Beispiel #1
def task((repetition_i,p)):

    eps_stim = eps_stim_low+(eps_stim_high-eps_stim_low)*np.random.rand()

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eta"] = [1e-7, 0.0]
    learn["eps"] = [p["eps_learn"],10**eps_stim]

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = -52.0
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = 0.25
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = 0.35

    post_spikes = np.arange(40.0,2000.0,20.0)
    pre_spikes_learn = post_spikes - 10.0
    pre_spikes_stim = post_spikes - p["stim_delta"]

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': 2000.0,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [pre_spikes_learn, pre_spikes_stim],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    prob = p["prob"]

    seed = int(int(time.time()*1e8)%1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['weights'], interval=100)]
    accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(post_spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(p["thresh"]), accs, neuron=neuron, seed=seed, learn=learn, p_backprop=prob)

Beispiel #2
def overfit((repetition_i, p)):

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]['alpha'] = p["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]['beta'] = p["beta"]
    neuron["phi"]['r_max'] = p["r_max"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eta"] = 1e-7

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': 4000.0,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [np.arange(50.0, 4000.0, 250.0)],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['weights'], interval=10)]
    accums = run(my_s,
                 lambda **kwargs: False,
                 get_dendr_spike_det_dyn_ref(p["thresh"], p["tau_ref_0"],

    dump(accums, 'artola/' + p['ident'])
Beispiel #3
def fit((repetition_i,p)):

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]['alpha'] = p["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]['beta'] = p["beta"]
    neuron["phi"]['r_max'] = p["r_max"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eta"] = 4e-7

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': 1000.0,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [np.arange(50.0,1000.0,250.0)],
        'I_ext': lambda t:0.0

    seed = int(int(time.time()*1e8)%1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['weights'], interval=10)]
    if p["h1"]:
        accums = run(my_s, lambda **kwargs:False, get_dendr_spike_det(p["thresh"]), accs, seed=seed, neuron=neuron, learn=learn, voltage_clamp=True, U_clamp=p['Uclamp'], h=1.0)
        accums = run(my_s, lambda **kwargs:False, get_dendr_spike_det(p["thresh"]), accs, seed=seed, neuron=neuron, learn=learn, voltage_clamp=True, U_clamp=p['Uclamp'])

Beispiel #4
def task((repetition_i, p)):

    n_syn = p["n_syn"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eps"] = 1e-1 / n_syn
    learn["eta"] = 1e-3 / n_syn

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = p["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = p["beta"]
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = p["r_max"]
    neuron["g_S"] = p["g_S"]

    epochs = 4
    l_c = 6
    eval_c = 2
    cycles = epochs * l_c + (epochs + 1) * eval_c
    cycle_dur = p["cycle_dur"]
    t_end = cycles * cycle_dur

    def exc_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c:
            return 0.0
            return ((1 + np.sin(np.pi / 2 + t / t_end * cycles * 2 * np.pi)) * 2e-3 * 1 + 8e-3) * p["g_factor"]

    def inh_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c:
            return 0.0
            return 8e-2 * p["g_factor"]

    dt = 0.05
    f_r = 0.01  # 10Hz
    t_pts = np.arange(0, t_end / cycles, dt)

    poisson_spikes = [t_pts[np.random.rand(t_pts.shape[0]) < f_r * dt] for _ in range(n_syn)]
    poisson_spikes = [[] if spikes.shape[0] == 0 else np.concatenate(
        [np.arange(spike, t_end, cycle_dur) for spike in spikes]) for spikes in poisson_spikes]
    for train in poisson_spikes:

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': t_end,
        'dt': dt,
        'pre_spikes': poisson_spikes,
        'syn_cond_soma': {'E': exc_soma_cond, 'I': inh_soma_cond},
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(get_all_save_keys(), interval=40)]
    accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(np.array([])), get_phi_U_learner(neuron, dt),
                 accs, neuron=neuron, seed=seed, learn=learn)

    dump((seed, accums), 'sine_task/' + p['ident'])
Beispiel #5
def vary((repetition_i,p)):

    n_vary = 5

    values = {True: {"alpha":-55.0,
              False: {"alpha":-59.0,

    vary = {"alpha":(-2.0,2.0),

    down = vary[p["vary"]][0]
    up = vary[p["vary"]][1]
    middle = values[p["h1"]][p["vary"]]
    vary_val = np.linspace(middle+down, middle+up, n_vary)[p["i"]]
    values[p["h1"]][p["vary"]] = vary_val
    values = values[p["h1"]]

