def resetPassword(request, enc_username): username = decrypt(enc_username) try: userObj = User.objects.get(username=username) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404 if request.method == 'POST': password1 = request.POST.get('password1') password2 = request.POST.get('password2') if password1 != password2: return HttpResponse( "Password and Confirm Password are not matching!!!") userObj.set_password(password1) return HttpResponse( "Your password reset successfully, <a href='%s'>Go To Login</a>" % reverse('login')) return render(request, 'resetPassword.html', {'username': username})
# utils.log(utils.cur(), "db forbidden", is_legal) """ 2. find /DB_INFO/database node and retrieve DB_PASS, DB_USER, DB_DB """ try: if is_legal: dbpath = os.path.join(ZKConf.ZK_PATH_DB, auth["database"], ZKConf.KEY_DBCONF) is_legal = self.factory.get_path(dbpath) if is_legal is not False: is_legal = True info = {"passwd": "", "user": "", "database":""} info["passwd"] = self.factory.get_path(dbpath + "/" + ZKConf.KEY_PASSWORD) info["user"] = self.factory.get_path(dbpath + "/" + ZKConf.KEY_USER) info["database"] = auth["database"] info["passwd"] = utils.mysqlsha1(utils.decrypt(info["passwd"])) except Exception, err: utils.err(utils.cur(), err) is_legal = False # utils.log(utils.cur(), "path existed", is_legal) """ 3. check whether there is password """ if is_legal and not auth["scramble_buff"]: is_legal = False # utils.log(utils.cur(), "passwd has", is_legal) """ 4. check whether password is correct """ if is_legal: for k in info:
def cb(pro, db): if callable(callback): proObj.server = pro.factory.servers.pop(db) self.busy_proobj[db].append(proObj) callback(proObj) dbinfo = {"host_r": "", "host_w": "", "user": "", "passwd": "", "dbshow": db, "db": ""} path_host_r = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_READ) path_host_w = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_WRITE) path_pass = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_PASSWORD) path_user = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_USER) path_db = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_DB) dbinfo["host_r"] = self.zk.get(path_host_r, None)[0] dbinfo["host_w"] = self.zk.get(path_host_w, None)[0] dbinfo["passwd"] = utils.decrypt(self.zk.get(path_pass, None)[0]) dbinfo["user"] = self.zk.get(path_user, None)[0] dbinfo["db"] = self.zk.get(path_db, None)[0] utils.log(utils.cur(), path_host_r, path_host_w) RWClient(dbinfo, proObj, cb) else: raise Exception("MySQL has gone away, f_f") def takeServer(self, server, proObj): if server and hasattr(server, "ready") and server.ready == 2: # clean SQL cache server.raw_sql_clear() db = server.getDB() stats_conns.decr(db) try:
"host_r" : "", "host_w" : "", "user" : "", "passwd" : "", "dbshow" : db, "db" : "", } path_host_r = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_READ) path_host_w = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_WRITE) path_pass = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_PASSWORD) path_user = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_USER) path_db = os.path.join(dbpath, ZKConf.KEY_DB) dbinfo["host_r"] = self.zk.get(path_host_r, None)[0] dbinfo["host_w"] = self.zk.get(path_host_w, None)[0] dbinfo["passwd"] = utils.decrypt(self.zk.get(path_pass, None)[0]) dbinfo["user"] = self.zk.get(path_user, None)[0] dbinfo["db"] = self.zk.get(path_db, None)[0] utils.log(utils.cur(), path_host_r, path_host_w) RWClient(dbinfo, proObj, cb) else: raise Exception("MySQL has gone away, f_f") def takeServer(self, server, proObj): if server and hasattr(server, "ready") and server.ready == 2: # clean SQL cache server.raw_sql_clear() db = server.getDB() stats_conns.decr(db) try: