def boxsets(self, library_id=None, dialog=None): ''' Process all boxsets. ''' Movies =['Movies'] with self.library.database_lock: with Database() as videodb: with Database('emby') as embydb: obj = Movies(self.server, embydb, videodb, self.direct_path) for items in server.get_items( library_id, "BoxSet", False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): self._restore_point(items['RestorePoint']) start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params'][ 'StartIndex'] for index, boxset in enumerate(items['Items']): dialog.update(int( (float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount'])) * 100), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), _('boxsets')), message=boxset['Name']) obj.boxset(boxset)
def movies(self, library, dialog): ''' Process movies from a single library. ''' Movies =['Movies'] with self.library.database_lock: with Database() as videodb: with Database('jellyfin') as jellyfindb: obj = Movies(self.server, jellyfindb, videodb, self.direct_path) for items in server.get_items( library['Id'], "Movie", False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): self.sync['RestorePoint'] = items['RestorePoint'] start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params'][ 'StartIndex'] for index, movie in enumerate(items['Items']): dialog.update(int( (float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount'])) * 100), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library['Name']), message=movie['Name']), library=library) if self.update_library: self.movies_compare(library, obj, jellyfindb)
def musicvideos(self, library, dialog): ''' Process musicvideos from a single library. ''' MusicVideos =['MusicVideos'] with self.library.database_lock: with Database() as videodb: with Database('emby') as embydb: obj = MusicVideos(self.server, embydb, videodb, self.direct_path) for items in server.get_items( library['Id'], "MusicVideo", False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): self._restore_point(items['RestorePoint']) start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params'][ 'StartIndex'] for index, mvideo in enumerate(items['Items']): dialog.update(int( (float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount'])) * 100), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library['Name']), message=mvideo['Name']) obj.musicvideo(mvideo, library=library) if self.update_library: self.musicvideos_compare(library, obj, embydb)
def musicvideos(self, library, dialog): ''' Process musicvideos from a single library. ''' processed_ids = [] for items in server.get_items(library['Id'], "MusicVideo", False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): with self.video_database_locks() as (videodb, jellyfindb): obj = MusicVideos(self.server, jellyfindb, videodb, self.direct_path) self.sync['RestorePoint'] = items['RestorePoint'] start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params']['StartIndex'] for index, mvideo in enumerate(items['Items']): dialog.update(int( (float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount'])) * 100), heading="%s: %s" % (translate('addon_name'), library['Name']), message=mvideo['Name']) obj.musicvideo(mvideo, library=library) processed_ids.append(mvideo['Id']) with self.video_database_locks() as (videodb, jellyfindb): obj = MusicVideos(self.server, jellyfindb, videodb, self.direct_path) obj.item_ids = processed_ids if self.update_library: self.musicvideos_compare(library, obj, jellyfindb)
def tvshows(self, library, dialog): ''' Process tvshows and episodes from a single library. ''' processed_ids = [] for items in server.get_items(library['Id'], "Series", False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): with self.video_database_locks() as (videodb, jellyfindb): obj = TVShows(self.server, jellyfindb, videodb, self.direct_path, True) self.sync['RestorePoint'] = items['RestorePoint'] start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params']['StartIndex'] for index, show in enumerate(items['Items']): percent = int((float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount'])) * 100) message = show['Name'] dialog.update(percent, heading="%s: %s" % (translate('addon_name'), library['Name']), message=message) if obj.tvshow(show, library=library) is not False: for episodes in server.get_episode_by_show(show['Id']): for episode in episodes['Items']: dialog.update(percent, message="%s/%s" % (message, episode['Name'][:10])) obj.episode(episode) processed_ids.append(show['Id']) with self.video_database_locks() as (videodb, jellyfindb): obj = TVShows(self.server, jellyfindb, videodb, self.direct_path, True) obj.item_ids = processed_ids if self.update_library: self.tvshows_compare(library, obj, jellyfindb)
def music(self, library, dialog): ''' Process artists, album, songs from a single library. ''' with self.library.music_database_lock: with Database('music') as musicdb: with Database('emby') as embydb: obj = Music(self.server, embydb, musicdb, self.direct_path) for items in server.get_artists(library['Id'], False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): self.sync['RestorePoint'] = items['RestorePoint'] start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params']['StartIndex'] for index, artist in enumerate(items['Items']): percent = int((float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount']))*100) message = artist['Name'] dialog.update(percent, heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library['Name']), message=message) obj.artist(artist, library=library) for albums in server.get_albums_by_artist(artist['Id']): for album in albums['Items']: obj.album(album) for songs in server.get_items(album['Id'], "Audio"): for song in songs['Items']: dialog.update(percent, message="%s/%s/%s" % (message, album['Name'][:7], song['Name'][:7])) if self.update_library: self.music_compare(library, obj, embydb)