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]['r_max'] = values["r_max"]
    neuron["phi"]['alpha'] = values["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]['beta'] = values["beta"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eps"] = learn["eps"]*p["l_f"]
    learn["eta"] = learn["eta"]*p["l_f"]
    if not p["h1"]:
        learn["eta"] = learn["eta"]*2.5
        learn["eta"] = learn["eta"]*1.3

    spikes = np.array([61.0])

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': 150.0,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [spikes + p["delta"]],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    seed = 1
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['y','weights'], interval=10), BooleanAccumulator(['spike', 'dendr_spike', 'pre_spikes'])]
    if p["h1"]:
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs, seed=seed, neuron=neuron, learn=learn, h=1.0)
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs, seed=seed, neuron=neuron, learn=learn)

    dump((accums, values),'bi_poo/'+p['ident'])
Beispiel #6
def fit((repetition_i, p)):

    learn = get_default("learn")
    if p["h1"]:
        learn['eta'] *= 0.125 / 8.0
        learn["eta"] *= 0.1

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]['r_max'] = 0.2
    neuron["phi"]['alpha'] = -54.0
    neuron["phi"]['beta'] = 0.25

    p_backprop = 0.75

    freq = p["freq"]
    delta = p["delta"]

    n_spikes_in_burst = 10
    burst_pause = 200.0
    bursts = 50 / n_spikes_in_burst
    burst_dur = 1000.0 * n_spikes_in_burst / freq

    first_spike = 1000.0 / (2 * freq)
    isi = 1000.0 / freq
    t_end = bursts * (burst_dur + burst_pause)

    spikes_in_burst = np.arange(first_spike, burst_dur, isi)
    spikes = np.array([])
    for i in range(bursts):
        spikes = np.concatenate((spikes, spikes_in_burst + i * (burst_dur + burst_pause)))

    pre_spikes = spikes + delta

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': t_end,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [pre_spikes],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['weights'], interval=100)]
    if p["h1"]:
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs,
                     seed=seed, learn=learn, neuron=neuron, h=1.0, p_backprop=p_backprop)
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs,
                     seed=seed, learn=learn, neuron=neuron, p_backprop=p_backprop)

    dump(accums, 'sjostrom/' + p['ident'])
Beispiel #7
def get_phi_spiker(neuron=None):
    returns a somatic spiker that implements an inhomogenuous poisson process,
    i.e. a spike will be elicited with probability dt*firing_rate
    if neuron is None:
        neuron = get_default("neuron")
    return lambda curr, dt, **kwargs: phi(curr['y'][0], neuron) * dt >= np.random.rand()
Beispiel #8
def get_phi_spiker(neuron=None):
    returns a somatic spiker that implements an inhomogenuous poisson process,
    i.e. a spike will be elicited with probability dt*firing_rate
    if neuron is None:
        neuron = get_default("neuron")
    return lambda curr, dt, **kwargs: phi(curr['y'][0], neuron
                                          ) * dt >= np.random.rand()
def vary((repetition_i,p)):
    etas = {True: 6e-8,
            False: 30e-8}
    varies = {"alpha": np.linspace(-52.0,-56.0,3),
              "beta": np.linspace(0.15,0.25,3),
              "r_max": np.linspace(0.1,0.3,3)}

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eta"] = etas[p["h1"]]

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = -54.0
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = 0.25
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = 0.2
    neuron["phi"][p["vary"]] = varies[p["vary"]][p["ivary"]]

    spikes = np.arange(20.0,301.0,20.0)

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': 350.0,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [spikes-10.0],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    # 0.2 <= p <= 1.0
    prob = 0.2 + 0.8*np.random.rand()

    seed = int(int(time.time()*1e8)%1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['weights'], interval=10)]
    if p["h1"]:
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs, neuron=neuron, seed=seed, learn=learn, p_backprop=prob, h=1.0)
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs, neuron=neuron, seed=seed, learn=learn, p_backprop=prob)

Beispiel #10
def fit((repetition_i,p)):

    values = {True: {"alpha":-55.0,
              False: {"alpha":-59.0,

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]['r_max'] = values[p["h1"]]["r_max"]
    neuron["phi"]['alpha'] = values[p["h1"]]["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]['beta'] = values[p["h1"]]["beta"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    if not p["h1"]:
        learn["eta"] = learn["eta"]*2.5
        learn["eta"] = learn["eta"]*1.3

    spikes = np.array([101.0])

