def draw_realization(self, synalm_lmax=None, seeds=None): if seeds is None: seeds = (None, None) if synalm_lmax is None: synalm_lmax = min(16384, 3 * self.nside - 1) np.random.seed(seeds[0]) alm_small_scale = hp.synalm( list(self.small_scale_cl.value) + [np.zeros_like(self.small_scale_cl[0])] * 3, lmax=synalm_lmax, new=True, ) alm_small_scale = [ hp.almxfl(each, np.ones(min(synalm_lmax, 3 * self.nside - 1))) for each in alm_small_scale ] map_small_scale = hp.alm2map(alm_small_scale, nside=self.nside) # need later for beta modulate_map_I = hp.alm2map(self.modulate_alm[0].value, self.nside) map_small_scale[0] *= modulate_map_I map_small_scale[1:] *= hp.alm2map(self.modulate_alm[1].value, self.nside) map_small_scale += hp.alm2map( self.template_largescale_alm.value, nside=self.nside, ) output_IQU = (utils.log_pol_tens_to_map(map_small_scale) * self.template_largescale_alm.unit) np.random.seed(seeds[1]) output_unit = np.sqrt(1 * self.small_scale_cl_pl_index.unit).unit alm_small_scale = hp.synalm( self.small_scale_cl_pl_index.value, lmax=synalm_lmax, new=True, ) alm_small_scale = hp.almxfl( alm_small_scale, np.ones(min(3 * self.nside - 1, synalm_lmax + 1))) pl_index = hp.alm2map(alm_small_scale, nside=self.nside) * output_unit pl_index *= modulate_map_I pl_index += (hp.alm2map( self.largescale_alm_pl_index.value, nside=self.nside, ) * output_unit) pl_index -= 3.1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Fixed values for comparison with s4 # pl_index = -3.1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled return (output_IQU[0], output_IQU[1], output_IQU[2], pl_index)
def test_data_compute_alm_sim_1d_T(self): cosmo = self.FakeCosmology() pol = ['T'] data = Data(self.lmax, self.n_ell_T, self.b_ell_T, pol, cosmo) np.random.seed(10) alm = data.compute_alm_sim(lens_power=False) np.random.seed(10) alm_exp = hp.synalm(data.cov_ell_nonlensed[0], new=True) alm_sim_expec = np.zeros((1, self.nelem), dtype=complex) alm_sim_expec[0] = alm_exp np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alm, alm_sim_expec) # Again for lensed. np.random.seed(10) alm = data.compute_alm_sim(lens_power=True) np.random.seed(10) alm_exp = hp.synalm(data.cov_ell_lensed[0], new=True) alm_sim_expec = np.zeros((1, self.nelem), dtype=complex) alm_sim_expec[0] = alm_exp np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alm, alm_sim_expec)
def syn_full_alm(Cls, lmax=None): """ Basically healpy synalm, but returns a sorted pandas series with positive and negative m (complex map). """ if lmax is None: lmax = len(Cls) - 1 l, m = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax) # index with positive, negative values of m (healpy only supplies positive) # (m first for ease since that's the way healpix likes it) mpos_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([m, l], names=['m', 'l']) mneg_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([-m, l], names=['m', 'l']) # complex map should be made of 2 ind. components (each is a real map) # Cls defined for total map, so each component should use half almr = pd.Series(hp.synalm(Cls * 0.5, lmax, verbose=False), index=mpos_idx) almi = pd.Series(hp.synalm(Cls * 0.5, lmax, verbose=False), index=mpos_idx) # combine real, imaginary components to get positive, negative m alms # almn relation derived from cmplx conj--neg m relation for almi, almr almp = almr + 1j * almi almn = np.conj(almr - 1j * almi) * (-1)**m almn.index = mneg_idx # positive, negative m=0 terms should match, so check & drop one assert np.all( almn.loc[0] == almp.loc[0]), 'Different values of alm for m = +/-0' almn = almn.drop(0, level='m') # combine & reorder to match *my* preferences alm = (almp.add(almn, fill_value=0j).swaplevel().sort_index(level='l')) return alm
def crankNicolson_good(cls_, d): s = hp.synalm(cls_, lmax=config.L_MAX_SCALARS) s = utils.flatten_map(s) #h, s = gradientDescent.gradient_ascent_good(d, cls_) s_pix = hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(utils.unflat_map_to_pix(s), nside=config.NSIDE) #s = utils.flatten_map(s) accepted = 0 history = [] for i in range(config.N_CN): if i == 40000: config.beta_CN /= 9.5 history.append(s) s_prop = np.sqrt( 1 - config.beta_CN**2) * s + config.beta_CN * utils.flatten_map( hp.synalm(cls_, lmax=config.L_MAX_SCALARS)) ### Ajouté le dénom !!! s_prop_pix = hp.alm2map(utils.unflat_map_to_pix(s_prop), nside=config.NSIDE) * (1 / config.NSIDE) r = compute_CN_ratio_good(s_pix, s_prop_pix, d) if np.log(np.random.uniform()) < r: s = s_prop s_pix = s_prop_pix accepted += 1 print(accepted / config.N_CN) return history, s
def setUp(self): self.nside = 64 self.lmax = self.nside seed = 12345 np.random.seed(seed) self.mapr = hp.synfast( np.ones(self.lmax+1), self.nside, pixwin=False, fwhm=0.0, sigma=None ) self.mapi = hp.synfast( np.ones(self.lmax+1), self.nside, pixwin=False, fwhm=0.0, sigma=None ) self.almg = hp.synalm( np.ones(self.lmax+1), self.lmax ) self.almc = hp.synalm( np.ones(self.lmax+1), self.lmax )
def simulate_cmb(nside=2048, lmax=3000, frequency=100,smear=False, nomap = False, beam=None, beamP=None, save=False, filename='testcmb.fits', cl_file='bf_base_cmbonly_plikHMv18_TT_lowTEB_lmax4000.minimum.theory_cl'): ls, cltt, clte, clee, clbb = get_theory_cls(lmax=lmax, cl_file=cl_file) Tlm, Elm, Blm = hp.synalm( (cltt, clee, clbb, clte), new=True, lmax=lmax) if smear: if (beam is None) or (beamP is None) : hdulist = + 'HFI_RIMO_Beams-100pc_R2.00.fits') beam = hdulist[beam_index['{}'.format(frequency)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1] beamP = hdulist[beam_index['{}P'.format(frequency)]].data.NOMINAL[0][:lmax+1] hp.sphtfunc.almxfl(Tlm, beam, inplace=True) hp.sphtfunc.almxfl(Elm, beamP, inplace=True) hp.sphtfunc.almxfl(Blm, beamP, inplace=True) if nomap: return Tlm,Elm,Blm Tmap = hp.alm2map( Tlm, nside ) Qmap, Umap = hp.alm2map_spin( (Elm, Blm), nside, 2, lmax=lmax) if save: hp.write_map([Tmap,Qmap,Umap],data_path + filename) return Tmap, Qmap, Umap
def mala(cls, observations, grad_constant_part): conjgrad = CG() extended_cls = np.array( [cl for l in range(config.L_MAX_SCALARS + 1) for cl in cls[l:]]) acceptance = 0 s = hp.synalm(cls, lmax=config.L_MAX_SCALARS) #h_g, s = gradientDescent.gradient_ascent(observations, cls) warm_start = s s_pixel = hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(s, nside=config.NSIDE) grad_log_s = compute_gradient_log(s, s_pixel, grad_constant_part, extended_cls) history = [] history_ratio = [] for i in range(config.N_mala): history.append(s) s_prop = proposal(grad_log_s, s) s_prop_pix = hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(s, nside=config.NSIDE) grad_log_prop = compute_gradient_log(s_prop, s_prop_pix, grad_constant_part, extended_cls) r = compute_MH_ratio(grad_log_s, grad_log_prop, s, s_pixel, s_prop, s_prop_pix, observations, extended_cls) history_ratio.append(r) r = 1 if np.log(np.random.uniform()) < r: s = s_prop s_pixel = s_prop_pix grad_log_s = grad_log_prop acceptance += 1 print("Acceptance rate:") print(acceptance / config.N_mala) return history, s, warm_start, history_ratio
