def get_decision(self) -> List['Action']:
        """Top level interface for the heuristic to generate a decision
        if == 0:
            return [actions.EndRound()]

        # Handle BioTerrorism Events with higher priority
        if len( > 0:
            city =[0]
            if actions.PutUnderQuarantine.is_possible(, 2, city):
                return [actions.PutUnderQuarantine(city, 2)]

        if > 1 and <= 20:
            return [actions.EndRound()]

        # Add an EndRound action, so action_list will never be empty
        # TODO: Rethink rank
        self.action_list.append((0, actions.EndRound()))

        # Focus on pathogens first
        # This will populate the action list

        # Order action list descending by rank
        self.action_list = sorted(
            key=lambda action: action[0],

        # Return just the action without rank
        return [ranked_action[1] for ranked_action in self.action_list]
    def get_best_city_action(self, ava_points, points_needed=0):
        Get most important action of a given sorted action list
        and optionally consider how much point shall be available in the future
        :param points_needed: points needed for an action that is desired to be executed next
        :param ava_points: point allowed to use
        :return: the best possible city action ready to be build

        if ava_points == 0:
            # Impossible to do anything if current amount of points is 0
            # However, currently, this should never become relevant since this case is considered earlier
            return [(actions.EndRound(), 1)]

        # Check if desired action for next round exists
        if points_needed == 0:
            return self.select_action_for_points(ava_points)
        # Logic for wait "heuristic"
        points_per_round =
        if points_per_round < points_needed:
            # If pointer_per_round < needed points
            if ava_points > points_needed - points_per_round:  # 42 > 40 - 20

                # if pointer_per_round + ava__points > needed_points, spend: ava - (needed - per_round)
                points_to_spend = ava_points - (points_needed - points_per_round)

                return self.select_action_for_points(points_to_spend)

            elif points_per_round + ava_points == points_needed:
                # if pointer per round + ava = needed points, end round
                return [(actions.EndRound(), 1)]

            elif points_per_round + ava_points < points_needed:
                # if pointer per round + ava < needed_points, check additional_num rounds
                # and if you can execute action right now
                additional_missing_points = abs(ava_points + points_per_round - points_needed)
                additional_num_of_rounds_to_wait = math.ceil(additional_missing_points / points_per_round)
                # Amount of points that are not used while waiting for the points to do the desired action
                too_much_points = additional_num_of_rounds_to_wait * points_per_round - additional_missing_points
                if ava_points >= too_much_points:
                    # If the points, that are going to be too much later, are already available, use them
                    # Simply search for best city action whereby needed points is adapted
                    # As "Next round, only the points that are not too much + the default points per round are needed"
                    tmp_points_needed = points_per_round + (ava_points - too_much_points)
                    return self.get_best_city_action(ava_points, points_needed=tmp_points_needed)

                # If the overflow of points does not happen in this round,
                # the following executions of the code in the next round will catch the points and spend them
                # Hence we can just end the round here
                # same case as if we have to wait the num of round and are not allowed to spend any of it
                return [(actions.EndRound(), 1)]
        # if pointer_per_round >= needed_points, spend all ava_points
        return self.select_action_for_points(ava_points)
    def round_1_gameplan(self, ava_points):
        Get best action in round 1
        :param ava_points: points to spend in this round
        :return: Action object or list of action objects depending on the gameplan situation

        if ava_points < 40:
            return actions.EndRound()

        # Else First action in first round
        # Get all cities in which the mobility must be reduced
        candidate_cities = self.get_duration_candidate_cities()

        if candidate_cities:
            # Features
            pats_in_candidate_cities = [city.outbreak.pathogen for city in candidate_cities]
            not_candidate = [pat for pat in if pat not in pats_in_candidate_cities]
            most_important_pat_candidate = sorted(candidate_cities, key=lambda x: compute_pathogen_importance(
                self.weighted_pathogens[], x.outbreak.pathogen), reverse=True)[0]
            pat_cand_rank = compute_pathogen_importance(
            more_important_ava = [pat for pat in not_candidate if
                                  compute_pathogen_importance(self.weighted_pathogens[], pat) > pat_cand_rank]