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': 300.0,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [spikes + p["delta"]],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    seed = 1
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['y','weights'], interval=10), BooleanAccumulator(['spike', 'dendr_spike', 'pre_spikes'])]
    if p["h1"]:
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs, seed=seed, neuron=neuron, learn=learn, h=1.0)
        accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(spikes), get_dendr_spike_det(-50.0), accs, seed=seed, neuron=neuron, learn=learn)

    dump((accums, values),'bi_poo/'+p['ident'])
def task((repetition_i, p)):

    eps_stim = eps_stim_low + (eps_stim_high - eps_stim_low) * np.random.rand()

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eta"] = [1e-7, 0.0]
    learn["eps"] = [p["eps_learn"], 10**eps_stim]

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = -52.0
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = 0.25
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = 0.35

    post_spikes = np.arange(40.0, 2000.0, 20.0)
    pre_spikes_learn = post_spikes - 10.0
    pre_spikes_stim = post_spikes - p["stim_delta"]

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': 2000.0,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [pre_spikes_learn, pre_spikes_stim],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    prob = p["prob"]

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['weights'], interval=100)]
    accums = run(my_s,

    dump((eps_stim, accums), p['ident'])
    def logger(self):
        if not self.__logger:
            self.__logger = logging.Logger(name=self.module_name)
                fn=lambda: int(logging.getLevelName("${log_level}")),

            handler = logging.StreamHandler()
            formatter = logging.Formatter(f"[%(levelname)s] [%(name)s] - %(message)s")

        return self.__logger
    def __process_iam_groups(self, processor=None):
        if not processor:

        for group in self.iam_groups:
            group_name = group['group_name']
            aws_group = self.aws_iam.Group(name=group_name)
            for user_name in group['user_names']:
                processing = user_name.lower() == args.arguments.api_caller.lower() or args.arguments.event is None
                    f'Adding/removing user "{user_name}" to/from group "{group_name}": {processing}'
                if processing:
                    aws_user = self.aws_iam.User(name=user_name)
                    error = helper.get_default(fn=lambda: processor(aws_group, aws_user), ignore_error=False)
                    if error:
                        self.errors.append({'group_name': group_name, 'user_name': user_name, 'error': str(error)})
        def _(aws_group, aws_user):
            policy_name = args.Arguments.FAKE_POLICY_NAME %
            aws_user_policy = self.aws_iam.UserPolicy(, name=policy_name)

            policy_doc = aws_user_policy.policy_document
            expired_statements = list(filter(
                lambda st: st.get('Effect', '').lower() == 'allow' and expired_term in st.get('Resource', ''),

            for statement in expired_statements:
                st_resource = statement.get('Resource', '')
                args.arguments.logger.debug(f'Clearing {}.{policy_name}.Resource= {st_resource}')

                expired_time = st_resource[st_resource.find(expired_term) + len(expired_term):]
                expired_time = helper.get_default(fn=lambda: parser.parse(expired_time))
                if not expired_time:

                args.arguments.logger.debug(f"Expired time: {expired_time}")
                if now.timestamp() >= expired_time.timestamp():
                    self.__revoke(aws_group, aws_user)
Beispiel #15
def task(inputs):
    repetition_i = inputs[0]
    p = inputs[1]

    n_syn = p["n_syn"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eps"] = 1e-1 / n_syn
    learn["eta"] = 1e-3 / n_syn

    neuron = get_default("neuron")

    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = p["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = p["beta"]
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = p["r_max"]
    neuron["g_S"] = p["g_S"]

    epochs = 4
    l_c = 6
    eval_c = 2
    cycles = epochs * l_c + (epochs + 1) * eval_c
    cycle_dur = p["cycle_dur"]
    t_end = cycles * cycle_dur

    def exc_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c:
            return 0.0
            return ((1 + np.sin(np.pi / 2 + t / t_end * cycles * 2 * np.pi)) \
                    * 2e-3 * 1 + 8e-3) * p["g_factor"]

    def inh_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c:
            return 0.0
            return 8e-2 * p["g_factor"]

    dt = 0.05
    f_r = 0.01  # 10Hz
    t_pts = np.arange(0, t_end / cycles, dt)

    poisson_spikes = [
        t_pts[np.random.rand(t_pts.shape[0]) < f_r * dt] for _ in range(n_syn)
    poisson_spikes = [[] if spikes.shape[0] == 0 else np.concatenate(
        [np.arange(spike, t_end, cycle_dur) for spike in spikes])
                      for spikes in poisson_spikes]

    for train in poisson_spikes:

