def do_action(self): self.set_data() if helper.verify(self.username): print 'You are verified as', self.username self.class_data, self.class_title = self.__do_action() else: print 'You are not verified (username %s). Contact owner.' % self.username
def users_boats_get(user_id): if request.method == 'GET': owner_results = verify() if owner_results and owner_results != -1: if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) elif int(user_id) != int(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "This is not your user_id"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: query = client.query( query.add_filter('owner', '=', user_id) results = list(query.fetch()) for e in results: e["id"] = e["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "/" + str( for f in e["loads"]: f["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "loads/" + str( f["id"]) return response_status_json(results, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Method not recognized"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 405)
def cluster(k): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = k, init='random', n_init = 5).fit(trainX) trainMapping , trainPredictions = verify(trainY, kmeans.labels_) trainResults[Ks.index(k)] = accuracy_score(trainY, trainPredictions) testLabels = kmeans.predict(testX) testPredictions = [trainMapping[label] for label in test_labels] testResults[Ks.index(k)] = accuracy_score(testY, testPredictions) centers.append(kmeans.cluster_centers_) maps.append(train_mapping) predictions.append(trainPredictions)
def get_loads_loads(load_id, boat_id): if request.method == 'PATCH': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) else: owner_results = verify() if owner_results and owner_results != -1: if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) load_key = client.key(constants.loads, int(load_id)) load = client.get(key=load_key) boat_key = client.key(, int(boat_id)) boat = client.get(key=boat_key) if load is None: error_obj = { "Error": "This load_id is already on a boat or this load_id does not exist" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) elif boat is None: error_obj = {"Error": "No boat with this boat_id exists"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) else: if int(boat["owner"]) != int(owner_results): errObj = { "Error": "You are not the owner of this boat" } return (json.dumps(errObj), 403) else: if load["carrier"] is None: load.update({ "carrier": { "id": int(boat_id), "name": boat["name"] } }) client.put(load) load["self"] = str( request.url_root) + "loads/" + str(load_id) load["carrier"]["self"] = str( request.url_root) + "boats/" + str(boat_id) boat["loads"].append({"id": int(load_id)}) client.put(boat) boat["id"] = boat_id return response_status_json( load, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Load currently has a carrier"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 403) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) elif request.method == 'DELETE': owner_results = verify() if owner_results and owner_results != -1: if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) load_key = client.key(constants.loads, int(load_id)) load = client.get(key=load_key) boat_key = client.key(, int(boat_id)) boat = client.get(key=boat_key) if load is None: error_obj = {"Error": "No load with this load_id exists"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) elif boat is None: error_obj = {"Error": "No boat with this boat_id exists"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) elif int(boat["owner"]) != int(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "You are not the owner of this boat"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 403) elif load["carrier"] is None: errObj = {"Error": "The load is not loaded on a boat"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 404) elif int(load["carrier"]["id"]) != int(boat_id): errObj = { "Error": "The load_id selected is not on this boat_id" } return (json.dumps(errObj), 404) else: for e in boat["loads"]: if int(e["id"]) == int(load_id): boat["loads"].remove(e) client.put(boat) load.update({"carrier": None}) client.put(load) return ('', 204) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Method not recognized"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 405)
def loads_get_post(): if request.method == 'POST': if request.mimetype == 'application/json': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) else: content = request.get_json() schema = get_loads_schema() v = Validator(schema) if v.validate(content, schema) is False: error_obj = { "Error": "The request object contains inappropriate attributes or attribute input" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) error_obj = { "Error": "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes" } if "contents" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "delivery_date" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "weight" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) else: owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = { "Error": "Not a valid user, please register" } return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) new_load = datastore.entity.Entity( key=client.key(constants.loads)) new_load.update({ "contents": content["contents"], "delivery_date": content["delivery_date"], "weight": content["weight"], "carrier": None }) client.put(new_load) new_load["id"] = self_url = str(request.base_url) + "/" + str( new_load["self"] = self_url return response_status_json(new_load, 'application/json', 201, self_url, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = { "Error": "The request mimetype should be application/json" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif request.method == 'GET': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) else: query = client.query(kind=constants.loads) q_limit = int(request.args.get('limit', '5')) q_offset = int(request.args.get('offset', '0')) l_iterator = query.fetch(limit=q_limit, offset=q_offset) pages = l_iterator.pages results = list(next(pages)) if l_iterator.next_page_token: next_offset = q_offset + q_limit next_url = request.base_url + "?limit=" + str( q_limit) + "&offset=" + str(next_offset) else: next_url = None for e in results: e["id"] = e["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "/" + str( if e['carrier'] is not None: for f in e["carrier"]: f["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "/" + str( output = {"loads": results} if next_url: output["next"] = next_url return response_status_json(output, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Method not recognized"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 405)
