
            theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(pixel_xyz_vertices))

            ra_rad = phi
            dec_rad = (np.pi / 2. - theta)

            pixel_radian_vertices = [[ra, dec]
                                     for ra, dec in zip(ra_rad, dec_rad)]
            self.__polygon = geometry.Polygon(pixel_radian_vertices)

        return [self.__polygon]
Beispiel #21
def getCountAtLocations(ra, dec, nside=512, return_vertices=False):
    """Get number density of objects from RA/Dec in HealPix cells.

    Requires: healpy

        ra: list of rectascensions
        dec: list of declinations
        nside: HealPix nside
        return_vertices: whether to also return the boundaries of HealPix cells

        bc, ra_, dec_, [vertices]
        bc: count of objects [per arcmin^2] in a HealPix cell if count > 0
        ra_: rectascension of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        dec_: declinations of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
    import healpy as hp
    # get healpix pixels
    ipix = hp.ang2pix(nside, (90 - dec) / 180 * np.pi,
                      ra / 180 * np.pi,
    # count how often each pixel is hit
    bc = np.bincount(ipix)
    pixels = np.nonzero(bc)[0]
    bc = bc[bc > 0] / hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=True)**2  # in arcmin^-2
    # get position of each pixel in RA/Dec
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixels, nest=False)
    ra_ = phi * 180 / np.pi
    dec_ = 90 - theta * 180 / np.pi

    # get the vertices that confine each pixel
    # convert to RA/Dec (thanks to Eric Huff)
    if return_vertices:
        vertices = np.zeros((pixels.size, 4, 2))
        for i in xrange(pixels.size):
            corners = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside, pixels[i])))
            corners = np.array(corners) * 180. / np.pi
            diff = corners[1] - corners[1][0]
            diff[diff > 180] -= 360
            diff[diff < -180] += 360
            corners[1] = corners[1][0] + diff
            vertices[i, :, 0] = corners[1]
            vertices[i, :, 1] = 90.0 - corners[0]

        return bc, ra_, dec_, vertices
        return bc, ra_, dec_
Beispiel #22
def generate_uniform_random_ra_dec_healpixel(n, pix, nside, nest=False):
    n : int
        number of random points needed
    pix : int
        healpixel ID
    nside : int
        number of healpixel nside, must be 2**k
    nest : bool, optional
        using healpixel nest or ring ordering

    ra : ndarray
        1d array of length n that contains RA in degrees
    dec : ndarray
        1d array of length n that contains Dec in degrees

    ra, dec = hp.vec2ang(hp.boundaries(nside, pix, 1, nest=nest).T,
    ra_dec_min_max = ra.min(), ra.max(), dec.min(), dec.max()

    ra = np.empty(n)
    dec = np.empty_like(ra)
    n_needed = n

    while n_needed > 0:
        ra_this, dec_this = generate_uniform_random_ra_dec_min_max(
            n_needed * 2, *ra_dec_min_max)
        mask = np.where(
            hp.ang2pix(nside, ra_this, dec_this, nest=nest, lonlat=True) ==
        count_this = mask.size
        if n_needed - count_this < 0:
            count_this = n_needed
            mask = mask[:n_needed]

        s = slice(
            -n_needed + count_this if -n_needed + count_this < 0 else None)
        ra[s] = ra_this[mask]
        dec[s] = dec_this[mask]
        n_needed -= count_this

    return ra, dec
Beispiel #23
def pixel_boundaries(props, pixel):
    scheme = choose_pixelization(**dict(props))
    # area in arcmin^2
    area = scheme.pixel_area(degrees=True) * 60 * 60
    boundaries = scheme.pixel_boundaries()

    if props['pixelization'] == 'healpix':
        boundaries = healpy.boundaries(props['nside'], pixel)
        area = healpy.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) * 60. * 60.
    elif props['pixelization'] == 'gnomonic':
        boundaries = pixel_boundaries(maps_file['maps/depth'].attrs)
        pix_size_deg = maps_file['maps/depth'].attrs['pixel_size']
        area = (pix_size_deg * 60. * 60.)**2

        raise ValueError(f"Unknown pixelization scheme: {pixelization}")
Beispiel #24
def getCountAtLocations(ra, dec, nside=512, return_vertices=False):
    """Get number density of objects from RA/Dec in HealPix cells.

    Requires: healpy

        ra: list of rectascensions
        dec: list of declinations
        nside: HealPix nside
        return_vertices: whether to also return the boundaries of HealPix cells

        bc, ra_, dec_, [vertices]
        bc: count of objects [per arcmin^2] in a HealPix cell if count > 0
        ra_: rectascension of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        dec_: declinations of the cell center (same format as ra/dec)
        vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
    import healpy as hp
    # get healpix pixels
    ipix = hp.ang2pix(nside, (90-dec)/180*np.pi, ra/180*np.pi, nest=False)
    # count how often each pixel is hit
    bc = np.bincount(ipix)
    pixels = np.nonzero(bc)[0]
    bc = bc[bc>0] / hp.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=True)**2 # in arcmin^-2
    # get position of each pixel in RA/Dec
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixels, nest=False)
    ra_ = phi*180/np.pi
    dec_ = 90 - theta*180/np.pi

