Beispiel #1
def rows_to_region(rows):
    Convert rows (line numbers) to a region (selection/cursor position).

    Keyword arguments:
    - rows -- Row number(s) to convert to region(s).

    # Get current active view
    view = sublime.active_window().active_view()
    # Unable to convert rows to regions when no view available
    if view is None:

    # List for containing regions to return
    region = []

    # Create list if it is a singleton
    if not isinstance(rows, list):
        rows = [rows]

    for row in rows:
        # Check if row is a digit
        if isinstance(row, int) or H.is_digit(row):
            # Convert from 1 based to a 0 based row (line) number
            row_number = int(row) - 1
            # Calculate offset point for row
            offset_point = view.text_point(row_number, 0)
            # Get region for row by offset point
            region_row = view.line(offset_point)
            # Add to list for result

    return region
Beispiel #2
def rows_to_region(rows):
    Convert rows (line numbers) to a region (selection/cursor position).

    Keyword arguments:
    - rows -- Row number(s) to convert to region(s).

    # Get current active view
    view = sublime.active_window().active_view()
    # Unable to convert rows to regions when no view available
    if view is None:

    # List for containing regions to return
    region = []

    # Create list if it is a singleton
    if not isinstance(rows, list):
        rows = [rows]

    for row in rows:
        # Check if row is a digit
        if isinstance(row, int) or H.is_digit(row):
            # Convert from 1 based to a 0 based row (line) number
            row_number = int(row) - 1
            # Calculate offset point for row
            offset_point = view.text_point(row_number, 0)
            # Get region for row by offset point
            region_row = view.line(offset_point)
            # Add to list for result

    return region
Beispiel #3
def generate_context_output(context, indent=0):
    Generate readable context from dictionary with context data.

    Keyword arguments:
    context -- Dictionary with context data.
    indent -- Indent level.
    # Generate output text for values
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if not isinstance(context, dict):
        return values
    for variable in context.values():
        has_children = False
        property_text = ''
        # Set indentation
        for i in range(indent): property_text += '\t'
        # Property with value
        if variable['value'] is not None:
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '({type}) {value}\n'
        # Property with children
        elif isinstance(variable['children'], dict) and variable['numchildren'] is not None:
            has_children = True
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '{type}[{numchildren}]\n'
        # Unknown property
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '<{type}>\n'

        # Remove newlines in value to prevent incorrect indentation
        value = ''
        if variable['value'] and len(variable['value']) > 0:
            value = variable['value'].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", " ")

        # Format string and append to output
        values += H.unicode_string(property_text \
                        .format(value=value, type=variable['type'], name=variable['name'], numchildren=variable['numchildren']))

        # Append property children to output
        if has_children:
            # Get children for property (no need to convert, already unicode)
            values += generate_context_output(variable['children'], indent+1)
            # Use ellipsis to indicate that results have been truncated
            limited = False
            if isinstance(variable['numchildren'], int) or H.is_digit(variable['numchildren']):
                if int(variable['numchildren']) != len(variable['children']):
                    limited = True
            elif len(variable['children']) > 0 and not variable['numchildren']:
                limited = True
            if limited:
                for i in range(indent+1): values += H.unicode_string('\t')
                values += H.unicode_string('...\n')
    return values
Beispiel #4
def generate_context_output(context, indent=0):
    Generate readable context from dictionary with context data.

    Keyword arguments:
    context -- Dictionary with context data.
    indent -- Indent level.
    # Generate output text for values
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if not isinstance(context, dict):
        return values
    for variable in context.values():
        has_children = False
        property_text = ''
        # Set indentation
        for i in range(indent): property_text += '\t'
        # Property with value
        if variable['value'] is not None:
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '({type}) {value}\n'
        # Property with children
        elif isinstance(variable['children'], dict) and variable['numchildren'] is not None:
            has_children = True
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '{type}[{numchildren}]\n'
        # Unknown property
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '<{type}>\n'

        # Remove newlines in value to prevent incorrect indentation
        value = ''
        if variable['value'] and len(variable['value']) > 0:
            value = variable['value'].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", " ")

        # Format string and append to output
        values += H.unicode_string(property_text \
                        .format(value=value, type=variable['type'], name=variable['name'], numchildren=variable['numchildren']))