def generate_correlated_alm(input_alm_f1, Clf1f1, Clf2f2, Clf1f2, seed=None): correlated = hp.almxfl(input_alm_f1, Clf1f2 / Clf1f1) ps_noise = Clf2f2 - np.nan_to_num(Clf1f2**2 / Clf1f1) assert np.all(ps_noise >= 0) if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) noise = hp.synalm(ps_noise, lmax=hp.Alm.getlmax(input_alm_f1.size)) return correlated + noise
def getSsim(ell, Cl, lmax=100, cutSky=False): """ Purpose: create simulated S_{1/2} from input power spectrum Note: this calculates Jmn every time it is run so should not be used for ensembles Procedure: simulates full sky CMB, measures S_{1/2} Inputs: ell: the l values for the power spectrum Cl: the power spectrum lmax: the maximum ell value to use in calculation Default: 100 cutSky: set to True to convert to real space, apply mask, etc. Default: False Note: true option not yet implemented Returns: simulated S_{1/2} """ # get Jmn matrix for harmonic space S_{1/2} calc. myJmn = getJmn(lmax=lmax)[2:, 2:] # do not include monopole, dipole #alm_prim,alm_late = hp.synalm((primCl,lateCl,crossCl),lmax=lmax,new=True) almSim = hp.synalm( Cl, lmax=lmax) # question: does this need to start at ell[0]=1? ClSim = hp.alm2cl(almSim) return[2:],, ClSim[2:]))
def test_correlated_alm(): lmax = 2000 ells = np.arange(0, lmax, 1) def get_cls(ells, index, amplitude): cls = amplitude * ells.astype(np.float32)**index cls[ells < 2] = 0 return cls Clf1f1 = get_cls(ells, -1, 1) Clf2f2 = get_cls(ells, -1.3, 2) Clf1f2 = get_cls(ells, -1.4, 0.5) alm_f1 = hp.synalm(Clf1f1, lmax=lmax - 1) alm_f2 = deltag.generate_correlated_alm(alm_f1, Clf1f1, Clf2f2, Clf1f2) f1f1 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f1, alm_f1) f2f2 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f2, alm_f2) f1f2 = hp.alm2cl(alm_f1, alm_f2) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog', scalefn=lambda x: x) pl.add(ells, f1f1, color="C0", alpha=0.4) pl.add(ells, f2f2, color="C1", alpha=0.4) pl.add(ells, f1f2, color="C2", alpha=0.4) pl.add(ells, Clf1f1, label="f1f1", color="C0", ls="--", lw=3) pl.add(ells, Clf2f2, label="f2f2", color="C1", ls="--", lw=3) pl.add(ells, Clf1f2, label="f1f2", color="C2", ls="--", lw=3) pl.done()
def test_t(): lmax = 200 nside = 256 cls_unl = np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float) tunl = hp.synalm(cls_unl, new=True) dlm = np.zeros_like(tunl) hp.almxfl(dlm, np.sqrt( np.arange(lmax + 1) * np.arange(1, lmax + 2, dtype=float)), inplace=True) T = hp.alm2map(tunl, nside) T1 = lensing.alm2lenmap(tunl, [dlm, None], nside, verbose=True, nband=8, facres=-2) assert np.max(np.abs(T - T1)) / np.std(T) < 1e-5 d1Re, d1Im = hp.alm2map_spin([dlm, np.zeros_like(dlm)], nside, 1, lmax) T2 = lensing.alm2lenmap(tunl, [d1Re, d1Im], nside, verbose=True, nband=8, facres=-2) assert np.max(np.abs(T - T2)) / np.std(T) < 1e-5 T3 = lensing.alm2lenmap(tunl, [dlm, dlm.copy()], nside, verbose=True, nband=8, facres=-2) assert np.all(T2 == T3)
def mala3(cls, d, grad_constant_part): extended_cls = extend_cls4(cls) s = hp.synalm(cls, lmax=config.L_MAX_SCALARS) s_pix = hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(s, nside=config.NSIDE) s = flatten_map4(s) grad_log_s = compute_gradient_log3(s, s_pix, grad_constant_part, extended_cls) history = [] accepted = 0 history.append(s) for i in range(config.N_mala): print(i) s_prop = proposal3(s, grad_log_s, step_size=config.step_size_mala) s_prop_pix = hp.alm2map(unflat_map_to_pix4(s_prop), nside=config.NSIDE) grad_log_s_prop = compute_gradient_log3(s_prop, s_prop_pix, grad_constant_part, extended_cls) r = compute_log_MH_ratio3(s, s_pix, grad_log_s, s_prop, s_prop_pix, grad_log_s_prop, d, extended_cls, config.step_size_mala) if np.log(np.random.uniform()) < r: s = s_prop s_pix = s_prop_pix grad_log_s = grad_log_s_prop accepted += 1 history.append(s) print(accepted / config.N_mala) return history, s
def _simu_from_rq(mt, me, mb, rq, nside=2048): import healpy as hp m = mt + me + mb cls = [] for i in range(m): for j in range(m - i): cls += [rq[:, j, j + i]] print("random alms") alms = hp.synalm(cls, new=True) rmaps = nm.zeros((m, m, 12 * nside**2)) mp = nm.max(me, mb) mps = [] for i in range(mp): almsr = [] if mt <= i: almsr += [nm.zeros_like(alms[0])] else: almsr += [cls[i]] if me <= i: almsr += [nm.zeros_like(alms[0])] else: almsr += [cls[i + mt]] if mb <= i: almsr += [nm.zeros_like(alms[0])] else: almsr += [cls[i + mt + me]] print("fg channel %d" % i) mps += [hp.alm2map(almsr, nside, pol=True)] for i in range(mp, m): print("fg channel %d" % i) mps += [[hp.alm2map(alms[i], nside, pol=True), None, None]] return mps
def simulate_tebp_correlated(cl_tebp_arr,nside,lmax) : alms=healpy.synalm(cl_tebp_arr,lmax=lmax,new=True) aphi=alms[-1] acmb=alms[0:-1] #Set to zero above map resolution to avoid aliasing beam_cut=np.ones(3*nside) for ac in acmb : healpy.almxfl(ac,beam_cut,inplace=True) cmb=np.array(healpy.alm2map(acmb,nside,pol=True)) return cmb,aphi
def generate_w0term(Cl): """ """ lmax = np.size(Cl) - 1 onesl = np.ones(lmax + 1) onesl[:2] = 0 #### make sure no mono- and dipole w0 = hp.synalm(onesl) # w0 = hp.synalm(np.ones(lmax))#1/np.sqrt(2)*(np.random.randn(hp.Alm.getsize(lmax)) + 1j*np.random.randn(hp.Alm.getsize(lmax))) return w0
def simulate_tebp_correlated(cl_tebp_arr,nside,lmax,seed): np.random.seed(seed) alms=hp.synalm(cl_tebp_arr,lmax=lmax,new=True) aphi=alms[-1] acmb=alms[0:-1] #Set to zero above map resolution to avoid aliasing beam_cut=np.ones(3*nside) for ac in acmb : hp.almxfl(ac,beam_cut,inplace=True) cmb=np.array(hp.alm2map(acmb,nside,pol=True,verbose=False)) return cmb,aphi
def draw_gaussian_a_p(input_kappa_alm, aux_cl, num_of_kcmb): ''' Draw a_p alms from distributions with the right auxiliary spectra. ''' num_of_tracers = len(aux_cl[:,0]) a_alms = np.zeros((num_of_tracers, len(input_kappa_alm)), dtype='complex128') #Unweighted alm components a_alms[0:num_of_kcmb,:] = input_kappa_alm for j in range(num_of_kcmb, num_of_tracers): a_alms[j,:] = hp.synalm(aux_cl[j,:], lmax=len(aux_cl[0,:])-1) return a_alms