    # get the vertices that confine each pixel
    # convert to RA/Dec (thanks to Eric Huff)
    if return_vertices:
        vertices = np.zeros((pixels.size, 4, 2))
        for i in xrange(pixels.size):
            corners = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside,pixels[i])))
            corners = np.array(corners) * 180. / np.pi
            diff = corners[1] - corners[1][0]
            diff[diff > 180] -= 360
            diff[diff < -180] += 360
            corners[1] = corners[1][0] + diff
            vertices[i,:,0] = corners[1]
            vertices[i,:,1] = 90.0 - corners[0]

        return bc, ra_, dec_, vertices
        return bc, ra_, dec_
Beispiel #25
    def boundary(self, k, steps=None, max_stepsize=None, edge=1e-6):
        Return boundary of a bin; used for drawing polygons.
        If steps is None, max_stepsize is used to automatically determine
        the appropriate step size.
        if max_stepsize is None:
            max_stepsize = self.max_stepsize

        if steps is None:
            steps = self._determine_steps(max_stepsize=max_stepsize)

        bd = hp.boundaries(self.nside, k, step=steps, nest=self.nest)
        dec_raw, ra_raw = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(bd))

        ra = (ra_raw / _d2r) % 360
        dec = 90 - dec_raw / _d2r

        return self.split_bin(ra, dec, max_stepsize, edge) 
Beispiel #26
def get_subpixel_indices(galtable, hpix=None, border=0.0, nside=0):
    Routine to get subpixel indices from a galaxy table.

    galtable: `redmapper.Catalog`
       A redmapper galaxy table master catalog
    hpix: `int`, optional
       Healpix number (ring format) of sub-region.  Default is 0 (full catalog).
    border: `float`, optional
       Border around hpix (in degrees) to find pixels.  Default is 0.0.
    nside: `int`, optional
       Nside of healpix subregion.  Default is 0 (full catalog).

    indices: `np.array`
       Integer array of indices of galaxy table pixels in the subregion.

    if hpix is None or nside == 0:
        return np.arange(galtable.filenames.size)

    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(galtable.nside, galtable.hpix)
    ipring_big = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)
    indices, = np.where(ipring_big == hpix)
    if border > 0.0:
        # now we need to find the extra boundary...
        boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, hpix, step=galtable.nside / nside)
        inhpix = galtable.hpix[indices]
        for i in xrange(boundaries.shape[1]):
            pixint = hp.query_disc(galtable.nside,
                                   boundaries[:, i],
                                   border * np.pi / 180.,
            inhpix = np.append(inhpix, pixint)
        inhpix = np.unique(inhpix)
        _, indices = esutil.numpy_util.match(inhpix, galtable.hpix)

    return indices
Beispiel #27
def gen_catalog_bin(ngal):
    Generate a random catalog for a single bin using healpy routines
    :param ngal: The number of galaxies per pixel
    :type ngal: :class:`lsssys.Map`
    :return: The right ascension and declination of the generated catalog
    :rtype: ``tuple`` of 2 :class:`numpy.ndarray` of ``float``
    pix = np.where( > 0.)[0]
    n_gal =[pix].astype(int)
    highres_nside = ngal.nside * next_power_of_2(2 * n_gal.max())
    pix_nest = hp.ring2nest(ngal.nside, pix)
    corners = np.array(
        [c.T for c in hp.boundaries(ngal.nside, pix_nest, nest=True)])
    high_res_pix = np.concatenate([
        np.random.choice(hp.query_polygon(highres_nside, corn, nest=True), n)
        for corn, n in zip(corners, n_gal)
    hpix_highres = hu.HealPix("nest", highres_nside)
    return hpix_highres.pix2eq(high_res_pix)
Beispiel #28
 def write_reg(self,filename):
     Write a ds9 region file that represents this region as a set of diamonds.
     :param filename: file to write
     :return: None
     with open(filename,'w') as out:
         for d in xrange(1,self.maxdepth+1):
             for p in self.pixeldict[d]:
                 line="fk5; polygon("
                 #the following int() gets around some problems with np.int64 that exist prior to numpy v 1.8.1
                 vectors = zip(*hp.boundaries(2**d,int(p),step=1,nest=True))
                 for sky in self.vec2sky(np.array(vectors),degrees=True):
                     ra, dec = sky
                     pos= SkyCoord(ra/15,dec,unit=(,
                     positions.append( pos.ra.to_string(sep=':',precision=2))
                     positions.append( pos.dec.to_string(sep=':',precision=2))
                 line += ','.join(positions)
                 line += ")"
                 print>>out, line
Beispiel #29
def get_subpixel_indices(galtable, hpix=None, border=0.0, nside=0):
    Routine to get subpixel indices from a galaxy table.

    galtable: `redmapper.Catalog`
       A redmapper galaxy table master catalog
    hpix: `int`, optional
       Healpix number (ring format) of sub-region.  Default is 0 (full catalog).
    border: `float`, optional
       Border around hpix (in degrees) to find pixels.  Default is 0.0.
    nside: `int`, optional
       Nside of healpix subregion.  Default is 0 (full catalog).

    indices: `np.array`
       Integer array of indices of galaxy table pixels in the subregion.

    if hpix is None or nside == 0:
        return np.arange(galtable.filenames.size)

    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(galtable.nside, galtable.hpix)
    ipring_big = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)
    indices, = np.where(ipring_big == hpix)
    if border > 0.0:
        # now we need to find the extra boundary...
        boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, hpix, step=galtable.nside/nside)
        inhpix = galtable.hpix[indices]
        for i in xrange(boundaries.shape[1]):
            pixint = hp.query_disc(galtable.nside, boundaries[:, i],
                                   border*np.pi/180., inclusive=True, fact=8)
            inhpix = np.append(inhpix, pixint)
        inhpix = np.unique(inhpix)
        _, indices = esutil.numpy_util.match(inhpix, galtable.hpix)

    return indices
Beispiel #30
def getHealpixVertices(pixels, nside, nest=False):
    """Get polygon vertices for list of HealPix pixels.

