Beispiel #1
        def goalkeeper(self, id):

            # self.set_target_position(id, 1, 1, 1.4, 5.0, 0.4, False)
            # return
            # default desired position
            x = (-self.field[X] / 2) + (self.robot_size[id] / 2) + 0.05
            y = max(min(self.cur_ball[Y], (self.goal[Y] / 2 - self.robot_size[id] / 2)),
                    -self.goal[Y] / 2 + self.robot_size[id] / 2)

            # if the robot is inside the goal, try to get out
            if (self.cur_posture[id][X] < -self.field[X] / 2):
                if (self.cur_posture[id][Y] < 0):
                    self.set_target_position(id, x, self.cur_posture[id][Y] + 0.2, 1.4, 5.0, 0.4, False)
                    self.set_target_position(id, x, self.cur_posture[id][Y] - 0.2, 1.4, 5.0, 0.4, False)
            # if the goalkeeper is outside the penalty area
            elif (not self.in_penalty_area(self.cur_posture[id], MY_TEAM)):
                # return to the desired position
                self.set_target_position(id, x, y, 1.4, 5.0, 0.4, True)
            # if the goalkeeper is inside the penalty area
                # if the ball is inside the penalty area
                if (self.in_penalty_area(self.cur_ball, MY_TEAM)):
                    # if the ball is behind the goalkeeper
                    if (self.cur_ball[X] < self.cur_posture[id][X]):
                        # if the ball is not blocking the goalkeeper's path
                        if (abs(self.cur_ball[Y] - self.cur_posture[id][Y]) > 2 * self.robot_size[id]):
                            # try to get ahead of the ball
                            self.set_target_position(id, self.cur_ball[X] - self.robot_size[id], self.cur_posture[id][Y], 1.4, 5.0,
                                          0.4, False)
                            # just give up and try not to make a suicidal goal
                            self.angle(id, math.pi / 2)
                    # if the ball is ahead of the goalkeeper
                        desired_th = self.direction_angle(id, self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y])
                        rad_diff = helper.trim_radian(desired_th - self.cur_posture[id][TH])
                        # if the robot direction is too away from the ball direction
                        if (rad_diff > math.pi / 3):
                            # give up kicking the ball and block the goalpost
                            self.set_target_position(id, x, y, 1.4, 5.0, 0.4, False)
                            # try to kick the ball away from the goal
                            self.set_target_position(id, self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y], 1.4, 3.0, 0.8, True)
                # if the ball is not in the penalty area
                    # if the ball is within alert range and y position is not too different
                    if (self.cur_ball[X] < -self.field[X] / 2 + 1.5 * self.penalty_area[X] and abs(
                            self.cur_ball[Y]) < 1.5 * self.penalty_area[Y] / 2 and abs(
                            self.cur_ball[Y] - self.cur_posture[id][Y]) < 0.2):
                        self.face_specific_position(id, self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y])
                    # otherwise
                        self.set_target_position(id, x, y, 1.4, 5.0, 0.4, True)
Beispiel #2
    def angle(self, id, desired_th):
        mult_ang = 0.4

        d_th = desired_th - self.cur_posture[id][TH]
        d_th = helper.trim_radian(d_th)

        # the robot instead puts the direction rear if the angle difference is large
        if (d_th > helper.d2r(95)):
            d_th -= math.pi
            sign = -1
        elif (d_th < helper.d2r(-95)):
            d_th += math.pi
            sign = -1

        self.set_wheel_velocity(id, -mult_ang * d_th, mult_ang * d_th, False)
Beispiel #3
def FLC(xRef=None, yRef=None, thRef=None, x=None, y=None, th=None, mode=None):
    Ku = 12

    if (mode == 'position'):
        xError = xRef - x
        yError = yRef - y
        THRef = math.atan2(yError, xError)

        thError = helper.trim_radian(THRef - th)
        distError = math.sqrt(math.pow(xRef - x, 2) + math.pow(yRef - y, 2))

        # Stop giving robot input if it's pretty close to the target
        if (abs(distError) <= 0.05):
            return 0, 0, thError, distError

    if (mode == 'angle'):
        distError = 0
        thError = helper.trim_radian(thRef - th)