def gen_alm_hp(self): if self.prefactor: self.remove_prefactor() # healpy requires array starts from zero, fill will 0 ps = np.zeros((4, self.lmax + 1)) ps[:, self.lmin:] = self.values[:, 1:].T alm = hp.synalm((ps[0], ps[1], ps[2], ps[3], np.zeros_like( ps[0]), np.zeros_like(ps[0])), lmax=self.lmax, verbose=False, new=True) return alm
def generate_w1term(Cl, bl, nl): """ """ lmax = np.size(Cl) - 1 onesl = np.ones(lmax + 1) onesl[:2] = 0 w1 = hp.synalm(onesl) #### make sure no mono- and dipole # w1 = 1/np.sqrt(2)*(np.random.randn(hp.Alm.getsize(lmax)) + 1j*np.random.randn(hp.Alm.getsize(lmax))) out = hp.almxfl(w1, np.sqrt(Cl[: lmax + 1] / nl[: lmax + 1]) * bl[: lmax + 1]) return out
def test_alm2cl(self): nside = 32 lmax = 64 lmax_out = 100 seed = 12345 np.random.seed(seed) # Input power spectrum and alm alm_syn = hp.synalm(self.cla, lmax=lmax) cl_out = hp.alm2cl(alm_syn, lmax_out=lmax_out - 1) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cl_out, self.cla[:lmax_out], decimal=4)
def generate_gaus_map(self, readGmap=-1): if (readGmap<0): self.gausalm=hp.synalm(self.inputCls) else: # code assumes that self.mapsdir="maps50/" self.gausalm=hp.read_alm(self.mapsdir+"gmap_"+str(readGmap)+".fits") ns=0.965 C0N=(1.0-np.exp(-(ns-1)*self.efolds))/(ns-1) C050=(1.0-np.exp(-(ns-1)*50))/(ns-1) alm0r=np.sqrt(C0N/C050) self.gausalm[0]=self.gausalm[0]*alm0r self.gausmap=hp.alm2map(self.gausalm, nside=self.NSIDE) # includes the monopole bit
def simulate_tebp_correlated(cl_tebp_arr, nside, lmax, seed): """This generates correlated T,E,B and Phi maps """ np.random.seed(seed) alms = hp.synalm(cl_tebp_arr, lmax=lmax, new=True) aphi = alms[-1] acmb = alms[0:-1] # Set to zero above map resolution to avoid aliasing beam_cut = np.ones(3 * nside) for ac in acmb: hp.almxfl(ac, beam_cut, inplace=True) cmb = np.array(hp.alm2map(acmb, nside, pol=True, verbose=False)) return cmb, aphi
def generate_sky_map(cls_, noise=False): s = hp.synalm(cls_, lmax=config.L_MAX_SCALARS) if noise: n = np.sqrt(config.noise_covar[0]/2)*np.random.normal(size=config.dimension_sph) \ + 1j * np.sqrt(config.noise_covar[0]/2)* np.random.normal(size=config.dimension_sph) n[:config.L_MAX_SCALARS + 1] = np.sqrt(config.noise_covar[0]) * np.random.normal( size=config.L_MAX_SCALARS + 1) n[0] = 0 n[1] = 0 return s + n return s
def test_data_compute_alm_sim_2d(self): cosmo = self.FakeCosmology() pol = ['T', 'E'] data = Data(self.lmax, self.n_ell_TplusE, self.b_ell_TplusE, pol, cosmo) np.random.seed(10) alm = data.compute_alm_sim(lens_power=False) np.random.seed(10) cl = np.zeros((4, self.nell)) cl[:2] = data.cov_ell_nonlensed[:2] cl[3] = data.cov_ell_nonlensed[2] alm_exp = hp.synalm(cl, new=True) alm_sim_expec = np.zeros((2, self.nelem), dtype=complex) alm_sim_expec[0] = alm_exp[0] alm_sim_expec[1] = alm_exp[1] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alm, alm_sim_expec) # Again for lensed. np.random.seed(10) alm = data.compute_alm_sim(lens_power=True) np.random.seed(10) cl = np.zeros((4, self.nell)) cl[:2] = data.cov_ell_lensed[:2] cl[3] = data.cov_ell_lensed[2] alm_exp = hp.synalm(cl, new=True) alm_sim_expec = np.zeros((2, self.nelem), dtype=complex) alm_sim_expec[0] = alm_exp[0] alm_sim_expec[1] = alm_exp[1] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alm, alm_sim_expec)
def generate_individual_gaussian_tracers(a_alms, A, nlkk, num_of_kcmb): ''' Put all the weights and alm components together to give appropriately correlated tracers ''' num_of_tracers = len(a_alms[:,0]) tracer_alms = np.zeros((num_of_tracers, len(a_alms[0,:])), dtype='complex128') #Appropriately correlated final tracers for i in range(num_of_kcmb): tracer_alms[i,:] = a_alms[i,:] + hp.synalm(nlkk[i], lmax=len(A[i,i,:])-1) for i in range(num_of_kcmb,num_of_tracers): for j in range(i+1): tracer_alms[i,:] += hp.almxfl(a_alms[j,:], A[i,j,:]) return tracer_alms
def generate_gaus_map(self, readGmap=-1): if (readGmap<0): self.gausalm0=hp.synalm(self.inputCls) else: self.gausalm0=hp.read_alm(self.mapsdir+"gmap_"+str(readGmap)+".fits") self.gausalm1=np.copy(self.gausalm0); self.gausalm1[0]=0.0 if (self.nodipole): ndxfl=np.ones(len(self.inputCls)) ndxfl[1]=0.0 hp.almxfl(self.gausalm1, ndxfl, inplace=True) hp.almxfl(self.gausalm0, ndxfl, inplace=True) self.gausmap0=hp.alm2map(self.gausalm0, nside=self.NSIDE) # includes the monopole bit self.gausmap1=hp.alm2map(self.gausalm1, nside=self.NSIDE) # does not include the monopole
def crankNicolson(cls_, observations): accept = 0 history = [] s = hp.synalm(cls_, lmax=config.L_MAX_SCALARS) #h, s = gradientDescent.gradient_ascent(observations, cls_) s_pixel = hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(s, nside=config.NSIDE) for i in range(config.N_CN): history.append(s) prop = np.sqrt(1-config.beta_CN**2)*s + config.beta_CN*hp.sphtfunc.synalm(cls_, lmax=config.L_MAX_SCALARS) prop_pix = hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(prop, nside=config.NSIDE) r = compute_CN_ratio(s_pixel, prop_pix, observations) if np.log(np.random.uniform()) < r: s = prop s_pixel = prop_pix accept += 1 print(accept/config.N_CN) return history, s
def compute_alm_sim(self, lens_power=False): ''' Draw isotropic Gaussian realisation from (S+N) covariance. Parameters ---------- lens_power : bool, optional Include lensing power in covariance. Returns ------- alm_sim : (npol, nelem) complex array Simulated alm with ells up to lmax. ''' if lens_power: cov_ell = self.cov_ell_lensed else: cov_ell = self.cov_ell_nonlensed # Synalm expects 1D TT array or (TT, EE, BB, TE) array. if 'E' in self.pol: nspec, nell = cov_ell.shape c_ell_in = np.zeros((4, nell)) if 'T' in self.pol: c_ell_in[0,:] = cov_ell[0] c_ell_in[1,:] = cov_ell[1] c_ell_in[3,:] = cov_ell[2] else: c_ell_in[1,:] = cov_ell[0] else: c_ell_in = cov_ell alm = hp.synalm(c_ell_in, lmax=self.lmax, new=True) if self.pol == ('T', 'E'): # Only return I and E. alm = alm[:2,:] elif self.pol == ('E',): alm = (alm[1,:])[np.newaxis,:] else: alm = alm return alm
def generate_gaus_map(self, readGmap=-1): if (readGmap < 0): self.gausalm0 = hp.synalm(self.inputCls) else: self.gausalm0 = hp.read_alm(self.mapsdir + "gmap_" + str(readGmap) + ".fits") self.gausalm1 = np.copy(self.gausalm0) self.gausalm1[0] = 0.0 if (self.nodipole): ndxfl = np.ones(len(self.inputCls)) ndxfl[1] = 0.0 hp.almxfl(self.gausalm1, ndxfl, inplace=True) hp.almxfl(self.gausalm0, ndxfl, inplace=True) self.gausmap0 = hp.alm2map( self.gausalm0, nside=self.NSIDE) # includes the monopole bit self.gausmap1 = hp.alm2map( self.gausalm1, nside=self.NSIDE) # does not include the monopole
