def insert_exercise_in_group(db): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM ExerciseGroup;") rows = cursor.fetchall() sel_group_id = 0 groups = {} os.system('clear') if (len(rows) > 0): print('Groups:') for (group_id, group_name) in rows: groups[group_name] = group_id print('ID: {}, Name: {}'.format(group_id, group_name)) sel_group_id = h.int_parse( input('Select an ID, or 0 to create a new group: '), 0) if (sel_group_id == 0): group_name = h.escape(input('Name of the group: ')) if (group_name in groups.keys()): print('The group {} already exists, '.format(group_name) + 'your exercise will be added to the existing group') sel_group_id = groups[group_name] else: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ExerciseGroup (GroupName) " + "VALUES ('{}')".format(group_name)) sel_group_id = cursor.lastrowid db.commit() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Exercise " + "WHERE ExerciseID " + "NOT IN (SELECT ExerciseID " + "FROM ExerciseInGroup " + "WHERE GroupID = {})".format(sel_group_id)) rows = cursor.fetchall() # Keep track off all the exercices listed exs = {} print("Exercises:") for (ex_id, ex_name) in rows: exs[ex_id] = ex_name print("ID {}: {}".format(ex_id, ex_name)) ex_id = h.int_parse( input("Which exercise would you " + "like add to the group {} ?: ".format(group_name)), 0) # Add the exercise to the group if a valid ex_id is chosen if (ex_id in exs.keys()): cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ExerciseInGroup (GroupID, ExerciseID) " + "VALUES ({}, {})".format(sel_group_id, ex_id)) print('Inserted exercise {} into the group {}'.format( exs[ex_id], group_name)) db.commit()
def insert_exercise(db, wo_id=0): sel_ex_id = 0 if (wo_id != 0): prev = input( 'Would you like to add an already logged exercise?[Y/N]: ') if (prev == 'y' or prev == 'Y'): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Exercise;") rows = cursor.fetchall() ex_ids = [] for (ex_id, name) in rows: ex_ids += [ex_id] print('ID {}: {}'.format(ex_id, name)) sel_ex_id = h.int_parse(input("Which ID?(0 to add new): "), 0) elif (sel_ex_id == 0): ex_type = input('Exercise with device [D] or without [W]?: ') name = input('Name of exercise: ') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Exercise(Name) VALUES ('{}');".format(name)) sel_ex_id = cursor.lastrowid if (ex_type == 'D' or ex_type == 'd'): insert_exercise_on_device(db, sel_ex_id) else: insert_exercise_free(db, sel_ex_id) if (wo_id != 0): insert_exercise_in_workout(db, sel_ex_id, wo_id) return sel_ex_id
def choose_action(db): menu = [ 'Exit', 'Insert a workout', 'Insert an exercise', 'Insert exercise in a group', 'Delete a workout', 'List workouts', 'List most used devices', 'List exercise groups', 'List exercise results' ] actions = { 1: insert_workout, 2: insert_exercise, 3: insert_exercise_in_group, 4: delete_workout, 5: list_workouts, 6: list_devices, 7: list_groups, 8: list_exercise_results } h.print_menu(menu) print('─' * h.terminal_width()) action = h.int_parse(input('Select an action: '), -1) print() if (action in actions.keys()): # Execute the chosen method actions[action](db) return action
def list_groups(db): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM ExerciseGroup;") rows = cursor.fetchall() os.system('clear') if (len(rows) > 0): print(Fore.RED + 'Groups:') group_ids = {} for (group_id, group_name) in rows: group_ids[group_id] = group_name print('├── ID: {}, Name: '.format(group_id) + Fore.BLUE + '{}'.format(group_name)) print() sel_group_id = h.int_parse( input('Select an ID to show exercises in the given group: ')) if (sel_group_id in group_ids.keys()): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT Exercise.Name " + "FROM ExerciseGroup " + "NATURAL JOIN ExerciseInGroup " + "NATURAL JOIN Exercise " + "WHERE " + "ExerciseGroup.GroupID = {}".format(sel_group_id)) print() rows = cursor.fetchall() print('Exercises in group ' + Fore.BLUE + group_ids[sel_group_id] + ':') for ex_name, in rows: print('├── ' + Fore.GREEN + ex_name) else: print('No groups logged.')
