Beispiel #1
def pixelstrips(params):
    dec1,dec0 = range_dec(params)
    nside     = params['NSIDE']
    theta_min = np.array(dec2col(dec1))
    theta_max = np.array(dec2col(dec0))
    pix = []
    if theta_min.size==1:
        pix = np.append(pix,hp.query_strip(nside,theta_max,theta_min, inclusive=True))
        for i in range(theta_min.size):
            pix = np.append(pix,hp.query_strip(nside,theta_max[i],theta_min[i], inclusive=True))
    return pix.astype(int)
    def mask_band(self, band_size):  # masks a band of size band_size around
        # the Equator

        if isinstance(band_size, u.quantity.Quantity):
            t1 = band_size
        else:  # assume the value is in degrees
            t1 = band_size * u.deg

        tuno = np.pi / 2 -
        tdos = np.pi / 2 +

        isnest = False
        if self.ordering.upper() == 'NEST':
            isnest = True

        ipix = hp.query_strip(self.nside, tuno, tdos, nest=isnest)
        n = self.nmaps

        if n == 1:
            self.mask[ipix] = True
            if self.ismask:
      [ipix] = True
            for i in range(n):
                self.mask[i, ipix] = True
                if self.ismask:
          [i, ipix] = True
Beispiel #3
def get_def_hp(nside,dlm,th1,th2):
    # FIXME band only calc. with vtm ?
    pix = hp.query_strip(nside, max(th1, 0.), min(np.pi, th2), inclusive=True)
    Red, Imd = hp.alm2map_spin([dlm, np.zeros_like(dlm)], nside, 1, hp.Alm.getlmax(dlm.size))
    Red = Red[pix]
    Imd = Imd[pix]
    return _buildangles(hp.pix2ang(nside, pix),Red[pix],Imd[pix])
Beispiel #4
def hp_in_dec_range(nside, decmin, decmax, inclusive=True):
    """HEALPixels in a specified range of Declination.

    nside : :class:`int`
        (NESTED) HEALPixel nside.
    decmin, decmax : :class:`float`
        Declination range (degrees).
    inclusive : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True``
        see documentation for `healpy.query_strip()`.

        (Nested) HEALPixels at `nside` in the specified Dec range.

        - Just syntactic sugar around `healpy.query_strip()`.
        - `healpy.query_strip()` isn't implemented for the NESTED scheme
          in early healpy versions, so this queries in the RING scheme
          and then converts to the NESTED scheme.
    # ADM convert Dec to co-latitude in radians.
    # ADM remember that, min/max swap because of the -ve sign.
    thetamin = np.radians(90.-decmax)
    thetamax = np.radians(90.-decmin)

    # ADM determine the pixels that touch the box.
    pixring = hp.query_strip(nside, thetamin, thetamax,
                             inclusive=inclusive, nest=False)
    pixnest = hp.ring2nest(nside, pixring)

    return pixnest
Beispiel #5
def get_pixels_in_region_new(nside, lst_id=None,region=None):
    #Get a list of pixels belonging to a given region
        dict_match= get_region(lst_id=lst_id,name=region)
        for kreg in range(len(dict_match)):
            lst_ext=hp.query_strip(nside, bc_min, bc_max, inclusive=True)
            lstang=np.asarray(hp.pix2ang(nside, lst_ext,lonlat=True))
    except Exception as inst:
        print("FAILURE: ",inst)
    return lst_coll
Beispiel #6
 def crop_mse(y_true, y_pred):
     nside = hp.npix2nside(y_true.shape[1])
     ipix = hp.query_strip(nside, theta1, theta2, inclusive=True, nest=False, buff=None)
     y_true_crop = tf.gather(y_true, ipix, axis=1)
     y_pred_crop = tf.gather(y_pred, ipix, axis=1)
     # print (y_true_crop.shape)
     # print (y_pred_crop.shape)
     return tf.keras.backend.mean(tf.keras.backend.square(y_pred_crop - y_true_crop))
Beispiel #7
def lens_glm_sym(spin,dlm,glm,nside,nband = 32,facres = 0,clm = None,rotpol = True):
    Same as lens_alm but lens simultnously a North and South colatitude band,
    to make profit of the symmetries of the spherical harmonics.
    Note that tlm = -glm in the spin 0 case.
    target_nt = 3 ** 1 * 2 ** (11 + facres)
    th1s = np.arange(nband) * (np.pi * 0.5 / nband)
    th2s = np.concatenate((th1s[1:],[np.pi * 0.5]))
    Nt_perband = target_nt / nband
    Redtot, Imdtot = hp.alm2map_spin([dlm, np.zeros_like(dlm)], nside, 1, hp.Alm.getlmax(dlm.size))
    ret = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside),dtype = float if spin == 0 else complex)
    for th1,th2 in zip(th1s,th2s):
        pixN = hp.query_strip(nside, th1, th2, inclusive=True)
        pixS = hp.query_strip(nside, np.pi- th2,np.pi - th1, inclusive=True)
        tnewN,phinewN = _buildangles(hp.pix2ang(nside, pixN),Redtot[pixN],Imdtot[pixN])
        tnewS,phinewS = _buildangles(hp.pix2ang(nside, pixS), Redtot[pixS], Imdtot[pixS])
        matnewN = np.max(tnewN)
        mitnewN = np.min(tnewN)
        matnewS = np.max(tnewS)
        mitnewS = np.min(tnewS)
        buffN = 10 * (matnewN - mitnewN) / (Nt_perband - 1) / (1. - 2. * 10. / (Nt_perband - 1))
        buffS = 10 * (matnewS - mitnewS) / (Nt_perband - 1) / (1. - 2. * 10. / (Nt_perband - 1))
        thup = min(np.pi - (matnewS + buffS),mitnewN - buffN)
        thdown = max(np.pi - (mitnewS - buffS),matnewN + buffN)
        if spin == 0:
            lenN,lenS = lens_band_sym(glm,thup,thdown,Nt_perband,(tnewN,phinewN),(tnewS,phinewS),
                                                Nphi=get_Nphi(thup, thdown, facres=facres))
            ret[pixN] = lenN
            ret[pixS] = lenS
        else :
            lenNR,lenNI,lenSR,lenSI = lens_gcband_sym(spin,glm,thup,thdown, Nt_perband,(tnewN,phinewN),(tnewS,phinewS),
                                                      Nphi=get_Nphi(thup, thdown, facres=facres),clm = clm)
            ret[pixN] = lenNR + 1j * lenNI
            ret[pixS] = lenSR + 1j * lenSI
            if rotpol :
                ret[pixN] *= polrot(spin,ret[pixN], hp.pix2ang(nside, pixN)[0],Redtot[pixN],Imdtot[pixN])
                ret[pixS] *= polrot(spin,ret[pixS], hp.pix2ang(nside, pixS)[0],Redtot[pixS],Imdtot[pixS])
    return ret
Beispiel #8
def strip_auto(data, ang_rad, nside):