            # Use features to test if a harmless mobile exits
            # (e.g. a pathogen which would spread to every city and infect them before any other could
            # and if a more important existing pathogen is not a candidate,
            # if both are True skip this step and go to global actions
            if not more_important_ava:
                return self.get_action_for_candidate_cities(candidate_cities, ava_points)

        return self.sorted_global_actions[:self.max_list_len]
    def get_action_for_global_actions(self, ava_points):
        Get the best global action or the best action to perform this global action in the future
        :param ava_points: points to spend
        :return: Action object
        tmp_var_developing, tmp_var_developed, tmp_var_developing_or_developed, \
            tmp_developed_state_dict, tmp_overall_state_dict, \
            tmp_every_pat_has_dev, tmp_any_pat_has_ava = self.get_pat_state()

        # If for every pathogen something is developing and nothing is already developed
        if tmp_every_pat_has_dev and not tmp_any_pat_has_ava:
            # just save the points to deploy once everything is developed
            return actions.EndRound()

        # If at least one medication or vaccine is still developing
        if tmp_var_developing:
            if tmp_var_developing_or_developed:
                # and each pathogen has a medication or a vaccine in development or already developed
                # Do best city action
                return self.get_best_city_action(ava_points)

            # or and not each pathogen has a medication or a vaccine in development or already developed
            # Do best global action (i.e. develop a medication or vaccine for a so far not considered pathogen
            # Filter out actions for pathogens which are already developing or developed
            filtered_global_actions = [(tmp_action, rank) for (tmp_action, rank) in self.sorted_global_actions
                                       if not tmp_overall_state_dict[tmp_action.parameters['pathogen']]]
            # Resulting list can not be empty since this would result in the previous if being true,
            # further order is preserved
            # Thus simply get new most important by taking the first one
            return [(self.plan_global_action(action, ava_points), rank) for (action, rank) in filtered_global_actions]

        # If non is currently developing
        if not tmp_var_developed:
            # and not each pathogen has either medication or vaccine developed
            filtered_global_actions = [(tmp_action, rank) for (tmp_action, rank) in self.sorted_global_actions
                                       if not tmp_developed_state_dict[tmp_action.parameters['pathogen']]]
            return [(self.plan_global_action(action, ava_points), rank) for (action, rank) in filtered_global_actions]

        # Dynamic cap which is maxed at 3 rounds - defines when another global action should be performed
        # A pat is in need of a global action if medi/vaci is needed but not available
        pat_in_need_of_global_action = [ for pat in if
                                        self.dev_needed.get(, 0)
                                        >= int(0.5 * len(]
        filtered_global_actions = [global_action for global_action in self.sorted_global_actions
                                   if global_action[0].parameters['pathogen'] in pat_in_need_of_global_action]
        # Check whether a global action for a pathogen exists which is in need of action
        if pat_in_need_of_global_action and filtered_global_actions:
            # Special trigger
            return [(self.plan_global_action(action, ava_points), rank)
                    for (action, rank) in filtered_global_actions]

        if >= 3:
            # TODO: Possible improvement: extend features to use for dynamic max and create exceptions
            return [(self.plan_global_action(action, ava_points), rank)
                    for (action, rank) in self.sorted_global_actions]

        return self.get_best_city_action(ava_points)
    def get_action_for_isolated_cities(self, isolated_cities, ava_points, saved_points):

        ava_points = saved_points + ava_points

        still_isolated = [city for city in isolated_cities if city.under_quarantine or city.airport_closed]
        no_isolation_present = [city for city in isolated_cities if city not in still_isolated]

        if still_isolated:
            # all isolated cities are still isolated - hence get points to keep them isolated next round
            points_needed_in_future = actions.PutUnderQuarantine.get_costs(2)

            if ava_points + >= points_needed_in_future:
                if no_isolation_present:
                    return self.get_action_for_no_isolation_present(no_isolation_present, ava_points, saved_points)

                # # Additional puffer
                points_needed_in_future *= 2

                pats_isolated = [ for city in isolated_cities]
                # more points than needed in future, do something with them
                rest_points = ava_points - points_needed_in_future +
                # Get global actions which are cheap enough and of a different pathogen
                global_actions = [(self.plan_global_action(action, rest_points), rank)
                                  for (action, rank) in self.sorted_global_actions if
                                  action.costs <= rest_points and action.parameters['pathogen'] not in pats_isolated]
                # Get action list for city
                action_list = self.get_best_city_action(ava_points, points_needed=points_needed_in_future)

                # Needed for later
                med_or_vac_in_list = [bool(action.type in ['deployVaccine', 'deployMedication']) for (action, _)
                                      in action_list]

