Beispiel #1
 def test_parse(self):
     hex_merkle_block = '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'
     mb = MerkleBlock.parse(BytesIO(bytes.fromhex(hex_merkle_block)))
     version = 0x20000000
     self.assertEqual(mb.version, version)
     merkle_root_hex = 'ef445fef2ed495c275892206ca533e7411907971013ab83e3b47bd0d692d14d4'
     merkle_root = bytes.fromhex(merkle_root_hex)[::-1]
     self.assertEqual(mb.merkle_root, merkle_root)
     prev_block_hex = 'df3b053dc46f162a9b00c7f0d5124e2676d47bbe7c5d0793a500000000000000'
     prev_block = bytes.fromhex(prev_block_hex)[::-1]
     self.assertEqual(mb.prev_block, prev_block)
     timestamp = little_endian_to_int(bytes.fromhex('dc7c835b'))
     self.assertEqual(mb.timestamp, timestamp)
     bits = bytes.fromhex('67d8001a')
     self.assertEqual(mb.bits, bits)
     nonce = bytes.fromhex('c157e670')
     self.assertEqual(mb.nonce, nonce)
     total = little_endian_to_int(bytes.fromhex('bf0d0000'))
     self.assertEqual(, total)
     hex_hashes = [
     hashes = [bytes.fromhex(h)[::-1] for h in hex_hashes]
     self.assertEqual(mb.hashes, hashes)
     flags = bytes.fromhex('b55635')
     self.assertEqual(mb.flags, flags)
Beispiel #2
 def parse(cls, s):
     '''Takes a byte stream and parses a merkle block. Returns a Merkle Block object'''
     # version - 4 bytes, Little-Endian integer
     version = little_endian_to_int(
     # prev_block - 32 bytes, Little-Endian (use [::-1])
     prev_block =[::-1]
     # merkle_root - 32 bytes, Little-Endian (use [::-1])
     merkle_root =[::-1]
     # timestamp - 4 bytes, Little-Endian integer
     timestamp = little_endian_to_int(
     # bits - 4 bytes
     bits =
     # nonce - 4 bytes
     nonce =
     # total transactions in block - 4 bytes, Little-Endian integer
     total = little_endian_to_int(
     # number of transaction hashes - varint
     num_hashes = read_varint(s)
     # each transaction is 32 bytes, Little-Endian
     hashes = []
     for _ in range(num_hashes):
     # length of flags field - varint
     flags_length = read_varint(s)
     # read the flags field
     flags =
     # initialize class
     return cls(version, prev_block, merkle_root, timestamp, bits, nonce,
                total, hashes, flags)
 def parse_header(cls, s):
     '''Takes a byte stream and parses a block. Returns a Block object'''
     # will read n bytes from the stream
     # version - 4 bytes, little endian, interpret as int
     version = little_endian_to_int(
     # prev_block - 32 bytes, little endian (use [::-1] to reverse)
     prev_block =[::-1]
     # merkle_root - 32 bytes, little endian (use [::-1] to reverse)
     merkle_root =[::-1]
     # timestamp - 4 bytes, little endian, interpret as int
     timestamp = little_endian_to_int(
     # bits - 4 bytes
     bits =
     # nonce - 4 bytes
     nonce =
     # initialize class
     return cls(version, prev_block, merkle_root, timestamp, bits, nonce)
 def parse(cls, s):
     # get the length of the entire field
     length = read_varint(s)
     # initialize the cmds array
     cmds = []
     # initialize the number of bytes we've read to 0
     count = 0
     # loop until we've read length bytes
     while count < length:
         # get the current byte
         current =
         # increment the bytes we've read
         count += 1
         # convert the current byte to an integer
         current_byte = current[0]
         # if the current byte is between 1 and 75 inclusive
         if current_byte >= 1 and current_byte <= 75:
             # we have an cmd set n to be the current byte
             n = current_byte
             # add the next n bytes as an cmd
             # increase the count by n
             count += n
         elif current_byte == 76:
             # op_pushdata1
             data_length = little_endian_to_int(
             count += data_length + 1
         elif current_byte == 77:
             # op_pushdata2
             data_length = little_endian_to_int(
             count += data_length + 2
             # we have an opcode. set the current byte to op_code
             op_code = current_byte
             # add the op_code to the list of cmds
     if count != length:
         raise SyntaxError('parsing script failed')
     return cls(cmds)
Beispiel #5
 def parse(cls, s, testnet = False):
     magic =
     if magic == b'':
         raise IOError('Connection reset!')
     if testnet:
         expected_magic = TESTNET_NETWORK_MAGIC
         expected_magic = NETWORK_MAGIC
     if magic != expected_magic:
         raise SyntaxError('magic is not right {} vs {}'.format(magic.hex(), expected_magic.hex()))
     command =
     command = command.strip(b'\x00')
     payload_length = little_endian_to_int(
     checksum =
     payload =
     calculated_checksum = hash256(payload)[:4]
     if calculated_checksum != checksum:
         raise IOError('checksum does not match')
     return cls(command, payload, testnet = testnet)
Beispiel #6
from helper.helper import hash160, decode_base58, little_endian_to_int, hash256, int_to_little_endian
from Scripts.Script import p2pkh_script, p2sh_script, atomic_swap_output_script
from Transaction.Tx import Tx, TxIn, TxOut
import requests
import json
from crypto.Signature import PrivateKey