        # Append property children to output
        if has_children:
            # Get children for property (no need to convert, already unicode)
            values += generate_context_output(variable['children'], indent+1)
            # Use ellipsis to indicate that results have been truncated
            limited = False
            if isinstance(variable['numchildren'], int) or H.is_digit(variable['numchildren']):
                if int(variable['numchildren']) != len(variable['children']):
                    limited = True
            elif len(variable['children']) > 0 and not variable['numchildren']:
                limited = True
            if limited:
                for i in range(indent+1): values += H.unicode_string('\t')
                values += H.unicode_string('...\n')
    return values
Beispiel #5
def generate_breakpoint_output():
    Generate output with all configured breakpoints.
    # Get breakpoints for files
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.BREAKPOINT is None:
        return values
    for filename, breakpoint_data in sorted(S.BREAKPOINT.items()):
        breakpoint_entry = ''
        if breakpoint_data:
            breakpoint_entry += '=> %s\n' % filename
            # Sort breakpoint data by line number
            for lineno, bp in sorted(
                    key=lambda item:
                (int(item[0]) if isinstance(item[0], int) or H.is_digit(item[
                    0]) else float('inf'), item[0])):
                # Do not show temporary breakpoint
                if S.BREAKPOINT_RUN is not None and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN[
                        'filename'] == filename and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN[
                            'lineno'] == lineno:
                # Whether breakpoint is enabled or disabled
                breakpoint_entry += '\t'
                if bp['enabled']:
                    breakpoint_entry += '|+|'
                    breakpoint_entry += '|-|'
                # Line number
                breakpoint_entry += ' %s' % lineno
                # Conditional expression
                if bp['expression'] is not None:
                    breakpoint_entry += ' -- "%s"' % bp['expression']
                breakpoint_entry += '\n'
        values += H.unicode_string(breakpoint_entry)
    return values
Beispiel #6
def generate_breakpoint_output():
    Generate output with all configured breakpoints.
    # Get breakpoints for files
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if S.BREAKPOINT is None:
        return values
    for filename, breakpoint_data in sorted(S.BREAKPOINT.items()):
        breakpoint_entry = ''
        if breakpoint_data:
            breakpoint_entry += "=> %s\n" % filename
            # Sort breakpoint data by line number
            for lineno, bp in sorted(breakpoint_data.items(), key=lambda item: (int(item[0]) if isinstance(item[0], int) or H.is_digit(item[0]) else float('inf'), item[0])):
                # Do not show temporary breakpoint
                if S.BREAKPOINT_RUN is not None and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['filename'] == filename and S.BREAKPOINT_RUN['lineno'] == lineno:
                # Whether breakpoint is enabled or disabled
                breakpoint_entry += '\t'
                if bp['enabled']:
                    breakpoint_entry += '|+|'
                    breakpoint_entry += '|-|'
                # Line number
                breakpoint_entry += ' %s' % lineno
                # Conditional expression
                if bp['expression'] is not None:
                    breakpoint_entry += ' -- "%s"' % bp['expression']
                breakpoint_entry += "\n"
        values += H.unicode_string(breakpoint_entry)
    return values
Beispiel #7
    def init(self):
        if not is_connected():

        # Connection initialization
        init =

        # More detailed internal information on properties
        S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n='show_hidden', v=1)

        # Set max children limit
        max_children = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_CHILDREN)
        if max_children is not False and max_children is not True and (
                H.is_number(max_children) or H.is_digit(max_children)):

        # Set max data limit
        max_data = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_DATA)
        if max_data is not False and max_data is not True and (
                H.is_number(max_data) or H.is_digit(max_data)):

        # Set max depth limit
        max_depth = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_DEPTH)
        if max_depth is not False and max_depth is not True and (
                H.is_number(max_depth) or H.is_digit(max_depth)):

        # Set breakpoints for files
        for filename, breakpoint_data in S.BREAKPOINT.items():
            if breakpoint_data:
                for lineno, bp in breakpoint_data.items():
                    if bp['enabled']:
                        self.set_breakpoint(filename, lineno, bp['expression'])
                        debug('breakpoint_set: ' + filename + ':' + lineno)

        # Set breakpoints for exceptions
        break_on_exception = get_value(S.KEY_BREAK_ON_EXCEPTION)
        if isinstance(break_on_exception, list):
            for exception_name in break_on_exception:

        # Determine if client should break at first line on connect
        if get_value(S.KEY_BREAK_ON_START):
            # Get init attribute values
            fileuri = init.get(dbgp.INIT_FILEURI)
            filename = get_real_path(fileuri)
            # Show debug/status output
            self.status_message('Xdebug: Break on start')
            info('Break on start: ' + filename)
            # Store line number of breakpoint for displaying region marker
            S.BREAKPOINT_ROW = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': 1}
            # Focus/Open file window view
            self.timeout(lambda: show_file(filename, 1))

            # Context variables
            context = self.get_context_values()
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_CONTEXT, context))

            # Stack history
            stack = self.get_stack_values()
            if not stack:
                stack = H.unicode_string(
                    '[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n'.format(
                        level=0, where='{main}', lineno=1, filename=fileuri))
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_STACK, stack))

            # Watch expressions
            # Tell script to run it's process
            self.run_command('xdebug_execute', {'command': 'run'})
Beispiel #8
    def init(self):
        if not is_connected():

