def createDefaults(): if not os.path.isfile(consts.workdoc()): with open(consts.workdoc(), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as t: t.write( '0SENTENCE,1TRANSLATION,2TAGS,3LEARNED,4ATTEMPTS,5SUCCESFUL ATTEMPS,6DAY LAST ATTEMPT,7LAST ATTEMPT RESULT,8DAY TO REVIEW,9ATTEMPT STREAK,10ID,DECK11,LEVEL12,IGNORE13,LANGUAGE14' ) t.close()
def setupNewLesson(deck=None, workdoc=consts.workdoc(), review=True): reviewPerLesson = consts.reviewPerLesson() newPerLesson = consts.newPerLesson() if review: selectedReview = [] tr = findTo("review", workdoc, deck) sr = findTo("review") if not deck == None: if len(tr) >= reviewPerLesson: for i in tr: if len(selectedReview) < reviewPerLesson: selectedReview.append(i) else: for n, j in enumerate(selectedReview): if convertToTime(j.split(',')[8]) > convertToTime( i.split(',')[8]): if i not in selectedReview: selectedReview[n] = i else: selectedReview = tr return selectedReview else: if len(sr) >= reviewPerLesson: for i in sr: if len(selectedReview) < reviewPerLesson: selectedReview.append(i) else: for n, j in enumerate(selectedReview): if convertToTime(j.split(',')[8]) > convertToTime( i.split(',')[8]): if i not in selectedReview: selectedReview[n] = i else: selectedReview = sr return selectedReview else: selectedLearn = [] tl = findTo("learn", workdoc, deck) for i in tl: if len(selectedLearn) < newPerLesson: selectedLearn.append(i) return selectedLearn
def checkChanges(self): if self.monthEntry.get() == str(consts.month()) and self.newPerLessonEntry.get() == str(consts.newPerLesson()) and self.reviewPerlessonEntry.get() == str(consts.reviewPerLesson()) and self.workdocEntry['text'] == consts.workdoc() and self.cwdEntry['text'] == consts.cwd(): self.saveButton['state'] = tk.DISABLED else: self.saveButton['state'] = tk.ACTIVE
def k(self): mdir = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialfile = self.workdocEntry['text'], filetypes = (('csv files','*.csv'),)).replace("/","\\"); self.workdocEntry['text'] = mdir if mdir else consts.workdoc(); self.checkChanges() self.workdocBrowser = tk.Button(self, text = "Change file", command = lambda: k(self))
def createWidgets(self): # [GENERAL] # cwd = C:\Users\Jc\Desktop\srs rus # month = 30 # workdoc = C:\Users\Jc\Desktop\srs rus\sentences.csv # hwdoc = \history.csv # fname = data # backups = C:\Users\Jc\Desktop\srs rus\backups\ # newperlesson = 5 # reviewperlesson = 25 self.cwdLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Current working directory:") self.cwdLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 0) self.cwdEntry = tk.Label(self, text = consts.cwd()) self.cwdEntry.grid(row = 0, column = 1) def f(self): mdir = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir = self.cwdEntry['text']).replace("/","\\"); self.cwdEntry['text'] = mdir if mdir else consts.cwd(); self.checkChanges() self.cwdBrowser = tk.Button(self, text = "Change directory", command = lambda: f(self)) self.cwdBrowser.grid(row = 0, column=2) self.workdocLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Current workdoc:") self.workdocLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 0) self.workdocEntry = tk.Label(self, text = consts.workdoc()) self.workdocEntry.grid(row = 1, column = 1) def k(self): mdir = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialfile = self.workdocEntry['text'], filetypes = (('csv files','*.csv'),)).replace("/","\\"); self.workdocEntry['text'] = mdir if mdir else consts.workdoc(); self.checkChanges() self.workdocBrowser = tk.Button(self, text = "Change file", command = lambda: k(self)) self.workdocBrowser.grid(row = 1, column=2) self.monthLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Month:") self.monthLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 0) self.monthEntry = tk.Entry(self, validate = 'key', validatecommand = (self.register(lambda x: x.isdigit()), '%S')) self.monthEntry.insert(tk.END, consts.month()) self.monthEntry.grid(row = 2, column = 1) # self.hwdocLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Current hwdoc:") # self.hwdocLabel.grid(row = 3, column = 0) # self.hwdocEntry = tk.Label(self, text = consts.hwdoc()) # self.hwdocEntry.grid(row = 3, column = 1) # self.fnameLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Current fname:") # self.fnameLabel.grid(row = 4, column = 0) # self.fnameEntry = tk.Label(self, text = consts.fname()) # self.fnameEntry.grid(row = 4, column = 1) # self.backupsLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Current backups directory:") # self.backupsLabel.grid(row = 5, column = 0) # self.backupsEntry = tk.Label(self, text = consts.backups()) # self.backupsEntry.grid(row = 5, column = 1) self.newPerLessonLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Current newPerLesson:") self.newPerLessonLabel.grid(row = 6, column = 0) self.newPerLessonEntry = tk.Entry(self, validate = 'key', validatecommand = (self.register(lambda x: x.isdigit()), '%S')) self.newPerLessonEntry.insert(tk.END, consts.newPerLesson()) self.newPerLessonEntry.grid(row = 6, column = 1) self.reviewPerlessonLabel = tk.Label(self, text = "Current reviewPerLesson:") self.reviewPerlessonLabel.grid(row = 7, column = 0) self.reviewPerlessonEntry = tk.Entry(self, validate = 'key', validatecommand = (self.register(lambda x: x.isdigit()), '%S')) self.reviewPerlessonEntry.insert(tk.END, consts.reviewPerLesson()) self.reviewPerlessonEntry.grid(row = 7, column = 1) self.buttonGoBack = tk.Button(self, text = "Go Back", command = self.goMainMenu) self.buttonGoBack.grid(row = 0, column=3) self.saveButton = tk.Button(self, text = "Save changes", command = self.saveChanges, state = tk.DISABLED) self.saveButton.grid(row = 8, columnspan = 2) for w in self.winfo_children(): if isinstance(w, tk.Entry): w.bind('<Key>', lambda x: self.after(0, self.checkChanges))
def doLearnLesson(sentences, root, tWidget, eWidget, tagsWidget, cWidget): curdate = "{}/{}/{}".format(,, gotAnswer = False completed = [] while len(sentences) > 0: random.shuffle(sentences) for n, i in enumerate(sentences): root.line = i.split(",") eWidget.delete(0, len(eWidget.get())) if not 'img-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ',') and not 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ','): tWidget.configure(text=root.line[1].replace("commaChar", ","), image=None) tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'img-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): imgFile = "{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}".format( consts.cwd(), consts.fname(), root.line[11], root.line[12], consts.images(), root.line[1].replace('img-', '')) im = #im = im.resize(size=(50,50)) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') def audPlay(): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audDark) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text=''), a=True) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.bind( '<Button-1>', lambda x: threading.Thread( target=audPlay, daemon=True).start()) tagsWidget.configure( text=root.line[2].replace("commaChar", ",") ) if not root.line[2] == "none" else tagsWidget.configure(text="") if root.line[3] == 'no': cAnswerEntry = tk.Label( root, text=root.line[0].replace("commaChar", ",").replace(".", ""), font=(lambda x: cAnswerEntry.cget('font'), 32), width=50, wraplength=1255) cAnswerEntry.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=1) cWidget.set(0) root.update() if not 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): audio.preload(root.line) else: img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audDark) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') root.update(), a=True) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') root.line[3] = 'step0' else: cWidget.set(int(root.line[3].split("step")[1])) eWidget.focus() gotAnswer = False root.lineEdited = False userinput, time = waitForAnswer(gotAnswer, root, eWidget, root.line) try: root.editEntrytl.destroy() except: pass if userinput == root.line[0].lower().replace(".", ""): eWidget["bg"] = "lime green" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.line[3] = "step{}".format( int(root.line[3].split("step")[1]) + 1) cWidget.set(int(root.line[3].split("step")[1])) root.update() root.line = ','.join(root.line) sentences[n] = root.line else: eWidget["bg"] = "red" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.line[3] = "no-step{}".format( int(root.line[3].split("step")[1])) root.update() root.line = ','.join(root.line) sentences[n] = root.line cAnswerEntry.destroy() afterAnswer(eWidget, root.line.split(","), root) if not 'no' in root.line.split(",")[3]: if int(root.line.split(",")[3].split('step')[1]) == 6: root.line = root.line.split(",") root.line[3] = 'yes' root.line[6] = curdate root.line[8] = addDays(root.line) root.line = ','.join(root.line) completed.append(root.line) del sentences[n] else: root.line = root.line.split(",") root.line[3] = root.line[3].split("no-")[1] root.line = ','.join(root.line) sentences[n] = root.line root.update() for widget in root.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() root.update() text = tk.Label(root, font=(lambda x: Label.cget('font'), 32), text="lesson Done!") text.grid() root.update() mycsv.write(consts.workdoc(), mstr=completed, lesson=True, review=False, learn=True)