        pixels: list of HealPix pixels
        nside: HealPix nside
        nest: HealPix nesting scheme

        vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
    corners = np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside, pixels, step=1, nest=nest),
                           (0, 2, 1))
    corners_x = corners[:, :, 0].flatten()
    corners_y = corners[:, :, 1].flatten()
    corners_z = corners[:, :, 2].flatten()
    vertices_lon, vertices_lat = hp.rotator.vec2dir(corners_x,
    return np.stack([vertices_lon.reshape(-1, 4),
                     vertices_lat.reshape(-1, 4)],
Beispiel #31
    def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None):
        # RA and Dec from dataSlice doesn't necessarily match healpix
        RA = dataSlice['fieldRA'][0]
        Dec = dataSlice['fieldDec'][0]
        # Get RA and Dec from slicer
        RA = slicePoint['ra']
        Dec = slicePoint['dec']
        nside = slicePoint['nside']
        # get the boundaries from HealPix
        bounding = hp.boundaries(nside, slicePoint['sid'], step=1).T
        inside_val = np.asarray(
        test_pointing = SphericalPolygon(bounding, inside_val)

        overlap_area = [
            for survey_polygon in survey_list[self.region_name]
        total = sum(overlap_area)
        healpix_area = test_pointing.area()
        return min(total, 4 * np.pi - total)
Beispiel #32
def getHealpixVertices(pixels, nside, nest=False):
    """Get polygon vertices for list of HealPix pixels.

        pixels: list of HealPix pixels
        nside: HealPix nside
        nest: HealPix nesting scheme

        vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
    vertices = np.zeros((pixels.size, 4, 2))
    for i in xrange(pixels.size):
        corners = hp.vec2ang(
            np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside, pixels[i], nest=nest)))
        corners = np.array(corners) * 180. / np.pi
        diff = corners[1] - corners[1][0]
        diff[diff > 180] -= 360
        diff[diff < -180] += 360
        corners[1] = corners[1][0] + diff
        vertices[i, :, 0] = corners[1]
        vertices[i, :, 1] = 90.0 - corners[0]
    return vertices
def get_vertices(m):
    m = np.copy(m)
    top_npix = len(m)
    top_nside = hp.npix2nside(top_npix)
    top_order = int(np.log2(top_nside))
    for order in range(top_order + 1):
        nside = 1 << order
        npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
        stride = 1 << (2 * (top_order - order))
        keep = (hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=True) * np.expand_dims(xyz0, 1)).sum(0) >= np.cos(np.deg2rad(30))
        if order < top_order:
            mm = m.reshape((-1, stride))
            keep &= (mm[:, :-1] == mm[:, 1:]).all(axis=1)
            m += hp.ud_grade(np.where(keep, np.nan, 0), nside_out=top_nside, order_in='NEST', order_out='NEST')
            keep &= ~np.isnan(m)
        for ipix in np.flatnonzero(keep):
            boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, ipix, nest=True, step=1).T
            theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(boundaries)
            ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
            dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)
            vertices = np.column_stack((ra, dec))
            yield vertices
Beispiel #34
def jsa_tile_wcs(header):
    Determine WCS information for a JSA tile.

    # Find tile number and Nside.
    tile_number = header['TILENUM']
    match =['TILENUM'])
    if not match:
        raise CAOMError('Cannot find Nside in TILENUM comment')
    nside = int(

    # Get corner coordinates.
    (colatitude, longitude) = healpy.vec2ang(np.transpose(
        healpy.boundaries(nside, tile_number, nest=True)))

    assert len(colatitude) == 4
    assert len(longitude) == 4

    # Convert to a CAOM-2 polygon.  Note the ordering appears to be
    # the other way round from what CAOM-2 requires, hence iteration
    # over the corners backwards.
    tile = CoordPolygon2D()

    for i in range(3, -1, -1):
            180 * longitude[i] / math.pi,
            90 - (180 * colatitude[i] / math.pi)))

    spatial_axes = CoordAxis2D(Axis('RA', 'deg'),
                               Axis('DEC', 'deg'))
    spatial_axes.bounds = tile

    return SpatialWCS(spatial_axes,
Beispiel #35
    def getHealpixVertices(pixels, nside, nest=False):
        """Get polygon vertices for list of HealPix pixels.

        Requires: healpy

            pixels: list of HealPix pixels
            nside: HealPix nside
            nest: HealPix nesting scheme

            vertices: (N,4,2), RA/Dec coordinates of 4 boundary points of cell
        vertices = np.zeros((pixels.size, 4, 2))
        for i in xrange(pixels.size):
            corners = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(hp.boundaries(nside,pixels[i], nest=nest)))
            corners = np.array(corners) * 180. / np.pi
            diff = corners[1] - corners[1][0]
            diff[diff > 180] -= 360
            diff[diff < -180] += 360
            corners[1] = corners[1][0] + diff
            vertices[i,:,0] = corners[1]
            vertices[i,:,1] = 90.0 - corners[0]
        return vertices
Beispiel #36
    def from_galfile(cls, filename, nside=0, hpix=0, border=0.0):
            do the actual reading in of the data fields in some galaxy
            catalog file
        Calling Squence:
            filename: a name of a galaxy catalog file
        Optional Inputs:
            nside: integer
                healpix nside of sub-pixel
            hpix: integer
                healpix pixel (ring order) of sub-pixel
            A galaxy catalog object
        if hpix == 0:
            _hpix = None
            _hpix = hpix
        # do we have appropriate keywords
        if _hpix is not None and nside is None:
            raise ValueError("If hpix is specified, must also specify nside")
        if border < 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Border must be >= 0.0.")
        # ensure that nside is valid, and hpix is within range (if necessary)
        if nside > 0:
            if not hp.isnsideok(nside):
                raise ValueError("Nside not valid")
            if _hpix is not None:
                if _hpix < 0 or _hpix >= hp.nside2npix(nside):
                    raise ValueError("hpix out of range.")