def tvshows(self, library, dialog): ''' Process tvshows and episodes from a single library. ''' with self.library.database_lock: with Database() as videodb: with Database('emby') as embydb: obj = TVShows(self.server, embydb, videodb, self.direct_path, True) for items in server.get_items(library['Id'], "Series", False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): self.sync['RestorePoint'] = items['RestorePoint'] start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params']['StartIndex'] for index, show in enumerate(items['Items']): percent = int((float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount']))*100) message = show['Name'] dialog.update(percent, heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library['Name']), message=message) if obj.tvshow(show, library=library) != False: for episodes in server.get_episode_by_show(show['Id']): for episode in episodes['Items']: dialog.update(percent, message="%s/%s" % (message, episode['Name'][:10])) obj.episode(episode) if self.update_library: self.tvshows_compare(library, obj, embydb)
def boxsets(self, library_id=None, dialog=None): ''' Process all boxsets. ''' for items in server.get_items(library_id, "BoxSet", False, self.sync['RestorePoint'].get('params')): with self.video_database_locks() as (videodb, jellyfindb): obj = Movies(self.server, jellyfindb, videodb, self.direct_path) self.sync['RestorePoint'] = items['RestorePoint'] start_index = items['RestorePoint']['params']['StartIndex'] for index, boxset in enumerate(items['Items']): dialog.update(int((float(start_index + index) / float(items['TotalRecordCount'])) * 100), heading="%s: %s" % (translate('addon_name'), translate('boxsets')), message=boxset['Name']) obj.boxset(boxset)
def remove_library(self, library_id, dialog): ''' Remove library by their id from the Kodi database. ''' MEDIA = self.library.MEDIA direct_path = self.library.direct_path with Database('emby') as embydb: db = emby_db.EmbyDatabase(embydb.cursor) library = db.get_view(library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) items = db.get_item_by_media_folder( library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) media = 'music' if library[1] == 'music' else 'video' if items: count = 0 with self.library.music_database_lock if media == 'music' else self.library.database_lock: with Database(media) as kodidb: if library[1] == 'mixed': movies = [x for x in items if x[1] == 'Movie'] tvshows = [x for x in items if x[1] == 'Series'] obj = MEDIA['Movie'](self.server, embydb, kodidb, direct_path)['Remove'] for item in movies: obj(item[0]) dialog.update(int( (float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 obj = MEDIA['Series'](self.server, embydb, kodidb, direct_path)['Remove'] for item in tvshows: obj(item[0]) dialog.update(int( (float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 else: obj = MEDIA[items[0][1]](self.server, embydb, kodidb, direct_path)['Remove'] for item in items: obj(item[0]) dialog.update(int( (float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 self.sync = get_sync() if library_id in self.sync['Whitelist']: self.sync['Whitelist'].remove(library_id) elif 'Mixed:%s' % library_id in self.sync['Whitelist']: self.sync['Whitelist'].remove('Mixed:%s' % library_id) save_sync(self.sync)
def remove_library(self, library_id, dialog): ''' Remove library by their id from the Kodi database. ''' direct_path = self.library.direct_path with Database('jellyfin') as jellyfindb: db = jellyfin_db.JellyfinDatabase(jellyfindb.cursor) library = db.get_view(library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) items = db.get_item_by_media_folder( library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) media = 'music' if library[1] == 'music' else 'video' if media == 'music': settings('MusicRescan.bool', False) if items: count = 0 with self.library.music_database_lock if media == 'music' else self.library.database_lock: with Database(media) as kodidb: if library[1] == 'mixed': movies = [x for x in items if x[1] == 'Movie'] tvshows = [x for x in items if x[1] == 'Series'] obj = Movies(self.server, jellyfindb, kodidb, direct_path).remove for item in movies: obj(item[0]) dialog.update( int((float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (translate('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 obj = TVShows(self.server, jellyfindb, kodidb, direct_path).remove for item in tvshows: obj(item[0]) dialog.update( int((float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (translate('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 else: default_args = (self.server, jellyfindb, kodidb, direct_path) for item in items: if item[1] in ('Series', 'Season', 'Episode'): TVShows(*default_args).remove(item[0]) elif item[1] in ('Movie', 'BoxSet'): Movies(*default_args).remove(item[0]) elif item[1] in ('MusicAlbum', 'MusicArtist', 'AlbumArtist', 'Audio'): Music(*default_args).remove(item[0]) elif item[1] == 'MusicVideo': MusicVideos(*default_args).remove(item[0]) dialog.update( int((float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (translate('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 self.sync = get_sync() if library_id in self.sync['Whitelist']: self.sync['Whitelist'].remove(library_id) elif 'Mixed:%s' % library_id in self.sync['Whitelist']: self.sync['Whitelist'].remove('Mixed:%s' % library_id) save_sync(self.sync)