def findTo(r=None, workdoc=consts.workdoc(), *args): toReview = [] rList = [] lList = [] tList = [] curdate = datetime.strptime( "{}/{}/{}".format(,,, "%d/%m/%Y") lines = if len(args): if r == "review": for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i].split(",")[13] == "no": d = convertToTime(lines[i].split(",")[8]) if d <= curdate: if lines[i].split(",")[11] == args[0]: if lines[i].split(",")[3] == "yes": toReview.append(lines[i]) elif r == "learn": for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i].split(",")[13] == 'no': if lines[i].split(",")[11] == args[0]: if not lines[i].split(",")[3] == "yes": toReview.append(lines[i]) elif r == "total": for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i].split(",")[13] == 'no': if lines[i].split(",")[11] == args[0]: toReview.append(lines[i]) else: if r == "review": for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i].split(",")[13] == 'no': d = convertToTime(lines[i].split(",")[8]) if d <= curdate: if lines[i].split(",")[3] == "yes": toReview.append(lines[i]) elif r == "learn": for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i].split(",")[13] == 'no': if not lines[i].split(",")[3] == "yes": toReview.append(lines[i]) elif r == "total": for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i].split(",")[13] == 'no': toReview.append(lines[i]) elif r == None: for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i].split(",")[13] == 'no': d = convertToTime(lines[i].split(",")[8]) if d <= curdate: if lines[i].split(",")[3] == "yes": rList.append(lines[i]) if not lines[i].split(",")[3] == "yes": lList.append(lines[i]) tList.append(lines[i]) toReview = [rList, lList, tList] return toReview
def doReviewLesson(sentences, root, tWidget, eWidget, tagsWidget, cWidget): curdate = "{}/{}/{}".format(,, completed = [] uncompleted = [] redo = [] hissentences = [] gotAnswer = False while len(sentences) > 0: for n, i in enumerate(sentences): cWidget.configure(text="{}/{}".format( len(completed) + 1, len(sentences) + len(completed) + len(uncompleted) + len(redo))) # if len(uncompleted) > 0: # if random.randint(0,4) == 1: # i = uncompleted[len(uncompleted) - 1] # n = len(uncompleted) - 1 # fromUncomplete = True root.line = i.split(",") eWidget.delete(0, len(eWidget.get())) if not 'img-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ',') and not 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ','): tWidget.configure(text=root.line[1].replace("commaChar", ","), image=None) tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'img-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): imgFile = "{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}".format( consts.cwd(), consts.fname(), root.line[11], root.line[12], consts.images(), root.line[1].replace('img-', '')) im = img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') def audPlay(): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audDark) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text=''), a=True) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.bind( '<Button-1>', lambda x: threading.Thread( target=audPlay, daemon=True).start()) tagsWidget.configure( text=root.line[2].replace("commaChar", ",") ) if not root.line[2] == "none" else tagsWidget.configure(text="") eWidget.focus() gotAnswer = False root.lineEdited = False res = waitForAnswer(gotAnswer, root, eWidget, root.line) userinput = res[0] wait = res[1] try: root.editEntrytl.destroy() except: pass if root.lineEdited == False: if userinput == root.line[0].lower().replace(".", ""): eWidget["bg"] = "lime green" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.update() root.line[4] = str(int(root.line[4]) + 1) root.line[5] = str(int(root.line[5]) + 1) root.line[6] = curdate root.line[7] = 'success' root.line[9] = str(int(root.line[9]) + 1) root.line[8] = addDays(root.line) nhisline = root.line[:] nhisline.append('none') nhisline.append("-1") nhisline.append(str('%H:%M:%S'))) nhisline.append(str(wait)) hissentences.append(nhisline) root.line = ','.join(root.line) completed.append(root.line) del sentences[n] else: eWidget["bg"] = "red" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.update() root.line[4] = str(int(root.line[4]) + 1) root.line[6] = curdate root.line[7] = 'fail' root.line[8] = addDays(root.line) root.line = ','.join(root.line) redo.append(root.line) del sentences[n] else: if root.line[13] == "no": del sentences[n] root.line = ','.join(root.line) sentences.append(root.line) elif root.line[13] == "yes": del sentences[n] nhisline = root.line[:] nhisline.append('none') nhisline.append("-1") nhisline.append(str('%H:%M:%S'))) nhisline.append('-1') hissentences.append(nhisline) root.line = ','.join(root.line) completed.append(root.line) afterAnswer(eWidget, root.line.split(","), root) root.lineEdited = False while len(redo) > 0: for n, i in enumerate(redo): cWidget.configure(text="{}/{}".format( len(completed) + 1, len(sentences) + len(completed) + len(uncompleted) + len(redo))) root.line = i.split(",") if not 'img-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ',') and not 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ','): tWidget.configure(text=root.line[1].replace( "commaChar", ","), image=None) tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'img-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): imgFile = "{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}".format( consts.cwd(), consts.fname(), root.line[11], root.line[12], consts.images(), root.line[1].replace('img-', '')) im = #im = im.resize(size=(50,50)) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') def audPlay(): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audDark) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text=''), a=True) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.bind( '<Button-1>', lambda x: threading.Thread(target=audPlay, daemon=True).start()) gotAnswer = False root.lineEdited = False cAnswerEntry = tk.Label( root, text=root.line[0].lower().replace(".", ""), font=(lambda x: cAnswerEntry.cget('font'), 32), width=50, wraplength=1255) cAnswerEntry.