        # check that the file is there and the right format
        # this will raise an exception if it's not there.
        hdr = fitsio.read_header(filename, ext=1)
        pixelated, fitsformat = hdr.get("PIXELS", 0), hdr.get("FITS", 0)

        if not pixelated:
            cat =, ext=1, upper=True)
            return cls(cat)

        # this is to keep us from trying to use old IDL galfiles
        if not fitsformat:
            raise ValueError("Input galfile must describe fits files.")

        # now we can read in the galaxy table summary file...
        tab =, ext=1, upper=True)
        nside_tab = tab[0]['NSIDE']
        if nside > nside_tab:
            raise ValueError("""Requested nside (%d) must not be larger than
                                    table nside (%d).""" % (nside, nside_tab))

        # which files do we want to read?
        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
        if _hpix is None:
            # all of them!
            indices = np.arange(tab[0]['FILENAMES'].size)
            # first we need all the pixels that are contained in the big pixel
            theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside_tab, tab[0]['HPIX'])
            ipring_big = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)
            indices, = np.where(ipring_big == _hpix)
            if border > 0.0:
                # now we need to find the extra boundary...
                boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, _hpix, step=nside_tab/nside)
                inhpix = tab[0]['HPIX'][indices]
                for i in xrange(boundaries.shape[1]):
                    pixint = hp.query_disc(nside_tab, boundaries[:,i],
                                    border*np.pi/180., inclusive=True, fact=8)
                    inhpix = np.append(inhpix, pixint)
                inhpix = np.unique(inhpix)
                _, indices = esutil.numpy_util.match(inhpix, tab[0]['HPIX'])

        # create the catalog array to read into
        elt ='%s/%s' % (path, tab[0]['FILENAMES'][indices[0]].decode()),ext=1, rows=0, upper=True)
        cat = np.zeros(np.sum(tab[0]['NGALS'][indices]), dtype=elt.dtype)

        # read the files
        ctr = 0
        for index in indices:
            cat[ctr : ctr+tab[0]['NGALS'][index]] ='%s/%s' % (path, tab[0]['FILENAMES'][index].decode()), ext=1, upper=True)
            ctr += tab[0]['NGALS'][index]
        # In the IDL version this is trimmed to the precise boundary requested.
        # that's easy in simplepix.  Not sure how to do in healpix.
        return cls(cat)
Beispiel #37
def tiles2fracpix(nside, step=1, tiles=None, radius=None, fact=4):
    Returns a sorted array of just the *fractional* pixels that overlap the tiles

    Optional Args:
        nside: integer healpix nside, 2**k where 0 < k < 30
        step: The number of integration steps around the edges of 
              a HEALPix pixel. step=1 means just the pixel vertices (e.g., see
              step=2 means the vertices and the corners and the points halfway 
              between the vertices.
            Table-like with RA,DEC columns; or
            None to use all DESI tiles from
        radius: tile radius in degrees;
            if None use desimodel.focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()
        fact: factor healpy uses to resolve pixel overlaps. When this is
            large there are fewer false positives at the expense of run
            time (although fact=2**8 seems fast). Must be a power of 2

    Returns fracpix:
        integer array of pixel numbers that cover these tiles, *excluding
        pixels that fully overlap the tiles* (i.e., just pixels that
        *partially* overlap the tiles). The integers are sorted.

        there are potentially malicious cases where a pixel just brushes
        a tile, such that there is a very small area where the pixel overlaps
        the tile. To guard against these case, call this function with
        progressively larger step values until it converges.
    #ADM set up healpy and set default tiles and radius
    import healpy as hp
    import desimodel
    if tiles is None:
        tiles =

    if radius is None:
        radius = desimodel.focalplane.get_tile_radius_deg()

    #ADM obtain ALL pixels that overlap the tiles (and perhaps a
    #ADM few more if fact is a small number
    pix = desimodel.footprint.tiles2pix(nside,

    #ADM the recovered number of pixels, and the total number of points
    #ADM that will be integrated around the boundary of the pixel
    npix = len(pix)
    nvertsperpix = 4 * step

    #ADM find points around the boundary of all pixels in Cartesian coordinates
    xyzverts = hp.boundaries(nside, pix, step=step, nest=True)
    #ADM convert to RA/Dec
    theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.hstack(xyzverts).T)
    ra, dec = np.degrees(phi), 90 - np.degrees(theta)

    #ADM calculate which boundary points are in the tiles
    verts_in = desimodel.footprint.is_point_in_desi(tiles,

    #ADM reshape this into an array with nvertsperpix columns
    pix_verts_in = np.reshape(verts_in, (npix, nvertsperpix))
    #ADM any row with a column not in the tiles must be a fractional pixel
    isfracpix = ~np.all(pix_verts_in, axis=1)

    #ADM the pixel integers where pixels are fractional
    return pix[np.where(isfracpix)]
Beispiel #38
def plot_healpix_map(data,
    """Plot a healpix map using an all-sky projection.
    Pass the data array through :func:`prepare_data` to select a subset to plot
    and clip the color map to specified values or percentiles.
    This function is similar to :func:`plot_grid_map` but is generally slower
    at high resolution and has less elegant handling of pixels that wrap around
    in RA, which are not drawn.
    Requires that matplotlib, basemap, and healpy are installed.
    data : array or masked array
        1D array of data associated with each healpix.  Must have a size that
        exactly matches the number of pixels for some NSIDE value. Use the
        output of :func:`prepare_data` as a convenient way to specify
        data cuts and color map clipping.
    nest : bool
        If True, assume NESTED pixel ordering.  Otheriwse, assume RING pixel
    cmap : colormap name or object
        Matplotlib colormap to use for mapping data values to colors.
    colorbar : bool
        Draw a colorbar below the map when True.
    label : str or None
        Label to display under the colorbar.  Ignored unless colorbar is True.
    basemap : Basemap object or None
        Use the specified basemap or create a default basemap using
        :func:`init_sky` when None.
        The basemap used for the plot, which will match the input basemap
        provided, or be a newly created basemap if None was provided.
    import healpy as hp
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.colors
    from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection

    data = prepare_data(data)
    if len(data.shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Invalid data array, should be 1D.')
    nside = hp.npix2nside(len(data))

    if basemap is None:
        basemap = init_sky()