    ipix_strip1 = hp.query_strip(NSIDE, ang_rad - (np.pi / 360),
                                 ang_rad + (np.pi / 360))
    ipix_strip2 = hp.query_strip(NSIDE, ang_rad - (np.pi / 360),
                                 ang_rad + (np.pi / 360))

    strip1_data = np.zeros((len(ipix_strip1), 3))
    strip2_data = np.zeros((len(ipix_strip2), 3))

    lon1, lat1 = hp.pixelfunc.pix2ang(2048, ipix_strip1, lonlat=True)
    lon2, lat2 = hp.pixelfunc.pix2ang(2048, ipix_strip2, lonlat=True)

    strip1_data[:, 0] = data[ipix_strip1]
    strip1_data[:, 1] = lon1
    strip1_data[:, 2] = lat1
    strip2_data[:, 0] = data[ipix_strip2]
    strip2_data[:, 1] = lon2
    strip2_data[:, 2] = lat2

    fname1 = 'strip_a'
    fname2 = 'strip_b'

    col11 = fits.Column(name='index', array=ipix_strip1, format='D')
    col12 = fits.Column(name='T', array=strip1_data[:, 0], format='D')
    col13 = fits.Column(name='long', array=lon1, format='D')
    col14 = fits.Column(name='lat', array=lat1, format='D')
    u = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col11, col12, col13, col14])
    u.writeto('/opt/local/l4astro/rbbg94/cmb_maps/' + fname1, overwrite=True)

    col21 = fits.Column(name='index', array=ipix_strip2, format='D')
    col22 = fits.Column(name='T', array=strip2_data[:, 0], format='D')
    col23 = fits.Column(name='long', array=lon2, format='D')
    col24 = fits.Column(name='lat', array=lat2, format='D')
    v = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col21, col22, col23, col24])
    v.writeto('/opt/local/l4astro/rbbg94/cmb_maps/' + fname2, overwrite=True)
Beispiel #9
def test_rotate_dipole_and_back():
    """Rotate a smooth signal (dipole) from Galactic to Ecliptic and back"""
    nside = 64
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    pix = np.arange(npix)
    vec = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, pix))
    # dipole max is at North Pole
    dip_dir = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    m_gal =, dip_dir)
    gal2ecl = Rotator(coord=["C", "E"])
    ecl2gal = Rotator(coord=["E", "C"])
    m_ecl = gal2ecl.rotate_map_pixel(m_gal)
    # Remove 10 deg along equator because dipole signal is so low that relative error is
    # too large
    cut_equator_deg = 5
    no_equator = hp.query_strip(nside, np.radians(90 + cut_equator_deg),
                                np.radians(90 - cut_equator_deg))
Beispiel #10
def test_rotate_dipole_and_back():
    """Rotate a smooth signal (dipole) from Galactic to Ecliptic and back"""
    nside = 64
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    pix = np.arange(npix)
    vec = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, pix))
    # dipole max is at North Pole
    dip_dir = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    m_gal =, dip_dir)
    gal2ecl = Rotator(coord=["C", "E"])
    ecl2gal = Rotator(coord=["E", "C"])
    m_ecl = gal2ecl.rotate_map_pixel(m_gal)
    # Remove 10 deg along equator because dipole signal is so low that relative error is
    # too large
    cut_equator_deg = 5
    no_equator = hp.query_strip(
        nside, np.radians(90 + cut_equator_deg), np.radians(90 - cut_equator_deg)
        m_gal[no_equator], ecl2gal.rotate_map_pixel(m_ecl)[no_equator], rtol=1e-3
Beispiel #11
def gen_map_strip(mindec, maxdec, nside):
    '''Generates a Healpix map with the only non-zero values in the
    pixels inside a strip between the input declinations/latitudes