dd['scalar_spectral_index(1)'] = 0.9655 dd['hubble'] = 67.31 ########### Here we simulate the data set ############ # White noise spectrum, (Commander level, so low) nl = 1.7504523623688016e-16*1e12 * np.ones(2500) # Gaussian beam fwhm 5 arcmin bl = CG.gaussian_beam(2500,5) # Spectrum according to parameter defined above Cl = cb.generate_spectrum(dd) lmax = Cl.shape[0]-1 alm = hp.synalm(Cl[:,1]) dlm = hp.almxfl(alm,bl[:lmax+1]) nlm = hp.synalm(nl[:lmax+1]) dlm = dlm+nlm # Could be used for asymetric proposal, but now only for first guess x_mean = np.array([0.02222,0.1197,0.078,3.089,0.9655,67.31]) #cov_mat from tableTT_lowEB downloaded from PLA, used in proposal cov_new = np.load("cov_tableTT_lowEB_2_3_5_6_7_23.npy") # priors parameters here central value and 1/sigma**2
def main(run_type='data', nsim=0, fnl=0): ''' MPI Setup ''' o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank() # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size) i_size = o_comm.Get_size() # number of cores assigned to run this program o_status = MPI.Status() i_work_tag = 0 i_die_tag = 1 ''' Loading and calculating power spectrum components ''' if (run_type == 'fnl'): nl = 1024 else: nl = 1499 if (run_type == 'data'): fn_map = h._fn_map elif (run_type == 'sim'): fn_map = 'output/map_sim_%i.fits' % nsim elif (run_type == 'fnl'): #print "fnl value: %i" % fnl fn_map = 'data/fnl_sims/map_fnl_%i_sim_%i.fits' % (int(fnl), nsim) # (1) read map (either map_data or map_sim), mask, mll, and create mll_inv; map_in = hp.read_map(fn_map) mask = hp.read_map(h._fn_mask) if (run_type == 'fnl'): mask = 1. fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy' % nl mll = np.load(fn_mll) if (run_type == 'fnl'): mll = np.identity(nl) mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(mll) nside = hp.get_nside(map_in) if (i_rank == 0): if (run_type == 'data'): fn_cl21 = 'output/cl21_data.dat' fn_cl21_no_mll = 'output/cl21_data_no_mll.dat' elif (run_type == 'sim'): fn_cl21 = 'output/cl21_sim_%i.dat' % nsim fn_cl21_no_mll = 'output/cl21_no_mll_%i.dat' % nsim elif (run_type == 'fnl'): fn_cl21 = 'output/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%i.dat' % (int(fnl), nsim) fn_cl21_no_mll = 'output/cl21_fnl_%i_sim_%i_no_mll.dat' % (int(fnl), nsim) f_t1 = time.time() print "" print "Run parameters:" print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size print "nl: %i, nside: %i, map: %s" % (nl, nside, fn_map) print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (h._fn_beam, h._fn_alphabeta, h._fn_cltt) print "" print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..." # (2) normalize, remove mono-/dipole, and mask map to create map_masked; map_in /= (1e6 * 2.7) map_in = hp.remove_dipole(map_in) map_masked = map_in * mask # (3) create alm_masked (map2alm on map_masked), cltt_masked (anafast on # map_masked), and cltt_corrected (dot cltt_masked with mll_inv) if (run_type == 'data' or run_type == 'sim'): alm_masked = hp.map2alm(map_masked) elif (run_type == 'fnl'): fn_almg = ('data/fnl_sims/alm_l_%04d_v3.fits' % (nsim,)) almg = hp.read_alm(fn_almg) fn_almng = ('data/fnl_sims/alm_nl_%04d_v3.fits' % (nsim,)) almng = hp.read_alm(fn_almng) alm = almg + fnl * almng alm_masked = alm cltt_masked = hp.anafast(map_masked) cltt_masked = cltt_masked[:nl] cltt_corrected =, cltt_masked) # stuff with alpha, beta, r, dr, and beam l, r, dr, alpha, beta = np.loadtxt(h._fn_alphabeta, usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3) l = np.unique(l) r = np.unique(r)[::-1] nr = len(r) if (run_type == 'data' or run_type == 'sim'): cltt_denom = np.load('output/cltt_theory.npy') #replace with 'output/na_cltt.npy' cltt_denom = cltt_denom[:nl] elif (run_type == 'fnl'): cltt_denom = np.loadtxt('joe/cl_wmap5_bao_sn.dat', usecols=(1,), unpack=True) alpha = alpha.reshape(len(l), nr) beta = beta.reshape(len(l), nr) dr = dr.reshape(len(l), nr) dr = dr[0] if (run_type != 'fnl'): beam = np.load(h._fn_beam) else: #beam = np.ones(len(cltt_denom)) beam = np.load(h._fn_beam) noise = np.zeros(len(cltt_denom)) nlm = hp.synalm(noise, lmax=nl) ####### TEMPORARY -- change beam ####### #beam = np.ones(len(cltt_denom)) #noise = np.zeros(len(cltt_denom)) #nlm = hp.synalm(noise, lmax=nl) ######################################## l = l[:nl] beam = beam[:nl] alpha = alpha[:nl,:] beta = beta[:nl,:] if (i_rank == 0): print "nr: %i, nl: %i" % (nr, nl) f_t2 = time.time() if (i_rank == 0): print "" print "Time to create alms from maps: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1) print "Calculating full skewness power spectrum..." cl21 = np.zeros(nl) work = np.zeros(1, dtype='i') result = np.zeros(nl, dtype='d') # master loop if (i_rank == 0): # send initial jobs for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size): work = np.array([i_rank_out-1], dtype='i') o_comm.Send([work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag) for i_r in range(i_size-1,nr): if (i_r % (nr / 10) == 0): print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r * 100 / nr, time.time() - f_t2) work = np.array([i_r], dtype='i') o_comm.Recv([result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) #print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source() o_comm.Send([work,MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_work_tag) cl21 += result for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size): o_comm.Recv([result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) cl21 += result print "cl21 = %.6f, result = %.6f" % (np.average(cl21), np.average(result)) o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype='i'), MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag) #slave loop: else: while(1): o_comm.Recv([work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) if (o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag): break i_r = work[0] #print ("i_r: %i" % i_r) #print ("alm_masked: ", alm_masked) #print ("cltt_denom: ", cltt_denom) #print ("beam: ", beam) #print ("mask: ", mask) #print ("fn_map: ", fn_map) # create Alm, Blm (almxfl with alm_masked and beta / cltt_denom # * beam, etc.) Alm = np.zeros(alm_masked.shape[0],complex) Blm = np.zeros(alm_masked.shape[0],complex) clAB2 = np.zeros(nl+1) clABB = np.zeros(nl+1) #Alm = hp.almxfl(alm_masked, alpha[:,i_r] / cltt_denom * beam) #Blm = hp.almxfl(alm_masked, beta[:,i_r] / cltt_denom * beam) #for li in xrange(2,nl): # I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1)) # Alm[I]=alpha[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I]*beam[li]+nlm[I])/(cltt_denom[li]*beam[li]**2+noise[li]) # Blm[I]=beta[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I]*beam[li]+nlm[I])/(cltt_denom[li]*beam[li]**2+noise[li]) if (run_type == 'fnl'): for li in