def delete_workout(db): cursor = db.cursor() query = "SELECT * FROM Workout;" cursor.execute(query) rows = cursor.fetchall() os.system('clear') if (len(rows) > 0): print('Which workout would you like to delete?') print('─' * h.terminal_width()) ids = [] for (wid, date, _, _, _) in rows: ids += [wid] print('ID {}: {:%d %b %y %H:%M}'.format(wid, date)) print('─' * h.terminal_width()) print() deleteId = h.int_parse(input('Select an ID: '), -1) if (deleteId in ids): print() conf = input('Are you sure [Y/N]: ') if (conf == 'Y' or conf == 'y'): d = db.cursor() d.execute('DELETE FROM Workout ' + 'WHERE WorkoutID = {};'.format(deleteId)) db.commit() print('Deleted workout with ID {}'.format(deleteId)) else: print('No workouts logged')
def list_workouts(db): count = input( 'How many of the last workouts would you like to see? (default 5): ') count = h.int_parse(count, 5) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Workout " + "ORDER BY WorkoutDate DESC " + "LIMIT {};".format(count)) rows = cursor.fetchall() os.system('clear') if (len(rows) > 0): # Print header print(Fore.RED + 'Workouts:') print('─' * h.terminal_width()) # Loop through the workouts for (id, date, duration, performance, shape) in rows: exercises = get_exercises(db, id) note = get_note(db, id) # Print main infor minutes = 'minutes' if duration != 1 else 'minute' print('{:%d %b %y %H:%M}'.format(date)) print() print(Fore.BLUE + 'Duration: ', '{} {}'.format(duration, minutes)) print(Fore.BLUE + 'Performance:', performance + '/10') print(Fore.BLUE + 'Shape: ', shape + '/10') # Print exercises if there are any, tree style if (len(exercises) > 0): print() print(Fore.GREEN + 'Exercises:') for i in range(len(exercises)): if (i < len(exercises) - 1): print('├───', exercises[i]) else: print('└───', exercises[i]) # Print the note if it exists, tree style if (note is not None): goal = note[0] refl = note[1] print() print(Fore.YELLOW + 'Note:') print('├─── ' + Style.BRIGHT + 'Goal: ') print(h.wrap_indent(goal, 5, '│')) print('│') print('└─── ' + Style.BRIGHT + 'Reflections/Thoughts:') print(h.wrap_indent(refl, 5)) print('─' * h.terminal_width()) print() else: print('No workouts logged.')
def insert_exercise_on_device(db, ex_id: int): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Device;") rows = cursor.fetchall() dev_ids = [] sel_dev_id = 0 if (len(rows) > 0): print('Devices:') # Print all registered devices for (dev_id, dev_name, _) in rows: dev_ids += [dev_id] print(' ID: {}, Name: {}'.format(dev_id, dev_name)) # If sel_dev_id is not a number, default to 0 sel_dev_id = h.int_parse( input('Select an ID, or press 0 to add a new one: ')) # Add a new device if the user sumbits 0 or an invalid ID. if (sel_dev_id == 0 or sel_dev_id not in dev_ids): new_dev_name = input('Name of device: ') new_dev_desc = input('Description of device: ') d = db.cursor() d.execute("INSERT INTO Device(Name, Description)" + "VALUES ('{}', '{}');".format(new_dev_name, new_dev_desc)) sel_dev_id = d.lastrowid db.commit() dev_ids += [sel_dev_id] # If weights is not a number, default to 0 weight = h.int_parse(input('Weight (kg): ')) # If reps is not a number, default to 0 reps = h.int_parseinput(('Repetitions: ')) e = db.cursor() e.execute("INSERT INTO " + "ExerciseDevice" + "(ExerciseID, DeviceID, Weight, Repetitions) " + "VALUES ({},{},{},{});".format(ex_id, sel_dev_id, weight, reps)) db.commit()