    mindec : float
        Minimum declination/latitude in degrees

    maxdec : float
        Maximum declinaton/latitude in degrees

    nside : int
        The nside of the output Healpix map

    hpx_map: array-like
        A healpix map with the non-zero values inside the strip

    theta1 = np.radians(90.0 - maxdec)
    theta2 = np.radians(90.0 - mindec)

    if theta2 < theta1:
        theta1, theta2 = theta2, theta2

    npix = H.nside2npix(nside)

    hpx_map = np.zeros(npix)

    ipix = H.query_strip(nside, theta1, theta2)

    hpx_map[ipix] = 1.0

    return hpx_map
Beispiel #12
def gen_map_strip(mindec, maxdec, nside):
    '''Generates a Healpix map with the only non-zero values in the
    pixels inside a strip between the input declinations/latitudes

    mindec : float
        Minimum declination/latitude in degrees

    maxdec : float
        Maximum declinaton/latitude in degrees

    nside : int
        The nside of the output Healpix map

    hpx_map: array-like
        A healpix map with the non-zero values inside the strip

    theta1 = np.radians(90.0 - maxdec)
    theta2 = np.radians(90.0 - mindec)

    if theta2 < theta1:
        theta1, theta2 = theta2, theta2

    npix = H.nside2npix(nside)

    hpx_map =np.zeros(npix)

    ipix = H.query_strip(nside, theta1, theta2)

    hpx_map[ipix] = 1.0

    return hpx_map
Beispiel #13
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

SMICA_MAP = hp.read_map("/opt/local/l4astro/rbbg94/cmb_maps/planck_data.fits")


strip_1 = hp.query_strip(NSIDE, np.radians(40), np.radians(41))

strip_2 = hp.query_strip(NSIDE, np.radians(130), np.radians(131))

SMICA_MAP[strip_1] = SMICA_MAP.max()
SMICA_MAP[strip_2] = SMICA_MAP.max()

hp.mollview(SMICA_MAP, title = '', cbar = False)

Beispiel #14
def _lens_gclm_sym_timed(spin, dlm, glm, nside, nband=8, facres=0, clm=None, dclm=None, verbose=True):
    """Performs the deflection by splitting the full latitude range into distinct bands which are done one at a time.

        See *_lens_gcband_sym* for the single band (north and south hemispheres) lensing.

    assert spin >= 0,spin
    times = utils.timer(verbose, suffix=' ' + __name__)
    target_nt = 3 ** 1 * 2 ** (11 + facres) # on one hemisphere

    th1s = np.arange(nband) * (np.pi * 0.5 / nband)
    th2s = np.concatenate((th1s[1:],[np.pi * 0.5]))
    nt_perband = int(target_nt / nband)
    if np.iscomplexobj(dlm): # inputs are the spin 1 d map
        lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(dlm.size)
        redtot, imdtot = hp.alm2map_spin([dlm, np.zeros_like(dlm) if dclm is None else dclm], nside, 1, lmax)
        assert dclm is not None and dclm.size == dlm.size and dlm.size == hp.nside2npix(nside)
        redtot = dlm
        imdtot = dclm
    times.add('defl. spin 1 transform')
    interp_pix = 0
    ret = np.empty(hp.nside2npix(nside),dtype = float if spin == 0 else complex)
    for ib, th1, th2 in zip(range(nband), th1s, th2s):
        if verbose: print("BAND %s in %s :"%(ib, nband))
        pixn = hp.query_strip(nside, th1, th2, inclusive=True)
        pixs = hp.query_strip(nside, np.pi- th2,np.pi - th1, inclusive=True)
        thtp, phipn = angles.get_angles(nside, pixn, redtot[pixn], imdtot[pixn], 'north', verbose=verbose)
        thtps, phips = angles.get_angles(nside, pixs, redtot[pixs], imdtot[pixs], 'south', verbose=verbose)

        # Adding a 10 pixels buffer for new angles to be safely inside interval.
        # th1,th2 is mapped onto pi - th2,pi -th1 so we need to make sure to cover both buffers
        mathtp = np.max(thtp); mithtp = np.min(thtp)
        mathtps = np.max(thtps); mithtps = np.min(thtps)
        buffN = 10 * (mathtp - mithtp) / (nt_perband - 1) / (1. - 2. * 10. / (nt_perband - 1))
        buffS = 10 * (mathtps - mithtps) / (nt_perband - 1) / (1. - 2. * 10. / (nt_perband - 1))
        th1 = min(np.pi - (mathtps + buffS),mithtp - buffN)
        th2 = max(np.pi - (mithtps - buffS),mathtp + buffN)