xrange(2,nl): I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1)) Alm[I]=alpha[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I]*beam[li]+nlm[I])/(cltt_denom[li]*beam[li]**2+noise[li]) Blm[I]=beta[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I]*beam[li]+nlm[I])/(cltt_denom[li]*beam[li]**2+noise[li]) else: for li in xrange(2,nl): I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1)) Alm[I]=alpha[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I])/cltt_denom[li]*beam[li] Blm[I]=beta[li-2][i_r]*(alm_masked[I])/cltt_denom[li]*beam[li] ############################# DEBUG ################################ if i_r == 0: cltt_Alm = hp.alm2cl(Alm) cltt_Blm = hp.alm2cl(Blm) np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Alm.dat' % run_type, cltt_Alm) np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Blm.dat' % run_type, cltt_Blm) #################################################################### #An = hp.alm2map(Alm, nside=nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, # verbose=False) #Bn = hp.alm2map(Blm, nside=nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, # verbose=False) An = hp.alm2map(Alm, nside=nside) Bn = hp.alm2map(Blm, nside=nside) ############################# DEBUG ################################ if i_r == 0: cltt_An = hp.anafast(An) cltt_Bn = hp.anafast(Bn) np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_An.dat' % run_type, cltt_An) np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_Bn.dat' % run_type, cltt_Bn) #################################################################### An = An * mask Bn = Bn * mask ############################# DEBUG ################################ #if i_r == 0: # print "saving alpha, beta for %i" % i_r # np.savetxt('debug2/alpha_ir_%i' % i_r, alpha[:,i_r]) # np.savetxt('debug2/beta_ir_%i' % i_r, beta[:,i_r]) # print "(An * Bn)[:10] == An[:10] * Bn[:10]:", (An * Bn)[:10] == An[:10] * Bn[:10] #################################################################### B2lm = hp.map2alm(Bn*Bn, lmax=nl) ABlm = hp.map2alm(An*Bn, lmax=nl) ############################# DEBUG ################################ if i_r == 0: cltt_B2lm = hp.alm2cl(B2lm) cltt_ABlm = hp.alm2cl(ABlm) np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_B2lm.dat' % run_type, cltt_B2lm) np.savetxt('debug2/cltt_%s_ABlm.dat' % run_type, cltt_ABlm) #################################################################### #clAB2 = hp.alm2cl(Alm, B2lm, lmax=nl) #clABB = hp.alm2cl(ABlm, Blm, lmax=nl) for li in xrange(2,nl+1): I = hp.Alm.getidx(nl,li,np.arange(min(nl,li)+1)) clAB2[li] = (Alm[I[0]]*B2lm[I[0]].conj() +2.*sum(Alm[I[1:]]*B2lm[I[1:]].conj()))/(2.0*li+1.0) clABB[li] = (Blm[I[0]]*ABlm[I[0]].conj() +2.*sum(Blm[I[1:]]*ABlm[I[1:]].conj()))/(2.0*li+1.0) ############################# DEBUG ################################ if i_r == 0: np.savetxt('debug2/clAB2_%s.dat' % run_type, clAB2) np.savetxt('debug2/clABB_%s.dat' % run_type, clABB) #################################################################### clAB2 = clAB2[1:] clABB = clABB[1:] result = np.zeros(nl, dtype='d') result += (clAB2 + 2 * clABB) * r[i_r]**2. * dr[i_r] ############################# DEBUG ################################ np.savetxt('debug2/cl21_%s.dat' % run_type, result) #################################################################### print ("finished work for r=%i, dr=%.2f, avg(alpha)=%.2f, avg(beta)=%.2f, avg(result)=%.4g" % (int(r[i_r]), dr[i_r], np.average(alpha[:,i_r]), np.average(beta[:,i_r]), np.average(result))) ############################# DEBUG ################################ #if i_r == 0: # print "finished debug -- goodbye!" # exit() #################################################################### o_comm.Send([result,MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1) f_t8 = time.time() if (i_rank == 0): print "" print ("Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" % fn_cl21_no_mll) np.savetxt(fn_cl21_no_mll, cl21) print "" print "Saving power spectrum to %s (mll corrected)" % fn_cl21 cl21 =, cl21) np.savetxt(fn_cl21, cl21) return
def main(i_sim=0): ''' MPI Setup ''' o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank() # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size) i_size = o_comm.Get_size() # number of cores assigned to run this program o_status = MPI.Status() i_work_tag = 0 i_die_tag = 1 ''' Loading and calculating power spectrum components ''' # Get run parameters s_fn_params = 'data/params.pkl' (i_lmax, i_nside, s_fn_map, s_map_name, s_fn_mask, s_fn_mll, s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) = get_params(s_fn_params) #s_fn_cltt = ('sims/na_cltt_sim_%i.npy' % i_sim) if (i_rank == 0): s_fn_cl21_data = 'output/na_cl21_data_g_sim_%i.dat' % i_sim s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll = ('output/na_cl21_data_g_sim_%i_no_mll.dat' % i_sim) f_t1 = time.time() print "" print "Run parameters:" print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size print "lmax: %i, nside: %i, map name: %s" % (i_lmax, i_nside, s_map_name) print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) print "" print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..." na_mask = hp.read_map(s_fn_mask) #s_fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy' % i_lmax s_fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_1499_lmax.npy' na_mll = np.load(s_fn_mll) na_mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(na_mll) na_l, na_r, na_dr, na_alpha, na_beta = np.loadtxt(s_fn_alphabeta, usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3) na_l = np.unique(na_l) na_r = np.unique(na_r)[::-1] na_l = na_l[:i_lmax] i_num_ell = len(na_l) i_num_r = len(na_r) if (i_rank == 0): print "i_num_r: %i, i_num_ell: %i" % (i_num_r, i_num_ell) na_alpha = na_alpha.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_beta = na_beta.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_dr = na_dr.