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': t_end,
        'dt': dt,
        'pre_spikes': poisson_spikes,
        'syn_cond_soma': {
            'E': exc_soma_cond,
            'I': inh_soma_cond
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(get_all_save_keys(), interval=40)]

    accums = run(my_s,
                 get_phi_U_learner(neuron, dt),
    # TODO: create directrory if not exists
    dump((seed, accums), "results/" + p['ident'])
 def time_to_expire(self):
     if self.__time_to_expire is None:
         self.__time_to_expire = helper.get_default(fn=lambda: int("${time_to_expire}"), default=600)
     return self.__time_to_expire
 def module_name(self):
     if self.__module_name is None:
         self.__module_name = helper.get_default(fn=lambda: str("${module_name}"), default="dln")
     return self.__module_name
Beispiel #18
def task((repetition_i, p)):

    n_syn = p["n_syn"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eps"] = 1e-1 / (1.0 * n_syn)
    learn["eta"] = learn["eps"] * p["eps_factor"]

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = p["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = p["beta"]
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = 0.1
    neuron["g_S"] = p["g_S"]

    learn_epochs = 2
    test_epochs = 1
    epochs = learn_epochs + test_epochs
    l_c = 4
    eval_c = 2
    cycles = epochs * l_c + (epochs + 1) * eval_c
    cycle_dur = p["cycle_dur"]
    epoch_dur = (l_c + eval_c) * cycle_dur
    t_end = cycles * cycle_dur

    g_factor = p["g_factor"]

    def exc_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c or t > learn_epochs * epoch_dur:
            return 0.0
        return p["exc_level"] * p["g_factor"]

    def inh_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c or t > learn_epochs * epoch_dur:
            return 0.0
        return 1e-1 * p["g_factor"]

    dt = 0.05
    f_r = 1.0 / cycle_dur
    t_pts = np.arange(0, t_end / cycles, dt)

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)

    reg_spikes = [np.arange(i+1,t_end+1,10) for i in range(n_syn)]

    poisson_spikes = [t_pts[np.random.rand(t_pts.shape[0]) < f_r * dt] for _ in range(n_syn)]
    poisson_spikes = [[] if spikes.shape[0] == 0 else np.concatenate(
        [np.arange(spike, t_end, cycle_dur) for spike in spikes]) for spikes in poisson_spikes]
    for train in poisson_spikes:

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': t_end,
        'dt': dt,
        'pre_spikes': reg_spikes,
        'syn_cond_soma': {'E': exc_soma_cond, 'I': inh_soma_cond},
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    phi_spiker = get_phi_spiker(neuron)

    # deprecated
    def my_spiker(curr, dt, **kwargs):
        # we want no spikes in eval cycles
        if curr['t'] % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c:
            return False
            return phi_spiker(curr, dt, **kwargs)

    if p["wiggle"] is None:
        dendr_predictor = phi
        us = np.linspace(-100,20,1000)
        ampl = neuron["phi"]["r_max"]
        phis = phi(us, neuron)
        alphas = []
        for i in range(p["wiggle"]):
            alphas.append(us[phis > (i+0.5)*ampl/p["wiggle"]][0])
        r_m = neuron['phi']['r_max']/p["wiggle"]
        def dendr_predictor(V, neuron):
            return np.sum([phi(V,{'phi':{'alpha': al, 'beta':p["beta_wiggle"], 'r_max': r_m}}) for al in alphas])

    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(get_all_save_keys(), interval=20,
                                y_keep=3), BooleanAccumulator(['spike'])]
    accums = run(my_s, get_fixed_spiker(np.array([])), get_phi_U_learner(neuron, dt, p["exc_decrease"]),
                 accs, neuron=neuron, seed=seed, learn=learn, dendr_predictor=dendr_predictor)

    dump((seed, accums), 'wiggle_test/' + p['ident'])
Beispiel #19
def task((repetition_i, p)):

    n_syn = p["n_syn"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eps"] = 1e-1 / (1.0 * n_syn)
    learn["eta"] = learn["eps"] * p["eps_factor"]