        #==== these are the theta and limits. It is ok to go negative or > 180
        if verbose: print('input t1,t2 %.3f %.3f in degrees'%(th1 /np.pi * 180,th2/np.pi * 180.))
        if verbose: print('North %.3f and South %.3f buffers in amin'%(buffN /np.pi * 180 * 60,buffS/np.pi * 180. * 60.))
        nphi = utils.get_nphi(th1, th2, facres=facres)
        dphi_patch = (2. * np.pi) / nphi * max(np.sin(th1),np.sin(th2))
        dth_patch = (th2 - th1) / (nt_perband -1)
        if verbose: print("cell (theta,phi) in amin (%.3f,%.3f)" % (dth_patch / np.pi * 60. * 180, dphi_patch / np.pi * 60. * 180))
        times.add('defl. angles calc.')
        len_nr, len_ni, len_sr, len_si = _lens_gcband_sym(spin, glm, th1, th2, nt_perband, nphi, thtp, phipn, thtps, phips,
                                                         clm=clm, times=times)
        if spin == 0:
            ret[pixn] = len_nr
            ret[pixs] = len_sr
        else :
            ret[pixn] = (len_nr + 1j * len_ni) * angles.rotation(nside, spin, pixn, redtot[pixn], imdtot[pixn])
            ret[pixs] = (len_sr + 1j * len_si) * angles.rotation(nside, spin, pixs, redtot[pixs], imdtot[pixs])
            times.add(r'pol. //-transport rot.')
        interp_pix += nphi * nt_perband * 2
    if verbose: print(times)
    if verbose: print(r"Number of interpolating pixels: %s ~ %s^2 "%(interp_pix, int(np.sqrt(interp_pix))))
    return ret
Beispiel #15
    def simulate_high_galactic_latitude_CO(self):
        Coadd High Galactic Latitude CO emission, simulated with  MCMole3D.
        if self.run_mcmole3d:
            import mcmole3d as cl

            # params to MCMole
            N = 40000
            L_0 = 20.4  # pc
            L_min = .3
            L_max = 60.
            R_ring = 5.8
            sigma_ring = 2.7  # kpc
            R_bulge = 3.
            R_z = 10  # kpc
            z_0 = 0.1
            Em_0 = 240.
            R_em = 6.6
            model = "LogSpiral"

            nside = self.nside
            Itot_o, _ = cl.integrate_intensity_map(
            Pop = cl.Cloud_Population(N, model, randseed=self.random_seed)

                radial_distr=[R_ring, sigma_ring, R_bulge],
                size_range=[L_min, L_max],
                thickness_distr=[z_0, R_z],
                emissivity=[Em_0, R_em],

            if self.verbose:
            # project into  Healpix maps
            mapclouds = cl.do_healpy_map(
                highgalcut=np.deg2rad(90. -
            Itot_m, _ = cl.integrate_intensity_map(mapclouds, nside)
            # convert simulated map into the units of the Planck one
            rescaling_factor = Itot_m / Itot_o
            mapclouds /= rescaling_factor
            hglmask = np.zeros_like(mapclouds)
            # Apply mask to low galactic latitudes
            listhgl = hp.query_strip(
                np.deg2rad(90. + self.theta_high_galactic_latitude_deg),
                np.deg2rad(90 - self.theta_high_galactic_latitude_deg),
            hglmask[listhgl] = 1.
            rmsplanck = self.planck_templatemap[listhgl].std()
            rmssim = mapclouds[listhgl].std()
            if rmssim == 0.:
                belowplanck = 1.
                belowplanck = rmssim / rmsplanck

            return mapclouds * hglmask / belowplanck
            mapclouds = self.read_map(

            return mapclouds
Beispiel #16
def prob_observable(m, header, time, plot=False):
    Determine the integrated probability contained in a gravitational-wave
    sky map that is observable with HET at a particular time. Needs hetpix.dat,
    pixels and lonlat of HET pupil, in the directory.


    # Determine resolution of sky map
    mplot = np.copy(m)
    npix = len(m)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    # Get time now and Local Sidereal Time
    # time =
    # Or at the time of the gravitational-wave event...
    # time = astropy.time.Time(header['MJD-OBS'], format='mjd')
    # Or at a particular time...
    # time = astropy.time.Time(time)

    # Geodetic coordinates of MacDonald Obs

    HET_loc = (-104.01472, 30.6814, 2025)
    hetpupil = np.loadtxt('hetpix.dat')
    hetfullpix = hp.query_strip(nside, minhetdec_rad, \

    observatory = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation(lat=HET_loc[1] * u.deg,
                                                    lon=HET_loc[0] * u.deg,
                                                    height=HET_loc[2] * u.m)

    # Find pixels of HET pupil in this time
    t = astropy.time.Time(time, scale='utc', location=HET_loc)
    LST = t.sidereal_time('mean').deg
    HETphi = ((hetpupil[:, 1] + LST) % 360) * np.pi / 180
    HETtheta = (90 - hetpupil[:, 2]) * np.pi / 180
    newpix = hp.ang2pix(nside, HETtheta, HETphi)
    newpixp = newpix

    # Alt/az reference frame at the observatory, in this time
    frame = astropy.coordinates.AltAz(obstime=t, location=observatory)

    # Look up (celestial) spherical polar coordinates of HEALPix grid.
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix))
    # Convert to RA, Dec.
    radecs = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=phi * u.rad,
                                          dec=(0.5 * np.pi - theta) * u.rad)
    # Transform grid to alt/az coordinates at observatory, in this time
    altaz = radecs.transform_to(frame)