def list_exercise_results(db): # Get all logged exercises cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Exercise;") rows = cursor.fetchall() ex_ids = [] if (len(rows) > 0): # Print the logged exercises with name and id. print("Which exercise would you like to see the results for?") for (ex_id, name) in rows: ex_ids += [ex_id] print('{}: {}'.format(ex_id, name)) sel_ex_id = h.int_parse(input("ID: "), 0) if (sel_ex_id in ex_ids): # Start date start_date = input("Select start date (yyyy-mm-dd): ") while (not h.date_parse(start_date)): print("Invalid date. try again...") start_date = input("Select start date (yyyy-mm-dd): ") # End date end_date = input("Select end date (yyyy-mm-dd): ") while (not h.date_parse(end_date)): print("Invalid date. try again...") end_date = input("Select end date (yyyy-mm-dd): ") # Get the peformance and shape in the given time interval cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT " + "WorkoutDate, Exercise.Name, Performance, Shape " + "FROM Workout " + "NATURAL JOIN ExerciseInWorkout " + "NATURAL JOIN Exercise " + "WHERE ExerciseID = {} ".format(sel_ex_id) + "AND CAST('{} 23:59:59' as datetime) >= " + "WorkoutDate ".format(end_date) + "AND CAST('{} 00:00:00' as datetime) <= " + "WorkoutDate;".format(start_date)) rows = cursor.fetchall() if (len(rows) > 0): (_, name, _, _) = rows[0] print('\nResults of workout ' + Fore.GREEN + name + Fore.RESET + ':') i = 0 # Print the results, tree style for (date, _, performance, shape) in rows: i += 1 prefix1 = '├──' if i < len(rows) else '└──' prefix2 = '│' if i < len(rows) else ' ' print(prefix1 + Fore.RED + 'Date: ' + Fore.RESET + str(date)) print(prefix2 + ' ├── ' + Fore.BLUE + 'Performance:' + Fore.RESET + ' {}'.format(performance)) print(prefix2 + ' └── ' + Fore.YELLOW + 'Shape:' + Fore.RESET + ' {}'.format(performance)) print() else: print('No logged exercises')
def input_in_range(x): out = h.int_parse(input(x + " (1-10): "), -1) while (out not in range(1, 11)): print('\nInvalid input, try again...') out = h.int_parse(input(x + " (1-10): "), -1) return out
def insert_workout(db): cursor = db.cursor() os.system('clear') try: duration = h.int_parse(input("Duration (minutes): "), -1) while (duration < 0): print('\nInvalid duration, try again...') duration = h.int_parse(input("Duration (minutes): "), -1) def input_in_range(x): out = h.int_parse(input(x + " (1-10): "), -1) while (out not in range(1, 11)): print('\nInvalid input, try again...') out = h.int_parse(input(x + " (1-10): "), -1) return out # Get user input of performance. While something else than a number # between 1 and 10 is submitted, the user is asked again. print() perf = input_in_range("Performance") # Get user input of shape. While something else than a number between 1 # and 10 is submitted, the user is asked again. print() shape = input_in_range("Shape") # Get user input on the date. Defaults to now. print() date = input("Date (yyyy-mm-dd [Press Enter for current date]): ") if (not date): date ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: while (not h.date_parse(date)): date = input('Invalid date, try again... : ') time = input('Time (hh:mm): ') while (not h.time_parse(time)): time = input('Invalid time, try again... : ') date += ' ' + time + ':00' # <Ctrl-C> will terminate the insertion of the workout and take the user # back to the menu except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nInsertion terminated') return cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + "Workout(WorkoutDate, Duration, Performance, Shape) " + "VALUES " + "('{}', {},'{}','{}');".format(date, duration, perf, shape)) wo_id = cursor.lastrowid db.commit() # Add exercises to the workout exc = input('Would you like to add some exercises?[Y/N]: ') while (exc == 'Y' or exc == 'y'): os.system('clear') insert_exercise(db, wo_id) exc = input('Add another exercise?[Y/N]: ') # Add a note to the workout note = input('Would you like to add a note?[Y/N]: ') if (note == 'Y' or note == 'y'): os.system('clear') insert_note(db, wo_id)