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = p["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = p["beta"]
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = 0.1
    neuron["g_S"] = p["g_S"]

    learn_epochs = 20
    test_epochs = 20
    epochs = learn_epochs + test_epochs
    l_c = 8
    eval_c = 2
    cycles = epochs * l_c + (epochs + 1) * eval_c
    cycle_dur = 100.0
    epoch_dur = (l_c + eval_c) * cycle_dur
    t_end = cycles * cycle_dur

    exc_level = p["exc_level"]
    g_factor = 50

    def exc_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)
                ) < cycle_dur * eval_c or t > learn_epochs * epoch_dur:
            return 0.0
            return ((1 + np.sin(-np.pi / 2 + t / t_end * cycles * 2 * np.pi)) *
                    exc_level + exc_level) * g_factor

    def inh_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)
                ) < cycle_dur * eval_c or t > learn_epochs * epoch_dur:
            return 0.0
            return 4e-2 * g_factor

    dt = 0.05
    f_r = 0.01  # 10Hz
    t_pts = np.arange(0, t_end / cycles, dt)

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    poisson_spikes = [
        t_pts[np.random.rand(t_pts.shape[0]) < f_r * dt] for _ in range(n_syn)
    poisson_spikes = [[] if spikes.shape[0] == 0 else np.concatenate(
        [np.arange(spike, t_end, cycle_dur) for spike in spikes])
                      for spikes in poisson_spikes]
    for train in poisson_spikes:

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': t_end,
        'dt': dt,
        'pre_spikes': poisson_spikes,
        'syn_cond_soma': {
            'E': exc_soma_cond,
            'I': inh_soma_cond
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    phi_spiker = get_phi_spiker(neuron)

    # deprecated
    def my_spiker(curr, dt, **kwargs):
        # we want no spikes in eval cycles
        if curr['t'] % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c:
            return False
            return phi_spiker(curr, dt, **kwargs)

    accs = [
        PeriodicAccumulator(get_all_save_keys(), interval=20, y_keep=3),
    accums = run(my_s,

    dump((seed, accums), 'sine_task_backprop/' + p['ident'])
Beispiel #20
def task((repetition_i, p)):

    n_syn = p["n_syn"]

    learn = get_default("learn")
    learn["eps"] = 1e-1 / (1.0 * n_syn)
    learn["eta"] = learn["eps"]*p["eps_factor"]

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]["alpha"] = p["alpha"]
    neuron["phi"]["beta"] = p["beta"]
    neuron["phi"]["r_max"] = 0.1
    neuron["g_S"] = p["g_S"]

    learn_epochs = 20
    test_epochs = 20
    epochs = learn_epochs + test_epochs
    l_c = 8
    eval_c = 2
    cycles = epochs * l_c + (epochs + 1) * eval_c
    cycle_dur = 100.0
    epoch_dur = (l_c + eval_c) * cycle_dur
    t_end = cycles * cycle_dur

    exc_level = p["exc_level"]
    g_factor = 50

    def exc_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c or t > learn_epochs*epoch_dur:
            return 0.0
            return ((1 + np.sin(-np.pi/2 + t / t_end * cycles * 2 * np.pi)) * exc_level + exc_level) * g_factor

    def inh_soma_cond(t):
        if t % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c or t > learn_epochs*epoch_dur:
            return 0.0
            return 4e-2 * g_factor

    dt = 0.05
    f_r = 0.01 # 10Hz
    t_pts = np.arange(0, t_end / cycles, dt)

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    poisson_spikes = [t_pts[np.random.rand(t_pts.shape[0]) < f_r * dt] for _ in range(n_syn)]
    poisson_spikes = [[] if spikes.shape[0] == 0 else np.concatenate(
        [np.arange(spike, t_end, cycle_dur) for spike in spikes]) for spikes in poisson_spikes]
    for train in poisson_spikes:

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': t_end,
        'dt': dt,
        'pre_spikes': poisson_spikes,
        'syn_cond_soma': {'E': exc_soma_cond, 'I': inh_soma_cond},
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    phi_spiker = get_phi_spiker(neuron)

    # deprecated
    def my_spiker(curr, dt, **kwargs):
        # we want no spikes in eval cycles
        if curr['t'] % (cycle_dur * (l_c + eval_c)) < cycle_dur * eval_c:
            return False
            return phi_spiker(curr, dt, **kwargs)

