Beispiel #1
    def generateSeedExpectedInfDictUsingDAG2(self, k_prod, s_set, mioa_dict):
        node_rank_dict = {i: 0.0 for i in self.seed_cost_dict[0]}
        for s_node in s_set[k_prod]:
            node_rank_dict[s_node] = 1.0
            for i in mioa_dict[s_node]:
                if mioa_dict[s_node][i] > node_rank_dict[i]:
                    node_rank_dict[i] = mioa_dict[s_node][i]

        s_total_set = set(s for k in range(self.num_product) for s in s_set[k])
        seed_exp_inf_dict = {}
        for s_node in s_set[k_prod]:
            mioa_set = set()
            s_node_dict = {s_node: (1.0, s_node)}
            source_heap = []
            for i in self.graph_dict[s_node]:
                s_node_dict[i] = (self.graph_dict[s_node][i], s_node)
                heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (self.graph_dict[s_node][i], i))

            # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
            # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)
                i_prev = s_node_dict[i_node][1]

                if i_node in s_total_set:
                if node_rank_dict[i_prev] <= node_rank_dict[i_node]:

                if i_node in seed_exp_inf_dict:
                    seed_exp_inf_dict[i_node] = [i_prob]

                if i_node in self.graph_dict:
                    for ii_node in self.graph_dict[i_node]:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in mioa_set:
                            ii_prob = round(
                                i_prob * self.graph_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in s_node_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = s_node_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        s_node_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob,
                                            (ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                        source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    s_node_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                                      (ii_prob, ii_node))

        return seed_exp_inf_dict
    def generateMIA(self, s_set):
        ### mioa_dict[i_node_u][i_node_v] = (prob, path): MIP from i_node_u to i_node_v
        ### miia_dict[i_node_v][i_node_u] = (prob, path): MIP from i_node_u to i_node_v
        mioa_dict, miia_dict = {}, {}
        sub_graph = copy.deepcopy(self.graph_dict)
        s_total_set = set(s for k in range(self.num_product) for s in s_set[k])
        for s_node in s_total_set:
            induceGraph(sub_graph, s_node)

        for source_node in sub_graph:
            ### source_dict[i_node] = (prob, in-neighbor)
            mioa_dict[source_node] = {}
            source_dict = {source_node: (1.0, source_node)}
            source_heap = []
            for i in sub_graph[source_node]:
                source_dict[i] = (sub_graph[source_node][i], source_node)
                heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (sub_graph[source_node][i], i))

            # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
            # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)
                i_prev = source_dict[i_node][1]

                # -- find MIP from source_node to i_node --
                i_path = [i_node, i_prev]
                while i_prev != source_dict[i_prev][1]:
                    i_prev = source_dict[i_prev][1]

                mioa_dict[source_node][i_node] = (i_prob, i_path)
                if i_node not in miia_dict:
                    miia_dict[i_node] = {source_node: (i_prob, i_path)}
                    miia_dict[i_node][source_node] = (i_prob, i_path)

                if i_node in sub_graph:
                    for ii_node in sub_graph[i_node]:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in mioa_dict[source_node]:
                            ii_prob = round(i_prob * sub_graph[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in source_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                        source_heap.remove((ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                        source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                    heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (ii_prob, ii_node))

        return mioa_dict, miia_dict
Beispiel #3
    def generateMIOA(self):
        mioa_dict = {}

        for source_node in self.graph_dict:
            ### source_dict[i_node] = (prob, in-neighbor)
            mioa_dict[source_node] = {}
            source_dict = {
                i: (self.graph_dict[source_node][i], source_node)
                for i in self.graph_dict[source_node]
            source_dict[source_node] = (1.0, source_node)
            source_heap = [(self.graph_dict[source_node][i], i)
                           for i in self.graph_dict[source_node]]

            # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
            # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)
                i_prev = source_dict[i_node][1]

                # -- find MIP from source_node to i_node --
                i_path = [i_node, i_prev]
                while i_prev != source_node:
                    i_prev = source_dict[i_prev][1]

                mioa_dict[source_node][i_node] = (i_prob, i_path)

                if i_node in self.graph_dict:
                    for ii_node in self.graph_dict[i_node]:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in mioa_dict[source_node]:
                            ii_prob = round(
                                i_prob * self.graph_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in source_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob,
                                            (ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                        source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                                      (ii_prob, ii_node))

        return mioa_dict
Beispiel #4
    def generateSeedDAGDict(self, dag_dict, s_set_k):
        sdag_dict = {}

        s_set = set(s for s in s_set_k if s in dag_dict)
        for s_node in s_set:
            sdag_dict[s_node] = {}
            source_dict = {
                i: (dag_dict[s_node][i], s_node)
                for i in dag_dict[s_node]
            source_dict[s_node] = (1.0, s_node)
            source_heap = [(dag_dict[s_node][i], i) for i in dag_dict[s_node]]

            # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
            # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)
                i_prev = source_dict[i_node][1]

                # -- find MIP from source_node to i_node --
                i_path = [i_node, i_prev]
                while i_prev != s_node:
                    i_prev = source_dict[i_prev][1]

                sdag_dict[s_node][i_node] = (i_prob, i_path)

                if i_node in dag_dict:
                    for ii_node in dag_dict[i_node]:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in sdag_dict[s_node]:
                            ii_prob = round(i_prob * dag_dict[i_node][ii_node],

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in source_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob,
                                            (ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                        source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                                      (ii_prob, ii_node))

        return sdag_dict
Beispiel #5
    def generateDAG1(self, s_set_k):
        node_rank_dict = {}
        source_dict = {s_node: 1.0 for s_node in s_set_k}
        source_heap = [(1.0, s_node) for s_node in s_set_k]

        # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
        # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
        while source_heap:
            (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)

            node_rank_dict[i_node] = i_prob

            if i_node in self.graph_dict:
                for ii_node in self.graph_dict[i_node]:
                    # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                    if ii_node not in node_rank_dict:
                        ii_prob = round(
                            i_prob * self.graph_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                        if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                            # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                            if ii_node in source_dict:
                                ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node]
                                if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                    source_heap.remove((ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                    source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                            # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                                  (ii_prob, ii_node))

        dag_dict = {i: {} for i in self.graph_dict}
        i_set = set(i for i in self.graph_dict if i in node_rank_dict)
        for i in i_set:
            j_set = set(j for j in self.graph_dict[i] if j in node_rank_dict
                        and node_rank_dict[i] > node_rank_dict[j])
            for j in j_set:
                dag_dict[i][j] = self.graph_dict[i][j]
            if not dag_dict[i]:
                del dag_dict[i]

        return dag_dict
Beispiel #6
    def generateMIA(self):
        mioa_dict, miia_dict = {}, {}

        for source_node in self.graph_dict:
            ### source_dict[i_node] = (prob, in-neighbor)
            mioa_dict[source_node] = {}
            source_dict = {source_node: 1.0}
            source_heap = []
            for i in self.graph_dict[source_node]:
                source_dict[i] = self.graph_dict[source_node][i]
                heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (self.graph_dict[source_node][i], i))

            # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
            # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)

                mioa_dict[source_node][i_node] = i_prob
                if i_node not in miia_dict:
                    miia_dict[i_node] = {source_node}

                if i_node in self.graph_dict:
                    for ii_node in self.graph_dict[i_node]:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in mioa_dict[source_node]:
                            ii_prob = round(i_prob * self.graph_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in source_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                        source_heap.remove((ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                        source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                    heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (ii_prob, ii_node))

        return mioa_dict, miia_dict
Beispiel #7
    def generateMIOG(self):
        miog_dict = {s: [] for s in self.graph_dict}

        for source_node in self.graph_dict:
            ### source_dict[i_node] = (prob, in-neighbor)
            source_dict = {i: self.graph_dict[source_node][i] for i in self.graph_dict[source_node]}
            source_dict[source_node] = 1.0
            source_heap = [(self.graph_dict[source_node][i], i, [i]) for i in self.graph_dict[source_node]]

            # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
            # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node, i_path) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)

                if i_prob >= source_dict[i_node]:
                    miog_dict[source_node].append((i_prob, i_path))
                    # if i_prev not in miog_dict[source_node]:
                    #     miog_dict[source_node][i_prev] = [i_node]
                    # else:
                    #     miog_dict[source_node][i_prev].append(i_node)

                    if i_node in self.graph_dict:
                        for ii_node in self.graph_dict[i_node]:
                            # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                            ii_prob = round(i_prob * self.graph_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)
                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                if ii_node in source_dict:
                                    if ii_prob >= source_dict[ii_node]:
                                        source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                        heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (ii_prob, ii_node, i_path + [ii_node]))
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                    heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (ii_prob, ii_node, i_path + [ii_node]))

        return miog_dict
    def generateMIOA(self):
        ### mioa_dict[source_node][i_node]: (prob., MIP)
        mioa_dict = {}

        for source_node in self.graph_dict:
            ### source_dict: the node in heap which may update its activated probability --
            ### source_dict[i_node] = (prob, in-neighbor)
            mioa_dict[source_node] = {}
            source_dict = {
                i: (self.graph_dict[source_node][i], source_node)
                for i in self.graph_dict[source_node]
            source_dict[source_node] = (1.0, source_node)
            source_heap = [(self.graph_dict[source_node][i], i)
                           for i in self.graph_dict[source_node]]

            # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
            # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)
                i_prev = source_dict[i_node][1]

                # -- find MIP from source_node to i_node --
                i_path = [i_node, i_prev]
                while i_prev != source_node:
                    i_prev = source_dict[i_prev][1]

                mioa_dict[source_node][i_node] = (i_prob, i_path)

                if i_node in self.graph_dict:
                    for ii_node in self.graph_dict[i_node]:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in mioa_dict[source_node]:
                            ii_prob = round(
                                i_prob * self.graph_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in source_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob,
                                            (ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                        source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                                      (ii_prob, ii_node))

        mioa_dict = [mioa_dict] * self.num_product
        if self.epw_flag:
            # -- update node's activated probability by product weight --
            mioa_dict = [{
                i: {
                    j: (round(
                        mioa_dict[k][i][j][0] * self.product_weight_list[k]**
                        len(mioa_dict[k][i][j][1]), 4), mioa_dict[k][i][j][1])
                    for j in mioa_dict[k][i]
                for i in mioa_dict[k]
            } for k in range(self.num_product)]
            # -- remove influenced nodes which are over diffusion threshold --
            mioa_dict = [{
                i: {
                    j: mioa_dict[k][i][j]
                    for j in mioa_dict[k][i]
                    if mioa_dict[k][i][j][0] >= self.prob_threshold
                for i in mioa_dict[k]
            } for k in range(self.num_product)]
            # -- remove empty mioa --
            mioa_dict = [{
                i: mioa_dict[k][i]
                for i in mioa_dict[k] if mioa_dict[k][i]
            } for k in range(self.num_product)]

        return mioa_dict
Beispiel #9
    def generateSeedExpectedInfDictUsingDAG1(self, k_prod, s_set):
        node_rank_dict = {}
        source_dict = {s_node: 1.0 for s_node in s_set[k_prod]}
        source_heap = [(1.0, s_node) for s_node in s_set[k_prod]]

        # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
        # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
        while source_heap:
            (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)

            node_rank_dict[i_node] = i_prob

            if i_node in self.graph_dict:
                for ii_node in self.graph_dict[i_node]:
                    # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                    if ii_node not in node_rank_dict:
                        ii_prob = round(
                            i_prob * self.graph_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                        if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                            # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                            if ii_node in source_dict:
                                ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node]
                                if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                    source_heap.remove((ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                    source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                            # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                source_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                                  (ii_prob, ii_node))

        s_total_set = set(s for k in range(self.num_product) for s in s_set[k])
        dag_dict = {}
        for i in self.graph_dict:
            if i in node_rank_dict:
                for j in self.graph_dict[i]:
                    if j in node_rank_dict and j not in s_total_set:
                        if node_rank_dict[i] > node_rank_dict[j]:
                            if i not in dag_dict:
                                dag_dict[i] = {}
                            dag_dict[i][j] = self.graph_dict[i][j]

        seed_exp_inf_dict = {}
        for s_node in s_set[k_prod]:
            if s_node in dag_dict:
                ### source_dict[i_node] = (prob, in-neighbor)
                mioa_set = set()
                s_node_dict = {s_node: 1.0}
                source_heap = []
                for i in dag_dict[s_node]:
                    s_node_dict[i] = dag_dict[s_node][i]
                    heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (dag_dict[s_node][i], i))

                # -- it will not find a better path than the existing MIP --
                # -- because if this path exists, it should be pop earlier from the heap. --
                while source_heap:
                    (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)

                    if i_node in seed_exp_inf_dict:
                        seed_exp_inf_dict[i_node] = [i_prob]

                    if i_node in dag_dict:
                        for ii_node in dag_dict[i_node]:
                            # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                            if ii_node not in mioa_set:
                                ii_prob = round(
                                    i_prob * dag_dict[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                                if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                    # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                    if ii_node in s_node_dict:
                                        ii_prob_d = s_node_dict[ii_node]
                                        if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                            s_node_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                                (ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                                (ii_prob, ii_node))
                                    # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                        s_node_dict[ii_node] = ii_prob
                                            source_heap, (ii_prob, ii_node))

        return seed_exp_inf_dict
    def updatePMIIA(self, s_set, pmiia_dict):
        s_list = s_set.copy()

        s_node = ''
        sub_graph = self.graph_dict.copy()
        while s_list:
            if len(s_list) != len(s_set):
                induceGraph(sub_graph, s_node)
            s_node = s_list.pop(0)

            pmiia_dict[s_node] = {}
            mioa_dict, miia_dict = {}, {s_node: {}}
            source_in_dict = {s_node: (1.0, s_node)}
            source_in_heap = []
            s_node_in_neighbor = [
                i for i in sub_graph if s_node in sub_graph[i]
            for i in s_node_in_neighbor:
                source_in_dict[i] = (sub_graph[i][s_node], s_node)
                heap.heappush_max(source_in_heap, (sub_graph[i][s_node], i))

            while source_in_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_in_heap)
                i_subs = source_in_dict[i_node][1]