        # If the angle is close to enough, stop the robot (or else it would drive slightly forward for some reason)
        #if (abs(thError)< 0.05):
        #   return 0, 0, thError, distError

    cmToM = pow(10, -3)

    # Rule base for right wheel
    ruleR[0] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, NBth)
    outR[0] = -35 * cmToM
    ruleR[1] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, NMth)
    outR[1] = -25 * cmToM
    ruleR[2] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, NSth)
    outR[2] = -15 * cmToM
    ruleR[3] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, ZOth)
    outR[3] = 30 * cmToM
    ruleR[4] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, PSth)
    outR[4] = 15 * cmToM
    ruleR[5] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, PMth)
    outR[5] = 25 * cmToM
    ruleR[6] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, PBth)
    outR[6] = 35 * cmToM
    ruleR[7] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, NBth)
    outR[7] = -27 * cmToM
    ruleR[8] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, NMth)
    outR[8] = 8 * cmToM
    ruleR[9] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, NSth)
    outR[9] = 15 * cmToM
    ruleR[10] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, ZOth)
    outR[10] = 30 * cmToM
    ruleR[11] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, PSth)
    outR[11] = 40 * cmToM
    ruleR[12] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, PMth)
    outR[12] = 51 * cmToM
    ruleR[13] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, PBth)
    outR[13] = 63 * cmToM
    ruleR[14] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, NBth)
    outR[14] = -27 * cmToM
    ruleR[15] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, NMth)
    outR[15] = 8 * cmToM
    ruleR[16] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, NSth)
    outR[16] = 22 * cmToM
    ruleR[17] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, ZOth)
    outR[17] = 50 * cmToM
    ruleR[18] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, PSth)
    outR[18] = 44 * cmToM
    ruleR[19] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, PMth)
    outR[19] = 51 * cmToM
    ruleR[20] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, PBth)
    outR[20] = 63 * cmToM
    ruleR[21] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, NBth)
    outR[21] = -3 * cmToM
    ruleR[22] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, NMth)
    outR[22] = 18 * cmToM
    ruleR[23] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, NSth)
    outR[23] = 35 * cmToM
    ruleR[24] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, ZOth)
    outR[24] = 60 * cmToM
    ruleR[25] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, PSth)
    outR[25] = 65 * cmToM
    ruleR[26] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, PMth)
    outR[26] = 61 * cmToM
    ruleR[27] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, PBth)
    outR[27] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleR[28] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, NBth)
    outR[28] = -3 * cmToM
    ruleR[29] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, NMth)
    outR[29] = 31 * cmToM
    ruleR[30] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, NSth)
    outR[30] = 57 * cmToM
    ruleR[31] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, ZOth)
    outR[31] = 90 * cmToM
    ruleR[32] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, PSth)
    outR[32] = 82 * cmToM
    ruleR[33] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, PMth)
    outR[33] = 68 * cmToM
    ruleR[34] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, PBth)
    outR[34] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleR[35] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, NBth)
    outR[35] = -3 * cmToM
    ruleR[36] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, NMth)
    outR[36] = 31 * cmToM
    ruleR[37] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, NSth)
    outR[37] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleR[38] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, ZOth)
    outR[38] = 100 * cmToM
    ruleR[39] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, PSth)
    outR[39] = 92 * cmToM
    ruleR[40] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, PMth)
    outR[40] = 68 * cmToM
    ruleR[41] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, PBth)
    outR[41] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleR[42] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, NBth)
    outR[42] = -3 * cmToM
    ruleR[43] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, NMth)
    outR[43] = 42 * cmToM
    ruleR[44] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, NSth)
    outR[44] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleR[45] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, ZOth)
    outR[45] = 100 * cmToM
    ruleR[46] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, PSth)
    outR[46] = 92 * cmToM
    ruleR[47] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, PMth)
    outR[47] = 77 * cmToM
    ruleR[48] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, PBth)
    outR[48] = 67 * cmToM