    #Get RA,DEC of the sun in this time
    sun = astropy.coordinates.get_sun(time)
    # Where is the sun in the Texas sky, in this time?
    sun_altaz = sun.transform_to(frame)

    delta_time = np.linspace(0, 24, 1000) * u.hour
    times24 = t + delta_time
    frames24 = astropy.coordinates.AltAz(obstime=times24, location=observatory)
    sunaltazs24 = astropy.coordinates.get_sun(times24).transform_to(frames24)
    timetilldark = 0 * u.hour
    timetillbright = 0 * u.hour

    nightstart = times24[sunaltazs24.alt < -18 * u.deg][0]
    nighttimemask = np.array((sunaltazs24.alt < -18 * u.deg)) * 1
    if (sun_altaz.alt > -18 * u.deg):
        nightend = times24[(np.roll(nighttimemask, 1) - nighttimemask) != 0][1]
        nightend = times24[(np.roll(nighttimemask, 1) - nighttimemask) != 0][0]
    nightime = nightend - nightstart
    nightime.format = 'sec'
    #Moving to start of the night if in daytime
    if (sun_altaz.alt > -18 * u.deg):
        timetilldark = (nightstart - t)
        timetilldark.format = 'sec'
        LST = nightstart.sidereal_time('mean').deg
        HETphi = ((hetpupil[:, 1] + LST) % 360) * np.pi / 180
        newpix = hp.ang2pix(nside, HETtheta, HETphi)
        timetillbright = (nightend - t)
        timetillbright.format = 'sec'

    # How likely is it that the (true, unknown) location of the source
    # is within the area that is visible, in this time and within 24 hours?
    # Demand that it falls in the HETDEX pupil, that the sun is at least 18
    # degrees below the horizon and that the airmass (secant of zenith angle
    # approximation) is at most 2.5.

    msortedpix = np.flipud(np.argsort(m))
    cumsum = np.cumsum(m[msortedpix])
    cls = np.empty_like(m)
    cls[msortedpix] = cumsum * 100
    p90i = np.where(cls <= 90)
    if plot:

        radius = 18
        phis = Angle(sun.ra).radian
        thetas = 0.5 * np.pi - Angle(sun.dec).radian
        radius = np.deg2rad(radius)
        xyz = hp.ang2vec(thetas, phis)
        ipix_sun = hp.query_disc(nside, xyz, radius)

        #Coloring the plot, order important here!
        mplot[:] = 1
        mplot[altaz.secz > 2.5] = 0.1
        mplot[altaz.alt < 0] = 0.99
        mplot[newpixp] = 0.2
        mplot[p90i] = 0.4
        mplot[ipix_sun] = 0.6
                    title='HET NOW')
        ax1 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24]
        for ii in ax1:
            hp.projtext(ii / 24. * 360 - 1, -5, str(ii) + 'h', lonlat=True)
        ax2 = [60, 30, 0, -30, -60]
        for ii in ax2:
            hp.projtext(360. / 2, ii, '   ' + str(ii) + '°', lonlat=True)
        plt.savefig('MOLL_GWHET_%s.png' % header['GraceID'])

        #from astropy.wcs import WCS

        #ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1, projection=WCS(target_header))
        #ax.imshow(array, vmin=0, vmax=1.e-8)
    theta90, phi90 = hp.pix2ang(nside, p90i)
    #mask skymap pixels by hetdex accesible region
    theta90HETi = (theta90 > minhetdec_rad) * (theta90 < maxhetdec_rad)
    print(theta90HETi.sum(), theta90.min(), theta90.max())
    theta90HET = theta90[theta90HETi]
    phi90HET = phi90[theta90HETi]
    timetill90 = 0
    #if the region doesn't intersect HET now
    if len(np.intersect1d(p90i, newpix)) == 0:
        #if the region doesn't intersect HET at all
        if len(np.intersect1d(p90i, hetfullpix)) == 0:
            return 0, 0, -99, 0
        hetedge = np.loadtxt('hetedge.dat')
        hetedgef = lambda x: np.interp(x, hetedge[:, 0], hetedge[:, 1])
        y = theta90HET * 180 / np.pi  #DEC SKYMAP
        x = (phi90HET * 180 / np.pi - LST) % 360  #RA SKYMAP ZEROING HET PUPIL
        wsecs = np.min(x - hetedgef(y)) * 3600 * 12 / 180
        if wsecs < 0:
            #it's inside the pupil...
            hetedgef2 = lambda x: np.interp(x, hetedge[:, 0], hetedge[:, 2])
            y = (hetedgef2(y) + 180) % 360 - 180
            x = (x + 180) % 360 - 180
            wsecs = np.min(x - y) * 3600 * 12 / 180

        if timetilldark == 0:
            if wsecs > timetillbright.value:
                return 0, 0, -99, 0
            if wsecs > nightime.value:
                return 0, 0, -99, 0
        timetill90 = (wsecs + timetilldark.value) / 3600
    elif timetilldark.value > 0:
        timetill90 = timetilldark.value / 3600

    mask_arraynow = np.zeros(len(m), dtype=int)
    mask_arraynow[newpixp] = 1
    mask_arraynow *= (altaz.secz <= 2.5) & (sun_altaz.alt <= -18 * u.deg)

    prob = m[mask_arraynow > 0].sum()
    probfull = m[np.intersect1d(p90i, hetfullpix)].sum()
                   np.intersect1d(p90i, hetfullpix),
                   assume_unique=True)] = m.min()
    # Done!
    return prob, probfull, timetill90, m
Beispiel #17
def main(survey, plot=True, write=True):
    print("Creating mask with NSIDE={} and NEST={}...".format(NSIDE, NEST))

    # Initiate_mask
    if args.load is not None:
        healpix_mask = ugali.utils.healpix.read_map(args.load, nest=NEST)
        healpix_mask = np.tile(0, hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))

    infile_dust = 'ebv_sfd98_fullres_nside_4096_nest_equatorial.fits.gz'
    ebv_map = ugali.utils.healpix.read_map(infile_dust, nest=True)

    cut_ebv = (ebv_map > 0.2)
    healpix_mask[cut_ebv] |= 0b00001
    McConnachie15: Half-light radius along major axis. Could incorporate ellipticity info
    Harris96: Half-light radius
    Corwen04: No radius data
    Nilson73: Major axis (no ellipticity info)
    Webbink85: 10**log(radius)
    Kharchenko13: Radius of the central part
    Bica08: Major axis. Could incorporate ellipticity info
    WEBDA: Diameter/2
    ExtraDwarfs: Half-light radius
    ExtraClusters: Half-light radius

    Vizier data on: Nilson73, Webbink85 (should check log or ln), Kharchenko13 (3 radii, used middle), Bica08
    ugali data on: McConnachi15, Harris96, WEBDA14
    external_cat_list = [
        'Harris96', 'Corwen04', 'Nilson73', 'Webbink85', 'Kharchenko13',
        'Bica08', 'WEBDA14', 'ExtraClusters', 'ExtraStructures'
    for external_cat in external_cat_list:
        if args.mode == 1:
            catalog = ugali.candidate.associate.catalogFactory(external_cat)
            external_cut = cut_circles(catalog['ra'],
        elif args.mode == 2:
            catalog = associate.catalogFactory(external_cat)
            external_cut = cut_circles(catalog['ra'],
        healpix_mask[external_cut] |= 0b00010

    known_dwarfs = ['McConnachie15', 'ExtraDwarfs']
    for external_cat in known_dwarfs:
        if args.mode == 1:
            catalog = ugali.candidate.associate.catalogFactory(external_cat)
            external_cut = cut_circles(catalog['ra'],
        elif args.mode == 2:
            catalog = associate.catalogFactory(external_cat)
            external_cut = cut_circles(catalog['ra'],
        healpix_mask[external_cut] |= 0b00100

    reader_bsc ='bsc5.fits')
    d_bsc = reader_bsc[1].data

    bsc_cut = cut_circles(d_bsc['RA'], d_bsc['DEC'], default_radius=0.1)
    healpix_mask[bsc_cut] |= 0b01000

    if 'des' == survey:
        des_footprint = ugali.utils.healpix.read_map(
            'y3a2_footprint_griz_1exp_v2.0.fits.gz', nest=True)
        #print('Masking footprint...')
        #npix = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE)
        #nbad = 3
        #des_cut = np.fromiter( (des_footprint[i] < 1 or sum(des_footprint[hp.get_all_neighbours(NSIDE, i)] < 1) >= nbad for i in range(npix)), dtype=bool, count=npix ) # Mask if at least nbad neighbors outside the footprint
        des_cut = des_footprint < 1
        healpix_mask[des_cut] |= 0b10000

    if 'ps1' == survey:
        ps1_cut = hp.query_strip(
            np.radians(90.0 - -25.0),
            np.radians(90.0 - -90.0),
        )  # This function apparently isn't implemented for nest=True
        ps1_cut = hp.ring2nest(NSIDE, ps1_cut)
        healpix_mask[ps1_cut] |= 0b10000

        #failures ='ugali_failures.fits')[1].data # NSIDE = 256
        #fail_pix_256 = [ugali.utils.healpix.angToPix(256, fail['ra'], fail['dec'], nest=NEST) for fail in failures]
        #fail_pix = ugali.utils.healpix.ud_grade_ipix(fail_pix_256, 256, NSIDE, nest=NEST)
        #healpix_mask[fail_pix] |= 0b100000

        # Artifact masks
        artifact_coords = np.array([
            (278.70, 38.67),  # J1834.8+3840, obvious masking issue
            (35.01, -3.04),  # J0220.1-0302, psf failures
            (201.59, -11.47),  # J1326.4-1128, obvious masking issue
            (214.52, 19.20),  # J1418.1+1912, obvious masking issue
            #(131.50, 28.57), # J0846.0+2834, ???
            (262.66, 52.11),  # J1730.7+5206, likely artifact
            #(169.99, -14.96), # J1120.0-1457, ???
            (186.55, 46.17),  # J1226.2+4609, likely artifact
            (145.22, -13.74),  # J0940.9-1344, likely artifact
            (28.11, 19.39),  # J0152.5+1923, no uglai source?
            #(247.73, -0.97), # J1630.9+0058, real star cluster
            (19.40, -17.44)
        ])  # J0117.6-1726, Cetus II
        #(39.88, 0.18)]) # J0239.5+0010,
        artifact_ras, artifact_decs = artifact_coords.T
        artifact_cut = cut_circles(artifact_ras,
        healpix_mask[artifact_cut] |= 0b1000000

    if plot:
        print("Simplifying mask for plotting...")
        simplified_mask = np.copy(healpix_mask)
        cut_catalog = np.where((simplified_mask & 0b00010)
                               | (simplified_mask & 0b00100)
                               | (simplified_mask & 0b01000))
        cut_ebv = np.where(simplified_mask & 0b00001)
        cut_footprint = np.where((simplified_mask & 0b10000)
                                 | (simplified_mask & 0b100000)
                                 | (simplified_mask & 0b1000000))
        simplified_mask[cut_catalog] = 1
        simplified_mask[cut_ebv] = 2
        simplified_mask[cut_footprint] = 3

        title = ''
        if survey == 'des':
            title = 'DES ' + title
        elif survey == 'ps1':
            title = 'Pan-STARRS ' + title
        # Using mollview
        hp.mollview(simplified_mask, nest=True, coord='C', cmap=new_cmap, title=title, xsize=1600)
        ax = plt.gca()
        cbar = ax.images[-1].colorbar
        cbar.set_ticks( (np.arange(n) + 0.5)*(n-1)/n )
        cbar.set_ticklabels(['Unmasked', 'Association', r'$E(B-V)$', 'Footprint'])
        plt.savefig('healpix_mask_{}_v{}.png'.format(survey, version), bbox_inches='tight')