def loads_put_patch_delete(load_id): if request.method == 'GET': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] == '*/*' or 'application/json' in request.headers[ 'Accept']: load_key = client.key(constants.loads, int(load_id)) load = client.get(load_key) error_obj = {"Error": "No load with this load_id exists"} if load is None: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) else: load["id"] = load["self"] = str(request.base_url) return response_status_json(load, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) elif request.method == 'PATCH': if request.mimetype == 'application/json': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) else: owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) content = request.get_json() schema = get_loads_schema() v = Validator(schema) if v.validate(content, schema) is False or not content: error_obj = { "Error": "The request object contains inappropriate attributes or attribute input" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) error_obj = { "Error": "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes" } if "contents" not in content and "delivery_date" not in content and "weight" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) else: load_key = client.key(constants.loads, int(load_id)) load = client.get(key=load_key) if load is None: error_obj = { "Error": "No load with this load_id exists" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) else: updated_content = "" updated_delivery_date = "" updated_weight = -1 if "contents" not in content: updated_content = load["contents"] else: updated_content = content["contents"] if "delivery_date" not in content: updated_delivery_date = load["delivery_date"] else: updated_delivery_date = content[ "delivery_date"] if "weight" not in content: updated_weight = load["weight"] else: updated_weight = content["weight"] load.update({ "contents": updated_content, "delivery_date": updated_delivery_date, "weight": updated_weight }) client.put(load) load["id"] = self_url = str(request.base_url) load["self"] = self_url if load['carrier'] is not None: for e in load["carrier"]: e["self"] = str( request.base_url) + "/" + str(e["id"]) return response_status_json( load, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = { "Error": "The request mimetype should be application/json" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif request.method == 'PUT': if request.mimetype == 'application/json': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) else: owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) content = request.get_json() schema = get_loads_schema() v = Validator(schema) if v.validate(content, schema) is False or not content: error_obj = { "Error": "The request object contains inappropriate attributes or attribute input" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) error_obj = { "Error": "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes" } if "contents" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "delivery_date" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "weight" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) else: load_key = client.key(constants.loads, int(load_id)) load = client.get(key=load_key) if load is None: error_obj = { "Error": "No load with this load_id exists" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) else: load.update({ "contents": content["contents"], "delivery_date": content["delivery_date"], "weight": content["weight"] }) client.put(load) load["id"] = self_url = str(request.base_url) load["self"] = self_url if load['carrier'] is not None: for e in load['carrier']: e["self"] = str( request.base_url) + "/" + str(e["id"]) return response_status_json( load, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = { "Error": "The request mimetype should be application/json" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif request.method == 'DELETE': owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) load_key = client.key(constants.loads, int(load_id)) load = client.get(key=load_key) if load is None: error_obj = {"Error": "No load with this load_id exists"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) else: if load["carrier"] is not None: boat_id = load["carrier"]["id"] boat_key = client.key(, int(boat_id)) boat = client.get(key=boat_key) owner = -1 if boat is not None: if boat["loads"] is not None: for e in boat["loads"]: if int(e["id"]) == int(id): if int(e["owner"]) != owner_results: owner = 1 else: boat["loads"].remove(e) client.put(boat) if owner: errObj = { "Error": "You are not the owner of this boat" } return (json.dumps(errObj), 403) else: client.delete(load_key) return ('', 204) else: client.delete(load_key) return ('', 204) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Method not recognized"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 405)
def boats_get_post(): if request.method == 'POST': if request.mimetype == 'application/json': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) content = request.get_json() schema = get_boats_schema() v = Validator(schema) if v.validate(content, schema) is False: error_obj = { "Error": "The request object contains inappropriate attributes or attribute input" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) error_obj = { "Error": "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes" } if "name" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "type" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "length" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) else: owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) owner = owner_results boat_name = content["name"] query = client.query( query.add_filter('name', '=', boat_name) results = list(query.fetch()) if results != []: err_obj = { "Error": "The requested boat name is already in use" } return (json.dumps(err_obj), 403) new_boat = datastore.entity.Entity( key=client.key( new_boat.update({ "name": content["name"], "type": content["type"], "length": content["length"], "owner": owner, "loads": [] }) client.put(new_boat) new_boat["id"] = self_url = str(request.base_url) + "/" + str( new_boat["self"] = self_url return response_status_json(new_boat, 'application/json', 201, self_url, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = { "Error": "The request mimetype should be application/json" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif request.method == 'GET': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) else: query = client.query( q_limit = int(request.args.get('limit', '5')) q_offset = int(request.args.get('offset', '0')) l_iterator = query.fetch(limit=q_limit, offset=q_offset) pages = l_iterator.pages results = list(next(pages)) if l_iterator.next_page_token: next_offset = q_offset + q_limit next_url = request.base_url + "?limit=" + str( q_limit) + "&offset=" + str(next_offset) else: next_url = None for e in results: e["id"] = e["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "/" + str( for f in e["loads"]: f["self"] = str(request.base_url) + "loads/" + str(f["id"]) output = {"boats": results} if next_url: output["next"] = next_url return response_status_json(output, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Method not recognized"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 405)