    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(get_all_save_keys(), interval=20, y_keep = 3), BooleanAccumulator(['spike'])]
    accums = run(my_s, phi_spiker, get_inst_backprop(),
                 accs, neuron=neuron, seed=seed, learn=learn)

    dump((seed, accums), 'sine_task_backprop/' + p['ident'])
def run(sim,
    """ this is the main simulation routine, can either be called directly, or with
    the convenience routine do in
    sim -- a dictionary containing the following simulation parameters
        start: starting time
        end: ending time
        dt: time step
        I_ext: function for evaluating externally applied current
        pre_spikes: a list of presynaptic spikes
    spiker -- the somatic spiker
    spiker_dendr -- the dendritic spiker
    accumulators -- a list of accumulators for saving model variables during the simulation
    neuron -- a dictionary containing the neuron parameters, default_neuron is used if none specified
    learn -- a dictionary contianing the learning parameters, default_learn is used if none specified
    normalizer -- a function to normalize synaptic weights, e.g. the default normalizer
        ensures non-negative weights
    a list of accumulators containing simulation results

    use_seed = kwargs.get('seed', 0)

    if neuron is None:
        neuron = get_default('neuron')

    if learn is None:
        learn = get_default('learn')

    # restrict to positive weights by default
    if normalizer is None:
        normalizer = lambda weights: np.where(weights > 0, weights, 0.0)

    # set some default parameters
    voltage_clamp = kwargs.get('voltage_clamp', False)
    p_backprop = kwargs.get('p_backprop', 1.0)
    syn_cond_soma = sim.get('syn_cond_soma',
                            {sym: lambda t: 0.0
                             for sym in ['E', 'I']})
    dendr_predictor = kwargs.get('dendr_predictor', phi)

    I_ext = sim.get('I_ext', step_current(np.array([[sim['start'], 0.0]])))

    # ensure numpy arrays, for fancy indexing
    pre_spikes = sim['pre_spikes']
    for i, pre_sp in enumerate(pre_spikes):
        pre_spikes[i] = np.array(pre_sp)

    n_syn = len(pre_spikes)
    for key in ['eps', 'eta', 'tau_delta']:
        if not isinstance(learn[key], collections.Iterable):
            learn[key] = np.array([learn[key] for _ in range(n_syn)])
    for acc in accumulators:

    t_start, t_end, dt = sim['start'], sim['end'], sim['dt']

    if voltage_clamp:
        U0 = kwargs['U_clamp']
        U0 = neuron['E_L']

    curr = {
        np.concatenate((np.array([U0, neuron['E_L'],
                                  neuron['E_L']]), np.zeros(2 * n_syn)))
    last_spike = {'t': float('-inf'), 'y': curr['y']}
    last_spike_dendr = {'t': float('-inf'), 'y': curr['y']}

    weights = np.array(learn['eps'])

    g_E_Ds = np.zeros(n_syn)
    syn_pots_sums = np.zeros(n_syn)
    PIVs = np.zeros(n_syn)
    deltas = np.zeros(n_syn)
    weight_updates = np.zeros(n_syn)
    while curr['t'] < t_end - dt / 2:

        # for each synapse: is there a presynaptic spike at curr['t']?
        curr_pres = np.array([
            np.sum(np.isclose(pre_sp, curr['t'], rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10))
            for pre_sp in pre_spikes

        g_E_Ds = g_E_Ds + curr_pres * weights
        g_E_Ds = g_E_Ds - dt * g_E_Ds / neuron['tau_s']

        syn_pots_sums = np.array([
                np.exp(-(curr['t'] - pre_sp[pre_sp <= curr['t']]) /
                       neuron['tau_s'])) for pre_sp in pre_spikes

        # is there a postsynaptic spike at curr['t']?
        if curr['t'] - last_spike['t'] < neuron['tau_ref']:
            does_spike = False
            does_spike = spiker(curr=curr, dt=dt)

        if does_spike:
            last_spike = {'t': curr['t'], 'y': curr['y']}

        # does the dendrite detect a spike?
        dendr_spike = spiker_dendr(curr=curr,

        if dendr_spike:
            last_spike_dendr = {'t': curr['t'], 'y': curr['y']}

        # dendritic prediction
        dendr_pred = dendr_predictor(curr['y'][2], neuron)
        h = kwargs.get(
            phi_prime(curr['y'][2], neuron) / phi(curr['y'][2], neuron))