def remove_library(self, library_id, dialog): ''' Remove library by their id from the Kodi database. ''' MEDIA = self.library.MEDIA direct_path = self.library.direct_path with Database('jellyfin') as jellyfindb: db = jellyfin_db.JellyfinDatabase(jellyfindb.cursor) library = db.get_view(library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) items = db.get_item_by_media_folder( library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) media = 'music' if library[1] == 'music' else 'video' if media == 'music': settings('MusicRescan.bool', False) if items: count = 0 with self.library.music_database_lock if media == 'music' else self.library.database_lock: with Database(media) as kodidb: if library[1] == 'mixed': movies = [x for x in items if x[1] == 'Movie'] tvshows = [x for x in items if x[1] == 'Series'] obj = Movies(self.server, jellyfindb, kodidb, direct_path).remove for item in movies: obj(item[0]) dialog.update(int( (float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 obj = TVShows(self.server, jellyfindb, kodidb, direct_path).remove for item in tvshows: obj(item[0]) dialog.update(int( (float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 else: # from mcarlton: I'm not sure what triggers this. # I've added and removed every media type except # for music videos (because i don't have any) and # can't find it, but I'm not comfortable # removing it right now'Triggered the mystery function') LOG.debug('Mystery function item type: {}'.format( items[0][1])) obj = MEDIA[items[0][1]](self.server, jellyfindb, kodidb, direct_path).remove for item in items: obj(item[0]) dialog.update(int( (float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 self.sync = get_sync() if library_id in self.sync['Whitelist']: self.sync['Whitelist'].remove(library_id) elif 'Mixed:%s' % library_id in self.sync['Whitelist']: self.sync['Whitelist'].remove('Mixed:%s' % library_id) save_sync(self.sync)
def music(self, library, dialog): ''' Process artists, album, songs from a single library. ''' with self.library.music_database_lock: with Database('music') as musicdb: with Database('jellyfin') as jellyfindb: obj = Music(self.server, jellyfindb, musicdb, self.direct_path, library) library_id = library['Id'] total_items = server.get_item_count( library_id, 'MusicArtist,MusicAlbum,Audio') count = 0 ''' Music database syncing. Artists must be in the database before albums, albums before songs. Pulls batches of items in sizes of setting "Paging - Max items". 'artists', 'albums', and 'songs' are generators containing a dict of api responses ''' artists = server.get_artists(library_id) for batch in artists: for item in batch['Items']: LOG.debug('Artist: {}'.format(item.get('Name'))) percent = int( (float(count) / float(total_items)) * 100) dialog.update(percent, message='Artist: {}'.format( item.get('Name'))) obj.artist(item) count += 1 albums = server.get_items(library_id, item_type='MusicAlbum', params={'SortBy': 'AlbumArtist'}) for batch in albums: for item in batch['Items']: LOG.debug('Album: {}'.format(item.get('Name'))) percent = int( (float(count) / float(total_items)) * 100) dialog.update(percent, message='Album: {} - {}'.format( item.get('AlbumArtist', ''), item.get('Name'))) obj.album(item) count += 1 songs = server.get_items(library_id, item_type='Audio', params={'SortBy': 'AlbumArtist'}) for batch in songs: for item in batch['Items']: LOG.debug('Song: {}'.format(item.get('Name'))) percent = int( (float(count) / float(total_items)) * 100) dialog.update(percent, message='Track: {} - {}'.format( item.get('AlbumArtist', ''), item.get('Name'))) count += 1 if self.update_library: self.music_compare(library, obj, jellyfindb)
def remove_library(self, library_id, dialog): try: with Database('emby') as embydb: db = emby_db.EmbyDatabase(embydb.cursor) library = db.get_view(library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) items = db.get_item_by_media_folder( library_id.replace('Mixed:', "")) media = 'music' if library[1] == 'music' else 'video' if media == 'music': settings('MusicRescan.bool', False) if items: count = 0 with self.music_database_lock if media == 'music' else self.database_lock: with Database(media) as kodidb: if library[1] == 'mixed': movies = [x for x in items if x[1] == 'Movie'] tvshows = [ x for x in items if x[1] == 'Series' ] obj = MEDIA['Movie']( self.server, embydb, kodidb, self.direct_path)['Remove'] for item in movies: obj(item[0]) dialog.update( int((float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 obj = MEDIA['Series']( self.server, embydb, kodidb, self.direct_path)['Remove'] for item in tvshows: obj(item[0]) dialog.update( int((float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 else: obj = MEDIA[items[0][1]]( self.server, embydb, kodidb, self.direct_path)['Remove'] for item in items: obj(item[0]) dialog.update( int((float(count) / float(len(items)) * 100)), heading="%s: %s" % (_('addon_name'), library[0])) count += 1 sync = get_sync() if library_id in sync['Whitelist']: sync['Whitelist'].remove(library_id) elif 'Mixed:%s' % library_id in sync['Whitelist']: sync['Whitelist'].remove('Mixed:%s' % library_id) save_sync(sync) Views().remove_library(library_id) except Exception as error: LOG.exception(error) dialog.close() return False Views().get_views() Views().get_nodes() return True