        # Using skymap
        simplified_mask_ring = hp.reorder(simplified_mask, n2r=True)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
        smap = Skymap(projection='mbtfpq', lon_0=0)
        im, lon, lat, values = smap.draw_hpxmap(simplified_mask_ring,
        cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=(np.arange(n) + 0.5) * (n - 1) / n,
            ['Unmasked', 'Association', r'$E(B-V) > 0.2$', 'Footprint'])
        plt.savefig('healpix_mask_{}_v{}.png'.format(survey, version),

    if write:
        print('Writing mask to healpix_mask_{}_v{}.fits.gz ...'.format(
            survey, version))
        hp.write_map('healpix_mask_{}_v{}.fits.gz'.format(survey, version),

    return healpix_mask, simplified_mask_ring
Beispiel #18
def make_normmaps(maps, supmap, etacut=0.9):
    r"""Divide an ensemble of maps by a single map, preferably the sum of
	said ensemble.

	maps : float, array_like
		A single map or an ensemble of maps. They should be limited in
		pseudorapidity by the value in `etacut`.
	supmap : float, ndarray
		A 1-D array usually representing the sum of all elements in `maps`.
	etacut : float, scalar, optional
		The value of the pseudorapidity limit, :math:`|\eta|` < `etacut`.
		If there is no limit, set it to *None*. Default: 0.9.

	norm_maps : float, array_like
		The result of dividing `maps` by `supmap`. Its shape will be the same
		as `maps`. 

	In the power spectral analysis at hand [1]_ [2]_, `supmap` is the sum
	of all event maps and it is represented by :math:`F^{all}(\mathbf{n_p})`,
	where :math:`\mathbf{n_p}` is a pixel number. A normalized map is thus defined 
	by the following expression:

	.. math:: \bar{f}(\mathbf{n_p}) = \frac{f(\mathbf{n_p})}{F^{all}(\mathbf{n_p})},

	where :math:`f(\mathbf{n_p})` is a map from the original event ensemble, the latter 
	denoted by the `maps` parameter.

	.. [1] M. Machado, P.H. Damgaard, J.J. Gaardhoeje, and C. Bourjau, "Angular power spectrum of heavy ion collisions", Phys. Rev. C **99**, 054910 (2019).
	.. [2] M. Machado, "Heavy ion anisotropies: a closer look at the angular power spectrum", arXiv:1907.00413 [hep-ph] (2019). 


    if maps[0].ndim == 0:
        maps = np.reshape(maps, (1, len(maps)))

    npix = hp.get_map_size(maps[0])
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)

    if etacut:
        qi, qf = 2. * np.arctan(np.exp(-np.array([etacut, -etacut])))
        mask = np.ones(npix)
        mask[hp.query_strip(nside, qi, qf)] = 0.
        qi, qf = 0., 2 * np.pi
        mask = 0.

    finmap = supmap / npix * (1. - mask) + mask
    pixs = np.where(finmap == 0.)
    finmap[pixs] = 1.

    norm_maps = maps / (npix * finmap)
    norm_maps *= npix / np.sum(norm_maps, axis=1)[:, None]

    return norm_maps
Beispiel #19
def lens_glm_sym_timed(spin,
    Same as lens_alm but lens simultnously a North and South colatitude band,
    to make profit of the symmetries of the spherical harmonics.
    assert spin >= 0, spin
    t = timer(True, suffix=' ' + __name__)
    target_nt = 3**1 * 2**(11 + facres)  # on one hemisphere
    times = {}

    th1s = np.arange(nband) * (np.pi * 0.5 / nband)
    th2s = np.concatenate((th1s[1:], [np.pi * 0.5]))
    ret = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float if spin == 0 else complex)
    Nt_perband = target_nt / nband
    t0 = time.time()
    Redtot, Imdtot = hp.alm2map_spin([dlm, np.zeros_like(dlm)], nside, 1,
    times['dx,dy (full sky)'] = time.time() - t0
    times['dx,dy band split'] = 0.
    times['pol. rot.'] = 0.
    t.checkpoint('healpy Spin 1 transform for displacement (full %s map)' %
    _Npix = 0  # Total number of pixels used for interpolation

    def coadd_times(tim):
        for _k, _t in tim.iteritems():
            if _k not in times:
                times[_k] = _t
                times[_k] += _t

    for ib, th1, th2 in zip(range(nband), th1s, th2s):
        print "BAND %s in %s :" % (ib, nband)
        t0 = time.time()
        pixN = hp.query_strip(nside, th1, th2, inclusive=True)
        pixS = hp.query_strip(nside, np.pi - th2, np.pi - th1, inclusive=True)
        tnewN, phinewN = _buildangles(hp.pix2ang(nside, pixN), Redtot[pixN],
        tnewS, phinewS = _buildangles(hp.pix2ang(nside, pixS), Redtot[pixS],