                # -- find MIP from source_node to i_node --
                i_path = [i_node, i_subs]
                while i_subs != source_in_dict[i_subs][1]:
                    i_subs = source_in_dict[i_subs][1]

                if i_node not in mioa_dict:
                    mioa_dict[i_node] = {s_node: (i_prob, i_path)}
                    mioa_dict[i_node][s_node] = (i_prob, i_path)
                miia_dict[s_node][i_node] = (i_prob, i_path)

                i_node_in_neighbor = [
                    i for i in sub_graph if i_node in sub_graph[i]
                if i_node_in_neighbor:
                    for ii_node in i_node_in_neighbor:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in mioa_dict[i_node]:
                            ii_prob = round(
                                i_prob * sub_graph[ii_node][i_node], 4)

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in source_in_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = source_in_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        source_in_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob,
                                            (ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                            (ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    source_in_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                                      (ii_prob, ii_node))

            for i_node_v in miia_dict[s_node]:
                is_set = {
                    for i in miia_dict[s_node][i_node_v][1] if i in s_list
                if not is_set:
                    pmiia_dict[s_node][i_node_v] = miia_dict[s_node][i_node_v]

        del_list = [i for i in pmiia_dict if not pmiia_dict[i]]
        while del_list:
            del_node = del_list.pop()
            del pmiia_dict[del_node]

        return pmiia_dict
Beispiel #11
    def updatePMIIA(self, s_set, pmiia_dict):
        s_list = s_set.copy()

        s_node = ''
        sub_graph = copy.deepcopy(self.graph_dict)
        mioa_dict = {}
        while s_list:
            if len(s_list) != len(s_set):
                induceGraph(sub_graph, s_node)
            s_node = s_list.pop(0)

            mioa_dict[s_node] = {}
            source_dict = {s_node: (1.0, s_node)}
            source_heap = []
            if s_node in sub_graph:
                for i in sub_graph[s_node]:
                    source_dict[i] = (sub_graph[s_node][i], s_node)
                    heap.heappush_max(source_heap, (sub_graph[s_node][i], i))

            while source_heap:
                (i_prob, i_node) = heap.heappop_max(source_heap)
                i_prev = source_dict[i_node][1]

                # -- find MIP from source_node to i_node --
                i_path = [i_node, i_prev]
                while i_prev != source_dict[i_prev][1]:
                    i_prev = source_dict[i_prev][1]

                mioa_dict[s_node][i_node] = (i_prob, i_path)

                if i_node in sub_graph:
                    for ii_node in sub_graph[i_node]:
                        # -- not yet find MIP from source_node to ii_node --
                        if ii_node not in mioa_dict[s_node]:
                            ii_prob = round(
                                i_prob * sub_graph[i_node][ii_node], 4)

                            if ii_prob >= self.prob_threshold:
                                # -- if ii_node is in heap --
                                if ii_node in source_dict:
                                    ii_prob_d = source_dict[ii_node][0]
                                    if ii_prob > ii_prob_d:
                                        source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob,
                                            (ii_prob_d, ii_node))
                                        source_heap.append((ii_prob, ii_node))
                                # -- if ii_node is not in heap --
                                    source_dict[ii_node] = (ii_prob, i_node)
                                                      (ii_prob, ii_node))

        is_dict = {
            i_node_v: set()
            for s_node in mioa_dict for i_node_v in mioa_dict[s_node]
        s_list = s_set.copy()
        s_node = s_list.pop(0)
        while s_list:
            for i_node_v in mioa_dict[s_node]:
                # --- if there is a seed j > i s.t. sj is in MIP_G(Si) (si, v), si will be added into IS(v) ---
                is_condition = {
                    for i in mioa_dict[s_node][i_node_v][1] if i in s_list
                if is_condition:
            s_node = s_list.pop(0)

        for i_node_v in is_dict:
            s_set_reduce_is_set = set(s_set).difference(is_dict[i_node_v])
            for s_node in s_set_reduce_is_set:
                if i_node_v in mioa_dict[s_node]:
                    if i_node_v not in pmiia_dict:
                        pmiia_dict[i_node_v] = {}
                    pmiia_dict[i_node_v][s_node] = mioa_dict[s_node][i_node_v]

        return pmiia_dict