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_dr = na_dr[0] na_cltt = np.load(s_fn_cltt) na_cltt = na_cltt[:i_num_ell] na_bl = np.load(s_fn_beam) na_bl = na_bl[:i_num_ell] # f_t2 = time.time() if (i_rank == 0): print "" print "Calculating full skewness power spectrum..." data_run = False if data_run: s_fn_alm = 'output/na_alm_data.fits' na_alm = hp.read_alm(s_fn_alm) na_alm = na_alm[:hp.Alm.getsize(i_num_ell)] else: na_cltt_not_corrected = np.load('output/na_cltt_not_corrected.npy') na_alm = hp.synalm(na_cltt_not_corrected, lmax=i_num_ell, verbose=False) # f_t3 = time.time() na_cl21_data = np.zeros(i_num_ell) na_work = np.zeros(1, dtype='i') na_result = np.zeros(i_num_ell, dtype='d') # master loop if (i_rank == 0): # send initial jobs for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size): na_work = np.array([i_rank_out-1], dtype='i') o_comm.Send([na_work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag) for i_r in range(i_size-1,i_num_r): if (i_r % (i_num_r / 10) == 0): print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r * 100 / i_num_r, time.time() - f_t1) na_work = np.array([i_r], dtype='i') o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) #print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source() o_comm.Send([na_work,MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_work_tag) na_cl21_data += na_result for i_rank_out in range(1,i_size): o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) na_cl21_data += na_result o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype='i'), MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag) #slave loop: else: while(1): o_comm.Recv([na_work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) if (o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag): break i_r = na_work[0] #print "doing work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) na_Alm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_alpha[:,i_r] / na_cltt * na_bl) na_Blm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_beta[:,i_r] / na_cltt * na_bl) # f_t4 = time.time() na_An = hp.alm2map(na_Alm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) na_Bn = hp.alm2map(na_Blm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) # *REMBER TO MULTIPLY BY THE MASK!* -- already doing this in na_An = na_An * na_mask na_Bn = na_Bn * na_mask # f_t5 = time.time() #print "starting map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) na_B2lm = hp.map2alm(na_Bn*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell) na_ABlm = hp.map2alm(na_An*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell) #print "finished map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) # f_t6 = time.time() na_clAB2 = hp.alm2cl(na_Alm, na_B2lm, lmax=i_num_ell) na_clABB = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlm, na_Blm, lmax=i_num_ell) na_clAB2 = na_clAB2[1:] na_clABB = na_clABB[1:] #na_clAB2 = na_clAB2[:-1] # just doing this to make things fit... #na_clABB = na_clABB[:-1] # just doing this to make things fit... #f_t7 = time.time() na_result = np.zeros(i_num_ell, dtype='d') na_result += (na_clAB2 + 2 * na_clABB) * na_r[i_r]**2. * na_dr[i_r] #print "finished work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) o_comm.Send([na_result,MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1) # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1) # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2) # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.) # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.) # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.) # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.) f_t8 = time.time() if (i_rank == 0): print "" print ("Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" % s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll) np.savetxt(s_fn_cl21_data_no_mll, na_cl21_data) print "" print "Saving power spectrum to %s (mll corrected)" % s_fn_cl21_data na_cl21_data =, na_cl21_data) np.savetxt(s_fn_cl21_data, na_cl21_data) # print "Finished in %.2f s" % (f_t8 - f_t1) # # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1) # # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2) # # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.) # # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.) # # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.) # # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.) return
import healpy as hp nl = 2000 map_smica = hp.read_map('data/CompMap_CMB-smica_2048_R1.11.fits') mask = hp.read_map('data/CompMap_Mask_2048_R1.00.fits') map_processed = hp.remove_dipole(map_smica) / 1e6 / 2.7 * mask alm_data = hp.map2alm(map_processed) cltt = hp.anafast(map_processed)'debug/cltt_not_corrected.npy', cltt) mll = np.load('output/na_mll_2000_lmax.npy') mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(mll) cltt_corrected =, cltt[:nl]) alm_sim = hp.synalm(cltt_corrected[:nl]) #this is probably the issue... # load and resize things l, r, dr, alpha, beta = np.loadtxt('data/l_r_alpha_beta.txt', usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3) lmax = 1499 mll = np.load('output/na_mll_1499_lmax.npy') mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(mll) l = np.unique(l) r = np.unique(r)[::-1] l = l[:lmax] nr = len(r)
#nl = 1.7504523623688016e-16*1e12 * np.ones(2500) #nl = 1.7504523623688016e-16*1e12 * np.ones(2500) *2 # Gaussian beam fwhm 5 arcmin #bl = CG.gaussian_beam(2500,5) #bl = CG.gaussian_beam(2500,5*np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(nside,degrees=True))*60) bl = CG.gaussian_beam(2500,13) # Spectrum according to parameter defined above if generate_new_data==1: Cl = cb.generate_spectrum(dd) # White noise level defined so that SNR=1 at \ell of 1700 nl = Cl[900,1]*bl[900]**2*np.ones(2500) lmax_temp = Cl.shape[0]-1 alm = hp.synalm(Cl[:,1]) dlm = hp.almxfl(alm,bl[:lmax_temp+1]) nlm = hp.synalm(nl[:lmax_temp+1]) dlm = dlm+nlm"Dataset_planck2015_900SNR1_13arcmin.npy",dlm) plt.figure() ell = np.arange(lmax)*np.arange(1,lmax+1) plt.plot(ell*(Cl[:lmax,1]*bl[:lmax]**2),label = "$C_\ell b_\ell^2$") plt.plot(ell*(nl[:lmax]),label="$n_\ell$") plt.plot(ell*(Cl[:lmax,1]*bl[:lmax]**2+nl[:lmax]),"--",label = "$C_\ell b_\ell^2 + n_\ell$") plt.ylabel("$\ell (\ell +1) C_\ell$") plt.xlabel("$\ell$") plt.axvline(900) plt.yscale("log") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.savefig("plots/powerspectrum_WMAPtype.png")
def simulate(self, idx): tlm, elm, blm = hp.synalm( [,,,], lmax=self.lmax ) return tlm, elm, blm
def rand_alm_healpy(ps, lmax=None, seed=None, dtype=np.complex128): import healpy if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) ps = powspec.sym_compress(ps, scheme="diag") return np.asarray(healpy.synalm(ps, lmax=lmax, new=True))
l, cl = loadtxt('cl_wmap5_bao_sn.dat',usecols=(0,1),unpack=True) #bl = loadtxt('bl_V.txt') bl = ones(cl.shape[0])*1.0 # Read in alpha(r) and beta(r) R, a, b = loadtxt("total.dat", usecols = (0,3,4), unpack=True) # Put alpha and beta in a format condusive for r dependance a = a.reshape(500,1999) b = b.reshape(500,1999) R = R.reshape(500,1999) # Define A(r,lm) and B(r,lm) #nl = ones(cl.shape[0])*2.39643128e-15 nl = ones(cl.shape[0])*0.0 nlm = hp.synalm(nl, lmax=LMAX) dR = 1.1337565 #for N in xrange(111,121): for N in xrange(7,10): print '#########################################################' print "" print N print "" print '#########################################################' #Read In alms and cls alm = hp.read_alm('Maps/alm_l_'+str(N)+'.fits') flm = hp.read_alm('Maps/alm_nl_'+str(N)+'.fits') Alm = zeros(alm.shape[0],complex)