    # Rule base for left wheel (equal to flipped rule base of right wheel for thError = 0)
    ruleL[0] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, NBth)
    outL[0] = 35 * cmToM
    ruleL[1] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, NMth)
    outL[1] = 25 * cmToM
    ruleL[2] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, NSth)
    outL[2] = 15 * cmToM
    ruleL[3] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, ZOth)
    outL[3] = 30 * cmToM
    ruleL[4] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, PSth)
    outL[4] = -15 * cmToM
    ruleL[5] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, PMth)
    outL[5] = -25 * cmToM
    ruleL[6] = strength(distError, NBd, thError, PBth)
    outL[6] = -35 * cmToM
    ruleL[7] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, NBth)
    outL[7] = 63 * cmToM
    ruleL[8] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, NMth)
    outL[8] = 51 * cmToM
    ruleL[9] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, NSth)
    outL[9] = 40 * cmToM
    ruleL[10] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, ZOth)
    outL[10] = 30 * cmToM
    ruleL[11] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, PSth)
    outL[11] = 15 * cmToM
    ruleL[12] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, PMth)
    outL[12] = 8 * cmToM
    ruleL[13] = strength(distError, NMd, thError, PBth)
    outL[13] = -27 * cmToM
    ruleL[14] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, NBth)
    outL[14] = 63 * cmToM
    ruleL[15] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, NMth)
    outL[15] = 51 * cmToM
    ruleL[16] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, NSth)
    outL[16] = 44 * cmToM
    ruleL[17] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, ZOth)
    outL[17] = 50 * cmToM
    ruleL[18] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, PSth)
    outL[18] = 22 * cmToM
    ruleL[19] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, PMth)
    outL[19] = 8 * cmToM
    ruleL[20] = strength(distError, NSd, thError, PBth)
    outL[20] = -27 * cmToM
    ruleL[21] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, NBth)
    outL[21] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleL[22] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, NMth)
    outL[22] = 61 * cmToM
    ruleL[23] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, NSth)
    outL[23] = 65 * cmToM
    ruleL[24] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, ZOth)
    outL[24] = 60 * cmToM
    ruleL[25] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, PSth)
    outL[25] = 35 * cmToM
    ruleL[26] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, PMth)
    outL[26] = 18 * cmToM
    ruleL[27] = strength(distError, ZOd, thError, PBth)
    outL[27] = -3 * cmToM
    ruleL[28] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, NBth)
    outL[28] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleL[29] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, NMth)
    outL[29] = 68 * cmToM
    ruleL[30] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, NSth)
    outL[30] = 82 * cmToM
    ruleL[31] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, ZOth)
    outL[31] = 90 * cmToM
    ruleL[32] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, PSth)
    outL[32] = 57 * cmToM
    ruleL[33] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, PMth)
    outL[33] = 31 * cmToM
    ruleL[34] = strength(distError, PSd, thError, PBth)
    outL[34] = -3 * cmToM
    ruleL[35] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, NBth)
    outL[35] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleL[36] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, NMth)
    outL[36] = 68 * cmToM
    ruleL[37] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, NSth)
    outL[37] = 92 * cmToM
    ruleL[38] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, ZOth)
    outL[38] = 100 * cmToM
    ruleL[39] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, PSth)
    outL[39] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleL[40] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, PMth)
    outL[40] = 31 * cmToM
    ruleL[41] = strength(distError, PMd, thError, PBth)
    outL[41] = -3 * cmToM
    ruleL[42] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, NBth)
    outL[42] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleL[43] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, NMth)
    outL[43] = 77 * cmToM
    ruleL[44] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, NSth)
    outL[44] = 92 * cmToM
    ruleL[45] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, ZOth)
    outL[45] = 100 * cmToM
    ruleL[46] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, PSth)
    outL[46] = 67 * cmToM
    ruleL[47] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, PMth)
    outL[47] = 42 * cmToM
    ruleL[48] = strength(distError, PBd, thError, PBth)
    outL[48] = -3 * cmToM

    return Ku * defuzzy(ruleL, outL), Ku * defuzzy(ruleR,
                                                   outR), thError, distError
Beispiel #4
 def is_facing_target(self, id, x, y):
     desiredTh = self.direction_angle(id, x, y)
     thError = helper.trim_radian(desiredTh - self.cur_posture[id][TH])
     return (abs(thError) < 0.2)