def boats_put_patch_delete(boat_id): if request.method == 'GET': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] == '*/*' or 'application/json' in request.headers[ 'Accept']: boat_key = client.key(, int(boat_id)) boat = client.get(boat_key) error_obj = {"Error": "No boat with this boat_id exists"} if boat is None: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) else: boat["id"] = boat["self"] = str(request.base_url) for e in boat["loads"]: load_id = e["id"] e["self"] = str(request.url_root) + "loads/" + str(load_id) return response_status_json(boat, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) elif request.method == 'PATCH': if request.mimetype == 'application/json': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) content = request.get_json() schema = get_boats_schema() v = Validator(schema) if v.validate(content, schema) is False or not content: error_obj = { "Error": "The request object contains inappropriate attributes or attribute input" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) error_obj = { "Error": "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes" } if "name" not in content and "type" not in content and "length" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) boat_key = client.key(, int(boat_id)) boat = client.get(key=boat_key) if boat is None: error_obj = {"Error": "No boat with this boat_id exists"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) elif int(boat["owner"]) != int(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "You are not the owner of this boat"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 403) else: updated_name = "" updated_type = "" updated_length = -1 if "name" not in content: updated_name = boat["name"] else: updated_name = content["name"] boat_name = content["name"] query = client.query( query.add_filter('name', '=', boat_name) results = list(query.fetch()) if results != [] and results[0] != err_obj = { "Error": "The requested boat name is already in use" } return (json.dumps(err_obj), 403) if "type" not in content: updated_type = boat["type"] else: updated_type = content["type"] if "length" not in content: updated_length = boat["length"] else: updated_length = content["length"] boat.update({ "name": updated_name, "type": updated_type, "length": updated_length }) client.put(boat) boat["id"] = self_url = str(request.base_url) boat["self"] = self_url for e in boat["loads"]: e["id"] = e["self"] = str(request.url_root) + "/" + str( return response_status_json(boat, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = { "Error": "The request mimetype should be application/json" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif request.method == 'PUT': if request.mimetype == 'application/json': if request.headers[ 'Accept'] != '*/*' and 'application/json' not in request.headers[ 'Accept']: error_obj = {"Error": "Accept header must be application/json"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 406) owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) content = request.get_json() schema = get_boats_schema() v = Validator(schema) if v.validate(content, schema) is False or not content: error_obj = { "Error": "The request object contains inappropriate attributes or attribute input" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) error_obj = { "Error": "The request object is missing at least one of the required attributes" } if "name" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "type" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif "length" not in content: return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) else: boat_key = client.key(, int(boat_id)) boat = client.get(key=boat_key) if boat is None: error_obj = { "Error": "No boat with this boat_id exists" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) elif int(boat["owner"]) != int(owner_results): errObj = { "Error": "You are not the owner of this boat" } return (json.dumps(errObj), 403) else: boat_name = content["name"] query = client.query( query.add_filter('name', '=', boat_name) results = list(query.fetch()) if results != [] and results[0] != err_obj = { "Error": "The requested boat name is already in use" } return (json.dumps(err_obj), 403) boat.update({ "name": content["name"], "type": content["type"], "length": content["length"] }) client.put(boat) boat["id"] = self_url = str(request.base_url) boat["self"] = self_url for e in boat["loads"]: e["id"] = e["self"] = str(request.url_root) + "/" + str( return response_status_json(boat, 'application/json', 200, None, None) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = { "Error": "The request mimetype should be application/json" } return (json.dumps(error_obj), 400) elif request.method == 'DELETE': owner_results = verify() if (owner_results and owner_results != -1): if not check_for_user(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "Not a valid user, please register"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) boat_key = client.key(, int(boat_id)) boat = client.get(key=boat_key) if boat is None: error_obj = {"Error": "No boat with this boat_id exists"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 404) elif int(boat["owner"]) != int(owner_results): errObj = {"Error": "You are not the owner of this boat"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 403) else: if len(boat["loads"]) > 0: for e in boat["loads"]: load_id = e["id"] load_key = client.key(constants.loads, int(load_id)) load = client.get(key=load_key) if load is not None: load["carrier"] = None client.put(load) client.delete(boat_key) return ('', 204) else: client.delete(boat_key) return ('', 204) else: errObj = {"Error": "Missing or Invalid JWTs"} return (json.dumps(errObj), 401) else: error_obj = {"Error": "Method not recognized"} return (json.dumps(error_obj), 405)
def verify_jwt(): results = verify() if results == -1: return "Not a valid JWT" else: return results