    # Get pixel boundaries as quadrilaterals.
    corners = hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(len(data)), step=1, nest=nest)
    corner_theta, corner_phi = hp.vec2ang(corners.transpose(0, 2, 1))
    corner_ra, corner_dec = (np.degrees(corner_phi),
                             np.degrees(np.pi / 2 - corner_theta))
    # Convert sky coords to map coords.
    x, y = basemap(corner_ra, corner_dec)
    # Regroup into pixel corners.
    verts = np.array([x.reshape(-1, 4), y.reshape(-1, 4)]).transpose(1, 2, 0)

    # Find and mask any pixels that wrap around in RA.
    uv_verts = np.array(
        [corner_phi.reshape(-1, 4),
         corner_theta.reshape(-1, 4)]).transpose(1, 2, 0)
    theta_edge = np.unique(uv_verts[:, :, 1])
    phi_edge = np.radians(basemap.lonmax)
    eps = 0.1 * np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(nside))
    wrapped1 = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta_edge, phi_edge - eps, nest=nest)
    wrapped2 = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta_edge, phi_edge + eps, nest=nest)
    wrapped = np.unique(np.hstack((wrapped1, wrapped2)))
    data.mask[wrapped] = True

    # Normalize the data using its vmin, vmax attributes, if present.
        if vlimits is None:
            norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=data.vmin, vmax=data.vmax)
            norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vlimits[0],
    except AttributeError:
        norm = None

    # Make the collection and add it to the plot.
    collection = PolyCollection(verts,

    axes = plt.gca() if is None else

    if colorbar:
        bar = plt.colorbar(collection,
        if label:

    return basemap
Beispiel #39
def bboxcorners(ipix,nside):
    bounds = healpy.boundaries(nside,ipix,step=1,nest=True)
    vectranspose = bounds.T
    result = map(polar2radec, numpy.array(healpy.vec2ang(vectranspose))[0],numpy.array(healpy.vec2ang(vectranspose))[1])
    return result
Beispiel #40
    def _plot_poly(self, proj='AIT', step=1, ax=None):
        """Plot the map using a collection of polygons.

        proj : string, optional
            Any valid WCS projection type.
        step : int
            Set the number vertices that will be computed for each
            pixel in multiples of 4.
        # FIXME: At the moment this only works for all-sky maps if the
        # projection is centered at (0,0)

        # FIXME: Figure out how to force a square aspect-ratio like imshow

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
        from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
        import healpy as hp

        wcs = self.geom.make_wcs(proj=proj, oversample=1)
        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.gcf()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs.wcs, aspect='equal')

        wcs_lonlat = wcs.center_coord[:2]
        idx = self.geom.get_idx()
        vtx = hp.boundaries(self.geom.nside, idx[0],
                            nest=self.geom.nest, step=step)
        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.rollaxis(vtx, 2))
        theta = theta.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T
        phi = phi.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T

        patches = []
        data = []

        def get_angle(x, t):
            return 180. - (180. - x + t) % 360.

        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(phi, theta)):

            lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2. - y)
            # Add a small ofset to avoid vertices wrapping to the
            # other size of the projection
            if get_angle(np.median(lon), wcs_lonlat[0]) > 0.0:
                idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon - 1E-4, lat))
                idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon + 1E-4, lat))

            dist = np.max(np.abs(idx[0][0] - idx[0]))

            # Split pixels that wrap around the edges of the projection
            if (dist > wcs.npix[0] / 1.5):

                lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2. - y)
                lon0 = lon - 1E-4
                lon1 = lon + 1E-4
                pix0 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon0, lat))
                pix1 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon1, lat))

                idx0 = np.argsort(pix0[0])
                idx1 = np.argsort(pix1[0])

                pix0 = (pix0[0][idx0][:3], pix0[1][idx0][:3])
                pix1 = (pix1[0][idx1][1:], pix1[1][idx1][1:])

                patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix0[0], pix0[1])).T, True))
                patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix1[0], pix1[1])).T, True))

                polygon = Polygon(np.vstack((idx[0], idx[1])).T, True)

        p = PatchCollection(patches, linewidths=0, edgecolors='None')
        ax.coords.grid(color='w', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)

        return fig, ax, p
Beispiel #41
    band = row['filter']
    frame_ang = np.array([np.radians(90 - visit_dec),
                          ])  #vertices of visit frame in theta_phi coords
    polyframe = Polygon(np.transpose(frame_ang))  #polygon of visit frame

    ipix_inframe = hp.query_polygon(nsideSparse,
                                    inclusive=True)  #pixel inside visit frame
    ipix_inter = set(ipix_infield).intersection(
        set(ipix_inframe))  #pixel inside visit frame and DC2 field