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=1) res = waitForAnswer(gotAnswer, root, eWidget, root.line) userinput = res[0] wait = res[1] + wait try: root.editEntrytl.destroy() except: pass if root.lineEdited == False: if userinput == root.line[0].lower().replace(".", ""): eWidget["bg"] = "lime green" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.update() root.line[9] = str(1) root.line[8] = addDays(root.line) root.line.append(str(wait)) root.line = ','.join(root.line) uncompleted.append(root.line) del redo[n] else: eWidget["bg"] = "red" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.line = ','.join(root.line) redo.append(root.line) del redo[n] root.update() else: if root.line[13] == "no": del redo[n] root.line = ','.join(root.line) redo.append(root.line) elif root.line[13] == "yes": del redo[n] nhisline = root.line[:] nhisline.append('none') nhisline.append("-1") nhisline.append( str('%H:%M:%S'))) nhisline.append('-1') hissentences.append(nhisline) root.line = ','.join(root.line) completed.append(root.line) afterAnswer(eWidget, root.line.split(","), root) root.lineEdited = False cAnswerEntry.destroy() while len(uncompleted) > 0: for n, i in enumerate(uncompleted): cWidget.configure(text="{}/{}".format( len(completed) + 1, len(sentences) + len(completed) + len(uncompleted))) root.line = i.split(",") if not 'img-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ',') and not 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace( 'commaChar', ','): tWidget.configure(text=root.line[1].replace("commaChar", ","), image=None) tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'img-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): imgFile = "{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}\\{}".format( consts.cwd(), consts.fname(), root.line[11], root.line[12], consts.images(), root.line[1].replace('img-', '')) im = #im = im.resize(size=(50,50)) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.unbind('<Button-1>') elif 'audio-' in root.line[1].replace('commaChar', ','): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') def audPlay(): img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audDark) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text=''), a=True) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(audLight) tWidget.img = img tWidget.configure(image=img, text='') tWidget.bind( '<Button-1>', lambda x: threading.Thread( target=audPlay, daemon=True).start()) gotAnswer = False root.lineEdited = False cAnswerEntry = tk.Label(root, text=root.line[0].lower().replace(".", ""), font=(lambda x: cAnswerEntry.cget('font'), 32), width=50, wraplength=1255) cAnswerEntry.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=1) res = waitForAnswer(gotAnswer, root, eWidget, root.line) userinput = res[0] wait = res[1] try: root.editEntrytl.destroy() except: pass if root.lineEdited == False: if userinput == root.line[0].lower().replace(".", ""): eWidget["bg"] = "lime green" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.update() root.line[9] = str(1) root.line[8] = addDays(root.line) nhisline = root.line[:-1] nhisline.append('none') nhisline.append("-1") nhisline.append(str('%H:%M:%S'))) nhisline.append(str(float(root.line[15]) + wait)) del root.line[15] hissentences.append(nhisline) root.line = ','.join(root.line) completed.append(root.line) del uncompleted[n] else: eWidget["bg"] = "red" eWidget["fg"] = "white" root.update() root.line = ','.join(root.line) uncompleted.append(root.line) del uncompleted[n] else: if root.line[13] == "no": del uncompleted[n] root.line = ','.join(root.line[:-1]) uncompleted.append(root.line) elif root.line[13] == "yes": del uncompleted[n] nhisline = root.line[:-1] nhisline.append('none') nhisline.append("-1") nhisline.append(str('%H:%M:%S'))) nhisline.append('-1') hissentences.append(nhisline) root.line = ','.join(root.line[:-1]) completed.append(root.line) afterAnswer(eWidget, root.line.split(","), root) root.lineEdited = False root.update() for widget in root.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() root.update() text = tk.Label(root, font=(lambda x: Label.cget('font'), 32), text="Review Done!") text.grid() root.update() mycsv.write(consts.workdoc(), mstr=completed, lesson=True, review=True) mycsv.writeHistory(hissentences, tag='review')