        # Adding a 10 pixels buffer for new angles to be safely inside interval.
        # th1,th2 is mapped onto pi - th2,pi -th1 so we need to make sure to cover both buffers
        matnewN = np.max(tnewN)
        mitnewN = np.min(tnewN)
        matnewS = np.max(tnewS)
        mitnewS = np.min(tnewS)
        buffN = 10 * (matnewN - mitnewN) / (Nt_perband -
                                            1) / (1. - 2. * 10. /
                                                  (Nt_perband - 1))
        buffS = 10 * (matnewS - mitnewS) / (Nt_perband -
                                            1) / (1. - 2. * 10. /
                                                  (Nt_perband - 1))
        _thup = min(np.pi - (matnewS + buffS), mitnewN - buffN)
        _thdown = max(np.pi - (mitnewS - buffS), matnewN + buffN)

        #print "min max tnew (degrees) in the band %.3f %.3f "%(_th1 /np.pi * 180.,_th2 /np.pi * 180.)
        #==== these are the theta and limits. It is ok to go negative or > 180
        print 'input t1,t2 %.3f %.3f in degrees' % (_thup / np.pi * 180,
                                                    _thdown / np.pi * 180.)
        print 'North %.3f and South %.3f buffers in amin' % (
            buffN / np.pi * 180 * 60, buffS / np.pi * 180. * 60.)
        Nphi = get_Nphi(_thup, _thdown, facres=facres)
        dphi_patch = (2. * np.pi) / Nphi * max(np.sin(_thup), np.sin(_thdown))
        dth_patch = (_thdown - _thup) / (Nt_perband - 1)
        print "cell (theta,phi) in amin (%.3f,%.3f)" % (
            dth_patch / np.pi * 60. * 180, dphi_patch / np.pi * 60. * 180)
        times['dx,dy band split'] += time.time() - t0
        if spin == 0:
            lenN, lenS, tim = lens_band_sym_timed(glm,
                                                  Nt_perband, (tnewN, phinewN),
                                                  (tnewS, phinewS),
            ret[pixN] = lenN
            ret[pixS] = lenS
            lenNR, lenNI, lenSR, lenSI, tim = gclm2lensmap_symband_timed(
                Nt_perband, (tnewN, phinewN), (tnewS, phinewS),
            ret[pixN] = lenNR + 1j * lenNI
            ret[pixS] = lenSR + 1j * lenSI
            t0 = time.time()
            if rotpol and spin > 0:
                ret[pixN] *= polrot(spin, ret[pixN],
                                    hp.pix2ang(nside, pixN)[0], Redtot[pixN],
                ret[pixS] *= polrot(spin, ret[pixS],
                                    hp.pix2ang(nside, pixS)[0], Redtot[pixS],
                times['pol. rot.'] += time.time() - t0

        _Npix += 2 * Nt_perband * Nphi
    t.checkpoint('Total exec. time')

    print "STATS for lmax tlm %s lmax dlm %s" % (hp.Alm.getlmax(
        glm.size), hp.Alm.getlmax(dlm.size))
    tot = 0.
    for _k, _t in times.iteritems():
        print '%20s: %.2f' % (_k, _t)
        tot += _t
    print "%20s: %2.f sec." % ('tot', tot)
    print "%20s: %2.f sec." % ('excl. defl. angle calc.',
                               tot - times['dx,dy (full sky)'] -
                               times['dx,dy band split'])
    print '%20s: %s = %.1f^2' % ('Tot. int. pix.', int(_Npix),
                                 np.sqrt(_Npix * 1.))

    return ret
Beispiel #20
NSIDE_dg = 32
NPIX_dg = hp.nside2npix(NSIDE_dg)

m = np.arange(NPIX_dg)
coords = hp.pix2ang(NSIDE_dg, m, lonlat=True)
l = coords[0]
b = coords[1]

nu = 1420e6
T_eg = 0.08866  # K
T_CMB = 2.725  # K

# make sure maps are in Kelvin
map_1420 = (hp.read_map('STOCKERT+VILLA-ELISA_1420MHz_1_256.fits')) / 1000
map_1420_dg = hp.pixelfunc.ud_grade(map_1420, NSIDE_dg)
idx_exb = hp.query_strip(NSIDE_dg, np.deg2rad(90 - 10), np.deg2rad(90 + 10))

### set up priors for each MCMC run ###
# You change: value of priors #
def lnprior(param):

    R_disk = param[0]
    h_disk = param[1]
    j_disk = param[2]
    R_halo = param[3]
    j_halo = param[4]
    T_bkg = param[5]

    if d < R_disk < 100 * d and 0 < h_disk < 5 * d and 1e-42 < j_disk < 1e-39 and R_halo > 0 and 1e-43 < j_halo < 1e-38 and T_bkg > 0:
        return 0.0
Beispiel #21
    mse_test_ = []
    r_test_ = []
    psnr_test_ = []
    ssim_test_ = []
    for i in range(0, test1.shape[0]):
        in_map = test2[i, :, 0]
        rec_map = test_predict[i, :, 0]

        # crop before measure computation
        nside = hp.npix2nside(in_map.shape[0])
        theta1 = 0.0
        theta2 = np.radians(120.0)
        ipix = hp.query_strip(nside,
        in_map = in_map[ipix]
        rec_map = rec_map[ipix]

        # compute mse
        # l = np.mean((in_map - rec_map)**2)
        l = mean_squared_error(in_map, rec_map)

        # compute pearson r
        r_, p = pearsonr(in_map.flatten(), rec_map.flatten())

        # compute psnr