Beispiel #1
# xs = [0.]
# ys = [0.]
# zs = df_true.Z.unique()[::200]
xs = [-0.8, -0.4, 0., 0.4, 0.8]
ys = [0.]
zs = df_true.Z.unique()[::25]
X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(xs,ys,zs,indexing='ij')
X = X.flatten()
Y = Y.flatten()
Z = Z.flatten()

# load Mau13 coils
# geom_df = read_solenoid_geom_combined('../dev/params/', 'DS_V13_adjusted')
geom_df = read_solenoid_geom_combined('../dev/params/', 'DS_V13')

def Mu2e_DS_B(x=0., y=0., z=10.571):
    x -= 3.904
    Bs = []
    names = []
    for i in range(len(geom_df)):
        geom_coil = geom_df.iloc[i]
        for j in range(1, int(geom_coil.N_layers+1)):
            # CoilIG = CoilIntegrator(geom_coil, dxyz=np.array([2e-3,2e-3, 2e-3/geom_coil.Ri]), layer=j)
            CoilIG = CoilIntegrator(geom_coil, dxyz=np.array([1e-3,1e-3, 1e-3/geom_coil.Ri]), layer=j)
            Bs.append(CoilIG.integrate(x0=x, y0=y, z0=z))
    Bs = np.array(Bs)
    return np.sum(Bs, axis=0)# , Bs, names
 # redirect stdout to log file
 dt = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S')
 log_file = open(datadir + f"logs/{dt}_calculate_{reg}_region.log", "w")
 old_stdout = sys.stdout
 sys.stdout = log_file
 # print configs in file
 print(f'Region: {reg}')
 print(f'Testing on subset of coils? {args.Testing}\n')
 # step size for integrator
 drz = np.array([5e-3, 1e-2])
 # create grid
 df = generate_cartesian_grid_df(regions[reg])
 # define base save name
 base_name = f'Mau13.SolCalc.{reg}_region.standard'
 # load geometry
 geom_df_mu2e = read_solenoid_geom_combined(paramdir, paramname)
 # TESTING (only a few coils)
 if args.Testing == 'y':
     geom_df_mu2e = geom_df_mu2e.iloc[5:8]
 # loop through all coils
 N_coils = len(geom_df_mu2e)
 for i in range(N_coils):
     # for geom in geom_df_mu2e.itertuples():
     j = int(round(geom_df_mu2e.iloc[i].Coil_Num))
     # print coil number to screen for reference
     print(f'Calculating coil {i+1}/' + f'{N_coils}', file=old_stdout)
     # instantiate integrator
     mySolCalc = SolCalcIntegrator(geom_df_mu2e.iloc[i], drz=drz)
     # integrate on grid (and update the grid df)
     df = mySolCalc.integrate_grid(df)
     # save single coil results
Beispiel #3
# ys = [0.]
# zs = df_true.Z.unique()[::200]
xs = [-0.8, -0.4, 0., 0.4, 0.8]
ys = [0.]
zs = df_true.Z.unique()[::25]
X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(xs,ys,zs,indexing='ij')
X = X.flatten()
Y = Y.flatten()
Z = Z.flatten()

# load Mau13 coils
# geom_df = read_solenoid_geom_combined('../dev/params/', 'DS_V13_adjusted')
geom_df = read_solenoid_geom_combined(
    '/home/ckampa/coding/helicalc/dev/params/', 'current_loop')
geom_df['pitch_bar'] = 0  # pitch is zero for a ring
geom_df['z'] = -0.0002  # fix slight offset
geom_coil = geom_df.iloc[0]

# CoilIG = CoilIntegrator(geom_coil, dxyz=np.array([1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3/geom_coil.Ri]), layer=1)
CoilIG = CoilIntegrator(geom_coil,
                        dxyz=np.array([5e-4, 5e-4, 1e-4 / geom_coil.Ri]),
B_calcs = []
for row in tqdm(df.itertuples(), total=len(df)):
    B_calcs.append(CoilIG.integrate(row.X, row.Y, row.Z))

B_calcs = np.array(B_calcs)
df['Bx_calc'] = B_calcs[:, 0]
df['By_calc'] = B_calcs[:, 1]
Beispiel #4
    Bzs = np.array(Bzs).flatten()[:len(df)]
    xs = vals_list[0].flatten()[:len(df)]
    ys = vals_list[1].flatten()[:len(df)]
    zs = vals_list[2].flatten()[:len(df)]

    df.loc[:, f'Bx_solcalc_{i}'] = Bxs
    df.loc[:, f'By_solcalc_{i}'] = Bys
    df.loc[:, f'Bz_solcalc_{i}'] = Bzs

    return df

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from helicalc import helicalc_dir
    from helicalc.geometry import read_solenoid_geom_combined
    geom_df_mu2e = read_solenoid_geom_combined(helicalc_dir + 'dev/params/',
    i = 0  # 1st coil in the PS
    #i = 5 # coil in the TS
    # testing grid
    # df_PS = pd.read_pickle('/home/ckampa/coding/mu2e_utils/BField_plot/data/PSMap_no-offset.pkl')
    # step size
    drz = np.array([5e-3, 1e-2])
    # set up integrator
    mySolCalc = SolCalcIntegrator(geom_df_mu2e.iloc[i], drz=drz)
        f'Sample Calc @ x,y,z = (3.904, 0, -6.8): Bx, By, Bz = {mySolCalc.integrate_single(3.904, 0, -6.8)}'
    # grid does not work from this file
    # integrate on PS map
    # should take ~10 seconds
    # class method
Beispiel #5
from dash_table.Format import Format, Scheme

# SolCalc
from helicalc import helicalc_dir, helicalc_data
from helicalc.solcalc import SolCalcIntegrator
from helicalc.geometry import read_solenoid_geom_combined
from helicalc.cylinders import get_thick_cylinders_padded

external_stylesheets = ['']

# load nominal PS geom
# paramdir = '/home/ckampa/coding/helicalc/dev/params/'
paramdir = helicalc_dir + 'dev/params/'
paramfile = 'Mu2e_V13'

df_PS_nom = read_solenoid_geom_combined(paramdir, paramfile).iloc[:3]

# calculate layer thickness

# integration params
drz = np.array([5e-3, 1e-2])

# editable vs. dependent columns
cols_edit = [
    'Ri', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rot0', 'rot1', 'rot2', 'N_layers', 'N_turns',
cols_stat = [
    'Coil_Num', 'Ro', 'L', 'I_tot', 'N_turns_tot', 'helicity', 'h_cable',
    'w_cable', 'h_sc', 'w_sc', 't_gi', 't_ci', 't_il', 'phi0_deg', 'phi1_deg',