    if bool(ipix_inter):
        for ipix in ipix_inter:
            pixvec = hp.boundaries(nsideSparse, ipix,
                                   nest=True)  #vertcies of healpix pixel
            polypix = Polygon(np.transpose(hp.vec2ang(
                np.transpose(pixvec))))  #polygon of healpix pixel
            if polyframe.contains(polypix):
                ind = np.where(ipix_infield == ipix)[0][0]
                nvisit[band][ind] += 1.
                for i, dataname in enumerate(datanames):
                    mp[band][i][ind] += row[dataname] * 1.
            elif polyframe.intersects(polypix):
                ind = np.where(ipix_infield == ipix)[0][0]
                area = polyframe.intersection(
                ).area / polypix.area  #fraction of pixel inside visit frame
                nvisit[band][ind] += area
                for i, dataname in enumerate(datanames):
                    mp[band][i][ind] += row[dataname] * area
 def __init__(self, nSide, ident, nest, patchInnerDimensions, patchBorder, ctrCoord, tractOverlap, wcs):
     """Set vertices from nside, ident, nest"""
     theta, phi = healpy.vec2ang(numpy.transpose(healpy.boundaries(nSide, ident, nest=nest)))
     vertexList = [angToCoord(thetaphi) for thetaphi in zip(theta,phi)]
     super(HealpixTractInfo, self).__init__(ident, patchInnerDimensions, patchBorder, ctrCoord,
                                            vertexList, tractOverlap, wcs)
Beispiel #43
def contour(m, levels, nest=False, degrees=False, simplify=True):
        import networkx as nx
        raise RuntimeError('This function requires the networkx package.')

    # Determine HEALPix resolution
    npix = len(m)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    min_area = 0.4 * hp.nside2pixarea(nside)

    # Compute faces, vertices, and neighbors.
    # vertices is an N X 3 array of the distinct vertices of the HEALPix faces.
    # faces is an npix X 4 array mapping HEALPix faces to their vertices.
    # neighbors is an npix X 4 array mapping faces to their nearest neighbors.
    faces = np.ascontiguousarray(
        np.rollaxis(hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest), 2, 1))
    dtype = faces.dtype
    faces = faces.view(np.dtype((np.void, dtype.itemsize * 3)))
    vertices, faces = np.unique(faces.ravel(), return_inverse=True)
    faces = faces.reshape(-1, 4)
    vertices = vertices.view(dtype).reshape(-1, 3)
    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest)[::2].T

    # Loop over the requested contours.
    paths = []
    for level in levels:

        # Find credible region
        indicator = (m >= level)

        # Construct a graph of the eges of the contour.
        graph = nx.Graph()
        face_pairs = set()
        for ipix1, ipix2 in enumerate(neighbors):
            for ipix2 in ipix2:
                # Determine if we have already considered this pair of faces.
                new_face_pair = frozenset((ipix1, ipix2))
                if new_face_pair in face_pairs: continue

                # Determine if this pair of faces are on a boundary of the
                # credible level.
                if indicator[ipix1] == indicator[ipix2]: continue

                # Add all common edges of this pair of faces.
                i1 = np.concatenate((faces[ipix1], [faces[ipix1][0]]))
                i2 = np.concatenate((faces[ipix2], [faces[ipix2][0]]))
                edges1 = frozenset(frozenset(_) for _ in zip(i1[:-1], i1[1:]))
                edges2 = frozenset(frozenset(_) for _ in zip(i2[:-1], i2[1:]))
                for edge in edges1 & edges2:
        graph = nx.freeze(graph)

        # Record a closed path for each cycle in the graph.
        cycles = [
            np.take(vertices, cycle, axis=0) for cycle in nx.cycle_basis(graph)

        # Simplify paths if requested
        if simplify:
            cycles = [_simplify(cycle, min_area) for cycle in cycles]
            cycles = [cycle for cycle in cycles if len(cycle) > 2]

        # Convert to lists
        cycles = [
            _vec2radec(cycle, degrees=degrees).tolist() for cycle in cycles

        # Add to output paths
        paths.append([cycle + [cycle[0]] for cycle in cycles])

    return paths
Beispiel #44
    def _plot_poly(self, proj="AIT", step=1, ax=None):
        """Plot the map using a collection of polygons.

        proj : string, optional
            Any valid WCS projection type.
        step : int
            Set the number vertices that will be computed for each
            pixel in multiples of 4.
        # FIXME: At the moment this only works for all-sky maps if the
        # projection is centered at (0,0)

        # FIXME: Figure out how to force a square aspect-ratio like imshow

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
        from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
        import healpy as hp

        wcs = self.geom.to_wcs_geom(proj=proj, oversample=1)
        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.gcf()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs.wcs, aspect="equal")

        wcs_lonlat = wcs.center_coord[:2]
        idx = self.geom.get_idx()
        vtx = hp.boundaries(self.geom.nside,
        theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.rollaxis(vtx, 2))
        theta = theta.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T
        phi = phi.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T

        patches = []
        data = []

        def get_angle(x, t):
            return 180.0 - (180.0 - x + t) % 360.0

        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(phi, theta)):

            lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2.0 - y)
            # Add a small ofset to avoid vertices wrapping to the
            # other size of the projection
            if get_angle(np.median(lon), wcs_lonlat[0].to_value("deg")) > 0:
                idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon - 1e-4, lat))
                idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon + 1e-4, lat))

            dist = np.max(np.abs(idx[0][0] - idx[0]))

            # Split pixels that wrap around the edges of the projection
            if dist > wcs.npix[0] / 1.5:
                lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2.0 - y)
                lon0 = lon - 1e-4
                lon1 = lon + 1e-4
                pix0 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon0, lat))
                pix1 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon1, lat))

                idx0 = np.argsort(pix0[0])
                idx1 = np.argsort(pix1[0])

                pix0 = (pix0[0][idx0][:3], pix0[1][idx0][:3])
                pix1 = (pix1[0][idx1][1:], pix1[1][idx1][1:])

                patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix0[0], pix0[1])).T, True))
                patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix1[0], pix1[1])).T, True))
                polygon = Polygon(np.vstack((idx[0], idx[1])).T, True)

        p = PatchCollection(patches, linewidths=0, edgecolors="None")
        ax.coords.grid(color="w", linestyle=":", linewidth=0.5)

        return fig, ax, p
Beispiel #45
    def from_galfile(cls, filename, zredfile=None, nside=0, hpix=0, border=0.0, truth=False):
        Generate a GalaxyCatalog from a redmapper "galfile."