        # Connection initialization
        init =

        # More detailed internal information on properties
        S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n='show_hidden', v=1)

        # Set max children limit
        max_children = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_CHILDREN)
        if max_children is not False and max_children is not True and (H.is_number(max_children) or H.is_digit(max_children)):
            S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n=dbgp.FEATURE_NAME_MAX_CHILDREN, v=max_children)

        # Set max data limit
        max_data = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_DATA)
        if max_data is not False and max_data is not True and (H.is_number(max_data) or H.is_digit(max_data)):
            S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n=dbgp.FEATURE_NAME_MAX_DATA, v=max_data)

        # Set max depth limit
        max_depth = get_value(S.KEY_MAX_DEPTH)
        if max_depth is not False and max_depth is not True and (H.is_number(max_depth) or H.is_digit(max_depth)):
            S.SESSION.send(dbgp.FEATURE_SET, n=dbgp.FEATURE_NAME_MAX_DEPTH, v=max_depth)

        # Set breakpoints for files
        for filename, breakpoint_data in S.BREAKPOINT.items():
            if breakpoint_data:
                for lineno, bp in breakpoint_data.items():
                    if bp['enabled']:
                        self.set_breakpoint(filename, lineno, bp['expression'])
                        debug('breakpoint_set: ' + filename + ':' + lineno)

        # Set breakpoints for exceptions
        break_on_exception = get_value(S.KEY_BREAK_ON_EXCEPTION)
        if isinstance(break_on_exception, list):
            for exception_name in break_on_exception:

        # Determine if client should break at first line on connect
        if get_value(S.KEY_BREAK_ON_START):
            # Get init attribute values
            fileuri = init.get(dbgp.INIT_FILEURI)
            filename = get_real_path(fileuri)
            # Show debug/status output
            self.status_message('Xdebug: Break on start')
            info('Break on start: ' + filename)
            # Store line number of breakpoint for displaying region marker
            S.BREAKPOINT_ROW = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': 1}
            # Focus/Open file window view
            self.timeout(lambda: show_file(filename, 1))

            # Context variables
            context = self.get_context_values()
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_CONTEXT, context))

            # Stack history
            stack = self.get_stack_values()
            if not stack:
                stack = H.unicode_string('[{level}] {filename}.{where}:{lineno}\n'
                                         .format(level=0, where='{main}', lineno=1, filename=fileuri))
            self.timeout(lambda: show_content(DATA_STACK, stack))

            # Watch expressions
            # Tell script to run it's process
            self.run_command('xdebug_execute', {'command': 'run'})
Beispiel #9
def generate_context_output(context,
    Generate readable context from dictionary with context data.

    Keyword arguments:
    context -- Dictionary with context data.
    indent -- Indent level.

    # Generate output text for values
    values = H.unicode_string('')
    if not isinstance(context, dict):
        return values

    # make sure keys are displayed in correct order
    keys = [int(key) for key in context.keys()]
    sorted_keys = keys

    for key in sorted_keys:
        variable = context[key]

        is_last_element = (key == sorted_keys[-1])

        has_children = False
        property_text = ''
        # Set indentation
        for i in range(indent):
            property_text += '\t'

        # Property with children
        if 'children' in variable and isinstance(
                dict) and variable['numchildren'] is not None:
            has_children = True
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '{type}[{numchildren}]'
        # Property with value
        elif variable['value'] is not None:
            name = variable['name']
            if name == '<error>':
                property_text += '<error> '
            elif name and not values_only:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            #property_text += '({type}) {value}\n'
            property_text += '{value}'
        # Unknown property
            if variable['name']:
                property_text += '{name} = '
            property_text += '<{type}>'

        # Remove newlines in value to prevent incorrect indentation
        value = ''
        if variable['value'] and len(variable['value']) > 0:
            value = variable['value'].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", " ")

        if multiline or has_children:
            property_text += '\n'
            if not is_last_element:
                property_text += ', '

        # Format string and append to output
        values += H.unicode_string(property_text \
                        .format(value=value, type=variable['type'], name=variable['name'], numchildren=variable.get('numchildren', 0)))

        # Append property children to output
        if has_children:
            # Get children for property (no need to convert, already unicode)
            values += generate_context_output(variable['children'], indent + 1)
            # Use ellipsis to indicate that results have been truncated
            limited = False
            if isinstance(variable['numchildren'], int) or H.is_digit(
                if int(variable['numchildren']) != len(variable['children']):
                    limited = True
            elif len(variable['children']) > 0 and not variable['numchildren']:
                limited = True
            if limited:
                for i in range(indent + 1):
                    values += H.unicode_string('\t')
                values += H.unicode_string('...\n')
    return values