cl_tt = dl_tt * 2 * np.pi / (l * (l + 1)) cl_tt[0] = 0 cl_ee = dl_ee * 2 * np.pi / (l * (l + 1)) cl_ee[0] = 0 cl_bb = dl_bb * 2 * np.pi / (l * (l + 1)) cl_bb[0] = 0 cl_te = dl_te * 2 * np.pi / (l * (l + 1)) cl_te[0] = 0 cl_tb = np.zeros_like(cl_te) cl_eb = np.zeros_like(cl_te) dl_tb = np.zeros_like(cl_te) dl_eb = np.zeros_like(cl_te) nside = 256 alms = hp.synalm([cl_tt, cl_ee, cl_bb, cl_te, cl_eb, cl_tb], lmax=3 * nside - 1, new=True) map_t, map_e, map_b = hp.alm2map(alms, nside, pol=False) map_tb, map_q, map_u = hp.alm2map(alms, nside, pol=True) # hp.mollview(map_t); # hp.mollview(map_e); # hp.mollview(map_b); # hp.mollview(map_tb); # hp.mollview(map_q); # hp.mollview(map_u); # cl_tt_a, cl_ee_a, cl_bb_a, cl_te_a, cl_eb_a, cl_tb_a = hp.anafast([map_t, map_e, map_b], pol=False) cl_tt_b, cl_ee_b, cl_bb_b, cl_te_b, cl_eb_b, cl_tb_b = hp.anafast([map_tb, map_q, map_u], pol=True) l_d = np.arange(len(cl_tt_a)) plt.plot(l[: len(l_d)], dl_tt[: len(l_d)], "k-")
def main(): ''' Loading and calculating power spectrum components ''' # Get run parameters s_fn_params = 'data/params.pkl' (i_lmax, i_nside, s_fn_map, s_map_name, s_fn_mask, s_fn_mll, s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) = get_params(s_fn_params) s_fn_cl21_data = 'output/na_cl21_data.dat' f_t1 = time.time() print "" print "Run parameters:" print "lmax: %i, nside: %i, map name: %s" % (i_lmax, i_nside, s_map_name) print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) print "" print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..." na_l, na_r, na_dr, na_alpha, na_beta = np.loadtxt(s_fn_alphabeta, usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3) na_l = np.unique(na_l) na_r = np.unique(na_r)[::-1] na_l = na_l[:i_lmax] i_num_ell = len(na_l) i_num_r = len(na_r) print "i_num_r: %i, i_num_ell: %i" % (i_num_r, i_num_ell) na_alpha = na_alpha.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_beta = na_beta.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_dr = na_dr.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_dr = na_dr[0] na_cltt = np.load(s_fn_cltt) na_cltt = na_cltt[:i_num_ell] na_bl = np.load(s_fn_beam) na_bl = na_bl[:i_num_ell] # f_t2 = time.time() print "" print "Calculating full skewness power spectrum..." na_alm = hp.synalm(na_cltt, lmax=i_num_ell, verbose=False) # f_t3 = time.time() na_cl21_data = np.zeros(i_num_ell) for i_r in range(i_num_r): if (i_r % (i_num_r / 10) == 0): print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r * 100 / i_num_r, time.time() - f_t1) na_Alm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_alpha[:,i_r] / na_cltt * na_bl) na_Blm = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_beta[:,i_r] / na_cltt * na_bl) # f_t4 = time.time() na_An = hp.alm2map(na_Alm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) na_Bn = hp.alm2map(na_Blm, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) # f_t5 = time.time() #print "starting map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) na_B2lm = hp.map2alm(na_Bn*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell) na_ABlm = hp.map2alm(na_An*na_Bn, lmax=i_num_ell) #print "finished map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) # f_t6 = time.time() na_clAB2 = hp.alm2cl(na_Alm, na_B2lm, lmax=i_num_ell) na_clABB = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlm, na_Blm, lmax=i_num_ell) na_clAB2 = na_clAB2[1:] na_clABB = na_clABB[1:] #f_t7 = time.time() na_cl21_data += (na_clAB2 + 2 * na_clABB) * na_r[i_r]**2. * na_dr[i_r] f_t8 = time.time() print "" print "Saving power spectrum to %s" % s_fn_cl21_data np.savetxt(s_fn_cl21_data, na_cl21_data) # print "Finished in %.2f s" % (f_t8 - f_t1) # # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1) # # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2) # # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.) # # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.) # # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.) # # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.) return
def main(i_sim=0): ''' MPI Setup ''' o_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD i_rank = o_comm.Get_rank() # current core number -- e.g., i in arange(i_size) i_size = o_comm.Get_size() # number of cores assigned to run this program o_status = MPI.Status() i_work_tag = 0 i_die_tag = 1 ''' Loading and calculating power spectrum components ''' # Get run parameters s_fn_params = 'data/params.pkl' (i_lmax, i_nside, s_fn_map, s_map_name, s_fn_mask, s_fn_mll, s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) = get_params(s_fn_params) s_fn_cltt = ('sims/na_cltt_sim_%i.npy' % i_sim) if (i_rank == 0): f_t1 = time.time() print "" print "Run parameters:" print "(Using %i cores)" % i_size print "lmax: %i, nside: %i, map name: %s" % (i_lmax, i_nside, s_map_name) print "beam: %s, alpha_beta: %s, cltt: %s" % (s_fn_beam, s_fn_alphabeta, s_fn_cltt) print "" print "Loading ell, r, dr, alpha, beta, cltt, and beam..." na_l, na_r, na_dr, na_alpha, na_beta = np.loadtxt(s_fn_alphabeta, usecols=(0,1,2,3,4), unpack=True, skiprows=3) na_l = np.unique(na_l) na_r = np.unique(na_r)[::-1] na_l = na_l[:i_lmax] i_num_ell = len(na_l) i_num_r = len(na_r) na_alpha = na_alpha.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_beta = na_beta.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_dr = na_dr.reshape(i_num_ell, i_num_r) na_dr = na_dr[0] if (i_rank == 0): print "(sizes from file load)" print "i_num_r: %i, i_num_ell: %i" % (i_num_r, i_num_ell) if (len(sys.argv) > 2): i_lmax_run = int(sys.argv[2]) else: i_lmax_run = i_lmax if (len(sys.argv) > 3): i_num_r_run = int(sys.argv[3]) else: i_num_r_run = i_num_r i_lmax_run = min(i_lmax_run, len(na_l)) i_num_r_run = min(i_num_r, i_num_r_run) i_r_steps = i_num_r / i_num_r_run na_mask = hp.read_map(s_fn_mask) s_fn_mll = 'output/na_mll_%i_lmax.npy' % i_lmax_run na_mll = np.load(s_fn_mll) na_mll_inv = np.linalg.inv(na_mll) if (i_rank == 0): print "(sizes for run)" print "i_num_r_run: %i, i_lmax_run: %i" % (i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run) na_l = na_l[:i_lmax_run] na_r = na_r[::i_r_steps] na_dr = na_dr[::i_r_steps] na_alpha = na_alpha[:i_lmax_run, ::i_r_steps] na_beta = na_beta[:i_lmax_run, ::i_r_steps] na_cltt = np.load(s_fn_cltt) na_cltt = na_cltt[:i_lmax_run] na_bl = np.load(s_fn_beam) na_bl = na_bl[:i_lmax_run] # f_t2 = time.time() if (i_rank == 0): print "" print "Calculating full kurtosis power spectra..." na_alm = hp.synalm(na_cltt, lmax=i_lmax_run, verbose=False) # f_t3 = time.time() na_work = np.zeros(2, dtype='i') na_result = np.zeros((2,i_lmax_run), dtype='d') li_dims = [i_num_r_run, i_num_r_run] # master loop if (i_rank == 0): na_kl22_data = np.zeros(i_lmax_run) na_kl31_data = np.zeros(i_lmax_run) # send initial jobs for i_rank_out in range(1, i_size): na_work = np.array(cart_index(i_rank_out-1, li_dims), dtype='i') o_comm.Send([na_work, MPI.INT], dest=i_rank_out, tag=i_work_tag) na_work = np.array(cart_index(i_size-1, li_dims), dtype='i') i_r1_start = na_work[0] i_r2_start = na_work[1] for i_r1 in range(i_r1_start, i_num_r_run): if (i_r1 % (i_num_r / 10) == 0): print "Finished %i%% of jobs... (%.2f s)" % (i_r1 * 100 / i_num_r_run, time.time() - f_t1) for i_r2 in range(i_r2_start, i_num_r_run): na_work = np.array([i_r1, i_r2], dtype='i') o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) #print "received results from core %i" % o_status.Get_source() o_comm.Send([na_work,MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_work_tag) na_kl22_data += na_result[0] na_kl31_data += na_result[1] for i_rank_out in range(1, i_size): o_comm.Recv([na_result, MPI.DOUBLE], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) na_kl22_data += na_result[0] na_kl31_data += na_result[1] o_comm.Send([np.array([9999], dtype='i'), MPI.INT], dest=o_status.Get_source(), tag=i_die_tag) #slave loop: else: while(1): o_comm.Recv([na_work, MPI.INT], source=0, status=o_status, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG) if (o_status.Get_tag() == i_die_tag): break i_r1 = na_work[0] i_r2 = na_work[1] #print "doing work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) na_Almr1 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_alpha[:,i_r1] / na_cltt * na_bl) na_Blmr1 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_beta[:,i_r1] / na_cltt * na_bl) na_Almr2 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_alpha[:,i_r2] / na_cltt * na_bl) na_Blmr2 = hp.almxfl(na_alm, na_beta[:,i_r2] / na_cltt * na_bl) # f_t4 = time.time() #all da maps na_Ar1n = hp.alm2map(na_Almr1, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) na_Br1n = hp.alm2map(na_Blmr1, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) na_Ar2n = hp.alm2map(na_Almr2, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) na_Br2n = hp.alm2map(na_Blmr2, nside=i_nside, fwhm=0.00145444104333, verbose=False) na_Ar1n = na_Ar1n * na_mask na_Br1n = na_Br1n * na_mask na_Ar2n = na_Ar2n * na_mask na_Br2n = na_Br2n * na_mask # f_t5 = time.time() #print "starting map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) na_ABlmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar1n*na_Br1n, lmax=i_lmax_run) if i_r1 == i_r2: na_B2lmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Br1n*na_Br1n, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_AB2lmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar1n*na_Br1n*na_Br1n, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_ABAlmr1 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar1n*na_Br1n*na_Ar1n, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_ABlmr2 = hp.map2alm(na_Ar2n*na_Br2n, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_B2lmr2 = hp.map2alm(na_Br2n*na_Br2n, lmax=i_lmax_run) #print "finished map2alm for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) # f_t6 = time.time() na_Jl_ABA_B = hp.alm2cl(na_ABAlmr1, na_Blmr2, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_Jl_AB_AB = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlmr1, na_ABlmr2, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_Jl_ABA_B = na_Jl_ABA_B[1:] na_Jl_AB_AB = na_Jl_AB_AB[1:] if i_r1 == i_r2: na_Ll_AB2_B = hp.alm2cl(na_AB2lmr1, na_Blmr1, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_Ll_AB_B2 = hp.alm2cl(na_ABlmr1, na_B2lmr1, lmax=i_lmax_run) na_Ll_AB2_B = na_Ll_AB2_B[1:] na_Ll_AB_B2 = na_Ll_AB_B2[1:] #f_t7 = time.time() na_result = np.zeros((2,i_lmax_run), dtype='d') if i_r1 == i_r2: na_result[0] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_AB_AB * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2] + 2. * na_Ll_AB_B2 * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1]) #kl22 na_result[1] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_ABA_B * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2] + 2. * na_Ll_AB2_B * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1]) #kl31 else: na_result[0] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_AB_AB * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2]) #kl22 na_result[1] += ((5./3.)**2. * na_Jl_ABA_B * na_r[i_r1]**2. * na_dr[i_r1] * na_r[i_r2]**2. * na_dr[i_r2]) #kl31 #print "finished work for r = %i on core %i" % (i_r, i_rank) o_comm.Send([na_result,MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=1) # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1) # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2) # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.) # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.) # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.) # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.) f_t8 = time.time() if (i_rank == 0): s_fn_kl22_data_no_mll = 'output/na_kl22_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax_no_mll.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run) s_fn_kl31_data_no_mll = 'output/na_kl31_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax_no_mll.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run) print "" print "Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" % s_fn_kl22_data_no_mll print "Saving power spectrum to %s (not mll corrected)" % s_fn_kl31_data_no_mll np.savetxt(s_fn_kl22_data_no_mll, na_kl22_data) np.savetxt(s_fn_kl31_data_no_mll, na_kl31_data) s_fn_kl22_data = 'output/na_kl22_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run) s_fn_kl31_data = 'output/na_kl31_data_g_sim_%i_%i_rsteps_%i_lmax.dat' % (i_sim, i_num_r_run, i_lmax_run) print "" print "Saving power spectrum to %s" % s_fn_kl22_data print "Saving power spectrum to %s" % s_fn_kl31_data na_kl22_data =, na_kl22_data) na_kl31_data =, na_kl31_data) np.savetxt(s_fn_kl22_data, na_kl22_data) np.savetxt(s_fn_kl31_data, na_kl31_data) # print "Finished in %.2f s" % (f_t8 - f_t1) # # print "Load time: %.2f s" % (f_t2 - f_t1) # # print "synalm time: %.2f s" % (f_t3 - f_t2) # # print "almxfl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t4 - f_t3) / 2.) # # print "alm2map time: %.2f s" % ((f_t5 - f_t4) / 2.) # # print "map2alm time: %.2f s" % ((f_t6 - f_t5) / 2.) # # print "alm2cl time: %.2f s" % ((f_t7 - f_t6) / 2.) return