        filename: `str`
           Filename of the redmapper "galfile" galaxy file.
           This file may be a straight fits file or (recommended) a
           galaxy table "" summary file.
        zredfile: `str`, optional
           Filename of the redmapper zred "" summary file.
        nside: `int`, optional
           Nside of healpix sub-region to read in.  Default is 0 (full catalog).
        hpix: `int`, optional
           Healpix number (ring format) of sub-region to read in.
           Default is 0 (full catalog).
        border: `float`, optional
           Border around hpix (in degrees) to read in.  Default is 0.0.
        truth: `bool`, optional
           Read in truth information if available (e.g. mocks)?  Default is False.
        if zredfile is not None:
            use_zred = True
            use_zred = False

        if hpix == 0:
            _hpix = None
            _hpix = hpix
        # do we have appropriate keywords
        if _hpix is not None and nside is None:
            raise ValueError("If hpix is specified, must also specify nside")
        if border < 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Border must be >= 0.0.")
        # ensure that nside is valid, and hpix is within range (if necessary)
        if nside > 0:
            if not hp.isnsideok(nside):
                raise ValueError("Nside not valid")
            if _hpix is not None:
                if _hpix < 0 or _hpix >= hp.nside2npix(nside):
                    raise ValueError("hpix out of range.")

        # check that the file is there and the right format
        # this will raise an exception if it's not there.
        hdr = fitsio.read_header(filename, ext=1)
        pixelated = hdr.get("PIXELS", 0)
        fitsformat = hdr.get("FITS", 0)

        # check zredfile
        if use_zred:
            zhdr = fitsio.read_header(zredfile, ext=1)
            zpixelated = zhdr.get("PIXELS", 0)

        if not pixelated:
            cat =, ext=1, upper=True)
            if use_zred:
                zcat =, ext=1, upper=True)
                if zcat.size != cat.size:
                    raise ValueError("zredfile is a different length (%d) than catfile (%d)" % (zcat.size, cat.size))
                return cls(cat, zcat)
                return cls(cat)
            if use_zred:
                if not zpixelated:
                    raise ValueError("galfile is pixelated but zredfile is not")

        # this is to keep us from trying to use old IDL galfiles
        if not fitsformat:
            raise ValueError("Input galfile must describe fits files.")

        # now we can read in the galaxy table summary file...
        tab = Entry.from_fits_file(filename, ext=1)
        nside_tab = tab.nside
        if nside > nside_tab:
            raise ValueError("""Requested nside (%d) must not be larger than
                                    table nside (%d).""" % (nside, nside_tab))

        if use_zred:
            ztab = Entry.from_fits_file(zredfile, ext=1)
            zpath = os.path.dirname(zredfile)

        # which files do we want to read?
        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))

        indices = get_subpixel_indices(tab, hpix=_hpix, border=border, nside=nside)

        # Make sure all the zred files are there
        if use_zred:
            # The default mode, copied from the IDL code, is that we just don't
            # read in any galaxy pixels that don't have an associated zred.
            # I don't know if this is what we want going forward, but I'll leave
            # it like this at the moment.
            # Also, we are assuming that the files actually match up in terms of length, etc.
            mark = np.zeros(indices.size, dtype=np.bool)
            for i, f in enumerate(ztab.filenames[indices]):
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(zpath, f.decode())):
                    mark[i] = True

            bad, = np.where(~mark)
            if bad.size == indices.size:
                raise ValueError("There are no zred files associated with the galaxy pixels.")

            indices = np.delete(indices, bad)

        # create the catalog array to read into
        # FIXME: filter out any TRUTH information if necessary
        # will need to also get the list of columns from the thingamajig.

        # and need to be able to cut?
        elt =, tab.filenames[indices[0]].decode()), ext=1, rows=0, lower=True)
        dtype_in = elt.dtype.descr
        if not truth:
            mark = []
            for dt in dtype_in:
                if (dt[0] != 'ztrue' and dt[0] != 'm200' and dt[0] != 'central' and
                    dt[0] != 'halo_id'):

            dtype = [dt for i, dt in enumerate(dtype_in) if mark[i]]
            columns = [dt[0] for dt in dtype]
            dtype = dtype_in
            columns = None

        cat = np.zeros(np.sum(tab.ngals[indices]), dtype=dtype)

        if use_zred:
            zelt =, ztab.filenames[indices[0]].decode()), ext=1, rows=0, upper=False)
            zcat = np.zeros(cat.size, dtype=zelt.dtype)

        # read the files
        ctr = 0
        for index in indices:
            cat[ctr: ctr + tab.ngals[index]] =, tab.filenames[index].decode()), ext=1, lower=True, columns=columns)
            if use_zred:
                # Note that this effectively checks that the numbers of rows in each file match properly (though the exception will be cryptic...)
                zcat[ctr: ctr + tab.ngals[index]] =, ztab.filenames[index].decode()), ext=1, upper=False)
            ctr += tab.ngals[index]

        if _hpix is not None and nside > 0 and border > 0.0:
            # Trim to be closer to the border if necessary...

