Beispiel #1
def test_svm():
    traindataloc, testdataloc = "../data/train.txt", "../data/test.txt"
    train_data, train_label = load_features(traindataloc)
    test_data, test_label = load_features(testdataloc)
    svm_with_diff_c(train_label.tolist(), train_data.tolist(),
                    test_label.tolist(), test_data.tolist())
    '''svm_with_diff_kernel(train_label.tolist(), train_data.tolist(), 
    def train(self, X, Y):
        # Use ten 20 feature classifiers
        F, D, n, i = [
        ], [
        ], [
        ], 0
        features = load_features(self.feature_type)

        X_train, Y_train, X_dev, Y_dev = self.split(X, Y)
        PX, PY, NX, NY = self.get_positive_negative_set(X_train, Y_train)

        # Integrate PX and NX
        PX, NX = IntegralImage(PX), IntegralImage(NX)
        X_dev = IntegralImage(X_dev)

        c_list = []
        y_pred = [

        while F[i] > self.F_thresh and sum(y_pred) != 0:
            i += 1
            n.append(n[i - 1])
            F.append(F[i - 1])
            inc = 10
            while F[i] > self.f * F[i - 1] and F[i] > self.F_thresh:
                n[i] += inc

                # Use P and N to train classifier
                print("Training on", PX.ii.shape[0], "positive examples and",
                      NX.ii.shape[0], "negative examples.")
                X_train = IntegralImage.from_array(
                    np.concatenate((PX.ii, NX.ii)))
                Y_train = np.concatenate((PY, NY))

                weak_classifiers, alphas = self.boosting_algorithm.boost(
                    self.select_features(features, stage=i, num=n[i]),
                threshold = sum(alphas) / 2.0
                step = threshold / 100.0
                D[i] = 0

                # Evaluate current cascaded classifier on validation set to determine Fi and Di.
                # Loop until Di < d * D[i-1]. Decrease threshold by 1 everytime until detection rate is greater
                while D[i] < self.d * D[i - 1]:
                    c = StrongClassifier(weak_classifiers, alphas, threshold)

                    TP, FP, TN, FN = self.evaluate(c_list + [
                    ], X_dev, Y_dev)
                    F[i] = FP / float(FP + TN)
                    D[i] = TP / float(FN + TP)

                    if self.verbose:
                        print("F", F[i], "D", D[i])

                    if D[i] < self.d * D[i - 1]:
                        # Decrement threshold by one step
                        threshold -= step
                inc += 2

            y_pred = c.predict(NX)
            NX.ii = NX.ii[y_pred == 1]
            NY = NY[y_pred == 1]

        # Print results
        if self.verbose:
            print("Detection Rates:", D)
            print("False Positive Rates:", F)
            print("Number of Features per Cascade", n[1:5])

        self.classifiers = c_list