def eval(corpus, dictionary, loaded_model, non_zero_indices):
    start = time.time()
    acc = eval_routine(corpus,
    t = time.time() - start
    print('total test time:  %s ' % helper.convert_to_minutes(t))
    return t, acc
def evaluate(model, batches, dictionary, outfile=None, selection_time=0.9318): #selection_time=0.9318 for IMDB by budget model
    # Turn on evaluation mode which disables dropout.

    n_correct, n_total = 0, 0
    y_preds, y_true, output = [], [], []
    start = time.time()
    num_batches = len(batches)

    num_tokens_padded = 0
    selection_time = 0
    selected_tokens = 0

    for batch_no in range(len(batches)):
        test_sentences1, sent_len1, test_sentences2, sent_len2, test_labels = helper.batch_to_tensors(batches[batch_no],
                                                                                                      dictionary, True)
        if args.cuda:
            test_sentences1 = test_sentences1.cuda()
            test_sentences2 = test_sentences2.cuda()
            test_labels = test_labels.cuda()
        assert test_sentences1.size(0) == test_sentences1.size(0)

        selected_tokens+= sum(sent_len1)+sum(sent_len2)
        num_tokens_padded += 2*(force_min_sen_len*args.eval_batch_size)

        score = model(test_sentences1, sent_len1, test_sentences2, sent_len2)
        preds = torch.max(score, 1)[1]
        if outfile:
            predictions =
            for i in range(len(batches[batch_no])):
                output.append([batches[batch_no][i].id, predictions[i]])
            n_correct += (preds.view(test_labels.size()).data ==
            n_total += len(batches[batch_no])

        if (batch_no+1) % args.print_every == 0:
            padded_p = 100.0 * selected_tokens/num_tokens_padded
            print_acc_avg = 100. * n_correct / n_total
            print('%s (%d %d%%) (padded %.2f) %.2f' % (
                helper.show_progress(start, (batch_no+1) / num_batches), (batch_no+1),
                (batch_no+1) / num_batches * 100, padded_p, print_acc_avg))

    now = time.time()
    s = now - start

    estimated_full_text_padded_time = (s ) * num_tokens_padded / selected_tokens

    print('estimated full text time padded = %s'% (helper.convert_to_minutes(estimated_full_text_padded_time)))

    padded_p = 100.0 * selected_tokens/num_tokens_padded
    padded_speed_up = 1.0*estimated_full_text_padded_time/s

    print_acc_avg = 100. * n_correct / n_total
    print('total: %s (%d %d%%)(padded %.2f) %.2f' % (
        helper.show_progress(start, (batch_no+1) / num_batches), (batch_no+1),
        (batch_no+1) / num_batches * 100, padded_p, print_acc_avg))
    print('estimated padded speed up =  %0.2f, selection text percentage spped up padded = %0.2f' % (padded_speed_up,  100.0/padded_p ))

    if outfile:
        target_names = ['entailment', 'neutral', 'contradiction']
        with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
            f.write('pairID,gold_label' + '\n')
            for item in output:
                f.write(str(item[0]) + ',' + target_names[item[1]] + '\n')
        return 100. * n_correct / n_total, 100. * f1_score(numpy.asarray(y_true), numpy.asarray(y_preds),
                                                           average='weighted'), s
        test_corpus = data.Corpus(args.tokenize)
        if 'IMDB' in args.task:
            # Load Learning to Skim paper's Pickle file
            train_d, dev_d, test_d = helper.get_splited_imdb_data(args.output_base_path+task+'/'+'imdb.p')
            test_corpus.parse(test_d, task, args.max_example)

            # test_corpus.parse(args.output_base_path + task + '/' + args.test + '.txt', 'RT', args.max_example) #although IMDB but selected text saved by budget model from theano in 'RT' format

        elif task == 'multinli' and args.test != 'train':
            for partition in ['_matched', '_mismatched']:
                test_corpus.parse( + task + '/' + args.test + partition + '.txt', task, args.max_example)
                print('[' + partition[1:] + '] dataset size = ', len(
                test_batches = helper.batchify(, args.eval_batch_size)
                if args.test == 'test':
                    evaluate(model, test_batches, dictionary, args.save_path + args.task + partition + '.csv')
                    test_accuracy, test_f1 = evaluate(model, test_batches, dictionary)
                    print('[' + partition[1:] + '] accuracy: %.2f%%' % test_accuracy)
                    print('[' + partition[1:] + '] f1: %.2f%%' % test_f1)
            test_corpus.parse(args.output_base_path + task + '/' + args.test + '.txt', task, args.max_example)
        print('dataset size = ', len(
        test_batches = helper.batchify(, args.eval_batch_size)
        test_accuracy, test_f1, test_time = evaluate(model, test_batches, dictionary)
        print('accuracy: %.2f%%' % test_accuracy)
        print('f1: %.2f%%' % test_f1)
        print ('test time ', helper.convert_to_minutes(test_time))