            nside_cutref = 512
            boundaries = hp.boundaries(nside, hpix, step=nside_cutref/nside)
            theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside_cutref, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside_cutref)))
            ipring_coarse = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)
            inhpix, = np.where(ipring_coarse == hpix)

            for i in xrange(boundaries.shape[1]):
                pixint = hp.query_disc(nside_cutref, boundaries[:, i], np.radians(border), inclusive=True, fact=8)
                inhpix = np.append(inhpix, pixint)
            inhpix = np.unique(inhpix)

            theta = np.radians(90.0 - cat['dec'])
            phi = np.radians(cat['ra'])
            ipring = hp.ang2pix(nside_cutref, theta, phi)
            _, indices = esutil.numpy_util.match(inhpix, ipring)

            if use_zred:
                return cls(cat[indices], zcat[indices])
                return cls(cat[indices])
            # No cuts
            if use_zred:
                return cls(cat, zcat)
                return cls(cat)
Beispiel #46
def contour(m, levels, nest=False, degrees=False, simplify=True):
    import pkg_resources
        pkg_resources.require('healpy >= 1.9.0')
        raise RuntimeError('This function requires healpy >= 1.9.0.')
        import networkx as nx
        raise RuntimeError('This function requires the networkx package.')

    # Determine HEALPix resolution
    npix = len(m)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    min_area = 0.4 * hp.nside2pixarea(nside)

    # Compute faces, vertices, and neighbors.
    # vertices is an N X 3 array of the distinct vertices of the HEALPix faces.
    # faces is an npix X 4 array mapping HEALPix faces to their vertices.
    # neighbors is an npix X 4 array mapping faces to their nearest neighbors.
    faces = np.ascontiguousarray(
            np.rollaxis(hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest), 2, 1))
    dtype = faces.dtype
    faces = faces.view(np.dtype((np.void, dtype.itemsize * 3)))
    vertices, faces = np.unique(faces.ravel(), return_inverse=True)
    faces = faces.reshape(-1, 4)
    vertices = vertices.view(dtype).reshape(-1, 3)
    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest)[::2].T

    # Loop over the requested contours.
    paths = []
    for level in levels:

        # Find credible region
        indicator = (m >= level)

        # Construct a graph of the eges of the contour.
        graph = nx.Graph()
        face_pairs = set()
        for ipix1, ipix2 in enumerate(neighbors):
            for ipix2 in ipix2:
                # Determine if we have already considered this pair of faces.
                new_face_pair = frozenset((ipix1, ipix2))
                if new_face_pair in face_pairs: continue

                # Determine if this pair of faces are on a boundary of the
                # credible level.
                if indicator[ipix1] == indicator[ipix2]: continue

                # Add all common edges of this pair of faces.
                i1 = np.concatenate((faces[ipix1], [faces[ipix1][0]]))
                i2 = np.concatenate((faces[ipix2], [faces[ipix2][0]]))
                edges1 = frozenset(frozenset(_) for _ in zip(i1[:-1], i1[1:]))
                edges2 = frozenset(frozenset(_) for _ in zip(i2[:-1], i2[1:]))
                for edge in edges1 & edges2:
        graph = nx.freeze(graph)

        # Record a closed path for each cycle in the graph.
        cycles = [
            np.take(vertices, cycle, axis=0) for cycle in nx.cycle_basis(graph)]

        # Simplify paths if requested
        if simplify:
            cycles = [_simplify(cycle, min_area) for cycle in cycles]
            cycles = [cycle for cycle in cycles if len(cycle) > 2]

        # Convert to lists
        cycles = [
            _vec2radec(cycle, degrees=degrees).tolist() for cycle in cycles]

        # Add to output paths
        paths.append([cycle + [cycle[0]] for cycle in cycles])

    return paths
Beispiel #47
def healpy_basemap_old(values,NSIDE=4,pixels=None,steps=4,vmin=None,
    if fig_m is None:
        fig, m = basic_basemap(projection=projection,figsize=figsize,
        fig, m = fig_m

    if pixels is None:
        pixels = range(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min(values)
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max(values)
    if type(cmap) == str:
        cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)

    for pix,count in zip(pixels,values):
        corners = hp.boundaries(NSIDE,pix,step=steps,nest=nest)
        corners_b, corners_l = hp.vec2ang(np.transpose(corners))
        l_raw = corners_l/_d2r
        l_edges = (corners_l/_d2r)%360
        b_edges = 90 - corners_b/_d2r

        l_new = np.zeros((steps+1,steps+1))
        b_new = np.zeros((steps+1,steps+1))
        for new, old in zip([l_new,b_new],[l_edges,b_edges]):
            new[0,:] = old[:steps+1]
            new[1:,-1] = old[steps+1:2*steps+1]
            new[-1,-2::-1] = old[2*steps+1:3*steps+1]
            new[-2:0:-1,0] = old[3*steps+1:]

            for k in xrange(1,steps):
                new[k,:-1] = np.ones(steps)*new[k,0]

        count_arr = np.ones((steps+1,steps+1)) * count

        if np.sum((np.abs(l_new-180)<10).astype(int)) > 0:  
            l_temp = np.fmin(l_new,179.9999)
            # Check that there are points not on the edges
            num_on_edges = np.sum(((l_temp != 179.9999) 
                                 & (np.abs(b_new) != 90)).astype(int))
            if num_on_edges > 0:
                x,y = m(l_temp,b_new)

            l_temp = np.fmax(l_new,180.0001)
            # Check that there are points not on the edges
            num_on_edges = np.sum(((l_temp != 180.0001) 
                                 & (np.abs(b_new) != 90)).astype(int))
            if num_on_edges > 0:
                x,y = m(l_temp,b_new)
            x,y = m(l_new,b_new)

    if not cbar:
        return fig, m
        cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation=cbar_orientation, shrink=0.92, pad=0.08)
        if cbar_label is not None:
            cbar.set_label(cbar_label, fontsize=20)

        return fig, m, cbar