                # Check if global action might be a better idea
                if global_actions and (True not in med_or_vac_in_list):
                    # if 20 or more points try a global action
                    # (global action list would be empty if less than 20 points and thus also considered like this)
                    action_list = global_actions

                return action_list

            # need more points, hence wait for them
            return actions.EndRound()

        return self.get_action_for_no_isolation_present(no_isolation_present, ava_points, saved_points)
    def select_action_for_points(self, points):
        Logic for spending the specified amount of points
        :param points: points to spend
        :return: list of best possible actions for the specified number of points
        result_list = []
        for _ in range(self.max_list_len):
            most_important_action = self.sorted_city_action[0][0]
            most_important_action_rank = self.sorted_city_action[0][1]

            # Basic idea
            if most_important_action.costs <= points or most_important_action.recalculate_costs_for_points(
                    points).costs <= points:
                # Do most important if possible
                result_list.append((most_important_action, most_important_action_rank))
                # Recalculate for actions (only changes the value if it would become due to the adjustment)
                recalc_actions = [(action.recalculate_costs_for_points(points), importance)
                                  for (action, importance) in self.sorted_city_action]
                # Find best possible action in list for points whereby reduce mobility action costs are fitted
                possible_actions_for_points = [(action, importance) for (action, importance) in recalc_actions
                                               if action.costs <= points]

                if possible_actions_for_points:
                    # Return most important of these actions
                    result_list.append((possible_actions_for_points[0][0], possible_actions_for_points[0][1]))
                    # Not enough points for any action
                    rank = 1
                    if result_list:
                        rank = result_list[-1][1] * 0.8
                    result_list.append((actions.EndRound(), rank))

            # Remove element from list
            selected_action = result_list[-1][0]
            if not selected_action.type == 'endRound':

        return result_list
Beispiel #7
def get_decision(game: Game):
    Get decision for the human heuristic - main entry point
    :param game: Game Object
    :return: List[Action]

    # Init
    game = copy.deepcopy(game)
    stateheuristic = Stateheuristic(game)

    # Simple shortcut to avoid recomputing everything in this case
    # because action list would consist only of this element in the end
    if game.points == 0:
        return [actions.EndRound()
                ]  # if decide to add value: (actions.EndRound(), 1.0)

    # Rank of each global action (Scaled to 0-1 whereby most important is 1)
    ranked_global_actions = stateheuristic.rank_global_actions()

    # Rank of each city (Scaled to 0-1 whereby most important is 1)
    city_ranks = stateheuristic.rank_cities()

    # Rank of each action per city (Scaled to 0-1 for each city whereby most important = 1)
    ranked_city_actions_per_city = stateheuristic.rank_actions_for_cities()

    # Combine ranks of city and actions for cities to have one flat list
    combined_ranks = h_utils.compute_combined_importance(
        city_ranks, ranked_city_actions_per_city)

    # Init Gameplan
    gameplan = Gameplan(game, combined_ranks, ranked_global_actions,

    # Build a list of actions whereby the first one is most important
    action_list = gameplan.build_action_list()

    return action_list
    def round_x_gameplan(self, ava_points):
        Get best action any round greater 1
        :param ava_points: points to spend in this round
        :return: Action object or list of action objects depending on the gameplan situation

        # Build up fall back points for bio terrorism and isolation in round X gameplan
        ava_points -= 20
        saved_points = 20

        isolated_cities = self.get_isolated_cities()

        # Isolated Gameplan (Make pathogens die out)
        if isolated_cities:
            # Get real number of points to avoid having not isolated cities
            # Also counters bio terrorism since bio terrorism only needs to be specially treated if it is also isolated
            # It only does no catch if we have an isolated bio terrorism with mobility equal 0
            # - this case is handled by default by the global action gamneplan and heuristic
            return self.get_action_for_isolated_cities(isolated_cities, ava_points, saved_points)

        cities_with_bio_terrorism =
        # Bio Terrorism game plan (counter bio terrorism of completely new pathogens)
        if cities_with_bio_terrorism:
            # we have a isolated bio terrorism with mobility equal 0, hence add saved points to ava points
            ava_points += saved_points

        # Save points
        if ava_points <= 0:
            return actions.EndRound()

        if not self.sorted_global_actions:
            # If no global actions anymore, do most important city action
            return self.get_best_city_action(ava_points)

        return self.get_action_for_global_actions(ava_points)