        # update weights
        pos_PIVs = neuron['delta_factor'] * float(
            dendr_spike) / dt * h * curr['y'][4::2]
        neg_PIVs = dendr_pred * h * curr['y'][4::2]
        PIVs = pos_PIVs - neg_PIVs
        deltas += dt * (PIVs - deltas) / learn['tau_delta']
        weight_updates = learn['eta'] * deltas
        weights = normalizer(weights + weight_updates)

        # advance state: integrate from curr['t'] to curr['t']+dt
        curr_I = I_ext(curr['t'])
        args = (curr['y'], curr['t'], curr['t'] - last_spike['t'], g_E_Ds,
                syn_pots_sums, curr_I, neuron, syn_cond_soma, voltage_clamp,
        curr['y'] += dt * urb_senn_rhs(*args)
        curr['t'] += dt

        # save state
        vals = {
            'g_E_Ds': g_E_Ds,
            'syn_pots_sums': syn_pots_sums,
            'y': curr['y'],
            'spike': float(does_spike),
            'dendr_pred': dendr_pred,
            'h': h,
            'PIVs': PIVs,
            'pos_PIVs': pos_PIVs,
            'neg_PIVs': neg_PIVs,
            'dendr_spike': float(dendr_spike),
            'pre_spikes': curr_pres,
            'weights': weights,
            'weight_updates': weight_updates,
            'deltas': deltas,
            'I_ext': curr_I
        for acc in accumulators:
            acc.add(curr['t'], **vals)

    for acc in accumulators:
        acc.add_variable('seed', use_seed)

    return accumulators
Beispiel #22
def run(sim, spiker, spiker_dendr, accumulators, neuron=None, learn=None, normalizer=None, **kwargs):
    """ this is the main simulation routine, can either be called directly, or with
    the convenience routine do in
    sim -- a dictionary containing the following simulation parameters
        start: starting time
        end: ending time
        dt: time step
        I_ext: function for evaluating externally applied current
        pre_spikes: a list of presynaptic spikes
    spiker -- the somatic spiker
    spiker_dendr -- the dendritic spiker
    accumulators -- a list of accumulators for saving model variables during the simulation
    neuron -- a dictionary containing the neuron parameters, default_neuron is used if none specified
    learn -- a dictionary contianing the learning parameters, default_learn is used if none specified
    normalizer -- a function to normalize synaptic weights, e.g. the default normalizer
        ensures non-negative weights
    a list of accumulators containing simulation results

    use_seed = kwargs.get('seed', 0)

    if neuron is None:
        neuron = get_default('neuron')

    if learn is None:
        learn = get_default('learn')

    # restrict to positive weights by default
    if normalizer is None:
        normalizer = lambda weights: np.where(weights > 0, weights, 0.0)

    # set some default parameters
    voltage_clamp = kwargs.get('voltage_clamp', False)
    p_backprop = kwargs.get('p_backprop', 1.0)
    syn_cond_soma = sim.get('syn_cond_soma', {sym: lambda t: 0.0 for sym in ['E', 'I']})
    dendr_predictor = kwargs.get('dendr_predictor', phi)

    I_ext = sim.get('I_ext', step_current(np.array([[sim['start'], 0.0]])))

    # ensure numpy arrays, for fancy indexing
    pre_spikes = sim['pre_spikes']
    for i, pre_sp in enumerate(pre_spikes):
        pre_spikes[i] = np.array(pre_sp)

    n_syn = len(pre_spikes)
    for key in ['eps', 'eta', 'tau_delta']:
        if not isinstance(learn[key], collections.Iterable):
            learn[key] = np.array([learn[key] for _ in range(n_syn)])
    for acc in accumulators:

    t_start, t_end, dt = sim['start'], sim['end'], sim['dt']

    if voltage_clamp:
        U0 = kwargs['U_clamp']
        U0 = neuron['E_L']

    curr = {'t': t_start,
            'y': np.concatenate((np.array([U0, neuron['E_L'], neuron['E_L']]), np.zeros(2 * n_syn)))}
    last_spike = {'t': float('-inf'), 'y': curr['y']}
    last_spike_dendr = {'t': float('-inf'), 'y': curr['y']}

    weights = np.array(learn['eps'])

    g_E_Ds = np.zeros(n_syn)
    syn_pots_sums = np.zeros(n_syn)
    PIVs = np.zeros(n_syn)
    deltas = np.zeros(n_syn)
    weight_updates = np.zeros(n_syn)
    while curr['t'] < t_end - dt / 2:

        # for each synapse: is there a presynaptic spike at curr['t']?
        curr_pres = np.array(
            [np.sum(np.isclose(pre_sp, curr['t'], rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10)) for pre_sp in pre_spikes])

        g_E_Ds = g_E_Ds + curr_pres * weights
        g_E_Ds = g_E_Ds - dt * g_E_Ds / neuron['tau_s']

        syn_pots_sums = np.array(
            [np.sum(np.exp(-(curr['t'] - pre_sp[pre_sp <= curr['t']]) / neuron['tau_s'])) for pre_sp in pre_spikes])

        # is there a postsynaptic spike at curr['t']?
        if curr['t'] - last_spike['t'] < neuron['tau_ref']:
            does_spike = False
            does_spike = spiker(curr=curr, dt=dt)

        if does_spike:
            last_spike = {'t': curr['t'], 'y': curr['y']}

        # does the dendrite detect a spike?
        dendr_spike = spiker_dendr(curr=curr, last_spike=last_spike,

        if dendr_spike:
            last_spike_dendr = {'t': curr['t'], 'y': curr['y']}

        # dendritic prediction
        dendr_pred = dendr_predictor(curr['y'][2], neuron)
        h = kwargs.get('h', phi_prime(curr['y'][2], neuron) / phi(curr['y'][2], neuron))

        # update weights
        pos_PIVs = neuron['delta_factor'] * float(dendr_spike) / dt * h * curr['y'][4::2]
        neg_PIVs = dendr_pred * h * curr['y'][4::2]
        PIVs = pos_PIVs - neg_PIVs
        deltas += dt * (PIVs - deltas) / learn['tau_delta']
        weight_updates = learn['eta'] * deltas
        weights = normalizer(weights + weight_updates)

        # advance state: integrate from curr['t'] to curr['t']+dt
        curr_I = I_ext(curr['t'])
        args = (curr['y'], curr['t'], curr['t'] - last_spike['t'], g_E_Ds,
                syn_pots_sums, curr_I, neuron, syn_cond_soma, voltage_clamp, p_backprop)
        curr['y'] += dt * urb_senn_rhs(*args)
        curr['t'] += dt

        # save state
        vals = {'g_E_Ds': g_E_Ds,
                'syn_pots_sums': syn_pots_sums,
                'y': curr['y'],
                'spike': float(does_spike),
                'dendr_pred': dendr_pred,
                'h': h,
                'PIVs': PIVs,
                'pos_PIVs': pos_PIVs,
                'neg_PIVs': neg_PIVs,
                'dendr_spike': float(dendr_spike),
                'pre_spikes': curr_pres,
                'weights': weights,
                'weight_updates': weight_updates,
                'deltas': deltas,
                'I_ext': curr_I}
        for acc in accumulators:
            acc.add(curr['t'], **vals)

    for acc in accumulators:
        acc.add_variable('seed', use_seed)

    return accumulators
def fit((repetition_i, p)):

    learn = get_default("learn")
    if p["h1"]:
        learn['eta'] *= 0.125 / 8.0
        learn["eta"] *= 0.1

    neuron = get_default("neuron")
    neuron["phi"]['r_max'] = 0.2
    neuron["phi"]['alpha'] = -54.0
    neuron["phi"]['beta'] = 0.25

    p_backprop = 0.75

    freq = p["freq"]
    delta = p["delta"]

    n_spikes_in_burst = 10
    burst_pause = 200.0
    bursts = 50 / n_spikes_in_burst
    burst_dur = 1000.0 * n_spikes_in_burst / freq

    first_spike = 1000.0 / (2 * freq)
    isi = 1000.0 / freq
    t_end = bursts * (burst_dur + burst_pause)

    spikes_in_burst = np.arange(first_spike, burst_dur, isi)
    spikes = np.array([])
    for i in range(bursts):
        spikes = np.concatenate(
            (spikes, spikes_in_burst + i * (burst_dur + burst_pause)))

    pre_spikes = spikes + delta

    my_s = {
        'start': 0.0,
        'end': t_end,
        'dt': 0.05,
        'pre_spikes': [pre_spikes],
        'I_ext': lambda t: 0.0

    seed = int(int(time.time() * 1e8) % 1e9)
    accs = [PeriodicAccumulator(['weights'], interval=100)]
    if p["h1"]:
        accums = run(my_s,
        accums = run(my_s,

    dump(accums, 'sjostrom/' + p['ident'])