from Transaction.Tx import TxFetcher
from AtomicSwap.bob import bob_addr_btc
import time
from AtomicSwap.util import broadcast_tx

alice_secret_atomic_swap = "thisIsASecretPassword123".encode('utf-8')
len_alice_secret = len(alice_secret_atomic_swap)
print("Alice's secret is: ", alice_secret_atomic_swap)
alice_secret = little_endian_to_int(hash256(b'Alice'))
alice_private_key = PrivateKey(secret=alice_secret)
alice_public_key = alice_private_key.point.sec()
alice_addr_btc = 'n4mNGWL1ycLk45xgvEEn8V2uKbnpa7wr93'

fee = int(0.00005 * 100000000)
pay_amount = int(0.001 * 100000000)
lock_time = 3600 + int(time.time())

alice_locktime = lock_time
bob_locktime = lock_time

def hash_of_secret():
    return hash160(alice_secret_atomic_swap)
 def check_pow(self):
     sha = hash256(self.serialize())
     proof = little_endian_to_int(sha)
     return proof <
 def bits_to_target(bits):
     exponent = bits[-1]
     coefficient = little_endian_to_int(bits[:-1])
     return coefficient * 256 ** (exponent - 3)
from helper.helper import little_endian_to_int, hash256, decode_base58
from crypto.Signature import PrivateKey

secret_Abel = little_endian_to_int(hash256(b'*****@*****.**'))
private_key_Abel = PrivateKey(secret=secret_Abel)
# private_key: cUz2mXMT2jyqdwXuFeZgy71tvF96vnvAmH8KvtsMdzhY2AtrJUJv
addr_Abel = private_key_Abel.point.address(testnet=True)
# my_addr = 'n4kJxHoZC9uTjfYAmeXSnHP9ss6YqiQja8'
h160_Abel = decode_base58(addr_Abel)
print("Abel's private key is: ", private_key_Abel)
print("Abel's address is: ", addr_Abel)

secret_Alice = little_endian_to_int(hash256(b'Alice'))
private_key_Alice = PrivateKey(secret=secret_Alice)
# private_key: cUz2mXMT2jyqdwXuFeZgy71tvF96vnvAmH8KvtsMdzhY2AtrJUJv
addr_Alice = private_key_Alice.point.address(testnet=True)
# my_addr = 'n4kJxHoZC9uTjfYAmeXSnHP9ss6YqiQja8'
h160_Alice = decode_base58(addr_Alice)
print("Alice's private key is: ", private_key_Alice)
print("Alice's address is: ", addr_Alice)

secret_Bob = little_endian_to_int(hash256(b'Bob'))
private_key_Bob = PrivateKey(secret=secret_Bob)
# private_key: cUz2mXMT2jyqdwXuFeZgy71tvF96vnvAmH8KvtsMdzhY2AtrJUJv
addr_Bob = private_key_Bob.point.address(testnet=True)
# my_addr = 'n4kJxHoZC9uTjfYAmeXSnHP9ss6YqiQja8'
h160_Bob = decode_base58(addr_Bob)
print("Bob's private key is: ", private_key_Bob)
print("Bob's address is: ", addr_Bob)
from helper.helper import hash160, decode_base58, little_endian_to_int, hash256
from Scripts.Script import p2pkh_script
from crypto.Signature import PrivateKey
from Transaction.Tx import Tx, TxIn, TxOut
from AtomicSwap.util import broadcast_tx
bob_secret = little_endian_to_int(hash256(b'Bob'))
bob_private_key = PrivateKey(secret=bob_secret)
alice_public_key = bob_private_key.point.sec()
bob_addr_btc = 'mtP5yN9q6bFdiWqwcDJsiobPBVVFdwQTvR'

fee = int(0.00005 * 100000000)
pay_amount = int(0.001 * 100000000)
alice_secret = "thisIsASecretPassword123".encode('utf-8')
len_alice_secret_atomic_swap = len(alice_secret)

def bob_redeem_tx(amount_to_send, alice_tx_id, alice_secret):
    txout_h160 = decode_base58(bob_addr_btc) # hash160 of the public key
    txout_script = p2pkh_script(txout_h160)
    tx_out = TxOut(amount_to_send, txout_script)

    tx_in = TxIn(bytes.fromhex(alice_tx_id), 1)
    tx_obj = Tx(1, [tx_in], [tx_out], 0, testnet=True)

    tx_obj.sign_input_atomic_swap_true_branch(alice_secret, 0, bob_private_key)
    if tx_obj.verify():
        print('Bob redeem from swap tx (BTC) created successfully!')
    return tx_obj

if __name__ == '__main__':